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Matt Marafioti and Samer Rahman allegedly conspire to hack other poker players Matt Marafioti and Samer Rahman allegedly conspire to hack other poker players

08-08-2012 , 04:25 AM
The Bandidos are expanding in Sweden and they have expanded unconventionally the last couple of years. Instead of the old biker crowd the have recruited all kinds of young and ethnic criminals
to their x- team branch. In gtb they have recruited heavily from the now defunct OG gang.
The X team now is comprised of young ethnic males with very low intelligence who gladly does anything their leaders tell them.

The old social rules of biker wars are gone, "civilians" are no longer protected and they will not hesitate to kill anyone.
I personally know about one x team member who simply stabbed a random guy to death during an argument. During trial it was revealed that he had an iq of 58.
People like that, no empathy, no iq and ready to **** the world are what we are dealing with when we are talking about bandidos and the x team.

They have the shortsightedness to kill and go to jail over 10 dollars or an insult.

If Samers brother was A bandidos presidnt it would actually be dangerous to confront without the protection from a rival gang. If Samer have given Bandidos a cut of his "earnings" well then this is a very sad situation.

Last edited by Matacow; 08-08-2012 at 04:46 AM.
08-08-2012 , 04:35 AM
I actually met Rahmer during last Christmas Poker week in gbg, he does not come across as such a douche as the pic presented would portray.

He had like 300k sek in plaques and hit the PLO and BJ tables hard. He actually came across as geeky with those tiny glasses he likes to wear.
08-08-2012 , 04:37 AM
so this guy is a wanna be dan blitz

he is a rich kid who steals from poker players till some of them go bust?
08-08-2012 , 04:49 AM
GL w/ mainstream coverage when you have this kind of s*** happening all the time
08-08-2012 , 05:21 AM
Originally Posted by Matacow
I actually met Rahmer during last Christmas Poker week in gbg, he does not come across as such a douche as the pic presented would portray.

He had like 300k sek in plaques and hit the PLO and BJ tables hard. He actually came across as geeky with those tiny glasses he likes to wear.

08-08-2012 , 05:29 AM

My name is Samer Rahman

I must begin by thanking you for all the attention. I had no idea that this thread exist or that I and Matthew even had that conversation at all.

I got the computer hacking a while ago when I had the uncomfortable feeling that something was in my computer. But I decided to reformat my pc and then I realized that Mac is the only one I should use.

What impresses me is how trigger happy you are all here on the forum and constantly ruining people's reputation in the poker world for those who try.

I have not met Matthew more than once in my life and find the concern just how you can accuse him or me this way. I would never use my own real name and then ask someone I do not know if he wants to try to make attacks on others. I don´t know Matthew at all.

It turned out that the person or persons who have had access to my accounts. Mail, Skype, fb, etc. have been so smart that they have deleted all of our conversation between us.
This is an unfortunate situation that has caused me many headaches and problems that I have to give an explanation so that you will not continue to blow up this storm.

But I'm making an attempt to write to you and say that this is not true and has not been written by me. What efforts have been made against Matthew, I can only imagine that someone would come to him more than to get to me.

Matthew is truly a great poker player who has been around long in this and can not understand why he would want to do this. He probably has no need of money?

Then I read a lot during the thread so I can see already that he is not popular in the past and understand that you are more than happy to do the crap out of him.

But he and all players deserve respect even if someone is not always a kind person. I remembered Matthew was funny and kind when I meet him actually with Molswi and his gf. Still don´t understand why he wants to harm his friends. This is unreal and I can´t believe it myself.

I will ask Mat Sklansky to take down this thread and hope you do not create a new thread. I have had a conversation with Sklansky where he thought before he removes it he wanted to, I declare that I have nothing to do with this.

Again, this is not done by me and I have not been active in the conversation between me and Matthew.

Those of you who are uncomfortable and do not believe what I say, I think you should make a police report for that, I will do if this thread is still active. For this to be untrue and has no plans to hacking against others. And I have a good reason to do a police report.

I am a public figure in Sweden and this not only hurts me as a public figure but also in my personal life. So I ask you again, do not post a thread about my real name because it ruins a lot and does not look good when you google the whole world knows how to google.

All my accounts are restored and changed the password and hope this does not repeat itself again on my part or anyone else.

Samer Rahman
08-08-2012 , 05:33 AM
seems legit to me, take it down mat
08-08-2012 , 05:38 AM
Originally Posted by samerrahman

I got the computer hacking a while ago when I had the uncomfortable feeling that something was in my computer. But I decided to reformat my pc and then I realized that Mac is the only one I should use.

Samer Rahman
this is the same defense terrorofsweden used when he cheated everyone a few years back when he busted ladden? also, how do you explain cheating jas11 on the stars account SAMER_R ??? is the a coincidence that he got cheated out of 300k and the hackers played on a sn with your real name?

unless you are claiming the hackers have planned this with machiavellian depth? they created a stars screen name years ago to cheat people and pretend it was you?
08-08-2012 , 05:39 AM
Hi Samer

How about the alleged threats and hacking on

It is funny that the one who "faked" this convo knew that you only want to use mac and even more fun that mathew do not contest that he had a convo with you only that it has been doctored.

I do not cast any guilt here but maybe you should be more serious in defending this than stating how sorry we should feel for you and how inconvenient this thread is to you.

The allegations are serious and they are coming from many places.
08-08-2012 , 05:39 AM
that's a lot of explanations.

the simplest explanation though is that the chat logs are legit.
08-08-2012 , 05:46 AM
Probably not samer, a troll? as he havent responded to the swedish forumthread yet and I would imagine the real samer to post on both places simuntaneously or something.
08-08-2012 , 05:50 AM
ADZ feels that Vanessa did treat him as a "random fish"

08-08-2012 , 06:21 AM
Originally Posted by samerrahman

My name is Samer Rahman

I would never use my own real name and then ask someone I do not know if he wants to try to make attacks on others. I don´t know Matthew at all.
So how WOULD you do it then?

Seems unpossible for this to be a hacker in your accts speaking to Matt since at the very beginning of convo when Matt starts spewing about lets start hacking some ppl, you just say "math" (presumably typo for matt) and "easy now" (as in be careful what we say on here...)

also this defense is guiltful imo:
Originally Posted by samerrahman
Matthew is truly a great poker player who has been around long in this and can not understand why he would want to do this. He probably has no need of money?
If Matt truly doesn't need money, perhaps he wants to be seen as crushing the other HS regs and get the "respect" and adoration from online poker fans. Again in the convo he mentions being down $150k to molswi and saying he's gonna get it all back.
08-08-2012 , 06:29 AM
Originally Posted by aiminglow
@PeterJetten Of course I know him. He is a friend of mine.
Originally Posted by samerrahman
I don´t know Matthew at all.
Get the story straight guys.
08-08-2012 , 06:31 AM
Originally Posted by samerrahman
I got the computer hacking a while ago when I had the uncomfortable feeling that something was in my computer. But I decided to reformat my pc and then I realized that Mac is the only one I should use.
Hello samer, how do you explain your alleged inability to protect your computer and your ******ed decision to "only use Mac" while, according to your linkedin profile, you are specialized in the field of computer support and "computer & network security".

PC Support Administrator at Bearcom
Gothenburg, Sweden Computer & Network Security

For David Slansky: while I understand the need to protect people reputation against anonymous allegation, i think that in this specific case and for few days this thread should stay open as it could lead people to bring more information.

The need of information of the community if this story has some truth to it, given the risk associated with it, outweight by far the risk of damaging this guy's reputation.
08-08-2012 , 06:33 AM
Originally Posted by Mark275
why do people as this Samer guy questions as if its the real guy? how dumb can 2+2 posters be? for real, let it be confirmed its him before u start asking questions and gettn a false story told.. thats how things get blown outta proportion.
Ashley, your cool, calm and collected demeanor is something every NVG'er should strive for. Thank you for being an example to us all.
08-08-2012 , 06:42 AM
Then I read a lot during the thread so I can see already that he is not popular in the past and understand that you are more than happy to do the crap out of him.
08-08-2012 , 06:43 AM
it's funny how this crap seems to keep happening to both you Samer, and your friend "fast_freddie" theterrorist, Mohammad Kowssarie.

Ingen rök utan eld.
08-08-2012 , 06:59 AM
Originally Posted by TouchOfEVil
Probably not samer, a troll? as he havent responded to the swedish forumthread yet and I would imagine the real samer to post on both places simuntaneously or something.
the swedish forumthread pretty much is non-existent. Just 10 or so bumps from an old irrelevant thread that links to 2+2.

Of course it's the real Samer posting. He's not a "public figure" in sweden as he says and probably lurk around the internet 90% of his day.
08-08-2012 , 07:12 AM
so one of them says the conversation never happened and the other says it did occur but not how it is written in the OP. Get your **** straight my god
08-08-2012 , 07:21 AM
Originally Posted by CChinaman
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
WTF was that, 1 min watching and I couldn't take it anymore
08-08-2012 , 07:26 AM
He's just a kid with a dream
08-08-2012 , 07:27 AM
I anxiously await Elvis and Tupacs upcoming threads
08-08-2012 , 07:32 AM
if anyone here is good at hacking please pm me i have some dick pics i need to delete from an ex's phone. will pay on, or (all merge skins)
08-08-2012 , 07:35 AM
Originally Posted by samerrahman

I got the computer hacking a while ago when I had the uncomfortable feeling that something was in my computer. But I decided to reformat my pc and then I realized that Mac is the only one I should use.

Samer Rahman
kinda funny that he says he doesnt trust pc's in the OP.

specially coupled with the suicide threats and the I dont know him bs from Marshal Mathers i mean Matt Maff

if somebody is faking this they are doing a damn good job
