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Lynne Ji to beat ACR 200z? Lynne Ji to beat ACR 200z?

11-23-2022 , 11:17 PM
Originally Posted by JackBurton
From what I read/listened to: bots with fixed strategies are more an issue at fast fold tables and with high volume players at small-mistakes, and RTA is more geared to higher stakes and lower number of tables.
RTA, if you happen to have a system/setup that is relatively quick and easy to use, instantly makes anyone a top tier crusher at the highest level so it only makes sense to use RTA where the money is biggest. You're playing a close to perfect strategy so you're gonna beat even Linus and Co. without much worry)
11-23-2022 , 11:58 PM
Originally Posted by Eskaborr
Sir? Rta is a fixed strategy (stack size/structure variables, same one's a bot takes into account)
RTA is just assistance, BOT's do everything for you. Almost any pro w RTA will be better than a bot based in the same sims of the RTA.
11-24-2022 , 12:01 AM
Originally Posted by fish & chips
RTA is just assistance, BOT's do everything for you. Almost any pro w RTA will be better than a bot based in the same sims of the RTA.
Word he is talking about the value of exploitation and deviation I guess, got too focused on "Fixed strategy" part as if the advice the rta would give wasn't static (like an allusive dynamic rta dream machine)
11-25-2022 , 01:30 PM
So, I'm attempting to get the $500 beast cash this week. So did some 5 tabling 200 Blitz a little.

I did 4 sessions and was averaging just under 600 hands/hr.

Playing a semi-nitty semi-passive strategy. Normal opening ranges. Normal 3! mostly. I did scale back on the 4! with hands like AKo and AQo and would take flops with them.

Call any reasonable size 3! with most any PP and look to cooler the **** out of people.

Keep the pots small unless monster. Then let them bet a little, and jam as much as you can in on the turn or river. People get very emotionally attached to hands in this blitz pool. I know I did when I was single or two tabling. 5 tabling is so fast, you just overfold to any aggression and keep getting it.

It's an absolutely miserable existence. But, I figure a very disciplined person who's very good at theory and board reading (I'm not currently) can probably keep ~5bb/100. Maybe 2.5....who knows without about 200,000 hand sample.

That should get about $150-$200/day with the 27% RB. And $500/wk Beast.

So, lets say 2.5bb/100. 7hrs/day. 3800 hands/day to be semi conservative.

$190/day from playing
$150/day RB
$500/wk Beast

$1600/wk @ 2.5bb/100

$3150/wk @ 5bb/100

And this would be a zombielike miserable AF AF existence. I'm not sure I'd call it "poker." Just coolering people. Might be decent way for someone to zone out and build a bankroll. But, you'd probably want like $20k to handle the swings.

Ya, Ya, Ya, I know the graph is small sample. But it'll be a while before I get 200k hands.

But, if what's her face wanted to beat 200 doesn't take a genius to play cooler style.

I made several bonehead calls too. A couple worked out But I lost far more than I won on hero calls. So, well disciplined has a chance at this pool.

Also, only play when its 60-70+ in the pool. When its down around gets far tougher.

Towards the end of the graph is when I started really getting into the groove of the overfold to aggression strategy. You'll see the up and downs as I was adjusting and learning to not make hero calls.

In this pool, if its a 3! pot, and they start shoveling money in, gtfo if you can't beat a set. Same with 2! pots. But especially in 3!. 4! pots are generally less small pairs set mining.

11-25-2022 , 06:09 PM
You don't realize your opponents are also playing cooler style and eventually you will get coolered to hell.
11-25-2022 , 11:58 PM
Originally Posted by Yogurt Daddy

I'm sorry but why the **** are you posting a 4k hand sample? What's next? You posting how you did in 1 orbit?
11-26-2022 , 12:08 AM
Originally Posted by Yogurt Daddy
Playing a semi-nitty semi-passive strategy. Normal opening ranges. Normal 3! mostly. I did scale back on the 4! with hands like AKo and AQo and would take flops with them.

Call any reasonable size 3! with most any PP and look to cooler the **** out of people.

Keep the pots small unless monster. Then let them bet a little, and jam as much as you can in on the turn or river. People get very emotionally attached to hands in this blitz pool. I know I did when I was single or two tabling. 5 tabling is so fast, you just overfold to any aggression and keep getting it.

It's an absolutely miserable existence. But, I figure a very disciplined person who's very good at theory and board reading (I'm not currently) can probably keep ~5bb/100. Maybe 2.5....who knows without about 200,000 hand sample.
I'm not in the "ACR 200z is literally impossible to beat" crowd, but this is not even close to a winning strategy, let alone a 5 bb/100 strategy. I'd be surprised if you could do better than -5 bb/100 in this pool with this framework for your game.
11-26-2022 , 12:44 AM
Originally Posted by Gertrude1951
I'm not in the "ACR 200z is literally impossible to beat" crowd, but this is not even close to a winning strategy, let alone a 5 bb/100 strategy. I'd be surprised if you could do better than -5 bb/100 in this pool with this framework for your game.
We'll see. I think you're underestimating the willingness of the pool to stack off.

Nits have been being nits and getting paid for well over 20 years.

Here's the end of the week. The 3500 hand mark is where I overhauled the strategy based on what I had been seeing.

Also, by "overfolding to aggression," I don't mean anytime someone bets. Just anytime they are willing to start getting money this fast fold stuff, its a red flag. Normal betting and such, its whatever.

Last edited by Yogurt Daddy; 11-26-2022 at 01:07 AM.
11-26-2022 , 01:02 AM
FWIW its work, in that 6k sample, I was AI a total of 26 times. 9x @ 100% 6x @ 0%.

With an Average of 60% equity.

Here's just a sample of the hands people stacked off snapshot at the time they got it in. These guys dgaf......TP.....lets rock.

And some of these are "known bots and colluders" listed in other threads. Many I coincidentally had labeled as recs before seeing the threads with their names. Labeled for doing fishy ****. Maybe its BOT stuff, and it looks fishy.

The T9 guy is 50/50. But huge shove like that in that spot, definitely risky hoping for a bluff or chop. He snapped it though, which is the bad part and in line with at least this week's willingness of the pool to stack off.

Maybe everyone at home for holiday contributed.

I literally got tired of making screenshots and stopped here.


11-26-2022 , 01:08 AM
what's going on in here
11-26-2022 , 01:11 AM
No idea how well PT4 leak tracker works. And its only 6k hands.

But here's the comparison to their leak tracker. Again, zero clue if it's worth a **** or not

11-26-2022 , 01:12 AM
Originally Posted by Kagome
what's going on in here
11-26-2022 , 01:26 AM
Originally Posted by Yogurt Daddy
We'll see. I think you're underestimating the willingness of the pool to stack off.

Nits have been being nits and getting paid for well over 20 years.

Here's the end of the week. The 3500 hand mark is where I overhauled the strategy based on what I had been seeing.

Also, by "overfolding to aggression," I don't mean anytime someone bets. Just anytime they are willing to start getting money this fast fold stuff, its a red flag. Normal betting and such, its whatever.

Wait until you have a 25 buyin swing at 200z and come back here and let us know. Just FYI I’ve swung 25 buyins in like 20k hands. It’s very easy to do and you will not win at these stakes playing a “nit” strategy.
11-26-2022 , 02:13 AM
this guy is some live fish reg who thinks hes solved online poker lol.
11-26-2022 , 04:26 PM
More of this tough pool today in another 5 table 2k hand session. Screenshots again at the point they shipped it. My connection is acting up. I had about 6 or 7 other examples of banana hands. But got tired of waiting.

There's about 35 regulars, maybe a bit more. When there's 60-80+ in the pool, its crazy town.

I'll get graphs done at end of week or so. Though not sure how many more 2k hand days I'll do while I'm focusing on regular table stuff.

And obviously there's run good involved. But when you have people consistently doing **** like this, as long as you're patient, you'll do decently well.

*****Also, please note in my posts above, I have never once stated I could make 5bb/100. I said someone much better at theory and board reading can. I'm well aware I'll be lucky to be in the 1-2.5.

I did the math to show how shitty of an income 2.5bb would be for sitting in front of a screen fast folding 5 tables all day. I couldn't afford to pay bills or put gas in my vehicles for $2k -$3k a week. Let alone actually do anything with that small amount of cash. Sure, if you're living in other countries, but then you're likely not on ACR with other options available.

My point is that there are many people in here acting as if ACR blitz is full of crushers. The actual crushers are on the regular tables.

No one capable of beating 50 or 200blitz on ACR is sticking around in the pool as some have suggested for whatever reason. The grind is ******ed.

And they aren't staying out of the pool cause they can't beat it. It just doesn't make sense to stay inside of a 200z pool if you're capable of winning higher.


Last edited by Yogurt Daddy; 11-26-2022 at 04:43 PM.
11-26-2022 , 05:02 PM
Originally Posted by Yogurt Daddy
*****Also, please note in my posts above, I have never once stated I could make 5bb/100. I said someone much better at theory and board reading can. I'm well aware I'll be lucky to be in the 1-2.5.
I was just talking about the strategy you outlined, not necessarily what I think you can win. You said that you wouldn't be surprised if someone could use the nit strategy that you described to win 5 bb/100, and I was just saying that I think that's definitely not possible.

Jayjee is a strong reg in this pool and he said that he thinks a very strong player could probably win 5 bb/100 by 2-tabling (i.e. max focus and no autopiloting), which seems to imply that not even he is winning 5 bb/100 pre-rb. If he's not winning 5 bb/100 then no one is going to win at 5 bb/100 using a cookie cutter nit strategy grinding 4+ tables.
11-26-2022 , 06:36 PM
Yall being trolled nice and good.
11-26-2022 , 07:24 PM
Originally Posted by Yogurt Daddy
My brother in are up 7 buy-ins AIEV.
11-26-2022 , 07:32 PM
Is this the blog section?
11-26-2022 , 08:25 PM
Sad thing is he is not trolling, he has made about 4 different PCG threads in the last few weeks.
11-26-2022 , 08:50 PM
very bizarre.
11-26-2022 , 09:30 PM
Hey guys just me yoghurt daddy here.

Today I played 5 tables but only played 2k hands

So my session lasted like an hour and a half.

I think based on my graphs I’m winning at like 1-15bb/100.

Everyone thinks that the 200z pool is full of crushers… like me.

Poker is easy.

Check out my other 15 PGS posts/threads I’ve made outplaying how good I play hands.

Not trolling, I have Pio solved and have played 7.7k hands across 10z and 50z.

Here is a hand history replayed of me losing a Flip, obv standard cooler.

Oh did I mention I am going for supernova elite on acr, I think they want me as a team pro. I’m just good like that.

Did I mention poker is easy?
11-26-2022 , 11:31 PM
The 700bb EV that hes up, is standard for regs to win/lose in a single session. I'm not gonna go and rain on his parade in his PGC thread, but in NVG you deserve to get clowned trying to show everybody up with that bull ****.

The leak tracker is the most lol..
11-27-2022 , 02:20 AM
Hey guys, just me. Yoghurt.

Today I obviously am the best. I challenged Linus love to heads up after crushing the 200z bot pool today.

Here’s my results the last 24 hours.

Also giving coaching lessons for 7 max mTTs.

Okay lol I’m done. Go back to your PGC thread bro
11-27-2022 , 02:23 AM
Hey guys just me in the lift listening to my beats waiting to play Linus HU after my session.
