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Lock Poker payouts reach two-year waiting period (Be aware: do NOT deposit on Lock Poker!) Lock Poker payouts reach two-year waiting period (Be aware: do NOT deposit on Lock Poker!)

12-27-2014 , 02:11 AM
Originally Posted by freakinbird
is there any way this guy could actually be contacted?
Van Engelenweg 23, Curaçao

T. +5999 737 1677

F. +5999 737 1785
Lock Poker payouts reach two-year waiting period (Be aware: do NOT deposit on Lock Poker!) Quote
12-27-2014 , 07:57 AM
Any chance of reaching out to Shane with a fake business opportunity or something and fishing for info along the way?
Lock Poker payouts reach two-year waiting period (Be aware: do NOT deposit on Lock Poker!) Quote
12-27-2014 , 09:38 AM
Try his public profiles like this:
Lock Poker payouts reach two-year waiting period (Be aware: do NOT deposit on Lock Poker!) Quote
12-27-2014 , 10:59 AM
probably a bunch of bots on the site playing each other
Lock Poker payouts reach two-year waiting period (Be aware: do NOT deposit on Lock Poker!) Quote
12-27-2014 , 12:18 PM
Shane Bridges

Rugby Union
Current competing in the Croatian National Rugby Competition as a member of the Sinj Rugby Club.

Shouldn't this make him really easy to find if his profile is current?
Lock Poker payouts reach two-year waiting period (Be aware: do NOT deposit on Lock Poker!) Quote
12-27-2014 , 12:38 PM
Originally Posted by blindedOut?
I work with Google Adwords and know perfectly how to put bad advertising on the first page in Google. It takes a little money though. But basically have to build a tiny website with all the bad press we have seen so far for the site, and all the evidence gathered against them. Then pay for certain keywords such as "Lock Poker" and "Lock poker scam" to appear in the first page right next to their name. This would cost a tiny amount compared to the money it would save to potential people being scammed.

But, who would want to pay for this for real?

ps: something like 150 dollas a month or 300 if you really wanted it to be competing against what Lock is paying for their adwords. But it would be top 3 on Google with them for sure.
I'm sorry there is no way you are going to get any similar listings on adwords for 300 a month, poker companies pay huge amounts to get listed for those keywords. also adwords don't allow gambling ads for most markets (UK is one of the few 'OK' markets)

Best bet is to get people to link to the thread on twoplustwo and it get it ranked in the natural results.
Lock Poker payouts reach two-year waiting period (Be aware: do NOT deposit on Lock Poker!) Quote
12-27-2014 , 01:53 PM
Originally Posted by SwoopAE
Shane Bridges

Rugby Union
Current competing in the Croatian National Rugby Competition as a member of the Sinj Rugby Club.

Shouldn't this make him really easy to find if his profile is current?
Yes, if he is still there, it should be easy to find him. Sinj is 25km away from Split, where he has spent an extended period:

"I have spent extended periods in Dubai, London, Berlin, Phuket, Split and Vienna."

If he has left meanwhile, there should be at least enough records about his stay there and what he made is AFAIK fraud by the criminal laws of Croatia.
I will contact the police of Split after New Year and see what is possible.

Same is valid for his colleague Gerard Poltorak. Should be fraud by the criminal laws of Scotland.


You lied too much Geoffrey, now is judgement time!
Lock Poker payouts reach two-year waiting period (Be aware: do NOT deposit on Lock Poker!) Quote
12-27-2014 , 10:17 PM
Jim Erwood is another person who worked with Lock Poker for a long time.
Lock Poker payouts reach two-year waiting period (Be aware: do NOT deposit on Lock Poker!) Quote
12-28-2014 , 01:33 AM
Originally Posted by XmasKing111
I'm owed 15,000 and been waiting about 2 years now!!

very upset

I'd love to see somebody from the mafia have a little talk with them even though they are mafiaso themselves...

So i guess we need to form our own mafiaso WILL BE ONLY WAY WE GET PAID..

16k here, 5k of which is a cashout that was processed in May 2013. I email them every couple of months to complain & to amuse myself and I get the same "you should have it soon" response. I really don't understand how even an employee of the company can justify working there at this point.
Lock Poker payouts reach two-year waiting period (Be aware: do NOT deposit on Lock Poker!) Quote
12-28-2014 , 08:41 AM
Originally Posted by WiCane
Jim Erwood is another person who worked with Lock Poker for a long time.
Lock Poker payouts reach two-year waiting period (Be aware: do NOT deposit on Lock Poker!) Quote
12-28-2014 , 05:04 PM
This situation is so gross. How can the doj possibly justify seizing pokerstars website and indicting the owners and not take any action against lock?

I mean know why, there was a lot of $ at stake w/ stars and stars had high profile, and lock is small potatoes by comparison. But stars was a responsible and ethical business, and at this point, lock has moved beyond ponzi scheme into brazen criminal organization
Lock Poker payouts reach two-year waiting period (Be aware: do NOT deposit on Lock Poker!) Quote
12-29-2014 , 11:08 AM
Originally Posted by crashwhips
This situation is so gross. How can the doj possibly justify seizing pokerstars website and indicting the owners and not take any action against lock?

I mean know why, there was a lot of $ at stake w/ stars and stars had high profile, and lock is small potatoes by comparison. But stars was a responsible and ethical business, and at this point, lock has moved beyond ponzi scheme into brazen criminal organization
That is because our US govt (DOJ) is nothing more than a "legalized" gang. They will shakedown in the guise of protecting consumers when there is $ to be made. Lock poker will cost them resources with no $ profit in return.

I email Preet Bharara about Lock poker many months ago. Of course he never wrote back.

No harm in trying this again. Will mail it today.

I urge everyone to filled the above form and mail it in. Maybe if the office receive enough letters they will publicly respond to it.

Note: when filling out the form... Refer to Lock's website as

Sounds stupid but don't use .eu which might discourage our govt from pursuiting action.

Last edited by nowitsover; 12-29-2014 at 11:34 AM.
Lock Poker payouts reach two-year waiting period (Be aware: do NOT deposit on Lock Poker!) Quote
12-29-2014 , 02:58 PM
Originally Posted by blindedOut?
I work with Google Adwords and know perfectly how to put bad advertising on the first page in Google. It takes a little money though. But basically have to build a tiny website with all the bad press we have seen so far for the site, and all the evidence gathered against them. Then pay for certain keywords such as "Lock Poker" and "Lock poker scam" to appear in the first page right next to their name. This would cost a tiny amount compared to the money it would save to potential people being scammed.

But, who would want to pay for this for real?

ps: something like 150 dollas a month or 300 if you really wanted it to be competing against what Lock is paying for their adwords. But it would be top 3 on Google with them for sure.

Make sure to bid on exact match keywords to keep costs down.
Lock Poker payouts reach two-year waiting period (Be aware: do NOT deposit on Lock Poker!) Quote
12-29-2014 , 03:09 PM
Originally Posted by deancow
I'm sorry there is no way you are going to get any similar listings on adwords for 300 a month, poker companies pay huge amounts to get listed for those keywords. also adwords don't allow gambling ads for most markets (UK is one of the few 'OK' markets)

Best bet is to get people to link to the thread on twoplustwo and it get it ranked in the natural results.
With very targeted settings and exact match keywords, it shouldn't be a problem to at least getting the ads to show. Blowing out the budget could be an issue, but it would depend on the click-thru-rate and keyword quality scores. I don't see any ads being triggered for "lock poker", only organic listings.

Ad copy may become an issue, but as long as the copy does not mention "gambling" it should be fine. Online gambling related information is against Google policies, however a blog with content about personal experiences may be acceptable.

You could possibly incorporate dynamic ads (ads where the keyword search is inserted into the headline/description lines) in order to get around ad policies. For example let's say you had an ad that said: {KeyWord:} Scammed Me....Read Similar Stories Here, Before Joining {KeyWord:} . So if they search say "lock poker" an ad may read:

Lock Poker Scammed Me
Read Similar Stories Here
Before Joining Lock Poker

Policies are very sensitive in regards to gambling, but with enough tweaking it's possible to work around.

Last edited by tswpoker1; 12-29-2014 at 03:12 PM. Reason: 8 years experience with adwords
Lock Poker payouts reach two-year waiting period (Be aware: do NOT deposit on Lock Poker!) Quote
12-29-2014 , 04:29 PM
Not sure how much of this has to do with this thread (or the other), but Lock does not look great from a simple Google search from my end. The top three and No. 6 results are still different parts of the .EU site. Then again, it's not surprising that the top search result for Lock Poker will be Lock Poker.

After that, this shows up on the first page of results:

No. 4: Lock Poker: Inside the Troubled Online Poker Room

No. 5: Lock Poker - Two Plus Two - LockPoker Support Forum

No. 7: Lock Poker Review - Warning! Scam Alert Read this Review!

No. 9: Unpaid Lock Poker Cashouts Reach Two Year Mark

So nice work, if anyone around here had anything to do with it. However, I'm wondering how many people looking to play on a site (e.g. Americans finding U.S.-facing sites) would do a search specifically for "Lock Poker?" I'd be curious to know which searches are most often sending people to Lock in the first place.
Lock Poker payouts reach two-year waiting period (Be aware: do NOT deposit on Lock Poker!) Quote
12-29-2014 , 04:59 PM
Originally Posted by Wilbury Twist
Not sure how much of this has to do with this thread (or the other), but Lock does not look great from a simple Google search from my end. The top three and No. 6 results are still different parts of the .EU site. Then again, it's not surprising that the top search result for Lock Poker will be Lock Poker.

After that, this shows up on the first page of results:

No. 4: Lock Poker: Inside the Troubled Online Poker Room

No. 5: Lock Poker - Two Plus Two - LockPoker Support Forum

No. 7: Lock Poker Review - Warning! Scam Alert Read this Review!

No. 9: Unpaid Lock Poker Cashouts Reach Two Year Mark

So nice work, if anyone around here had anything to do with it. However, I'm wondering how many people looking to play on a site (e.g. Americans finding U.S.-facing sites) would do a search specifically for "Lock Poker?" I'd be curious to know which searches are most often sending people to Lock in the first place.
These are great for results, unfortunately they are a little too low on the first page.

The first 3 organic results get approximately 60% of search clicks. That is why paid search is very effective as you can pay to have your result appear above the first organic rankings. While paid results get fewer clicks, they are great for building awareness, especially with a well written ad.
Lock Poker payouts reach two-year waiting period (Be aware: do NOT deposit on Lock Poker!) Quote
