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Lock Poker payouts reach two-year waiting period (Be aware: do NOT deposit on Lock Poker!) Lock Poker payouts reach two-year waiting period (Be aware: do NOT deposit on Lock Poker!)

12-25-2014 , 07:24 PM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
Wait, what?

I'm not sure what other suggestion you and others would be making other than that they are related.
Apparently I'm not being clear. I haven't said anything personally. Other than making a few observations I haven't been keeping close tabs on the discussion about Jamie Larson. I was saying that others have found circumstantial evidence that Jennifer and Jamie are related...either by familial relation or other association.

I actually sent a text message to Jamie to try to give him an opportunity to clear the air after I saw that posters were texting and calling him repeatedly, demanding to know where their payouts were and if they were funneled into DBM Realty. I got the same response they did...referring me to the local PD who he said were 'aware of the situation'. (he did refute any association with Lock Poker in his reply to me)
Lock Poker payouts reach two-year waiting period (Be aware: do NOT deposit on Lock Poker!) Quote
12-26-2014 , 02:00 AM
I'm owed $5-6k which I actually forgot I had on there. We'll never see the money and whoever is regulating these guys is in on the scam.

The same thing happened with PIV/4donk. The LGA - much like the criminals regulating Lock - just don't care about the players and, in all likelihood, get a cut from the stolen funds. Our options are limited when the "law" has been corrupted.

Gotta love centralized forms of authority and decision-making. All it takes is to corrupt a few at the top to compromise the whole system.

Last edited by Stake Monster; 12-26-2014 at 02:07 AM.
Lock Poker payouts reach two-year waiting period (Be aware: do NOT deposit on Lock Poker!) Quote
12-26-2014 , 04:31 AM
Originally Posted by sba9630
IHasTehNutz is owed a debt of gratitude for his tireless effort to publicize the Lock Poker scam.
It does seem that he has done a ridiculous amount of work recording as much payout information as possible and putting it into spreadsheets. This has to take a ton of time. So, yes.

And if he says 2 years for payouts, I believe it (maybe +/- a couple months).


I just did a google search for Lock Poker. No 2+2 thread like this shows up on the first few pages. I don't know how those things work exactly. How do we get a bunch of stuff to show up on the first page? That would be a big step.
Lock Poker payouts reach two-year waiting period (Be aware: do NOT deposit on Lock Poker!) Quote
12-26-2014 , 04:51 AM
Originally Posted by Monorail
I don't understand, what's the implication here? That "Jennifer Larson" is not a real person? If there are physical similarities between pictures of a man (Jamie?) and a woman (Jennifer?)...I mean, what's the suggestion: that they're related or something?
If I remember correctly, someone did some research and was able to connect domain names registered for Lock poker to an real estate company, where Jamie Larson was the boss.

At this point Lock poker did not answer any questions in the Lock poker thread.

As soon as the information of this real estate company was posted and linked to LOcK in the 2+2 thread, within minutes something scary happened.

All information on Jamie and the real estate company on the internet was deleted: Facebook page, Website of the company, Youtube videos of Jamie presenting houses and so on ...

Websites went back on later, when they realised they were already saved by people in the Lock thread.

Draw your own conclusions ...
Lock Poker payouts reach two-year waiting period (Be aware: do NOT deposit on Lock Poker!) Quote
12-26-2014 , 06:59 AM
Sold off a more than modest sum for .80 about three years ago or so. Felt like I was getting kicked in the tip.

Now I actually feel bad for the guy I sold it to.

What an embarrassment it must be to be or have been affiliated with lock poker.
Lock Poker payouts reach two-year waiting period (Be aware: do NOT deposit on Lock Poker!) Quote
12-26-2014 , 07:26 AM
I think their funds will be worthless
rest in peace online poker~
Lock Poker payouts reach two-year waiting period (Be aware: do NOT deposit on Lock Poker!) Quote
12-26-2014 , 08:22 AM
Originally Posted by Lego05
. How do we get a bunch of stuff to show up on the first page? That would be a big step.
I work with Google Adwords and know perfectly how to put bad advertising on the first page in Google. It takes a little money though. But basically have to build a tiny website with all the bad press we have seen so far for the site, and all the evidence gathered against them. Then pay for certain keywords such as "Lock Poker" and "Lock poker scam" to appear in the first page right next to their name. This would cost a tiny amount compared to the money it would save to potential people being scammed.

But, who would want to pay for this for real?

ps: something like 150 dollas a month or 300 if you really wanted it to be competing against what Lock is paying for their adwords. But it would be top 3 on Google with them for sure.

Last edited by blindedOut?; 12-26-2014 at 08:34 AM.
Lock Poker payouts reach two-year waiting period (Be aware: do NOT deposit on Lock Poker!) Quote
12-26-2014 , 09:53 AM
Originally Posted by XmasKing111
I'm owed 15,000 and been waiting about 2 years now!!

very upset

I'd love to see somebody from the mafia have a little talk with them even though they are mafiaso themselves...

So i guess we need to form our own mafiaso WILL BE ONLY WAY WE GET PAID..

damn that sux for u man, yes i agree. though i dont have funds there.
Lock Poker payouts reach two-year waiting period (Be aware: do NOT deposit on Lock Poker!) Quote
12-26-2014 , 11:17 AM
Assuming that LP is still running and still on the Merge Network, has anyone tried contacting Merge? I'm surprised that they would still license their software to such a skin which affects the credibility of the entire network with their failure to payout. What about the other skins, what do they have to say regarding Lock?

It seems to me that if you guys could get in touch with Merge and possibly align yourselves with a few higher ups from the other skins (who probably aren't very happy with Lock) to cause enough ruckus with Merge that they drop Lock from the network. Unless you want them to keep operating in the hopes of being able to eventually get your money?
Lock Poker payouts reach two-year waiting period (Be aware: do NOT deposit on Lock Poker!) Quote
12-26-2014 , 12:41 PM
Originally Posted by AKingdom
Assuming that LP is still running and still on the Merge Network, has anyone tried contacting Merge? I'm surprised that they would still license their software to such a skin which affects the credibility of the entire network with their failure to payout. What about the other skins, what do they have to say regarding Lock?

It seems to me that if you guys could get in touch with Merge and possibly align yourselves with a few higher ups from the other skins (who probably aren't very happy with Lock) to cause enough ruckus with Merge that they drop Lock from the network. Unless you want them to keep operating in the hopes of being able to eventually get your money?
Lock isnt and hasnt been on Merge in quite some time
Lock Poker payouts reach two-year waiting period (Be aware: do NOT deposit on Lock Poker!) Quote
12-26-2014 , 01:06 PM
I've said this before and I'll say it again:

This is an openly criminal operation operating with complete impunity because there is no government willing to step in and apprehend/prosecute them.

There are only two realistic paths to take if one is serious about going after this organization:

1) Violent / extralegal methods. For obvious reasons this will never be discussed on 2+2 or any public forum. Those running Lock will just have to hope such methods are not being planned in the shadows. (no, to be clear I am not condoning this path nor am I or would I ever participate in such activites)

2) The path I would recommend.. organized campaigns to disrupt their ability to steal money. Specifically, you should be doing organized campaigns of:

- their ISP / network colocation provider
- the live support provider they use
- Real Time Gaming, the provider of their casino games

If you were to get all three of these critical business partners to be shamed into discontinuing work with Lock you would at the very least be causing significant disruption to their ability to steal. All three of these partners are clearly getting paid by Lock to this day to keep the lights on; these partners should be made aware they are aiding and abetting criminal activity and don't need to be dragged through that kind of mud.

Seriously, I really think it's time for you guys to switch strategies and go after their infrastructure providers who are either unaware they're providing to a criminal organization or aren't feeling any heat for doing so.
Lock Poker payouts reach two-year waiting period (Be aware: do NOT deposit on Lock Poker!) Quote
12-26-2014 , 03:10 PM
1. **** U, Lock pro's. Wiener, Pellegrino, and all you bunch of clowns can suck it.

2. Ty to anyone involved in recording payouts information, and those with helpful posts here. Fight the good fight guys.

3. I'm not sure if all are aware of this, but there is a "$200 minimum withdrawal amt" in the cashier of Lock. So I cannot even try to cash out my $80, and get on IHTN's report; my money just sits there. This criminal enterprise of thieves has stolen my money, so the 'regulatory agency" of Lock that is helping this thievery deserves all that it gets, I think it's possible that that route may be the best to take down some of these crooks.

4. I wish upon Lock for criminal retribution to be brought upon it. Is this non-pc, or against forum rules, lmk? Pysical harm, property damage, watevs. Yes these wishes of mine could mean I am a bad person, but throughout the history of the world, wrong-doers have been punished an eye for an eye, and at any stage in history, peoplelike the thieves at Lock would have been punished quite bad for the crimes they have perpetrated. Tar-and feathers; torture-rack/water-torture; mutilation/shaming; death. This may not be pc, but I don't think it is wrong to say that these criminals deserve a very severe punishment. And if no law agency is willing to go after them, then what do you do?

Last edited by Mike Haven; 12-27-2014 at 11:36 AM.
Lock Poker payouts reach two-year waiting period (Be aware: do NOT deposit on Lock Poker!) Quote
12-26-2014 , 03:16 PM
Isnt there a Lock person at 2+2 that can speak on this garbage?
Lock Poker payouts reach two-year waiting period (Be aware: do NOT deposit on Lock Poker!) Quote
12-26-2014 , 03:27 PM
Where is the TWO TWO PLUS SWAT TEAM in a situation like this ????

Training starts tomorrow at your mom's house.. I"ll be there tomorrow anyways to see her.

We can then train .. and then go on a mission to get Larson.
Lock Poker payouts reach two-year waiting period (Be aware: do NOT deposit on Lock Poker!) Quote
12-26-2014 , 03:54 PM
Just pay Lizard Squad to ddos them out of business
Lock Poker payouts reach two-year waiting period (Be aware: do NOT deposit on Lock Poker!) Quote
12-26-2014 , 04:38 PM
Originally Posted by blindedOut?
I work with Google Adwords and know perfectly how to put bad advertising on the first page in Google. It takes a little money though. But basically have to build a tiny website with all the bad press we have seen so far for the site, and all the evidence gathered against them. Then pay for certain keywords such as "Lock Poker" and "Lock poker scam" to appear in the first page right next to their name. This would cost a tiny amount compared to the money it would save to potential people being scammed.

But, who would want to pay for this for real?

ps: something like 150 dollas a month or 300 if you really wanted it to be competing against what Lock is paying for their adwords. But it would be top 3 on Google with them for sure.
If you, or somebody who knows it, would handle the admin side, I'll chip in $5 per month indefinitely. Who else is chipping in?
Lock Poker payouts reach two-year waiting period (Be aware: do NOT deposit on Lock Poker!) Quote
12-26-2014 , 04:55 PM
I will deposit on ACR just to swap to donate to shaming lock. When I type in "lock poker" all I get is promotional ads and nothing in the first 5 results about it being a scam. Pretty gross

Last edited by TheCake; 12-26-2014 at 05:04 PM.
Lock Poker payouts reach two-year waiting period (Be aware: do NOT deposit on Lock Poker!) Quote
12-26-2014 , 09:50 PM
I will chip in 100 bucks to go 25 a month for first four months
Lock Poker payouts reach two-year waiting period (Be aware: do NOT deposit on Lock Poker!) Quote
12-26-2014 , 11:10 PM
Here are other ways to have this page show up in Google. If you have a blog, write a post about this situation and link the anchor "Lock Poker" to this thread or another article relevant to the topic that is already performing well in Google.

If you see articles about Lock Poker that you feel are interesting on this topic, tweet them and like them on Facebook. Also link to those in your blog with proper anchors. When you publish the blog post, tweet it out and FB like it. G+ is good for this too.

FWIW, I wrote two of the articles that make it onto page 1 for Google "Lock Poker" search without even trying ( and It isn't that hard. Forum threads may be a bit harder, but the closed Lock Poker forum here also shows up on page one. Threads are a bit trickier as they are less credible sources in Google's eyes.

I'm not sure Google Ads will allow you to buy terms for derogatory sites going after a site's KW as is suggested by another poster. Even if they do, it is not a longterm solution. I feel the effort is better used towards blog posts and tweets linking to credible pages already ranking well for the "Lock Poker" term. That will help push them up the page.

I still wonder where these depositors come from. If you read the reviews from major affiliates and anything that shows up in Lock related searches they all warn not to deposit there.
Lock Poker payouts reach two-year waiting period (Be aware: do NOT deposit on Lock Poker!) Quote
12-26-2014 , 11:14 PM
I think a lot of the targeting and suspicion of Jamie Larson (?) and his real estate company may be misguided or at least a waste of energy. I personally believe there likely to be some sort of connection and whatnot. However, the witch-hunt bred by nothing more than thin at best circumstantial evidence has in my opinion done nothing but make this issue seem less serious. People are taking very little facts and making humongous leaps to conclusions. If anything I feel like trying to make that connection hurts the credibility of the real issue, which is the theft of millions of dollars. We're not super sleuths and for a long while - and to some extent continues to be - this thread and others were filled with calls for harassment and the seeking of prosecution of a person we're not 100% sure is involved in Lock Poker. Look, I understand the frustration and the desire to put a face to this horrible theft. I just feel everyone would be better served sticking to facts that we know are 100% true, instead of wasting energy and resources on what perhaps is not a relevant pursuit. We're dealing with a massive theft against poker players, we do more harm to ourselves by not getting all of our facts right than is done by slandering a potential innocent (although likely guilty) man. As it stands now there is no actual evidence connecting Jamie Larson to Lock Poker. Sure he may have familial connections to Jenifer Larson, or to website design company that worked with both Lock Poker and his real estate company. There might even be some other loose connections. However, just because he is the most (only) possible connection to Lock Poker, it doesn't mean we should continue to bother with that low hanging fruit.

The focus should be on finding Jenifer Larson and Shane Bridges and making them publicly answer for what has gone on with Lock Poker. The goal should be to force those people to give a statement of some sort to the poker community and hopefully than devise a plan for repayment. We should push for the shutdown of the Lock Poker client/site so that no future people are scammed as well.

The power of our community should not continue to be wasted on discussing Jamie Larson. It's gotten nobody answers and has not to my knowledge provided any new information about Lock Poker. Instead I suggest we direct our attention towards the following people:

Chris Costigan. - - He worked for a somewhat reputable gambling news website and was blatantly shilling for Lock Poker on these forums. Most importantly, he may be the only person to have ever interviewed Jenifer Larson. -- . We should attempt to convince Chris Costigan into helping us get in touch with Jenifer Larson or at the very least to return to 2p2 himself and provide insight into Lock Poker from when he was shilling for them. This is a person who worked in poker media and likely works in a similar field now (perhaps covering a different topic besides poker). He should care about his reputation and how he was a willing part in a scam that defrauded poker players out of millions of dollars. Let's try and get a fresh statement from him about Lock Poker.

Shane Bridges - - - Shane was complicit in the ongoing fraud of poker players. He intentionally deceived posters on this forum and went out of his way to help keep up the lie that Lock Poker pays out players. As arguably the most visible employee of Lock Poker, let's try and get a fresh statement from him about Lock Poker. If that's not possible, he should continue to be branded a criminal by our community and hopefully at the very least we can make it difficult for him to ever find future employment and hopefully legal prosecution. You look at all the great work posters on this forum do to out scammers within our own community and shaming them until they attempt to make good, why hasn't that type of energy been put onto Shane Bridges. Where is the website?

Gaming Control Board Curacao. This is supposed to be a regulator and a licensing body. We need to force a statement from them regarding Lock Poker and why the haven't revoked their license.

Jenifer Larson. The woman is a ghost. There isn't even a picture of her on the internet let alone any contact information. So how can we attempt to bring this woman to justice? The answer is by continuing to "call out Lock Pros" as well as anyone who has been associated with Lock Poker, including affiliates and gaming media companies who may have had contact with Jenifer Larson.

It's not enough for most of the Lock Pros to have cut ties with the company. Not a single one of them provided any help afterwards to the community. Why hasn't any of them provided contact information to the community for Lock Employees. The only connection the community has to Jenifer Larson is through our own members who shilled for her, yet, they've washed their hands and remained silent. Eric Rizen, Annette Obrestad, Bryan Pellegrino, Melanie Weisner, and many others - should be turning over any information they have about Lock Poker to the rest of the community. I bet they have phone numbers, email addresses, or some means of contacting Jenifer Larson or other employees of Lock Poker. It's absurd they never provided this material to the poker community so that we can attempt to seek a resolution. I call for a revitalization of the "Call out Lock Pros" thread and a demand they provide all the information they have about the company. We're talking about millions of dollars stolen from a community they once were a part of, it's disgusting they have done nothing to help find answers.

Affiliates and gaming media sites, should be called on to source all the contact information they had for Lock Poker and pass it along to the poker community so that we may hope to get in contact with Lock Employees and seek a resolution and so that we may also pass that information along to authorities and seek prosecution.

Finally, we need to find realistic way to seek justice. I know with the grey area surrounding online gambling it's almost impossible. However, Lock Poker got their software from someone, they use some company for their banking, their website is hosted by someone, they paid people in the past for marketing and promotion, etc, etc. We should seek to find links between Lock Poker and companies that appear to be reputable that still work in gaming. We should then look to put pressure on those reputable companies that worked with Lock Poker and hope they can help us gain more information about Lock Poker. Jenifer Larson and Lock Poker didn't turn into a large poker site capable of scamming millions of dollars overnight, we should look through all their old business relationships and hope those companies can provide new insight.

Overall, as a community we need to gather more accurate and fresh information on Lock Poker if anyone ever hopes to see a resolution and see the site shut down so no new people get scammed. The best way to get new information is to take a closer look at old information and hope to find a new source to talk to.

EDIT: I posted this same post in the Internet Poker thread as well.
Lock Poker payouts reach two-year waiting period (Be aware: do NOT deposit on Lock Poker!) Quote
12-27-2014 , 12:38 AM
Originally Posted by Lego05
It does seem that he has done a ridiculous amount of work recording as much payout information as possible and putting it into spreadsheets. This has to take a ton of time. So, yes.

And if he says 2 years for payouts, I believe it (maybe +/- a couple months).


I just did a google search for Lock Poker. No 2+2 thread like this shows up on the first few pages. I don't know how those things work exactly. How do we get a bunch of stuff to show up on the first page? That would be a big step.
Every time you write the words "lock poker" hyperlink it to a relevant thread on 2+2, this will push the results up on Google. Not sure you can do this. This id called "anchor wording" to give you an example go on Google and search "click here".

Sent from my C2105 using 2+2 Forums
Lock Poker payouts reach two-year waiting period (Be aware: do NOT deposit on Lock Poker!) Quote
12-27-2014 , 01:17 AM
I remember in the DotA 2 community (a popular e-sports video game), there was a controversy about a scam betting website called . . . and the board in charge of them was the Curacao eGaming. I know it's a small sample size of just this random website and Lock, but this board seems sketchy too.
Lock Poker payouts reach two-year waiting period (Be aware: do NOT deposit on Lock Poker!) Quote
12-27-2014 , 01:32 AM
Originally Posted by freakinbird
I remember in the DotA 2 community (a popular e-sports video game), there was a controversy about a scam betting website called . . . and the board in charge of them was the Curacao eGaming. I know it's a small sample size of just this random website and Lock, but this board seems sketchy too.
The regulation of internet gaming was separated from the Curacao Gaming Control Board in 2002. The Curacao eGaming Licensing Authority is The owner of is Engelmindus George Praag. He is also the managing director of the N.V. companies(i.e. JDB Services N.V.) registered in Curacao.

Lock Poker payouts reach two-year waiting period (Be aware: do NOT deposit on Lock Poker!) Quote
12-27-2014 , 01:45 AM
Originally Posted by Lego05
If you, or somebody who knows it, would handle the admin side, I'll chip in $5 per month indefinitely. Who else is chipping in?
never had a dollar on lock, but i also would chip in. f them so much.
Lock Poker payouts reach two-year waiting period (Be aware: do NOT deposit on Lock Poker!) Quote
12-27-2014 , 02:01 AM
Originally Posted by tamberlin
The regulation of internet gaming was separated from the Curacao Gaming Control Board in 2002. The Curacao eGaming Licensing Authority is The owner of is Engelmindus George Praag. He is also the managing director of the N.V. companies(i.e. JDB Services N.V.) registered in Curacao.

payment processing services which are obviously bunk too. is there any way this guy could actually be contacted?
Lock Poker payouts reach two-year waiting period (Be aware: do NOT deposit on Lock Poker!) Quote
