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Legal sidewalk picketing in front of Adelson's hotels & Federal/State buildings. Legal sidewalk picketing in front of Adelson's hotels & Federal/State buildings.

03-05-2015 , 06:28 PM
Originally Posted by hAmThEkIlLeR
Writing a letter to Rand Paul's office.

This is unacceptable.
Someone briefed on the conversation said that the two discussed, among other things...the senator’s losses at the craps tables during a recent trip to Las Vegas.
Legal sidewalk picketing in front of Adelson's hotels & Federal/State buildings. Quote
03-05-2015 , 07:06 PM
Originally Posted by rocketragz
Gain = maintain their freedom? being a part of standing up to the government and this billionaire from infringing upon their/our rights? ...

Fair enough.

But that is pretty much what I consider a "feel-good-about oneself" benefit because I do not see this described effort as very contributory to a specific anti-RAWA effort.

(FWIW, RAWA may have doomed itself if Andy Aboud's comments about not carving out lotteries hold up. A lot of otherwise Red State folks who might heed Mr. Adelson also listen to their own State lottery voices .... I think RAWA missed coopting a potent opponent there. )
Legal sidewalk picketing in front of Adelson's hotels & Federal/State buildings. Quote
03-05-2015 , 07:55 PM
Originally Posted by Gzesh
One of the problems of engaging in collective action is that a particular person has no more to gain than does a free-rider.

However, can you be specific about what someone who decides to picket on this issue has to gain other than a feel-good-about-himself benefit ?

Most of the ""good idea" posters in this thread have already gotten their "feel-good" rush simply by posting, "good idea". What more do thy have to gain by the actual work of showing up and picketing in person ?

Will you be there to picket ?
I already said I'd be happy to kick in a the cost of a few cheeseburgers to potentially piss off Adelson, and I'd be stunned if there weren't a bunch of other 2+2'rs willing to throw in as well. Its just a matter of finding someone everyone trusts to collect the funds and someone poor in Vegas willing to hold the sign for a few bucks.
Legal sidewalk picketing in front of Adelson's hotels & Federal/State buildings. Quote
03-05-2015 , 08:23 PM
Originally Posted by Frenbar
I already said I'd be happy to kick in a the cost of a few cheeseburgers to potentially piss off Adelson, and I'd be stunned if there weren't a bunch of other 2+2'rs willing to throw in as well. Its just a matter of finding someone everyone trusts to collect the funds and someone poor in Vegas willing to hold the sign for a few bucks.
How about the PPA, and they can hire Borovetz to hold the sign if he is in town ?
Legal sidewalk picketing in front of Adelson's hotels & Federal/State buildings. Quote
03-05-2015 , 09:38 PM
Wouldn't Adelson be able to outbid for the dispersal of any paid picketers?
Legal sidewalk picketing in front of Adelson's hotels & Federal/State buildings. Quote
03-05-2015 , 09:44 PM
Originally Posted by Frenbar
We should crowdfund this. I know I'd be willing to kick in $5 to stick my finger in fat Sheldon's eye. There must be some down on his luck 2+2'r in Vegas that would be willing to picket all day for a meager sum.

Last edited by Koko the munkey; 03-05-2015 at 09:50 PM.
Legal sidewalk picketing in front of Adelson's hotels & Federal/State buildings. Quote
03-06-2015 , 06:58 AM
People don't even post like they should in threads on the subject of Adelson and RAWA, but you expect them to picket?
Legal sidewalk picketing in front of Adelson's hotels & Federal/State buildings. Quote
03-06-2015 , 07:09 AM
Lol while you're out there protesting in 105 degree heat there's 200+ playing on 20 tables in the poker room inside
Legal sidewalk picketing in front of Adelson's hotels & Federal/State buildings. Quote
03-06-2015 , 01:45 PM
get the wsop dealers ,who make le$$ and le$$ every year go picket for 20$ tax free an hour and a hot lunch ala FRONTIER culinary strike...6?years i saw them out there. theres 1300 of them...i know 100-200of them that go for the 20 hr +lunch.
Legal sidewalk picketing in front of Adelson's hotels & Federal/State buildings. Quote
03-06-2015 , 01:46 PM
Originally Posted by LVpokerPRO
Lol while you're out there protesting in 115 degree heat there's 200+ playing on 20 tables in the poker room inside
Legal sidewalk picketing in front of Adelson's hotels & Federal/State buildings. Quote
03-06-2015 , 02:00 PM
A street performer set up shop in front of the Venetian a while back. He was hassled and subsequently escorted off the property. He sued with assistance from ACLU and won a settlement. The Venetian is the only property on the Strip that is able to keep those "Dancers To Your Room" porn slappers, performers dressed up as Batman, Sponge Bob, Toy Story from their sidewalk. The porn slappers station themselves on the Casino Royal property right before you walk onto the Venetian/Pallazzo sidewalk.
Legal sidewalk picketing in front of Adelson's hotels & Federal/State buildings. Quote
03-06-2015 , 03:35 PM
yeah let's all just stick to 'piss and moan'

I'm sure it will have an effect eventually
Legal sidewalk picketing in front of Adelson's hotels & Federal/State buildings. Quote
03-06-2015 , 05:33 PM
Originally Posted by News777
A street performer set up shop in front of the Venetian a while back. He was hassled and subsequently escorted off the property. He sued with assistance from ACLU and won a settlement. The Venetian is the only property on the Strip that is able to keep those "Dancers To Your Room" porn slappers, performers dressed up as Batman, Sponge Bob, Toy Story from their sidewalk. The porn slappers station themselves on the Casino Royal property right before you walk onto the Venetian/Pallazzo sidewalk.
Are you sure of your facts ? (The performer got a settlement versus Metro, The Con Law claims v the Venetian were dismissed. Not sure about the State Law claims.)

First Amendment speech likely cannot be excluded from that space .....As part of the street performer litigation the US District Court ruled regarding the Venetian sidewalk and public access:

"This Court and the Ninth Circuit made clear ten years ago that as "a thoroughfare sidewalk, seamlessly connected to public sidewalks at either end and intended for general public use," the sidewalk in front of the Venetian is a public sidewalk, and consequently, a traditional public forum from which Venetian Defendants have no right to exclude members of the public. Venetian Casino Resort, L.L.C., 257 F.3d at 948. "

Perez-Morciglio v. Las Vegas Metropolitan Police, 820 F. Supp. 2d 1100 (D. Nev. 2011)

So, one or even two protestors could likely picket, and maybe get detained/harassed/ ... but not lawfully detained and harassed.

This is NOT a legal opinion, nor advice, It is just a discussion posted generally in this forum. I also do not think this is productive way to create dialogue with possible opponents of RAWA.

(I am a lawyer, but not your lawyer.) .... You should check with your lawyer or contact the ACLU before protesting ???

Last edited by Gzesh; 03-06-2015 at 05:39 PM.
Legal sidewalk picketing in front of Adelson's hotels & Federal/State buildings. Quote
03-07-2015 , 02:18 AM
You can find dudes who will stand out there with a sign for like 5 bucks an hour, even in the heat of summer.

Maybe just have some guys hand out business cards with a quick summary that also have a web address where people can go that explains the whole thing. They could hand them out like those hooker cards. They'd end up littered all over the place.

"Venetian Owner pays off politicians to take our freedoms and line his pockets." or whatever
Legal sidewalk picketing in front of Adelson's hotels & Federal/State buildings. Quote
03-07-2015 , 07:05 AM
yea you're not gonna ***** protest and people who are here on vacation see that and are like WTF is that. You're a dip**** shut the *** up give me liberty
Legal sidewalk picketing in front of Adelson's hotels & Federal/State buildings. Quote
03-07-2015 , 01:48 PM
Rather than try for picketing over an extended period, would it be better to stage a picketing event for 2-3 hours with the most appealing picketers available, complete video coverage, and rehearsed statements? And then post on YouTube, travel forums, etc.

If that works, evaluate what is most effective and do another one.
Legal sidewalk picketing in front of Adelson's hotels & Federal/State buildings. Quote
03-09-2015 , 08:05 PM
Here are picketers and strikers taking over the Lobby of the Cosmopolitan Hotel in Vegas less than 2 years ago. I'm not willing to get arrested but these people were.

Maybe someone can post this picture into the thread. I don't know the procedure.

Personally, I'm not advocating taking over the lobby of the Venetian hotel but it just shows what some people are willing to do for a cause.

Last edited by GiveMe Liberty; 03-09-2015 at 08:26 PM.
Legal sidewalk picketing in front of Adelson's hotels & Federal/State buildings. Quote
03-09-2015 , 08:22 PM
And I'm not advocating closing down the Las Vegas Strip by sitting in the middle of the street but these Las Vegans felt strongly enough about their cause that they were willing to do it.

Last edited by GiveMe Liberty; 03-09-2015 at 08:41 PM.
Legal sidewalk picketing in front of Adelson's hotels & Federal/State buildings. Quote
03-09-2015 , 08:51 PM
I wonder what Adelson and his stockholders would think if the sidewalk in front of the Venetian looked like this with poker players.

Also someone mentioned 105 degree heat. Well there is no law that says you have to picket from 2pm. to 7pm. Actually in my experience, the Vegas sidewalks are the most crowded from about 9pm to 11pm when it is cooler. And besides it only gets over 100 during the day for about 4 months a year.

Last edited by GiveMe Liberty; 03-09-2015 at 08:58 PM.
Legal sidewalk picketing in front of Adelson's hotels & Federal/State buildings. Quote
03-09-2015 , 09:25 PM
Originally Posted by The4thFilm
Nobody gives a **** about online poker.
Legal sidewalk picketing in front of Adelson's hotels & Federal/State buildings. Quote
03-09-2015 , 09:48 PM
I like it. If we can get a short event organized I will try my best to fly out there from FL for a few days of picketing.
Legal sidewalk picketing in front of Adelson's hotels & Federal/State buildings. Quote
03-09-2015 , 11:11 PM
Originally Posted by GiveMe Liberty
I wonder what Adelson and his stockholders would think if the sidewalk in front of the Venetian looked like this with poker players.

Also someone mentioned 105 degree heat. Well there is no law that says you have to picket from 2pm. to 7pm. Actually in my experience, the Vegas sidewalks are the most crowded from about 9pm to 11pm when it is cooler. And besides it only gets over 100 during the day for about 4 months a year.
Ain't likely, but give it a try.

Seriously .... how do you get television coverage or decent footage if you picket between 9 and 11 at night ?

btw, 105 is NOT considered hot here....
Legal sidewalk picketing in front of Adelson's hotels & Federal/State buildings. Quote
03-09-2015 , 11:27 PM
Picketers would definitely need to provide their own complete (2-3 hour) video coverage and editing. I think it would be difficult to get local TV coverage. Someone with some sort of press credentials might be able to remain regardless of whatever happens. Freelancer or alternative media.

Not just picketing though. Some man-on-the-street interviews asking people if a billionaire casino owner should be able to prevent people from playing lower-rake poker from their own homes.

Then YouTube and lots of links in travel and politics forums.

Last edited by VP$IP; 03-09-2015 at 11:33 PM.
Legal sidewalk picketing in front of Adelson's hotels & Federal/State buildings. Quote
03-10-2015 , 02:30 AM
Originally Posted by Gzesh
Seriously .... how do you get television coverage or decent footage if you picket between 9 and 11 at night ?

btw, 105 is NOT considered hot here....
Do it from 9 in the morning until 11 am when it's not real hot yet.
Legal sidewalk picketing in front of Adelson's hotels & Federal/State buildings. Quote
03-10-2015 , 07:15 AM
Doing it from the anti freedom, buying politicians angle is probably the best way if this was to succeed. Like someone above said nobody gives a **** about online poker, but if enough people were there for the bigger picture stuff this could possibly get some play and momentum.
Legal sidewalk picketing in front of Adelson's hotels & Federal/State buildings. Quote
