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Kevmath revealed Kevmath revealed

09-29-2010 , 12:29 PM
Kev, are you related to Jerry Mathers?
Kevmath revealed Quote
09-29-2010 , 12:38 PM
Kevmath is awesome, but I would love a photoshopper to post Peter Griffin, next to pic of Gobboboy as Peter Griffin, next to pic of Kevmath as Peter Griffin.
Kevmath revealed Quote
09-29-2010 , 12:46 PM
Originally Posted by gregorio
I really hope Kev starts to get more paying gigs out of this, and I think it's great that people like tasha and Matt Savage are helping him get himself out there more.

I love the affectionate look on tasha's face throughout the interview.

Yeah +1

Originally Posted by T@sh@

I live in Edinburgh.
Can you be a little more specific? Like posting your exact address...?
Kevmath revealed Quote
09-29-2010 , 12:51 PM
I think I'm in lve.

And Tasha's not bad either.
Kevmath revealed Quote
09-29-2010 , 12:56 PM
So is Kevmath the only poster on 2p2 that gets no hate from anyone? Seems like it.

Cool interview, enjoyed it a lot.

Thanks for all the hard work Kevmath. I still think you're a robot
Kevmath revealed Quote
09-29-2010 , 12:59 PM
Originally Posted by TheCanoe
So is Kevmath the only poster on 2p2 that gets no hate from anyone? Seems like it.
Read ATF More
Kevmath revealed Quote
09-29-2010 , 01:02 PM
lol, ray, i was just going to link to the two threads hatin on kevmath yesterday. And since you don't know how to post links, I guess I will.
Kevmath revealed Quote
09-29-2010 , 01:02 PM
as for thecanoe post...i might get some hate now...

tatjana pasalic was asked 3 times if she was excited about Kevmath showing up. after each time, she was silent, because she didn't know what to say. kevmath also has remained hidden and not wanting to reveal himself for awhile. he was hesitant perhaps for a couple of reasons. kevmath fits that stereotype of the fat (not bald ) nerd with glasses. what does he live off? does he live with his parents? he doesnt play poker for income. he doesn't seem like a complex, logical and intelligent guy, which is probably why he hasnt taken poker any further. he admitted it himself, he reached his limits in poker, 2$ sit n gos. he also mentioned how other writers of the poker industry are more complex and creative then he is. kevmath reminds me of a non-******ed, less extreme virtual version of kim peek. from an outside of poker perspective, kevmath seems like a loser. i think kevmath is down to earth enough to realize the above descriptions may not be far from the truth (more of a stereotype truth brought up by the views of society)

now lets look at what he does for the poker community. he is pretty much the most informative moderator on 2+2 and dedicates most his life currently on helping the 2+2 community, and filling everyone with knowledge of whats going on in our world. people worship kevmath in our online community. everyone is really nice to him because of how nice and how much he helps us all. a few times i have personally emailed him questions, of which hes given prompt and useful replies.

i think what is amazing is how a real life person like that, maybe not too intelligent (but very informative and has lots of knowledge), has made such an impact on a community of people. it bugs me, that probly by others in life, kevmath is viewed negatively. thank you kevmath for doing what you can in life to make a difference. thats why you have so much respect in this thread, because youve earned it. imo everyone on 2+2 should ship him 5$.

Last edited by gregorio; 09-29-2010 at 01:09 PM.
Kevmath revealed Quote
09-29-2010 , 01:05 PM
So is Kevmath the only poster on 2p2 that gets no hate from anyone? Seems like it.
Well, it's hard to hate a guy who is nothing but friendly to everyone in here + answers unconditionally all the questions random people are throwing in.

That being said, he's my favourite poster.
Kevmath revealed Quote
09-29-2010 , 01:06 PM
So are they still making a couple? Or he dumped her
Kevmath revealed Quote
09-29-2010 , 01:06 PM
yeah, good interview kevmath. you come off very well.
Kevmath revealed Quote
09-29-2010 , 01:15 PM
I do think it's bizarre and most unfair that Kevmath is not paid a full-time salary by 2+2.

2+2 is a commercial operation which makes money from advertising, book sales, and rake from players who've signed up with 2+2 as their affiliate.

It is standard practice for the bigger forums to employ full-time moderator-writer-administrators, whether they work from home or an office. I just learned for example that The Hendon Mob has four full-time paid employees.

I'm not saying every single 2+2 moderator should be paid. But certainly the most senior ones should be, especially when they're putting in more than 60 hours a week.

I think $600 a week would be a reasonable sum; if anything, an underpayment. He adds immense value to the site.

So, why is Kevmath not fairly rewarded for his work here? Can there really be any answer except that he's being exploited, and his goodwill taken advantage of?
Kevmath revealed Quote
09-29-2010 , 01:24 PM
Originally Posted by luckyjimm
So, why is Kevmath not fairly rewarded for his work here? Can there really be any answer except that he's being exploited, and his goodwill taken advantage of?
Every mod on 2p2 (except the admins in blue or red) are volunteers and always have been. He knew that when he signed up. He's not being exploited. He's free stop posting on 2p2 and take his knowledge and following to his own site or another poker site (like lots of the best strat posters have done, which is why there is no good strat discussion at higher limits--every is a video pro somewhere else).

It would certainly be in 2p2's interest to pay him to host his blog here and post daily updates about what's new and exciting in the poker world and have it tied into his own forum that didn't allow "Views" threads. (Imagine being able to follow kevmath without have to weed through the garbage in NVG. Imagine how much 2p2 would have made off a video training site with the best strat posters coaching.) But he shouldn't be paid to moderate. Any fool can do that for free.

Last edited by gregorio; 09-29-2010 at 01:34 PM.
Kevmath revealed Quote
09-29-2010 , 02:22 PM
I believe this is kevmath's first post ever. it's epic!

Kevmath revealed Quote
09-29-2010 , 02:37 PM
Originally Posted by Silent_0ne
as for thecanoe post...i might get some hate now...

tatjana pasalic was asked 3 times if she was excited about Kevmath showing up. after each time, she was silent, because she didn't know what to say. kevmath also has remained hidden and not wanting to reveal himself for awhile. he was hesitant perhaps for a couple of reasons. kevmath fits that stereotype of the fat (not bald ) nerd with glasses. what does he live off? does he live with his parents? he doesnt play poker for income. he doesn't seem like a complex, logical and intelligent guy, which is probably why he hasnt taken poker any further. he admitted it himself, he reached his limits in poker, 2$ sit n gos. he also mentioned how other writers of the poker industry are more complex and creative then he is. kevmath reminds me of a non-******ed, less extreme virtual version of kim peek. from an outside of poker perspective, kevmath seems like a loser. i think kevmath is down to earth enough to realize the above descriptions may not be far from the truth (more of a stereotype truth brought up by the views of society)
Just to respond to the above paragraph:

Tatjana's internet connection was pretty spotty, which is noticeable if you watch the interview. If she's faking her enthusiasm (and I don't think she is), she's doing a pretty good job of it. Since I don't have a "real" job at this time, I do live with my mom, not exactly what anyone hopes to be doing at my age.

I do some poker related writing for other sites, and part of why I "revealed" myself was to hopefully find more work, and early signs are encouraging. I limit myself to playing low buy-in tournaments (especially $2 turbo MTTs) because if I had decided to spend more time reading other parts of the forum instead of NVG, maybe I'd get a bit better at poker.

I know my writing isn't going to be as good as Pauly, Brad Willis, Shamus, and a host of other people who write about poker extremely well. However, I feel skilled enough to do live tournament reporting, hopefully with fewer mistakes that people like to point out in the forums.

As to the loser comments: My excuse is that I was extremely nervous during both interviews, so it does appear I'm not that complex, logical or intelligent. At the moment, it's a lot easier for me to type things out and hit submit than just saying them. Hopefully, that gets better, for your sake and mine.

Last edited by Kevmath; 09-29-2010 at 05:00 PM.
Kevmath revealed Quote
09-29-2010 , 02:40 PM
Kevmath, you know you've made it big when idiots in NVG start hating on you.

lol at thinking Tatjana wasn't excited about the interview.

Kevmath revealed Quote
09-29-2010 , 02:42 PM
Originally Posted by luckyjimm
I do think it's bizarre and most unfair that Kevmath is not paid a full-time salary by 2+2.

2+2 is a commercial operation which makes money from advertising, book sales, and rake from players who've signed up with 2+2 as their affiliate.

It is standard practice for the bigger forums to employ full-time moderator-writer-administrators, whether they work from home or an office. I just learned for example that The Hendon Mob has four full-time paid employees.

I'm not saying every single 2+2 moderator should be paid. But certainly the most senior ones should be, especially when they're putting in more than 60 hours a week.

I think $600 a week would be a reasonable sum; if anything, an underpayment. He adds immense value to the site.

So, why is Kevmath not fairly rewarded for his work here? Can there really be any answer except that he's being exploited, and his goodwill taken advantage of?
I wouldn't say I put anywhere near that much time into the site. Personally, it would be nice that every moderator get paid. However, the site doesn't belong to me, and it's up to those who own and run the site to handle who gets paid.

So basically, what Gregorio said.
Kevmath revealed Quote
09-29-2010 , 02:54 PM
Originally Posted by Kevmath
Just to respond to the above paragraph:

Tatjana's internet connection was pretty spotty, which is noticeable if you watch the interview. If she's faking her enthusiasm (and I don't think she is), she's doing a pretty good job of it. Since I don't have a "real" job at this time, I do live with my mom, not exactly what anyone hopes to be doing at my age.

I do some poker related writing for other sites, and part of why I "revealed" myself was to hopefully find more work, and early signs are encouraging. I limit myself to playing low buy-in tournaments (especially $2 turbo MTTs) because if I had decided to spend more time reading other parts of the forum instead of NVG, maybe I'd get a bit better at poker.

I know my writing isn't going to be as good as Pauly, Brad Willis, Shamus, and a host of other people who write about poker extremely well. However, I feel skilled enough to do live tournament reporting, hopefully with fewer mistakes that people like to point out in the forums.

As to the loser comments: My excuse is that I was extremely nervous during both interviews, so it does appear I'm not that complex, logical or intelligent. At the moment, it's a lot easier for me to type things out and hit submit than just saying them. Hopefully, that gets better, for your sake and mine.
Bless you. Kevmath just got a bit more human. Good luck mate

Last edited by Kevmath; 09-29-2010 at 05:00 PM.
Kevmath revealed Quote
09-29-2010 , 03:08 PM
As a long time lurker I must say that Kevmath is a huge asset to 2+2, and after watching the interviews it is quite obvious he is a very kind and intelligent person. I hope this exposure brings you the opportunity to show the rest of the poker world all the good things us 2+2ers already know about you.
Kevmath revealed Quote
09-29-2010 , 03:11 PM
wasnt it her idea to do the interview? I dont understand the hate

or who set this up?
Kevmath revealed Quote
09-29-2010 , 03:14 PM
Originally Posted by TheCanoe
So is Kevmath the only poster on 2p2 that gets no hate from anyone? Seems like it.

Cool interview, enjoyed it a lot.

Thanks for all the hard work Kevmath. I still think you're a robot
Yah, he constantly adds value to the community in the form of information and asks for nothing in return. Hard to find anything to hate on.

Tatjana is right, the sites should be fighting over this guy, I've never seen anyone so thorough at collecting and organizing the necessary information for such a huge forum.
Kevmath revealed Quote
09-29-2010 , 03:18 PM
Kevmath is a huge asset to 2p2, he usually has the answer before anyone has even asked the ?
Kevmath revealed Quote
09-29-2010 , 03:23 PM
Originally Posted by Kevmath
Very much so.

I'm sure there'll be plenty of lols coming my way. Just finished the interview, hopefully uploaded soon. Make sure to direct your gaze to the side I'm not located.

And it's my first interview on camera, it can only get better from here, right?

Hopefully it does, cause I have one at ~ 7:30 for This Week in Poker.

25k posts and you are famous. (That didnt take much work, did it?)
Kevmath revealed Quote
09-29-2010 , 03:27 PM
Originally Posted by luckyjimm
I do think it's bizarre and most unfair that Kevmath is not paid a full-time salary by 2+2.

2+2 is a commercial operation which makes money from advertising, book sales, and rake from players who've signed up with 2+2 as their affiliate.

It is standard practice for the bigger forums to employ full-time moderator-writer-administrators, whether they work from home or an office. I just learned for example that The Hendon Mob has four full-time paid employees.

I'm not saying every single 2+2 moderator should be paid. But certainly the most senior ones should be, especially when they're putting in more than 60 hours a week.

I think $600 a week would be a reasonable sum; if anything, an underpayment. He adds immense value to the site.

So, why is Kevmath not fairly rewarded for his work here? Can there really be any answer except that he's being exploited, and his goodwill taken advantage of?
600 a week seems absolutely ridiculous to me honestly for moderating a message board. There are so many jobs out there that get paid less than 600 and work so much harder. I can't imagine a moderator putting in 60 hours a week of actual work or for that matter the work being valued at 10 dollars an hour.

I do like Kevmath though.
Kevmath revealed Quote
09-29-2010 , 03:28 PM
Originally Posted by Silent_0ne
as for thecanoe post...i might get some hate now...

tatjana pasalic was asked 3 times if she was excited about Kevmath showing up. after each time, she was silent, because she didn't know what to say.
I am glad you know what I thought. Seriously dude.
If you payed ANY attention ud see that my internet was bad and it took us 3 minutes to fix it, therefor I couldnt hear the questions.

I was very excited and happy for Kevin, we have spent many days talking and I care for him as a friend and am extremely proud of him for doing this. Please consult with people before u claim u know what they think. Thank you.
Kevmath revealed Quote
