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Was Joan Rivers right about us? Was Joan Rivers right about us?

09-27-2023 , 08:44 PM
Lol genius 2+2ers showing their chops again, yeah Joan Rivers was right about Billy the Kid being trash
Was Joan Rivers right about us? Quote
09-27-2023 , 08:59 PM
Poker is the perfect analogy for capitalism. Aggression and deception are rewarded, short term. The liars, cheats and angle shooters may profit short term but don't last long. I've seen people lose money they couldn't afford but they got in the game willingly same as slots or the pit games.

I remember the sweetheart of a massage girl watched us play for months and finally sat down one night with her tips and earnings from working hard all day. I beat her and she left crying. Didn't see her play anymore after that, some people have to get bit to be afraid of the dog.

Joan Rivers was a smart and tough lady who made it in a world full of sharks, backstabbers and scumbags. She could be right.
Was Joan Rivers right about us? Quote
10-04-2023 , 03:16 PM
Capitalism is bad opposed to Socialism? Where your 12 hour slave wage day gets you $2000 a month that doesn't buy you foreign goods cause it's only worth $400 in a foreign market?

People will blow their money on overpriced Lattes and a fancy car they can't afford. Finance so much credit card debt and pay out 20% of their income in interest. I am not even sure who are the bigger criminals or idiots. Joan Rivers would of succeeded in a country without our Cultural Level? We created Hollywood which is where she blossomed. In many other nations such things don't exist they can't afford to broadcast their culture to the world. Capitalism may be bad but someone has yet to dream of a proper alternative.

Blowing money at a Poker Table, Casino is not lacking in similar relationship to blowing billions on drugs, over priced clothes, plastic surgery or any other unnecessary but entertaining thing. Just knowing when to say know? Since 75% of America is fat I assume the issue is self control not the item in question. (It's not hard to say stop packing your mouth with crap is it?)

P.S. Anyone can ban themselves from gambling, not everyone can ban themselves from McDonalds or High Interest Credit? Whose gonna get more of your $ or shorten you live more so and income potential...

An a Trillion other examples

Originally Posted by jcorb
Poker is the perfect analogy for capitalism. Aggression and deception are rewarded, short term. The liars, cheats and angle shooters may profit short term but don't last long. I've seen people lose money they couldn't afford but they got in the game willingly same as slots or the pit games.

I remember the sweetheart of a massage girl watched us play for months and finally sat down one night with her tips and earnings from working hard all day. I beat her and she left crying. Didn't see her play anymore after that, some people have to get bit to be afraid of the dog.

Joan Rivers was a smart and tough lady who made it in a world full of sharks, backstabbers and scumbags. She could be right.
Was Joan Rivers right about us? Quote
