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Was Joan Rivers right about us? Was Joan Rivers right about us?

09-02-2023 , 09:25 PM
After the pandemic was over and the casino's reopened, I could finally go back to my hobby.
I had three losing sessions in a row and got so distraught that I haven't played Poker since.
You guys robbed me of my favorite past time. Scumbags

Compulsive personalities are going to complulse. If not at the Poker tables, you'll find them at the slots, the sports books, etc. No reason to feel sorry for them or bad about yourself.
That's just who they are.
Was Joan Rivers right about us? Quote
09-03-2023 , 07:11 AM
Originally Posted by TheFly
That’s the irony with these vegan crusaders, they have no idea how many living creatures are killed to bring them their soy tofu quinoa bullchit.
Let’s just ignore the whole fact that the food for livestock could be fed directly to humans to cut down the entire process.
Was Joan Rivers right about us? Quote
09-03-2023 , 07:12 AM
Originally Posted by Nepeeme2008
After the pandemic was over and the casino's reopened, I could finally go back to my hobby.
I had three losing sessions in a row and got so distraught that I haven't played Poker since.
You guys robbed me of my favorite past time. Scumbags

Compulsive personalities are going to complulse. If not at the Poker tables, you'll find them at the slots, the sports books, etc. No reason to feel sorry for them or bad about yourself.
That's just who they are.
They’re all scumbags… except me! I’m a saint!
Was Joan Rivers right about us? Quote
09-03-2023 , 12:14 PM
Originally Posted by JohnnyDough
*f—king hookers

There, you satisfied?
Yes, ...... was it good for you ?
Was Joan Rivers right about us? Quote
09-03-2023 , 12:26 PM
Originally Posted by PokerEthics
Look the truth is everyone deserves a chance.. so you’re not a scumbag if you understand you shouldn’t exploit animals and have the opportunity to change your ways.

So yes all non vegans are scumbags once they knowingly exploit animals. I think a high percentage of non vegans have no idea what they’re doing though. So it’s a ‘forgive them they know not what they do’ type of thing.

I realize the majority will not like this take. But this is an ideology that I have been kicking around for about a decade. I’ve landed on exploiting animals for our pleasure is wrong (as is humans).
.... yet you knowingly exploit less skilled opponents at poker for money and likely derive pleasure from the act.

There, you now have knowledge and have the opportunity to change your ways. Here is your chance Paul on the road to Damascus, you self-anointed "ethicist"
Was Joan Rivers right about us? Quote
09-03-2023 , 01:06 PM
Originally Posted by Gzesh
.... yet you knowingly exploit less skilled opponents at poker for money and likely derive pleasure from the act.

There, you now have knowledge and have the opportunity to change your ways. Here is your chance Paul on the road to Damascus, you self-anointed "ethicist"
The animals never signed up for the game though. PokerEthics plays against people who want to play.

Anyhow. I’m not a vegan but think we should treat animals better.
Was Joan Rivers right about us? Quote
09-03-2023 , 01:30 PM
Originally Posted by Gzesh
.... yet you knowingly exploit less skilled opponents at poker for money and likely derive pleasure from the act.

There, you now have knowledge and have the opportunity to change your ways. Here is your chance Paul on the road to Damascus, you self-anointed "ethicist"
There’s certainly a paradox within poker.. but competition isn’t inherently unethical.

Exploiting animals is inherently unethical.

Pointing out poker as some sort of rebuttal or justification to exploit animals is both a straw man argument and disingenuous.

I’m not perfect. But it’s the least a person can do.
Was Joan Rivers right about us? Quote
09-04-2023 , 02:38 PM
Originally Posted by PokerEthics
Let’s just ignore the whole fact that the food for livestock could be fed directly to humans to cut down the entire process.
Thank you, people are so clueless on the extra damage done to the world with meat.
Was Joan Rivers right about us? Quote
09-04-2023 , 07:39 PM
In the US, Agriculture, which includes the entire meat industry, accounts for only 10% of US created planet-heating gases ( Livestock, therefore account for much less than 10% of planet-heating gases created here in the US. Thus, eliminating all livestock would reduce emissions by much less that 10%.

Meat tastes ****ing delicious.

**** you.
Was Joan Rivers right about us? Quote
09-12-2023 , 07:04 PM
The moral argument that all poker pros are trash and that poker is a degen activity that destroys lives has a lot of merit but you are nitpicking. Cig Companies destroyed lives for ages knowing full well what they do to people and were marketed to children in my generation as candy cigs, movie stars would smoke them/still do.

The Stock Market was advertised as sexy but how many lives were destroyed there? Or Banking (housing bust in the 2000s)

There are all sorts of ways people can degen their lives, poker is just one of them. There are all sorts of ways people benefit from them. I have seen the interaction... A Pimp doesn't make a Milly being a kind and caring guy. Yet the country keeps the oldest profession illegal.

Marriage is advocated now a days as the way in which you will be financially secure and you will find happiness with children and all the things you require. A College Education will also give you all this. Though if your career doesn't materialize or your relationship ends you will pay child support for life and give up a portion of your income to some person who is now a stranger again. You may never find a happy career you really enjoy cause the institution of education isn't built around doing that for you. It's built around making robots to serve the System and to make $$$

life is all about $$$ then really for people...well to a vast majority and so poker players are just leeches not sharks and the House is the real Shark. They don't go bust unless they are stupid.
Was Joan Rivers right about us? Quote
09-13-2023 , 01:52 AM
Basically Yes

Technically No

According to the highest standards of truth and beauty in the universe:
She was right about 70% of you.

In short, she was wrong.
Was Joan Rivers right about us? Quote
09-14-2023 , 01:20 AM
Originally Posted by easyfnmoney

wish i would have read that before blowing through 6k playing PLO the other night
Was Joan Rivers right about us? Quote
09-17-2023 , 11:48 PM
I’d to hear more from people who aren’t poker players. Poker players know each other too well and the general consensus appears to be that we are scum. We’ve seen it all.

But what do common people (not Joan Rivers and not poker degens) think about poker players?
Was Joan Rivers right about us? Quote
09-18-2023 , 01:43 AM
Originally Posted by JohnnyDough
I’d to hear more from people who aren’t poker players. Poker players know each other too well and the general consensus appears to be that we are scum. We’ve seen it all.

But what do common people (not Joan Rivers and not poker degens) think about poker players?
I know many of them and they think you are lowlifes
Was Joan Rivers right about us? Quote
09-18-2023 , 06:43 AM
Originally Posted by JohnnyDough
I’d to hear more from people who aren’t poker players. Poker players know each other too well and the general consensus appears to be that we are scum. We’ve seen it all.

But what do common people (not Joan Rivers and not poker degens) think about poker players?
Normal people think poker is like black jack or slots. So if you play poker you’re a “gambler” to them. Yesterday I spoke w a non poker friend and he reminded me of the time his uncle lost the family business gambling. Everyone knows that one gambler and that’s why they won’t gamble (which includes poker).

Normal people also think that lending money interest free with no writing and no collateral is insane, while poker players expect it and think it’s the norm.

Normal people go to casino to have a good time, walk around, site see, go shopping, see a show, get food, be entertained etc. Poker players have to be dragged off the table to do any of those things.
Was Joan Rivers right about us? Quote
09-18-2023 , 08:26 AM
Originally Posted by PokerEthics
Normal people think poker is like black jack or slots. So if you play poker you’re a “gambler” to them. Yesterday I spoke w a non poker friend and he reminded me of the time his uncle lost the family business gambling. Everyone knows that one gambler and that’s why they won’t gamble (which includes poker).

Normal people also think that lending money interest free with no writing and no collateral is insane, while poker players expect it and think it’s the norm.

Normal people go to casino to have a good time, walk around, site see, go shopping, see a show, get food, be entertained etc. Poker players have to be dragged off the table to do any of those things.
You're right. I would have a bad time if knowing I can't win. And that's all about EV. The glam doesn't impress. As a background, why not.
Was Joan Rivers right about us? Quote
09-18-2023 , 10:39 PM
Originally Posted by PokerEthics
Normal people think poker is like black jack or slots. So if you play poker you’re a “gambler” to them. Yesterday I spoke w a non poker friend and he reminded me of the time his uncle lost the family business gambling. Everyone knows that one gambler and that’s why they won’t gamble (which includes poker).

Normal people also think that lending money interest free with no writing and no collateral is insane, while poker players expect it and think it’s the norm.

Normal people go to casino to have a good time, walk around, site see, go shopping, see a show, get food, be entertained etc. Poker players have to be dragged off the table to do any of those things.
So true, this belongs in a fun poker book about stuff that only a poker player would get.
Was Joan Rivers right about us? Quote
09-19-2023 , 01:32 PM
Professional Poker in a nut shell:

(Source: "The Biggest Game in Town" by Al Alvarez)

My guess is the story was made up on the spot or exaggerated in order to shock/expose a hypocrite, but it still rings true in some weird way.
Was Joan Rivers right about us? Quote
09-20-2023 , 06:17 AM
Remember two incidences. My sister's ratty boyfriend went up against me for $40 and I beat him the first hand for the entire sum HUs. He left me hanging and I remember that 5 years later him and his sister played in my HG. I took their $ but this time made them put the deposit down first. (it was pleasing)

Another a stranger borrowed money from his buddy to finish a Limit Hand in a Fireman's Charity Game I was winning at. He river'd me with 2 pair. I walked away a little peeved but met a girl I was interested in at just that moment and that was something I will never forget.

Sometimes poker takes you places! I would of gone home too early without losing that hand or stayed too long at the table if I won it.
Was Joan Rivers right about us? Quote
09-21-2023 , 01:47 PM
She's right in that we don't contribute anything of value to society.
Was Joan Rivers right about us? Quote
09-21-2023 , 01:52 PM
Originally Posted by c double
She's right in that we don't contribute anything of value to society.
I feel we do.
Was Joan Rivers right about us? Quote
09-27-2023 , 07:16 PM
And a gal with who isn't funny does? I got more entertainment watching WSOP than Joan. I don't recall a time when she was funny, entertaining or otherwise worth watching. Maybe for women.

Originally Posted by c double
She's right in that we don't contribute anything of value to society.
Was Joan Rivers right about us? Quote
09-27-2023 , 07:37 PM
Originally Posted by plaaynde
I feel we do.
Care to elaborate?
Was Joan Rivers right about us? Quote
09-27-2023 , 07:42 PM
Who cares what you find entertaining if you're trash?

Worth noting that she was old af, who were the famous poker players around the time when she was coming up? Billy the Kid, Wild Bill Hickok, Doc Holliday.
Known murderers, thieves, rapists, ect.. or to put it very mildly trash.
Was Joan Rivers right about us? Quote
09-27-2023 , 08:40 PM
Wild Bill Hickok was a rapist, thief? He was a lawman, soldier among other things. Did he murder men that didn't deserve it? I think that's disputed?

Billy the Kid, he was a cardplayer?

Doc Holliday, "Despite his formidable reputation as a deadly gunslinger, Doc Holliday only engaged in eight shootouts during his life, and it has been verified that he killed two men. Still, the smartly dressed ex-dentist had a remarkably fearless attitude toward death and danger, perhaps because he was slowly dying from tuberculosis."
Not really what I consider to be a major outlaw.

Joan Rivers was born in the 30s and the people coming up in Poker in her era would be Ungar, Hellmuth, Brunson, Cloutier, on and on and on. A good deal of average men and good poker players. A few were involved in Scams like Ferguson or Howard Lederer, etc...

You love Joan Rivers, feel free to!

Originally Posted by TPeck
Who cares what you find entertaining if you're trash?

Worth noting that she was old af, who were the famous poker players around the time when she was coming up? Billy the Kid, Wild Bill Hickok, Doc Holliday.
Known murderers, thieves, rapists, ect.. or to put it very mildly trash.
Was Joan Rivers right about us? Quote
