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Jeff Shulman to Toss Main Event Bracelet in Trash if he wins Jeff Shulman to Toss Main Event Bracelet in Trash if he wins
View Poll Results: Should the WSOP penalize Jeff Shulman
Time penalty
9 1.57%
Hands penalty
7 1.22%
54 9.42%
No, I don't care
503 87.78%

07-15-2009 , 09:41 PM
if this happens I hope everyone in vegas blacklists him from any legitimate game whatsoever, also I would hope most people would cancel subscriptions to cardplayer as well since even if his argument is valid (no idea if it is) throwing the most prestigious award poker players get into the trash on television is not the way to attract new players

if a hockey player threw the stanley cup in the trash becuase he felt the nhl had wronged him in some way people would stone him to death
Jeff Shulman to Toss Main Event Bracelet in Trash if he wins Quote
07-15-2009 , 09:45 PM
i hope he TID and tosses the bracelet as soon as he gets home.

or better yet, does it on the way to the victory interview like shaniac said...

cue sex pistols one more time because
Jeff Shulman to Toss Main Event Bracelet in Trash if he wins Quote
07-15-2009 , 09:51 PM
why should anyone care if he throws the bracelet in the trash? i certainly wouldn't care what he did with HIS bracelet. it's not gonna effect me any. he can do whatever he wants with it.
Jeff Shulman to Toss Main Event Bracelet in Trash if he wins Quote
07-15-2009 , 09:53 PM
people in this thread make me want him to win it now

(go ivey)
Jeff Shulman to Toss Main Event Bracelet in Trash if he wins Quote
07-15-2009 , 09:57 PM
Aside from the gray hair, he doesn't look bad for 34 years old at all.
Jeff Shulman to Toss Main Event Bracelet in Trash if he wins Quote
07-15-2009 , 09:57 PM
screw Harrahs, i hope he wins
Jeff Shulman to Toss Main Event Bracelet in Trash if he wins Quote
07-15-2009 , 09:59 PM
who cares i wouldnt give a **** about the bracelet either, but i would probably ebay it to at least get something out of it

Last edited by Hitch; 07-16-2009 at 04:35 PM. Reason: do not evade the profanity filter
Jeff Shulman to Toss Main Event Bracelet in Trash if he wins Quote
07-15-2009 , 10:01 PM
Originally Posted by Mitch Evans
15-year-olds are very passionate about the wsop.
Sadly, I am not 15.... I went a little overboard on my last post.

I get angry that someone that has such a pivotal job in promoting the game of poker would do this!

Why would you make suck a fool of yourself on ESPN and throw the bracelet in the trash?

This would stop most people that have never played poker from ever wanting to play!

Can you imagine waiting for 3 months to watch the final table of the WSOP ME on ESPN, This mother !@#$% wins and instead of saying how great the game is, and how cardplayer helped him so much in becoming a champion, Spade Club... blah blah blah... You hear F the WSOP and F Harrahs you guys were mean to me.. cry cry cry then throws the braclet in the trash! WTF is wrong with this guy?

Is he going to be on the front page of Cardplayer with 2 middle fingers in the air and a trash can next to him? someone needs to start the photoshops....
Jeff Shulman to Toss Main Event Bracelet in Trash if he wins Quote
07-15-2009 , 10:17 PM
Originally Posted by corporalburgundy
people in this thread make me want him to win it now

(go ivey)
no u
Jeff Shulman to Toss Main Event Bracelet in Trash if he wins Quote
07-15-2009 , 10:20 PM
I actually think he has a point albeit if he had gotten the contract I doubt he would see the opposing point of view.

We certainly aren't getting the best coverage. Not that Bluff Mag and PokerNews aren't doing an OK job it just seems odd that the WSOP would be discouraging competition to expose their event.
Jeff Shulman to Toss Main Event Bracelet in Trash if he wins Quote
07-15-2009 , 10:27 PM
Originally Posted by Daliman
Nothing like railing against the establishment by patronizing the establishment, then calling positive attention to the establishment by insulting an icon of it. Really well thought-out protest there, Happy.

You know what would REALLY be a kick in the balls to Harrah's and the WSOP? Give all the $$$ to charity! That'll show 'em business has no business in business.
Great post!!
Jeff Shulman to Toss Main Event Bracelet in Trash if he wins Quote
07-15-2009 , 10:28 PM
If he throws the bracelet in the trash, I'm pretty sure he'll have his "chosen people" card pulled...
Jeff Shulman to Toss Main Event Bracelet in Trash if he wins Quote
07-15-2009 , 10:42 PM
why does this sound like professional wrestling sooooo much?
Jeff Shulman to Toss Main Event Bracelet in Trash if he wins Quote
07-15-2009 , 11:13 PM
Cry me a River CardPlayer.....When CardPlayer had a virtual monopoly on the magazine end of Poker Reporting (prior to big internet growth), they hardly were the epitomy of integrity. They bought out basically the only competition, closed it down and fired many of the hard working staff. Stories abound how they played hard-ball with many people when they were the only game in town.

How ironic they are crying like babies because they could not bully Harrahs into their own exclusive deal.
Jeff Shulman to Toss Main Event Bracelet in Trash if he wins Quote
07-15-2009 , 11:20 PM
People ITT have no sense of humor. “If by renounce it you mean throw it in the garbage, then yes” is a hilarious statement, whatever his reasons are and whether or not he is being literal.
Jeff Shulman to Toss Main Event Bracelet in Trash if he wins Quote
07-15-2009 , 11:23 PM
Ugh you WSOP bracelet fan bois really care too much. If he wins it he can do whatever he wants with that ugly cheap piece of jewelry. Hes smart enough to know there will be backlash and if hes ok with that then who cares?

now im routing for him just to see all the "wsop bracelets matter " crowd go ape ****. Please have Phil hellmuth there and i hope ESPN gets a shot of his reaction.

Anyway i put the odds that he actually does this if he wins @ about 10 % i think hes just ****ing with people. Would love to see it though it would make me laugh.
Jeff Shulman to Toss Main Event Bracelet in Trash if he wins Quote
07-15-2009 , 11:31 PM
funny he was treated unfair but yet still plays there events genius
Jeff Shulman to Toss Main Event Bracelet in Trash if he wins Quote
07-15-2009 , 11:31 PM
Originally Posted by Cornballer
why does this sound like professional wrestling sooooo much?
hes going to show up at the next wpt televised final table and throw it in the trash there
Jeff Shulman to Toss Main Event Bracelet in Trash if he wins Quote
07-15-2009 , 11:40 PM
It's the symbolism of it which is the issue. Even if a number of current players would agree with his decision, all the average fish will see is the Main Event Champion looking like a disrespectful douche.
Jeff Shulman to Toss Main Event Bracelet in Trash if he wins Quote
07-15-2009 , 11:55 PM
Shulman has a right to do what ever he wants... further its shows "integerity" when you won't post news such as this on his own web site/blog. If any other name pro said this it would be plastered all over their site. I wont ever read cardplayer again if this is what he plans, what an idiot.
Jeff Shulman to Toss Main Event Bracelet in Trash if he wins Quote
07-16-2009 , 12:18 AM
Originally Posted by okterrific
Ugh you WSOP bracelet fan bois really care too much. If he wins it he can do whatever he wants with that ugly cheap piece of jewelry. Hes smart enough to know there will be backlash and if hes ok with that then who cares?

now im routing for him just to see all the "wsop bracelets matter " crowd go ape ****. Please have Phil hellmuth there and i hope ESPN gets a shot of his reaction.

Anyway i put the odds that he actually does this if he wins @ about 10 % i think hes just ****ing with people. Would love to see it though it would make me laugh.
If you knew Jeff you would put the odds closer to 90% that he will.
Jeff Shulman to Toss Main Event Bracelet in Trash if he wins Quote
07-16-2009 , 12:19 AM
Originally Posted by Troy Gamble
why should anyone care if he throws the bracelet in the trash? i certainly wouldn't care what he did with HIS bracelet. it's not gonna effect me any. he can do whatever he wants with it.
I think the reason it would be so bad is because it would affect you in some way, though probably very small (but who knows)

People getting into poker for their first times and pumping money into our community will be far less inclined to do so if they see the winner of the most famous poker event do something so backwards and disrespectful

to shaniac, if jeff meant it is a joke and it is being taken out of context, I retract what I'm saying and he's a funny guy, but from the looks of it I just have my doubts he'd be a great ambassador for poker to be in the limelight for winning the ME if he makes comments like this and people take them seriously
Jeff Shulman to Toss Main Event Bracelet in Trash if he wins Quote
07-16-2009 , 12:37 AM
I think once jeff cleans the sand out of his vagina and has a beer he'll realize that his dramatics just make him look like a btch.
Jeff Shulman to Toss Main Event Bracelet in Trash if he wins Quote
07-16-2009 , 12:39 AM
big pot brewing w ivey stay go to pokernews.
Jeff Shulman to Toss Main Event Bracelet in Trash if he wins Quote
07-16-2009 , 12:41 AM
Exclusivity in media is a terrible thing IMO. Cardplayer started it at the WSOP and lost it the following year to Bluff/ Pokernews.

Cardplayer then went and got an exclusive with the WPT which they lost to Pokerlistings/WPT coverage.

The WSOP has relaxed the exclusivity of WSOP media year after year but this is the last year of the Bluff contract and some feel that Harrah's will now control the media even more. I hope it is not true as I would like to see the media flourish at poker's largest event.
Jeff Shulman to Toss Main Event Bracelet in Trash if he wins Quote
