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03-02-2011 , 09:22 PM
Originally Posted by Kenny Craig
Who would like to have a small wager with a questionable stage hypnotist with a penchant for hot pink speedos that he exists?

Bidding starts at one million euros. I'm on the 'he does' side.
are you the questionable stage hypnotist with a penchant for hot pink speedos? You seem to be suggesting so with your wager.
03-02-2011 , 09:23 PM
if you are, i think we have met before kenny!!
03-02-2011 , 09:23 PM
Originally Posted by pkz
are you the questionable stage hypnotist with a penchant for hot pink speedos? You seem to be suggesting so with your wager.
I typed the hot pink speedos out loud
03-02-2011 , 09:24 PM

03-02-2011 , 09:24 PM
Originally Posted by pkz
if you are, i think we have met before kenny!!
sssshhhh I'm trying to make a fast euro here!!!!
03-02-2011 , 09:25 PM
Originally Posted by Lauradldeffense
I go to school with Jose Girah Macedo (we all call him ze) (and also Christian (blestboy) and Henrique (baratoid)), we all go to an english school in Carcavelos called St.Julian's School hence the high standard of Ze's english. We're currently doing the IB diploma (international baccalaureate), which we started after recieving our GCSE diplomas.

I've been best friends with Ze for ages now, he's a big brother to me, I always look up to him, his determination, his academic brilliance and his drive to make everyone around him feel inspired and passionate about their talents and desires. I've made myself an account to confirm Ze's story. He is real. And to those of you who are pulling out ridiculous facts out of your asses, like the one i have quoted above- I suggest you confirm your statements before publishing them on a thread viewed by hundreds of people.

To all of those who don't believe Ze's story- **** you. You're all ****ing nerdy ***** who sit on their ****ing computers thinking they'll one day make something of their lives, jacking off to cheap lesbian porn to make yourselves feel a bit better about your insignificant existence and writing stupid comments "remaining sceptical" about ze's identity.

I wish you could all meet him, he's absolutely amazing. You would all be in awe of him and I can't wait for you guys to start seeing him play live.

Here's his facebook page:

And mine if you doubt me:

And blestboy's:

And the funniest thing of all is that some of you will still doubt his story, I feel sorry for you lot. Asswipes.
im confused. he did write the original post? IFS said he did then he asked him and "ze" said he didnt. you seem to think he did. which one is it? not calling anyone a liar but just trying to get some facts established.
03-02-2011 , 09:27 PM
Originally Posted by pkz
Laura, please refrain from starting sentences using and or but!! It will not be looked favorable upon come exam time.
Please refrain from using adjectives in the place of adverbs. It makes you look ******ed in any context.

Also, I kind of worry when you say "When i moved back to sweden after high school both my written and spoken english was better than my swedish"

But we both know you were joking...
03-02-2011 , 09:27 PM
Oh, and I forgot the mandatory:

Do you coach?
03-02-2011 , 09:27 PM
Haha, lots of sleuthing in this thread. Let me put it all to rest. Here's the scoop:

José has asked me for a lot of advice about poker and life stuff over the last year. When his thread blew up in NVG, he wanted to write his story on 2p2, but he asked me if I could help him to write it since he was a big fan of my writing. I like the kid a lot so I told him I was fine with that: I told him to write up his story and I'd help him to edit it and make it sound good. And that's what I did. José is a really bright kid and he went to an international school. He speaks stellar English (you wouldn't know that he's Portuguese from speaking to him), but I did help him out with editing his blog post. He also asked me to set up a site for him to link to his blog because he had no idea how to do that. I told him it was no problem, it only cost $10 to set one up - hence, being registered in my name.

Anybody who thinks this is some kind of massive level... must think we have way too much free time on our hands, haha. José is real, and I have no doubt he's going to take the poker world by storm. He's an amazingly humble and genuine kid, and I wish all the best to him. So please put all of the armchair speculation to rest - he's the real deal.

(Btw, anybody who thinks he doesn't exist: I'm willing to take prop bets as to whether he exists or not. I will hereby take any action for any amount of money that he exists and is exactly who he says he is. So put your money where your mouth is, or leave your mouth at the door. )
03-02-2011 , 09:30 PM
I believe.

Looking forward to some Isildur vs Jose action in the near future.
03-02-2011 , 09:31 PM
Originally Posted by Foldemlow
Please refrain from using adjectives in the place of adverbs. It makes you look ******ed in any context.

Also, I kind of worry when you say "When i moved back to sweden after high school both my written and spoken english was better than my swedish"

But we both know you were joking...
Why would you be worried about that? I moved back over 10 years ago. Since then i have spoken a lot more swedish than english.

Obviously it was a spelling mistake and not an adjective/adverb situation.

Last edited by pkz; 03-02-2011 at 09:34 PM. Reason: mmm
03-02-2011 , 09:33 PM
what I should say is why does nobody want to play with haseeb HU?
03-02-2011 , 09:34 PM
play on stars/ftp and mayb ill read OP
03-02-2011 , 09:34 PM
Let me just tell you this, 2p2: if you are really serious about this story being a level because of his English skills, the true joke is on you.

It's one thing to argue that this is simply too good of a story to be true, but to go all "good English (not even that elaborate) = obvious fake" is really shallow, even for NVG.

Having said that, and since i am Portuguese and am not at all impressed by his writing (we grow up with English all around us, not a single TV show is voiced over, we start talking and learning English as soon as we even start to speak actually), i have some "homemade" questions for our homeboy, regarding Poker in Portugal:

- Why have you been completely non-existing in the Portuguese Poker Community? (account on Portuguese Live Circuit Tournaments?)
- Portugal actually has a relevant group of Poker Pros on Stars (H.Pinho, Joao Nunes, Nuno Coelho) and on FT(João Barbosa), and has been collecting some sweet results given our small country and community. Have you overlooked all of this?
- Come on now, don't be shy: speak some Portuguese, just for the sake of it

Skepticals will be skepticals, I'm just having fun with all of this. Would be sweet if all of this is true, though. The Facebook profiles are a very good sell.
03-02-2011 , 09:35 PM
Originally Posted by DOG IS HEAD
(Btw, anybody who thinks he doesn't exist: I'm willing to take prop bets as to whether he exists or not. I will hereby take any action for any amount of money that he exists and is exactly who he says he is. So put your money where your mouth is, or leave your mouth at the door. )
Ahhh, this thread just got even more interesting!

For me, the facebook pages clinched it. Pretty hard to fake those.
03-02-2011 , 09:37 PM
In before all the people who were spouting "obvious level is obvious" mysteriously stop posting.
03-02-2011 , 09:37 PM
Originally Posted by DOG IS HEAD
(Btw, anybody who thinks he doesn't exist: I'm willing to take prop bets as to whether he exists or not. I will hereby take any action for any amount of money that he exists and is exactly who he says he is. So put your money where your mouth is, or leave your mouth at the door. )
I think you'll find I called dibs on the betting
03-02-2011 , 09:39 PM
hey 2+2 guys got an announcement:

TRIPLE P is REAL, and hes MAD... you wouldn't like him when he's angry
03-02-2011 , 09:41 PM
you guys actually believe this? lol what a bunch of donks...........

I can sell you a house in hawaii 30k beach front property? just 5k downpayment transfer to

ibelieveanything on pokerstars
03-02-2011 , 09:41 PM
Dude writes his story, posting a screenshot of his lifetime stats. People then question its validity and begin to discuss how good someone's English could be from an IB. This is my last post on 2+2 - good story OP It's been fun.
03-02-2011 , 09:43 PM
Originally Posted by HocusPokus
It's impressive? That's laughable.

Two sentences into it, I said to myself, "His english is way too good". So has everyone else in here. If this was a decent level, we'd make it further than a sentence or two before we're all scratching our heads. Secondly, they were dumb enough to register the website under the name of the person who is most likely to have written this post/suspected of the level (Haseeb). People were saying it was him before we even saw the URL registrant name.

In addition, he signed up in December 2010, this post was made in January 2011, and this was made in late Feb/March. Also, in between December and now, if you read his thread history, he's only posted a handful of threads, all of which are at different limits... to make an obvious appearance that he's climbed as fast as his story claims.

Lastly, as someone else said, $400NL doesn't exist on Betfair. And I find it to be pretty convenient that he plays on Betfair (which, to my knowledge, isn't tracked by PTR... go figure.)

They haven't really made a convincing case in ANY part of this level.
Super obvious level is super obvious.
what he said
03-02-2011 , 09:45 PM
haha laughing so hard at the "nice read" guys ITT, kinda obv level imo? brool starry tho
03-02-2011 , 09:45 PM
DIH is not going to take the bad end of a prop bet after the 70 mile run bet. So confirmed Jose is legit.

If I was a real "Poker Prodigy" with super sick skills I would probably seek help/advice from someone just like Haseeb so it is believable. imo
03-02-2011 , 09:47 PM
Hopefully this thread can start to move away from all the calls of "fake" and "level" and on to some things that OP may care to respond to.

José, do you have any plans to play in any of the major Euro tournaments this year now that you are old enough to enter them?
03-02-2011 , 09:48 PM
next time don't write the op like it's a Victorian romance novel. FWIW, I wouldn't have credited it to any 18 year old.
