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Hoss_TBF: "All top players use game theory, distributions, bluff ratios etc" Hoss_TBF: "All top players use game theory, distributions, bluff ratios etc"

01-14-2013 , 12:56 PM
Originally Posted by idonot
guys you won't look intelligent talking about concepts you don't understand and who have nothing to do with game theory so please stop derailing the only intelligent thread in NVG
Mods: please move this thread to the Theory forum where it belongs.
Hoss_TBF: "All top players use game theory, distributions, bluff ratios etc" Quote
01-14-2013 , 01:04 PM
Originally Posted by AlanBostick
Mods: please move this thread to the Theory forum where it belongs.
I'd agree, but I think the thread has pretty much run its course.
Hoss_TBF: "All top players use game theory, distributions, bluff ratios etc" Quote
01-14-2013 , 05:51 PM
agree, seems dead content wise
Hoss_TBF: "All top players use game theory, distributions, bluff ratios etc" Quote
01-14-2013 , 06:08 PM
When shoving pot oop the player calling in position needs to call 33% of the time not 50%
Hoss_TBF: "All top players use game theory, distributions, bluff ratios etc" Quote
01-14-2013 , 09:45 PM
Your thinking about pot odds.

The calling 50% is to make villain indifferent to bluffing.
Hoss_TBF: "All top players use game theory, distributions, bluff ratios etc" Quote
01-19-2013 , 09:02 PM
Originally Posted by whatwonder
this might be a dumb question but:

Hypothetically, let's say we get to the river OOP vs. a GTO bot. The pot is 500bbs, and stacks are 2000bbs behind. Should the GTO's folding/calling/raising ranges change AT ALL when facing a 498bb bet vs. a 499bb bet? And if not, then isn't betting 498 with bluffs and 499 with value hands exploiting that strategy? (And if so, can someone please provide a specific example of how the GTO's range would change?)
I dunno about your particular example, but in some cases there will be plays that a GTO bot will never make. For example with 100000 BB stack sizes the bot won't ever open shove preflop. However, presumably it would still be programmed to encounter non-GTO strategies, in which case there may be thresholds over which strategies don't change according to bet sizes. A GTO strategy will be the same against a 100000 BB shove as it is to a 100001 BB shove preflop (it always folds anything but AA).
Hoss_TBF: "All top players use game theory, distributions, bluff ratios etc" Quote
01-21-2013 , 11:32 AM
What happened with the Durrrr bet ?
Hoss_TBF: "All top players use game theory, distributions, bluff ratios etc" Quote
01-21-2013 , 11:59 AM
Originally Posted by Extreme Ways
What happened with the Durrrr bet ?
He didn't
Hoss_TBF: "All top players use game theory, distributions, bluff ratios etc" Quote
01-21-2013 , 01:25 PM
Originally Posted by Daft as a brush
He didn't
He's lined it up for after the Jungleman match finishes.
Hoss_TBF: "All top players use game theory, distributions, bluff ratios etc" Quote
01-21-2013 , 01:30 PM
Originally Posted by Clever Nickname
The point of this completely ridiculous derail is that the outcome of one flip of a fair coin has no effect on any future flips. You don't need to have "infinite coinflips" or whatever nonsense for this to hold true.
hes just spouting a logical fallcy you can't run out of heads obviously just like you can't run out of words. I can say aquaman 1 trillion times and I'll never run out
Hoss_TBF: "All top players use game theory, distributions, bluff ratios etc" Quote
01-21-2013 , 02:46 PM
Originally Posted by BitchiBee
hes just spouting a logical fallcy you can't run out of heads obviously just like you can't run out of words. I can say aquaman 1 trillion times and I'll never run out
Start saying "aquaman" now. I bet any $ amount you will stop at some point.

There is a finite amount of times you can say "aquaman" and the probability of you not saying it tomorrow increases every day.
Hoss_TBF: "All top players use game theory, distributions, bluff ratios etc" Quote
01-21-2013 , 04:15 PM
Hoss_TBF: "All top players use game theory, distributions, bluff ratios etc" Quote
01-21-2013 , 06:23 PM
Originally Posted by BluffingX
Start saying "aquaman" now. I bet any $ amount you will stop at some point.

There is a finite amount of times you can say "aquaman" and the probability of you not saying it tomorrow increases every day.
I have a coin that I will flip exactly two times and then destroy. The first flip is heads. Is the next flip now more likely to be tails because this coin will never be flipped again?

The answer is no, because
that's ****ing stupid.
Hoss_TBF: "All top players use game theory, distributions, bluff ratios etc" Quote
01-21-2013 , 08:58 PM
If I flip a coin, many various factors affect the flip.
Is the coin heads or tails-up at the beginning? Air humidity, the exact height it reaches, how fast it spins in the air, the path through the air, the surface it lands on, etc.

If a coin is flipped exactly the same way every time, it seems very likely to repeat the same outcome.
So, to assume randomness in the outcome of a coin flip, we must first introduce randomness. WE have to change something about how it is flipped. The coin itself has no randomness.
Hoss_TBF: "All top players use game theory, distributions, bluff ratios etc" Quote
01-21-2013 , 09:15 PM
Originally Posted by joeschmoe
If I flip a coin, many various factors affect the flip.
Is the coin heads or tails-up at the beginning? Air humidity, the exact height it reaches, how fast it spins in the air, the path through the air, the surface it lands on, etc.

If a coin is flipped exactly the same way every time, it seems very likely to repeat the same outcome.
So, to assume randomness in the outcome of a coin flip, we must first introduce randomness. WE have to change something about how it is flipped. The coin itself has no randomness.
I think we're getting really sidetracked from game theory here. When people say "flip a fair coin" what they mean is that, given the imprecision with which a human flips a coin, coupled with variations in the environment, the coin has an equal chance of coming up heads or tails when flipped, regardless of whether heads or tails was facing up when it was flipped. Randomness is derived from the fact that humans are not perfectly tuned coin-flipping robots operating in controlled environments.
Hoss_TBF: "All top players use game theory, distributions, bluff ratios etc" Quote
01-21-2013 , 09:33 PM
When people say "flip a fair coin" what they mean is they assume some randomness is introduced into the flips.

Humans are imprecise. Imprecision can work both ways. There's a chance no randomness will be introduced, and the results of our flips are not as random as we believe.

An exact amount of randomness must be introduced into the coin flips to force the outcome to be 50/50. If we introduce less randomness by, for instance, accidentally repeating the environment of a previous flip, the outcome will not be random.

Question.. Is human influence a completely random thing?
Hoss_TBF: "All top players use game theory, distributions, bluff ratios etc" Quote
01-21-2013 , 10:23 PM
Originally Posted by joeschmoe
When people say "flip a fair coin" what they mean is they assume some randomness is introduced into the flips.

Humans are imprecise. Imprecision can work both ways. There's a chance no randomness will be introduced, and the results of our flips are not as random as we believe.

An exact amount of randomness must be introduced into the coin flips to force the outcome to be 50/50. If we introduce less randomness by, for instance, accidentally repeating the environment of a previous flip, the outcome will not be random.

Question.. Is human influence a completely random thing?
Before we go further down this line, I have to ask, does it have any bearing on game theory as it applies to poker? Because if not you probably want to repost your question into SMP.
Hoss_TBF: "All top players use game theory, distributions, bluff ratios etc" Quote
01-21-2013 , 10:44 PM
Frequentists in this thread. How big a derail would it be for a bunch of Bayesians to mock them?
Hoss_TBF: "All top players use game theory, distributions, bluff ratios etc" Quote
01-21-2013 , 11:01 PM
Hoss_TBF: "All top players use game theory, distributions, bluff ratios etc" Quote
01-21-2013 , 11:54 PM
I conclude that at some time in the life of the universe, there is a good chance the environment of at least one coin flip will be identical to a previous flip, an "extra" head or tail will turn up, and therefore the expected outcome of all coin flips is not necessarily 50/50.

We now return to the GTO strategy stuff..
Hoss_TBF: "All top players use game theory, distributions, bluff ratios etc" Quote
01-22-2013 , 04:16 AM
Hoss_TBF: "All top players use game theory, distributions, bluff ratios etc" Quote
01-22-2013 , 05:03 AM
Originally Posted by joeschmoe
I conclude that at some time in the life of the universe, there is a good chance the environment of at least one coin flip will be identical to a previous flip, an "extra" head or tail will turn up, and therefore the expected outcome of all coin flips is not necessarily 50/50.
This "duplicate" environment could be for either a head or a tail though, and so the expectation of heads or tails is still 50/50. This is a pointless tangent anyway, because if we're talking about a metaphorical coin as mathematicians do, then it's 50/50 by assumption, and if we're talking about a physical coin, no coin is always going to be exactly 50/50 simply due to quantum fluctuations in its atomic structure every so slightly changing the weight distribution.
Hoss_TBF: "All top players use game theory, distributions, bluff ratios etc" Quote
01-22-2013 , 05:39 AM
Hoss_TBF: "All top players use game theory, distributions, bluff ratios etc" Quote
01-22-2013 , 06:44 AM
Originally Posted by Clever Nickname
This "duplicate" environment could be for either a head or a tail though, and so the expectation of heads or tails is still 50/50. This is a pointless tangent anyway, because if we're talking about a metaphorical coin as mathematicians do, then it's 50/50 by assumption, and if we're talking about a physical coin, no coin is always going to be exactly 50/50 simply due to quantum fluctuations in its atomic structure every so slightly changing the weight distribution.
Lol this tilts me hard.

1. You could just say that the fact that there is a heads and a tails marked on a coin means it is asymetric and not 50 50.

2. A coin is a gigantic object so quantum fluctuations are never going to effect the outcome of a coin flip.

3. Even if it did, this would make the coin truly random and not just random b3cause we dont know enough about initial conditions.
Hoss_TBF: "All top players use game theory, distributions, bluff ratios etc" Quote
