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Gus Hansen Has lost m+ on FTP Gus Hansen Has lost m+ on FTP

08-12-2014 , 12:01 PM
Originally Posted by LektorAJ
He should try a Chris Ferguson challenge. See if he can build up 1 dollar into 10000 dollars.
I think he's doing the second part of the Ferguson Challenge:
1. Start with 20 million dollars.
2. Grind it down to 1 dollar.

I envisage a successful completion of this challenge in about 350 days.
Gus Hansen Has lost m+ on FTP Quote
08-12-2014 , 01:01 PM
Gus Hansen Has lost m+ on FTP Quote
08-12-2014 , 02:11 PM
Originally Posted by ArtySmokes
I think he's doing the second part of the Ferguson Challenge:
1. Start with 20 million dollars.
2. Grind it down to 1 dollar.

I envisage a successful completion of this challenge in about 350 days.
from hero to zero

Gus Hansen Has lost m+ on FTP Quote
08-12-2014 , 02:22 PM
Originally Posted by BetAgainst

Have you read "Every Hand Revealed"?

His thought process is great for tournaments where you have to get every chip in play over a couple hundred hands to win the trophy.

That's not cash...

Don't get me wrong... fanboy for Gus... but he's clearly outmatched in the games he's playing.

He should stick to tournaments or get some serious coaching.
No, I don't read poker books.

Obv he is outmatched in a world class arena, apparently you think that
micros = best in the world?

Also person saying gus couldnt beat micros....drumroll

Can't beat them himself
Gus Hansen Has lost m+ on FTP Quote
08-12-2014 , 10:05 PM
Originally Posted by ArtySmokes
I think he's doing the second part of the Ferguson Challenge:
1. Start with 20 million dollars.
2. Grind it down to 1 dollar.

I envisage a successful completion of this challenge in about 350 days.
Lol, the GH challenge has already been completed.
Gus Hansen Has lost m+ on FTP Quote
08-12-2014 , 11:01 PM
I loled
Gus Hansen Has lost m+ on FTP Quote
08-13-2014 , 10:43 AM
Originally Posted by 6471849653
U could do some math and see how nosebleed players have won or lost per 100 hands. I once guessed with not much info nor math that maybe the bedt win some 3.33 bigblinds and maybe gus loses that much, and if high limits give double that, he could break even there and the bestnb players make in theory 10 bb. Then there are the biggest fluctu of some 1m at 200 500, meaning 20 big stacks, and the best lifetime scores are 10 to 20 m maybe, thats like lifetime of 5 years maybe at 100d fluctu game w 1 to 2k wins, with 10 bbor whatever rake.
this post made my brain implode
Gus Hansen Has lost m+ on FTP Quote
08-13-2014 , 01:01 PM
He has a huge gambling problem and needs help. Check your ego and get some much needed coaching Gus if you want to hang with the best players.
Gus Hansen Has lost m+ on FTP Quote
08-13-2014 , 01:41 PM
"So I raise and of course I get callers because everyone thinks that Gus Hansen is insane and that the best hand he can ever have is jack four off suit... so anyways I ended up shipping it with the nine four off suit"
Gus Hansen Has lost m+ on FTP Quote
08-13-2014 , 02:06 PM
Originally Posted by Doge2016
No, I don't read poker books.

Obv he is outmatched in a world class arena, apparently you think that
micros = best in the world?

Also person saying gus couldnt beat micros....drumroll

Can't beat them himself
As much as I like to make fun of Gus Hansen for saying stupid things on more than just rare occasions, Every Hand Revealed is actually a pretty damn good read.
Gus Hansen Has lost m+ on FTP Quote
08-13-2014 , 02:17 PM
Originally Posted by elocutionist
I know from a reliable source that its not gus playing. He leases his acct out to some of the filthy rich who wish to stay annonymous. Then with his fish rep in tact, he crushes live games. Think about it. have u ever seen him play this bad on tv shows?
Reliable source = Girl Gus Hansen talked to at a bar once.
Gus Hansen Has lost m+ on FTP Quote
08-13-2014 , 02:34 PM
That article said that when BF hit he was on a 6mil upswing. Does this mean he has actually lost 22 mil or is he really "only" 10mil in the negative? If it is 10 mil in the negative I don't think that he is broke yet. He was founder of pokerchamps and that sold for 15mil I have to imagine he owned at least 51%. He had to of made a god chunk of change (8 figures) from FTP. Throw in his backgammon winnings said to be in the millions, and I don't think he is actually broke yet but he can't be very far away.
Gus Hansen Has lost m+ on FTP Quote
08-13-2014 , 03:13 PM
ahhhhh, nothing like a nice glass of NVG speculation
Gus Hansen Has lost m+ on FTP Quote
08-13-2014 , 07:59 PM
Originally Posted by timfbmx
He has a huge gambling problem and needs help.
Thats not true at all. He has a huge ego, and is super competitive.

All I can say is, losing $16m in poker is one of the sickest brags ever.
Gus Hansen Has lost m+ on FTP Quote
08-13-2014 , 10:21 PM
^ it's actually closer to $19 million now if you look at his highstakesdb graph.
Gus Hansen Has lost m+ on FTP Quote
08-14-2014 , 09:11 AM
Does this lost $$$ include all the freeroll money FTP gave him to blow pre-BF?
Gus Hansen Has lost m+ on FTP Quote
08-14-2014 , 10:27 AM
Originally Posted by downunder66
Does this lost $$$ include all the freeroll money FTP gave him to blow pre-BF?
he was up 6 mil pre BF, i am wondering also if that means he has actually lost 22 mil u what the deal with that is.
Gus Hansen Has lost m+ on FTP Quote
08-14-2014 , 12:38 PM
InB4 Negreanu sees Gus passed out on a park bench, puts $10 in his pocket and writes a self-congratulatory blog about it.
Gus Hansen Has lost m+ on FTP Quote
08-14-2014 , 12:52 PM
If any if these pre-BF guys still played they be in same boat.

Phil gordon, howard, matusow etc. but they don't play cause it was all a front phil gordon doesn't give a **** about poker.
Gus Hansen Has lost m+ on FTP Quote
08-18-2014 , 03:43 AM
Originally Posted by SuperSwag
If any if these pre-BF guys still played they be in same boat.

Phil gordon, howard, matusow etc. but they don't play cause it was all a front phil gordon doesn't give a **** about poker.
Matusow is still regularly sitting at the tables with his net worth in front of him.

Howard Lederer would probably still nit it up in live games, but the $EV of playing one hand an hour is probably not worth the lifeEV of risking getting stabbed in the parking lot or followed home from the valet by someone who lost their livelihood when FTP got shut down.
Gus Hansen Has lost m+ on FTP Quote
08-22-2014 , 08:03 AM
Hansen down ~$900k in the past 24 hours according to HighStakesDB.

All time online losses now at ~$19.5m.

Where does he get the money from?
Gus Hansen Has lost m+ on FTP Quote
08-22-2014 , 12:19 PM
He is up 21 million on untracked euro sites
Gus Hansen Has lost m+ on FTP Quote
08-22-2014 , 12:20 PM
Originally Posted by Tamaman514
He is up 21 million on untracked euro sites
but if it's untracked, how do you know--ohhhhhhhhhhhh
Gus Hansen Has lost m+ on FTP Quote
08-22-2014 , 12:36 PM
Originally Posted by Broken Sunglasses
Hansen down ~$900k in the past 24 hours according to HighStakesDB.

All time online losses now at ~$19.5m.

Where does he get the money from?
Gus Hansen Has lost m+ on FTP Quote
08-23-2014 , 11:41 PM

FTP not doing any milestone promos?
Gus Hansen Has lost m+ on FTP Quote
