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GG Poker confiscated 180k from Highstakesplayer GG Poker confiscated 180k from Highstakesplayer

08-12-2020 , 03:39 AM
After the first few sessions, with no warning, Natural8 told me to take my money and not play on their network anymore.
i mean 130k is enough money to fabricate stories, but imagine someone in the german hs poker community unable to check which skins belong to the network. and friends like Sontheimer can't tell him either.
08-12-2020 , 03:49 AM
Fedor "can assure us" it's ok guys. No conflict of interest. Trust him.
08-12-2020 , 03:55 AM
Originally Posted by happy to be hear
1 - yes
2- no

Much of the information was different? Lol, his address changed. His email was either slightly different, or the same (his name was in both email addresses)
Give me a break

To answer the last post, n8 was amazingly vague with all account closures, it's a theme w GG. They basically never explicitly tell anyone exactly why they are banned, from what I've heard.
Tangent re: bumhunters, tldr at bottom

Being a bumhunter is the smartest thing to do in poker, you will win the most money the quickest. How is that a bad thing? That's the ****ing goal, right? The movie Rounders summed it up, suckers join the table, pros dont go after the pros, they eat the fish. Now, clearly, a site can chose to not allow bumhunters, that's totally fine to do that. They will ban you, good. But to say get these bum hunters outta here always struck me as weird, like what's the point of poker?

In mtts do the pros enter all the tourneys? No they game select. They are hunting to find the easiest tourneys, the highest roi's. Do fish game select tourneys? No, they enter whatever they want. Pros win, fish lose. Is that predatory behavior.

God forbid a poker player devotes his life to getting skilled at pokers and deciding he wants to play the players with the least amount of skill.

Excuse my tangent.

Tldr :bumhunting is smartest use of time for a poker player, unless its illegal.
Your making leaps of logic and assumptions unsupported by any evidence in your outrage. We only know OP's half of the story and everything we know is skewed towards his bias.

1. You don't know what information was different.
2. Even though its absurd that OP didn't realize this was the same network you take it at face value that the differences were insignificant. I have news for you, OP sweety pie has 130k reasons to misrepresent his side.
3. Being a bumhunter might be the highest short term EV, but you are correct the site can ban you for it. And they did. He was warned as well as it being in the terms of service. So get over it.
08-12-2020 , 04:02 AM
Damn, how much money Fedor burned in his failed spiritual non sense businesses that he has to humiliate himself like this?

What is even up for debate here? This has been happening for years, even if it was a first time they pull something like this it’s beyond scummy. There is no scenario where the site gets to keep confiscated funds won in poker. Period.

Ffs they have listed “miscellaneous” as one of the reasons you can get banned and have your bankroll seized.
08-12-2020 , 04:18 AM
GG let OP play for 1-2 years, OP got freerolled hard, it's GG's fault that their security failed to tag him. Give him the full balance back and improve security for the future.
08-12-2020 , 04:18 AM
Even if you're not in the UK I think you should report this to the UK regulator. These cases could be taken into consideration in future matters. I would be surprised if they keep their UK license very long with this going on.

PokerStars, and Rob Wrong are loving this by the way.
08-12-2020 , 04:23 AM
There is one positive take on all this, poker will always be profitable! In a day and age where whe have self driving Teslas, people still believe cross referencing banned players with players who deposit $50k is impossible. Unreal
08-12-2020 , 04:35 AM
Originally Posted by GreatBigRedOne
Your making leaps of logic and assumptions unsupported by any evidence in your outrage. We only know OP's half of the story and everything we know is skewed towards his bias.

1. You don't know what information was different.
I was just saying what op said, sorry if you thing that I'm leaping to an unknown piece of evidence. Same name, same picture, same or very close email, different physical address. This is per OP's recent post. I believe him

OP claims he did not know that n8 and GG are the same, I believe him.

OP didnt hide his information given to GG, because he thought he was eligible to play there. I believe him. This was GG's time to step in and say that you can not play here.

You are correct, I cant know any of this. I am only getting one side of the argument, point taken, and that's very important piece, to say the least.

What I do know is that GG as a network has a substantial history of pulling this **** over and over. Therefore their side of the story loses believability. I could be wrong about everything I wrote, I choose to believe him though, and therefore I think he was cheated out of 130k.

My solution to this spot is return all his deposits, distribute all his profit, if there is any, to the effected players.

You cant free roll a player. 130k score by GG, well played, isn't that another healthy score!

You should not have a history of banning players and keeping the money for yourselves, GG does.

I'm "mad" bc this is not fair and the perpetrators are getting away with it, again. Well over 7 figures have been taken into GG's pockets by now, undoubtedly. They have the highest rake in online poker and then pad their pockets with sometimes bogus account closures. It's so greedy. Of course they get it right sometimes, but not always. We, as a community, need to hold them responsible.

Last edited by happy to be hear; 08-12-2020 at 04:41 AM.
08-12-2020 , 04:44 AM
It's well known gg have been banning some winning players for years. They have many broad rules and not very specific for a reason, so they can manipulate as they see fit. If you are more well known and have a certain affiliate probably have more leeway to get away etc. I do believe OP did nothing that merited being banned in the first place but I have more doubts he didn't remembered it was part of the same original network. Games were growing on gg and couldn't resist to play there.

As for the limit of stars deposits vs gg, that's one of the reasons hs cash is growing on the gg network. That and they operating in some markets with easy accessability to deposits and cashouts without some limits that I imagine stars and party have to be more careful because of regulations.
08-12-2020 , 05:25 AM
I can definitely see the GG argument here and why they would want to take his $$$. Pretty cold to do that though as the likelyhood GG knew it was the same person and when he deposited $50k but there could be some chance because he never cashed out that they never cross-referenced it. Then when he cashes out they say - we found you, you are banned. That is one sick business model where you can take someones money that they earned playing the game of poker on your site because of whatever reasons you say. I know I wouldn't do that if I was my poker site. If a guy is around playing and losing $$$$ and then finally wins and we didn't catch him - I'm paying the guy out and telling him to **** off. Or maybe I'm working out something with the guy because he has changed the play style behavior.

Do we want to live in a poker world where the poker sites can take $180k from you for a reason like this? I think this is a pretty severe punishment. Although going around the sites rule should carry some type of punishment right?? Otherwise people have no reason not to do it. I'm not sure what that punishment might be in this instance but auto keeping 100% profit doesn't seem like the move.

I'm not sure what they expect to do outside paying the guy back at this point. This won't go away until they do. People will start to get angry at everyone involved with the company, including the WSOP at this point. They are ruining Fedor's good name in the community in very short time by sending him out there to address this publically.
08-12-2020 , 05:30 AM
There is a zero % chance that if gg would be properly regulated by some mandatories laws, that this behavior would be legal.

There is no doubt that this is a reoccurring scamming behavior. I mean how many threads with similar cases are here on 2+2 alone? I remember at least 6-7 just right now. But there are cases that never go public, like venividi also getting banned

Gg is a scamming website, it's as simple as that. I personally never started playing seriously there, knowing of allllll the winning players getting banned for no reason.

I am actually glad about Fedors tweet, because it finally shows his real shady character. I don't see any reason why dudd should lie about the account details.

So Fedor claiming that he used different details to prevent getting banned is so stupid.

I mean if he literally used the same ID for registering/verifying gg must have known its him
08-12-2020 , 05:36 AM
I am actually glad about Fedors tweet, because it finally shows his real shady character. I don't see any reason why dudd should lie about the account details.

So Fedor claiming that he used different details to prevent getting banned is so stupid.
Basically there were no victims - at least nobody likely feels owed by OP. Can infer they don't care much if OP also keeps his balance as long as they have poker to play?

Fedor uses catch phrases like "grow a healthy eco system" and other terms to serve as an outlet for washing over the real problems. Not the worst example, but there is a pattern in his dialogue of taking a complex thing and reducing it to a word - then tossing the word around definitively.

Last edited by Tuma; 08-12-2020 at 05:45 AM. Reason: was a struggle
08-12-2020 , 05:47 AM
There should be a blanket rule in the industry that ensures gaming companies have to use the same security protocols when allowing deposits as they do when allowing withdrawals. Either players are verified to play to on a site, or they are not. If this was the case none of this would have happened to OP.

^ Also I agree with Joey above, GG are really making Fedor earn his money here. His name i suspect will already be mud amongst a lot of the community. Could they not at least give him a list of players who have been refunded with the seized funds? If Fedor could say "look, we gave 10k to player a, 15k to player b, etc etc, this would be much less of an issue. In amongst a fairly widespread regime to suspending player accounts and balances witnessed on this site, where are all the players receiving these refunds? Apart from the guy a few posts up who said he might of been given 2k a few weeks ago.

Somethings off for me and I'm about to withdraw every penny I have on there.
08-12-2020 , 05:54 AM
Joey, just try opening a new account on 2+2 or some other site with email you already used, you will always get “account already exists” or something similar. That feature is as old as internet. There is 0% chance GG did everything in their power(like Fedor claims) to prevent banned players from opening new accounts, they are just setting them up for a freeroll. From an outside perspective, I don’t care if OP is Chino Rheem himself, it’s 100% sites responsibility to protect existing players pool from banned players trying to sneak back in.
08-12-2020 , 06:00 AM
Originally Posted by GreatBigRedOne
Your making leaps of logic and assumptions unsupported by any evidence in your outrage. We only know OP's half of the story and everything we know is skewed towards his bias.

1. You don't know what information was different.

2. Even though its absurd that OP didn't realize this was the same network you take it at face value that the differences were insignificant. I have news for you, OP sweety pie has 130k reasons to misrepresent his side.

3. Being a bumhunter might be the highest short term EV, but you are correct the site can ban you for it. And they did. He was warned as well as it being in the terms of service. So get over it.

This. So many sycophants on this site it’s ridiculous. Yes there’s the issue of how the confiscated money is distributed/dealt with but that’s not been established

Still SO SHOCKED at all the GG “shills”? Here’s what you are missing

-OP wrote a long piece flat out LYING to this community. Seemingly in cahoots with other HS German pros . This speaks to their level of respect for poker players (let’s just spin these fish a story bro , they will swallow it easily just like how we stack them)

-LYING about the details also casts huge doubt over the rest of the story. What if his original ban included card sharing /double teaming marks? Or banned software?

Let’s hear GGs side of the story, I’ve got a feeling OP is not so Snow White
08-12-2020 , 06:05 AM
Originally Posted by bumpnrun
-LYING about the details also casts huge doubt over the rest of the story. What if his original ban included card sharing /double teaming marks? Or banned software?

Let’s hear GGs side of the story, I’ve got a feeling OP is not so Snow White
Wait a second, this will make GG look good? Hypothetically, OP was cheating heavily back in 2016(card sharing/teaming), he tried to get back in years later with same name and they let him in? Are you out of your mind? That makes them look even worse, they let a “known cheater” get back in the game so he can win money they will eventually confiscate?
08-12-2020 , 06:08 AM
Originally Posted by bumpnrun
This. So many sycophants on this site it’s ridiculous. Yes there’s the issue of how the confiscated money is distributed/dealt with but that’s not been established
bro , they will swallow it easily just like how we stack them)

-LYING about the details also casts huge doubt over the rest of the story. What if his original ban included card sharing /double teaming marks? Or banned software?
a) OP is a known HS reg for a very long time, impossible to survive without detection if you are doing this.

b) Any site with any semblance of game integrity team will literally insta detect the things you mentioned. This is a fact, and people do a huge disservice to poker by implying that cardsharing/ collusion is occurring on major sites. It's just not, it's too easy to detect with automated security software, and when you have 100% chance of getting caught and balance taken, no reg is stupid enough to do it in the first place
08-12-2020 , 06:16 AM
Automated security software? Slow down bro, that is too advanced. Some people in this thread still believe GG didn’t have resources to track banned players. Guess they imagine GG needs to hire manual labor to walk around with “wanted” posters like in western movies.
08-12-2020 , 08:21 AM
first i would like to state that i have known duddi for several years (5-6 to be exact), and apparently the nationality of duddis friends and acquaintances is very important to some posters(trolls?), let me assure you im not german.
with all my dealings with him he has shown reliable and honest character, i have trusted him with large sums of money in the past and would repeat this again in the future. i put my money where my mouth is.

second after this introduction i might be suspect in not being able to view this matter in an objective way, but i have nothing to gain from picking sides here, and when i see fraud i think not commenting about it makes me complicit.

when i first heard of this story i think i was more enraged about this than duddi. to me there is no other way to view it other than clear and outright theft by a large corporation. they have the protection of an array of lawyers to draft and enforce a predatory ToS with various loopholes to get an advantage over players. accepting a deposit of 50k without any due diligence has to be criminal. my bank ,which ive been a client of for 20 years, takes record of every deposit over 10k and reports to the government, surely a site with a reasonable security team should be able to verify the identity of a person giving them 50k. not only that, this site had the opportunity to do so for 3 times! but very conveniently for them they found out about the identity of the owner only where there were 180k to be stolen.
08-12-2020 , 08:24 AM
Online poker is *** now
08-12-2020 , 08:26 AM
Originally Posted by ProffesionalMalaka
Joey, just try opening a new account on 2+2 or some other site with email you already used, you will always get “account already exists” or something similar. That feature is as old as internet. There is 0% chance GG did everything in their power(like Fedor claims) to prevent banned players from opening new accounts, they are just setting them up for a freeroll. From an outside perspective, I don’t care if OP is Chino Rheem himself, it’s 100% sites responsibility to protect existing players pool from banned players trying to sneak back in.
have to agree here with this statement
08-12-2020 , 08:28 AM
Fedora is becoming more like Dnegs now defending sites n not player. Shame on him
08-12-2020 , 08:28 AM
Also something that's been said here, but is actually important to know for OP and other players, which is tough maybe to take in, but if you play in such shady sites, mostly because the action is good, you need to figure in somesort of % you will get screwed over.
Is it other players colluding or cheating or it's the room itself "going" bust or scamming some other way. GG poker is not a properly licensed site and they have not cared for players for years, this is all shown online multiple times.
There's vast amount of examples of these cases, in GG and in other poker rooms and networks. If there's no government guarantee don't take **** for granted.
08-12-2020 , 08:34 AM
GG is regulated in the UK. That means they have a KYC department. This isn't a maybe, they have to legally. This 50000 dollar deposit not being picked up because a few details were different is just nonsense, unless OP was using fraudulent documents. There should be little doubt about GG knowing who OP was and the debate should move past that.
08-12-2020 , 08:40 AM
Originally Posted by JohnCleese
GG is regulated in the UK. That means they have a KYC department. This isn't a maybe, they have to legally. This 50000 dollar deposit not being picked up because a few details were different is just nonsense, unless OP was using fraudulent documents. There should be little doubt about GG knowing who OP was and the debate should move past that.
