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Garrett Adelstein Report on Likely Cheating on Hustler Casino Live Garrett Adelstein Report on Likely Cheating on Hustler Casino Live

11-30-2022 , 06:26 AM
Originally Posted by dude45
Actually if those coolers always favored certain people it kinda would be. Is DGAF always on the good side of coolers? It would be pretty damning evidence if he is.
We should know kind of soon. He's 1.4bb/hand, so it's likely.
11-30-2022 , 06:40 AM
Originally Posted by emitnulB
There's dealers that are palming cards in order to get the shuffler to abort and then they set the decks for coolers. If you think that's unlikely that's kind of on you. It's literally free cash. Motive is so obv that you sound ******ed if you think it's implausible. They can legit deploy their palmed card on the river in order to ensure the pot goes to someone in the ring too. This **** has been going on since before you started playing.
Well thanks for explaining it. Now I'm ready to see it proven since you guys sound like you have everything.

and it is unlikely. People would've noticed long before now especially with how deep people (including yourself) have been looking into Hustler hands.

Also not sure why you'd say I sound "******ed" if I think it's implausible. You're a self described "conspiracy theorist". This is just another one on top of the ones you've put itt and the theories we talked about privately.

I'd bet you have a big nothing burger.
11-30-2022 , 06:54 AM
Originally Posted by NJPW
Well thanks for explaining it. Now I'm ready to see it proven since you guys sound like you have everything.

and it is unlikely. People would've noticed long before now especially with how deep people (including yourself) have been looking into Hustler hands.

Also not sure why you'd say I sound "******ed" if I think it's implausible. You're a self described "conspiracy theorist". This is just another one on top of the ones you've put itt and the theories we talked about privately.

I'd bet you have a big nothing burger.
Why do you think nobody noticed? Polk has made a bunch of videos from LATB that are trolling them for what they were doing, and it's crazy obvious in a lot of the spots that people are cheating. When they get caught, everyone acts like Eskoborr and pretends that cheating is impossible because sample size, but these ******s have been going for like 4 years now on stream, so once we scrape their streams, there's no sample size defense any more. They're setting the decks.
11-30-2022 , 07:08 AM
I didn't see Eskaborr dismiss it completely let alone call it "impossible". I didn't dismiss it either. I haven't seen these Doug vids you speak of. Which videos from Doug has he trolled LATB for cheating? and what are the timestamps?

Unless you can prove they're "setting the decks", it's as useless as saying Robbi's looking into the poker room for signals.

Why do you think nobody noticed?
Obviously somebody would say something or at least raise a suspicion about it.

Lastly, nobody has been "caught cheating". You're making baseless accusations atm because of winrates over tiny samples in soft deep stacked games.
11-30-2022 , 08:45 AM
The irony of calling people shills whilst driving this thread so far off topic.

Remember this is about Robbi and the J4 hand.

Start a new thread if you are going to post a load of nonsense about every winner at hustler being a cheat.
11-30-2022 , 10:24 AM
What are peoples thoughts on nik airball..?

If you follow the paper trail robbi and rip were funded by Nik airball.

Of course vertucci dropped the ball on his pod, as the one pertinent question besides how did you make your money is why did you fund rip and robbi? What was your goal?

So do we believe nik airball is an investment banker who at 26 crushes so hard he can just lend poker players 175k?
11-30-2022 , 10:29 AM
Originally Posted by emitnulB
There's dealers that are palming cards in order to get the shuffler to abort and then they set the decks for coolers.
I posted the following to your cohort Koshko and his response was silence. Maybe you would care to respond? Forget about all your hand analyses, conspiracy theorizing and rampant speculation, and address basic plausibility.
Originally Posted by KenoMagic
So let me see if I have this straight ...
You are alleging that El Dorado LF LLC (dba Hustler Casino), a $120M+ business (regulated by the California Gambling Commission), its Chairman, Board and Corporate Executives, its General Manager and Casino Operations team (Floor Persons and Dealers) are effectively complicit partners in a conspiracy with HCL Productions (Ryan, Nick, et al) to frequently and predictably assist one group of players in cheating another group of players during numerous episodes of a near real time video stream?
... All the hand analysis and speculation in the world isn't likely to clear this basic plausibility hurdle.
Originally Posted by emitnulB
Motive is so obv that you sound ******ed if you think it's implausible.
Okay Captain Obvious, what specifically is the motive? Or more accurately, what are the motives? Dealers. Production company. Casino. What motivates them to cheat?
- Dealers are licensed by the state and are apparently compensated extremely well. What would motivate them to jeopardize their livelihoods, their licenses to work and their freedom?
- HCL Productions almost assuredly has a contract with Hustler Casino, which includes T's & C's such as compensation, who is paying whom and for what services. There is also the likely YouTube monetization. What would motivate them to jeopardize these income streams, the livelihoods of their employees and contractors and possibly their freedom?
- For these live streams, Hustler Casino collects seat rent from each player, a fixed fee per player per unit time. It doesn't matter to the casino which player wins and which player loses. They collect the same rent from winners and losers alike. These seats are apparently in high demand with waiting lists. What would motivate Hustler Casino to risk this steady predictable cash flow, the jobs and licenses of their 100's of employees, the reputations and possibly freedom of its Executive and Management teams, and its state license to operate a multi-million dollar cash cow gaming establishment?

Do I think it's implausible? F***kin'-A right it's implausible. Not only do your allegations fail the smell test, the stink is overwhelming. The burden of plausibility isn't on me or others of like mind. It's on you and your gaggle of tin foil hat conspiracy theorists.
11-30-2022 , 10:30 AM
Originally Posted by KenoMagic
SF & EB, too funny, LMAO at your exposure of the thinnest of thin-skinned user accounts.
When I was originally posting on 2+2 18yr ago, some posters in this thread may have been in elementary or high school and possibly just haven't evolved.
The KenoMagic account may have been created a mere six weeks ago, everybody, but the magician behind the KenoMagic account began posting here 18 years ago, when the immature, under-evolved members of today were still in elementary school. The magician may present as the thread buffoon but he’s actually very wise. (He also finds just about everything Eskaborr posts to be LMFAO! LMAO! LOL! hilarious.)
11-30-2022 , 10:49 AM
Originally Posted by PokerEthics
So do we believe nik airball is an investment banker who at 26 crushes so hard he can just lend poker players 175k?
Do you actually listen to the livestream commentary at all? It has been stated numerous times that he is part of a group that is the largest owner of franchises in the Zaxby's Restaurant chain, which has 900+ locations across America. Is this factually correct? Who knows. It would help to explain why he can afford to play in these high level cash games and possibly stake other players. Total speculation on my part, but I think he comes from money, is a pretty sharp and savvy kid, and has done very well with whatever money he started with.
11-30-2022 , 10:54 AM
Originally Posted by KenoMagic
Do you actually listen to the livestream commentary at all? It has been stated numerous times that he is part of a group that is the largest owner of franchises in the Zaxby's Restaurant chain, which has 900+ locations across America. Is this factually correct? Who knows. It would help to explain why he can afford to play in these high level cash games and possibly stake other players. Total speculation on my part, but I think he comes from money, is a pretty sharp and savvy kid, and has done very well with whatever money he started with.
Did you even listen bro?

He clearly says he was “Just Kidding” about coming from money he’s all self made from investment banking.

He even lent his dad “10k to play”…

But ya I agree, my point is 95% chance he came from money. Especially when you consider he studied in china… that’s a power rich kids move to send your kids off to learn mandarin.

He’s a smart dude but that still doesn’t explain why he would just hand out 175k to rip and robbi and other players just to get into the game.

So he’s so rich he’s a charity fund?
11-30-2022 , 11:16 AM
Originally Posted by BringBackMo
The KenoMagic account may have been created a mere six weeks ago, everybody, but the magician behind the KenoMagic account began posting here 18 years ago, when the immature, under-evolved members of today were still in elementary school. The magician may present as the thread buffoon but he’s actually very wise. (He also finds just about everything Eskaborr posts to be LMFAO! LMAO! LOL! hilarious.)
11-30-2022 , 11:33 AM
Keno has yet to grasp that money is the motive and Hustler Casino has very little to do with HCL productions. It’s not the casino who’s cheating in the poker game you old fart. Add to the fact the California gaming commission is soft compared to other states = perfect recipe.
11-30-2022 , 12:10 PM
Sounds like some of the guilters here are morally reprehensible people and would themselves do anything for money. So much so they can't seem to understand why someone wouldn't want to risk their career in order to make a few extra bucks.
11-30-2022 , 12:26 PM
Originally Posted by KenoMagic
So let me see if I have this straight ...
You are alleging that El Dorado LF LLC (dba Hustler Casino), a $120M+ business (regulated by the California Gambling Commission), its Chairman, Board and Corporate Executives, its General Manager and Casino Operations team (Floor Persons and Dealers) are effectively complicit partners in a conspiracy with HCL Productions (Ryan, Nick, et al) to frequently and predictably assist one group of players in cheating another group of players during numerous episodes of a near real time video stream?
... All the hand analysis and speculation in the world isn't likely to clear this basic plausibility hurdle.
That argument was repeatedly made when it was first suggested that there were one or more superusers on Absolute. And look how that played out ...

Hurdle cleared by reckless greed.
11-30-2022 , 01:15 PM
Originally Posted by RussellinToronto
That argument was repeatedly made when it was first suggested that there were one or more superusers on Absolute. And look how that played out ...

Hurdle cleared by reckless greed.
Likely by the very same shills. It is amazing what one, two or three clowns can do to a forum.
11-30-2022 , 01:18 PM
Originally Posted by SetTheLine
... money is the motive and Hustler Casino has very little to do with HCL productions. ItÂ’s not the casino whoÂ’s cheating in the poker game ...
Gotta be the goofiest retort in this entire thread. If you and the other tin-foilers are alleging the games are crooked and cheating is rampant, then you are accusing Hustler Casino of keeping a crooked house and running dirty games.

For chrissakes, the casino is directly responsible for every aspect of the game. Their house. Their gaming license. Their tables. Their dealers. Their cards. Their seat rent revenue. Their bankroll. Their chip runners. Their chips. Their CTRs with the IRS. The casino's core motives are to protect their license and keep the revenue stream flowing. Running a crooked house and dirty games are antithetical to their core motives.
11-30-2022 , 01:24 PM
Originally Posted by RussellinToronto
Hurdle cleared by reckless greed.
You tin-foilers gotta get your stories straight. Some of you think the casino has zero involvement. Some of you think the casino is integrally involved.
11-30-2022 , 01:25 PM
Originally Posted by KenoMagic
Gotta be the goofiest retort in this entire thread.
C'mon now; you might not be the most honest account here, but seriously, bro?

Originally Posted by KenoMagic
If you and the other tin-foilers are alleging the games are crooked and cheating is rampant, then you are accusing Hustler Casino of keeping a crooked house and running dirty games.

For chrissakes, the casino is directly responsible for every aspect of the game. Their house. Their gaming license. Their tables. Their dealers. Their cards. Their seat rent revenue. Their bankroll. Their chip runners. Their chips. Their CTRs with the IRS. The casino's core motives are to protect their license and keep the revenue stream flowing. Running a crooked house and dirty games are antithetical to their core motives.
Oh my... you're getting it now?
11-30-2022 , 01:28 PM
Originally Posted by JackHi
It is amazing what one, two or three clowns can do to a forum.

Originally Posted by JackHi
Isn't a shill actually outing himself on an internet forum more interested than this so-far limited data?
Originally Posted by JackHi
Yes, I noticed.

I think he snapped a few days ago when he realized what he had done. But he kinda got it back together by burying all the posts that incriminated him. I guess it soothes him somewhat. And now this whole debacle. Just look at the state of him. All whiny and **** now?

Ah... whatever, but free entertainment at its internet best.
Originally Posted by JackHi
Originally Posted by JackHi
I can't figure out if the thread is more awkward now or even more amusing with this clown still going like nothing ever happened.

This is how I pictured him when he first exposed himself...

Now, he gets his personal groundhog day...

Originally Posted by JackHi
The shill guy that exposed his own self? That's pretending to make never-to-be-verified bets on an internet forum? I mean, does it get more disingenuous?

Hmmmmmm... betya a bitcoin I never posted on this forum prior to this account. /endsarc, but never have, brah.

While I'm here...

Nothing to see here.
Originally Posted by JackHi
LOL... thanks... enjoy...

Originally Posted by JackHi
Originally Posted by JackHi
Originally Posted by JackHi
Originally Posted by JackHi
Originally Posted by JackHi
Originally Posted by JackHi
Your Doc gotchu on this yet?

And if you had any self awareness you would not still be trolling here. Everyone now is literally just pointing and laughing.
Originally Posted by JackHi
Still posting? How odd!
Originally Posted by JackHi
Originally Posted by JackHi
Originally Posted by JackHi
Originally Posted by JackHi
Should we wait for this?

Originally Posted by JackHi
Originally Posted by JackHi

Shills outing themselves, now. Finally something new!
Originally Posted by JackHi
Define awkward...

So glad I stuck this thing out.
11-30-2022 , 01:45 PM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
Just trying to add a little levity to an otherwise rather circular, and somewhat dark situation. If you don't see the PR campaign in action, you'll figure it out when the truth comes out. And you'll say to yourself as you remeber this post... that fool was actually on it from the start!
11-30-2022 , 01:59 PM
Originally Posted by JackHi
Just trying to add a little levity to an otherwise rather circular, and somewhat dark situation. If you don't see the PR campaign in action, you'll figure it out when the truth comes out. And you'll say to yourself as you remeber this post... that fool was actually on it from the start!
So you created an account in November for this thread and all of your posts are related to this case. Plus you keep posting dumb images that just clog up the thread (a tactic that has been blamed on shills in the past). So it's funny you are calling other people shills.

Honest question, why did you sign up on 2+2 and do you have any other accounts?
11-30-2022 , 02:47 PM
Originally Posted by JackHi
Just trying to add a little levity to an otherwise rather circular, and somewhat dark situation. If you don't see the PR campaign in action, you'll figure it out when the truth comes out. And you'll say to yourself as you remeber this post... that fool was actually on it from the start!
All you are doing is clogging this thread up.

The memes you have been posting are some of the most uncreative and unfunny I have seen on the internet.
11-30-2022 , 03:16 PM
Originally Posted by Noobtard
All you are doing is clogging this thread up.

The memes you have been posting are some of the most uncreative and unfunny I have seen on the internet.
Mostly true although I did enjoy the Sloth one
11-30-2022 , 04:34 PM
Originally Posted by NJPW
Obviously somebody would say something or at least raise a suspicion about it.
Garrett has been defending himself from cheating allegations for years on this forum lol. Like, I get that nothing like the J4 hand has brought it mainstream, but if you aren't a disingenuous actor, it's pretty easy to search around and find examples of people calling this scam out in various ways throughout the years.

The most upvoted comments on this video from 3 years ago are things like:

"If someone folded this online, the hand history would stand up in court as evidence of cheating"


"Postle would've folded the turn"

Just because you didn't notice this type of **** at the time doesn't mean nobody else did. We're just at a point now where we can collect all the data and show the extent of it.
11-30-2022 , 05:16 PM
Originally Posted by emitnulB
Garrett has been defending himself from cheating allegations for years on this forum lol.

The most upvoted comments on this video from 3 years ago are things like:

"If someone folded this online, the hand history would stand up in court as evidence of cheating"
So this seems like another time where you don't have evidence to back up your claim because this is what you said:

Polk has made a bunch of videos from LATB that are trolling them for what they were doing, and it's crazy obvious in a lot of the spots that people are cheating
I asked for videos where Doug was trolling LATB for cheating. You gave me a Youtube comment section and upvotes. It shouldn't be hard to pull up evidence you gathered especially if there's "a bunch of videos".

Not only that, your comment is a straight up lie because I assume you know how sarcasm works and the top upvoted comments aren't about cheating. One person mentioned cheating in a serious manner in the first 20 comments because the two comments about Postle are obvious jokes and not accusations of cheating.

"Postle would've folded the turn"
