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Garrett Adelstein Report on Likely Cheating on Hustler Casino Live Garrett Adelstein Report on Likely Cheating on Hustler Casino Live

11-27-2022 , 11:44 PM
11-27-2022 , 11:45 PM
Originally Posted by Eskaborr
Funny you say that, that idiot announced to the public I was involved in a cheating ring when I wasn't then apologized to me for it. Sorry I won't be accepting his involvement as evidence of legitimacy.
Haha the FBI is all over this like a red rag to a bull.

Or like eskabor to a shilling campaign.

But yeah what you’re saying about me shutting up at some point/ being killed. I will be releasing a video in the event of death, it will be a compilation of all of “godsfavhumans” theories on why Kanye west and the Jews are behind this all.
11-27-2022 , 11:46 PM
Originally Posted by Koshko
The only person you should be afraid of is godsonlyhuman, you just can’t not be afraid.
Wasn’t it GodsFavHuman? He’s so important you don’t even know his name!
11-27-2022 , 11:48 PM
@max @bobofett LOL
I'm only seeing this because I was PMed - I gave up reading anything about this topic weeks ago, and am surprised it's still going so strong with little to no new content (at least going from the last 30-40 posts I read). The reason I stopped is because the signal to noise ratio had gotten so bad, and now it seems even worse. Name-calling, shill accusations, blah blah blah.

No one's going to be going through a bunch of posters' IPs to see if they can find any matches. FWIW, there are some people who post from public places, cell phones, etc. who have literally hundreds of IP matches. But even if it was practical to find matches all the time - to what end? I find it hard to imagine that weeks later when this thread has turned into what it is now, that anyone involved would be spending their time with multiple accounts trying to convince people they are unique - especially when people are jumping on the silliest of links already. I can't think of a thread where such a tactic would be more useless now.

One other thing I'll point out is that there isn't a rule against having alternate/gimmick accounts. I have a few myself that I use sparingly for the occasional gag post. Of course if someone is using an alternate account to scam, spam, impersonate, harass, etc., they could be banned, and face consequences on their main account as well. And on occasion, accounts like that are banned when they're used to troll, agree with themselves to further an argument, etc., face action but that's not something mods go around looking for, and is usually dealt with from post reports.

I'm not singling out anyone specific, nor saying that anyone's claims couldn't have merit. I just don't see where this is getting anyone, and can't imagine a mod's going to want to crawl through the morass of accounts in this thread and IPs they've posted from to find a few links, unless there's a truly great reason to be doing so.

Hopefully this doesn't come across too harsh, I just want to set reasonable expectations for everyone.
11-28-2022 , 12:38 AM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
I'm only seeing this because I was PMed - I gave up reading anything about this topic weeks ago, and am surprised it's still going so strong with little to no new content (at least going from the last 30-40 posts I read). The reason I stopped is because the signal to noise ratio had gotten so bad, and now it seems even worse. Name-calling, shill accusations, blah blah blah.

No one's going to be going through a bunch of posters' IPs to see if they can find any matches. FWIW, there are some people who post from public places, cell phones, etc. who have literally hundreds of IP matches. But even if it was practical to find matches all the time - to what end? I find it hard to imagine that weeks later when this thread has turned into what it is now, that anyone involved would be spending their time with multiple accounts trying to convince people they are unique - especially when people are jumping on the silliest of links already. I can't think of a thread where such a tactic would be more useless now.

One other thing I'll point out is that there isn't a rule against having alternate/gimmick accounts. I have a few myself that I use sparingly for the occasional gag post. Of course if someone is using an alternate account to scam, spam, impersonate, harass, etc., they could be banned, and face consequences on their main account as well. And on occasion, accounts like that are banned when they're used to troll, agree with themselves to further an argument, etc., face action but that's not something mods go around looking for, and is usually dealt with from post reports.

I'm not singling out anyone specific, nor saying that anyone's claims couldn't have merit. I just don't see where this is getting anyone, and can't imagine a mod's going to want to crawl through the morass of accounts in this thread and IPs they've posted from to find a few links, unless there's a truly great reason to be doing so.

Hopefully this doesn't come across too harsh, I just want to set reasonable expectations for everyone.
Lock the thread unless something new comes up! It’s run it’s course…and then some
11-28-2022 , 01:02 AM
Originally Posted by 9hilikeabos
Lock the thread unless something new comes up! It’s run it’s course…and then some
Why? It’s not doing any harm.
11-28-2022 , 01:09 AM
Translation: Boba Fett checked IPs and doesn't like the results.

He's probably a T-800 like Garrett.
11-28-2022 , 01:13 AM
Originally Posted by 9hilikeabos
Lock the thread unless something new comes up! It’s run it’s course…and then some
Should we wait for this?

11-28-2022 , 01:13 AM
A mod deleted like 1-2 pages of the thread the first time Happytohear posted some of his data on poster frequency and timing. Maybe these posts just keep getting reported idk.
11-28-2022 , 01:31 AM
Originally Posted by 9hilikeabos
Lock the thread unless something new comes up! It’s run it’s course…and then some
welcome to the thread sir.
11-28-2022 , 02:18 AM
Originally Posted by DiamondsOnMyNeck
A mod deleted like 1-2 pages of the thread the first time Happytohear posted some of his data on poster frequency and timing. Maybe these posts just keep getting reported idk.
Perhaps a mistake?

Can it be reposted?

And this got locked quickly, but rather telling when you look at that 23% vs the <1%...
11-28-2022 , 02:20 AM
Can someone put mike tommo back on the payroll please?
11-28-2022 , 02:30 AM
The following is satire. I am just trying to lighten things up around here, give everyone something to smile about.

So, as we know, Eskaborr outed himself as a multi-accounter in this thread. These are his quotes, taken verbatim, elipses used when necessary or for comedic effect.

Originally Posted by Eskaborr
This dude can't even detect sarcasm
I was totally joking about outing myself gUyZ

Originally Posted by Eskaborr
I was involved in a cheating ring
seems weird to say it out of nowhere like that. First step is acknowledging you messed up, kudos.

Originally Posted by Eskaborr
but I don't believe there are shills
shills = multi-accounters

Originally Posted by Eskaborr
It was suppose to be from my JusticeForRobbi or maybe it was my other one, 7s8sOverBetAllIn
Tell us who else you are, for real this time. You just admitted to having 3 accounts, surely you gave the least relevant ones, right?

Originally Posted by Eskaborr
Fake news. Guilters have gotten so low they are making things up!
not as fast as you are making new accounts.

Originally Posted by Eskaborr
Wtf is with all these gay fantasy projections? You're a stone cold loser.
harsh, geez.

Originally Posted by Eskaborr
i... a... m... dreaming of dick
v... e... r... batim

Originally Posted by Eskaborr
SO Still lying, you have certainly implied shilling, didn't we go over this already?
shill = multi-accounter. you should apologize.

Originally Posted by Eskaborr
I eventually was rude to happy, but that was a disagreement about a hand where he was being very condescending after putting me down earlier with nearly no push back from me. I don't think his takes on what he thinks happened are very insane
my take was there are multi-accounters itt. lol

Originally Posted by Eskaborr
***Originally Posted by freedom 35 View Post
Happy and Strange sure starting to sound similar. I think few pages back Happy even posted that he sent Strange a PM to root him on and 'forget the haters' or something similar.***

Lmao didn't even consider it because it would be so pathetic, but you are right.
Don't call yourself pathetic please.

Originally Posted by Eskaborr
You don't deserve an ounce of respect, you twist peoples words/misinterpret what they are saying and declare them liars for not defending a position you made up in your head that they were taking. You're surprised this devolves into insults very quickly?

Originally Posted by Eskaborr
I know you can't read very well, but I promise you I wasn't talking about myself
too busy talking to yourself?

Originally Posted by Eskaborr
And I'm not trying to play the victim, idgaf I def came at some very hard
you are dgaf too?

Originally Posted by Eskaborr
the reason I haven't come after the non guilters very hard is because they haven't been making absolutely insane claims
is that how you see it?

Originally Posted by Eskaborr
Also the guilters are the one's calling every non guilter SHILLS, adding more to the insanity.
looks like I was right and you were the insanity.

Originally Posted by Eskaborr
Gman is a bit of a tellbox and wouldn't be surprised if she thought he had a read on him for very specific reasons(Have seen a very reliable read on him on the streams).
haters gonna _ _ _ _?

Originally Posted by Eskaborr
I think it's very reasonable how most of the "didn't cheat crowd" approaches the problem and gets to the conclusion
really? rhetorical.

Originally Posted by Eskaborr
Also who is this "we" you speak of? Because certain people certainly do match what I described
you = we

Originally Posted by Eskaborr
I know why you guys don't like me, I just don't care. I know I come off brash, but you almost always will when telling the truth about morons. You def don't act/debate at all like an adult, you seem like the deluded one if you think that. Obviously I know its immature to be in here calling low iq people stupid... and a waste of time at that.
don't adults debate person to person, idea to idea? Do adults multiaccount internet poker forums? rhetorical again.

Originally Posted by Eskaborr
I... may be a "tranny"
you said it... not me.

Originally Posted by Eskaborr
No, I'm not going to... read a thread
verb... atim

Originally Posted by Eskaborr
Trying to act like SO isn't heavily on the guilt side is hilarious, he thinks it likely they are mafioso silencing people
may or may not age well.

Originally Posted by Eskaborr
They are clueless/overstating their side as usual.

Originally Posted by Eskaborr
I've said I think robbi is likely guilty no less than 5 times in this thread, I've explained both my thought process on why I think she may be but also find the "100% cheated camp" so insane in their logic it's fun to expose it.
you exposed yourself

Originally Posted by Eskaborr
Yet non consensus takes on human constructs like morality let alone selectively enforced/poorly enforced rules is shocking

Originally Posted by Eskaborr
Obviously more likely to use ad hominems the younger you are. As you can see I've actually become less vulgar.
but multi-accounting in online poker and 2+2 is in your wheelhouse?

Originally Posted by Eskaborr
you are a clown that clearly doesn't know anything about modern NLH. As usual tho the super guilters move the goal posts after being exposed for being clueless idiots.
is it easier to move goal posts if you are more than one person? They look heavy.

Originally Posted by Eskaborr
No one player per hand rule and multiple accounts should be allowed obviously.
He was referring to online poker, believe it or not.

Originally Posted by Eskaborr
Biggest site in the world now allows you to multi account
I didn't know that 2+2 was the biggest site

Originally Posted by Eskaborr
"Expecting logical consistency?... WHAT A NERD!" On a poker theory forum. Lmao.
verb... atim

Originally Posted by Eskaborr
rips reaction makes it more likely they cheated

Originally Posted by Eskaborr
someone more likely to be innocent is actually more evidence they are guilty

Originally Posted by Eskaborr
Illusion exposed! You knew it all along! Attack vector spotted! You gottem, another shill down.
no U

Originally Posted by Eskaborr
I... am... a... very odd person.
ve... rb... at... im

Originally Posted by Eskaborr
Blathering total nonsense
no U

Originally Posted by Eskaborr
The evidence is mounting, SHILLS NOW WE RIDE!
well, you tried.

Originally Posted by Eskaborr
how can this be a call, the signal must be off
you said it.

Originally Posted by Eskaborr
Another gross misrepresentation of what people are saying.
by people do you mean yourself?

Originally Posted by Eskaborr
Saying his evidence was extremely more damning and... hes a favorite to get convicted or even charged
woah buddy, why are you bringing up charges? That escalated quickly.

Originally Posted by Eskaborr
I... seem truly unwell
verb... atim

Originally Posted by Eskaborr
*hangs up and calls local psych ward*
stay safe!

Just trying to lighten the mood around here, we don't need to take things so seriously all the time. take a breather, touch some grass.

Have a good week everyone!

11-28-2022 , 03:17 AM

Man vertucci is so good at poker
11-28-2022 , 03:25 AM
Originally Posted by Koshko

Man vertucci is so good at poker
Gman is only a little more than 3 times better than him. 1.5bb/hand is totally reasonable though, right? That's why he's the god.

Last edited by emitnulB; 11-28-2022 at 03:31 AM.
11-28-2022 , 05:26 AM
I made this post when the incident was first shown. I have not yet seen any definitive proof or admission to change my mind about Robbi. A boat load of conspiracies and twists and turns, but no definitive proof. " I am definitely not in the same league as the players at that table, or probably most of the people commenting here. But, if she did cheat I have yet to see anyone say how she did it. As many have said she is probably playing out of her ability level in this game. I think she simply misread either her hand, or the exposed cards, managed to get herself confused and got very lucky at the end. If there turns out to be proof of cheating, then she will suffer the consequences. Having said that if after the investigation, there is no proof of any wrong doing, I hope that those of you who have accused her will have the decency to apologize to her loudly and publicly. "
11-28-2022 , 05:27 AM
Originally Posted by Koshko

Man vertucci is so good at poker
ROFL @ Allan Keating! They're sure impressive numbers, only 5 appearances for 1.6 mill loss. But hey, as long as he's happy
11-28-2022 , 06:39 AM
Originally Posted by ScotchOnDaRocks
Don’t have to shut down a stream just because someone got owned and made an accusation and have provided no follow-up evidence
No but you should shut your stream down when its been shown that it has huge security leaks.
11-28-2022 , 06:47 AM
Originally Posted by Koshko

Man vertucci is so good at poker
I mean its kinda sus when one of the owners is crushing the game but it makes since when you consider nick is a nit and he goes out of his way to populate the games with players that will shovel money to him
11-28-2022 , 09:00 AM
Originally Posted by NJPW
Figured you'd edit

This is glorious. Without question the most hilarious and least surprising development in the entire thread. We always knew Eskaborr was a just little bit crazy, but, really, who could have predicted that he suffered from Multiple Personality Disorder?
11-28-2022 , 09:04 AM
Am I right in thinking that the discord group is the one connected to this twitter?

If so, it really doesn't help the conspiracy nut image, when the first post on the wall is retweeting a flat earther lmao.

Also to the people saying that they cannot release the new damning evidence, as they fear for their lives. Can't you post it anonymously?
11-28-2022 , 09:16 AM
Clowns really so dumb they fall for obvious troll bait. Hilarious. Nothing will come of this "cheating ring"... pretty obvious.... they seriously think im multi accounting/shilling lmfao.
11-28-2022 , 09:19 AM
11-28-2022 , 09:22 AM
I really didn't think every single person would fall for it. Guess it shows who is left in this thread... including me. lmao
11-28-2022 , 09:24 AM
I know when I successfully troll someone I immediately tell everyone I was trolling and get upset at people for falling for it.
