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Garrett Adelstein Report on Likely Cheating on Hustler Casino Live Garrett Adelstein Report on Likely Cheating on Hustler Casino Live

10-27-2022 , 04:22 AM
Originally Posted by Strange Occurrence
Well we know for a fact polygraphs aren't necessarily accurate. Another indicator this entire blurb on their home page is a sales pitch.
Of course it is a sales pitch. That is literally the reason for the page.

However from reading from the actual words on the page they are advertising to innocent clients and promising accurate results.

You want to pretend that means their tests are somehow rigged. Maybe English isn't your 1st language, or maybe there are hidden words that only you can read. Who knows.
10-27-2022 , 04:32 AM
I'm getting the feeling from all the trolls randomly coming out of the woodwork and attacking me today, that someone might be upset at what I've been talking about lately.

Discussed some interesting topics lately. Especially yesterday. Not everyone is here though, which is interesting.
10-27-2022 , 04:38 AM
Yes we are trolls not the crowd who are claiming robbi cheated on the poker tables, and the lie detector was rigged with zero credible evidence of either. lol
10-27-2022 , 04:41 AM
Originally Posted by emitnulB
Bro it's hilarious that you're going to sit here and look at a thread that's brigaded by shills who are running a disinformation campaign and then pretend that isn't proof that she cheated.
Don't orget about George Soros and bouncing signals off of Itialian satellites. Maybe throw is some stuff about the deep state and other crazy nonsense that make people roll their eyes and laugh.
10-27-2022 , 04:43 AM
Originally Posted by Robot9999
He knows every move is on camera. The only way he takes those chips is with permission.
Could be as simple as Bryan knew the HCL cameras were off, but was either a bit panicked, or not thinking clearly, and didn't think that maybe the casino security cameras could still see the table as well. Or they had a camera he didn't know about.

Lower level criminals tend to make careless mistakes like that. That's usually how they get caught.

This applies to both him acting alone and in league with Robbi.
10-27-2022 , 04:53 AM
Originally Posted by ES2
I gave the cliffs to my sister, who doesn't know if 4 of a kind beats 3 of a kind, just last night.

The way I told it (I was kind of pitching it as a movie) was that this woman who wants to be a big influencer beat a poker star by making one of the most insane calls ever seen. Cheating was suspected. But turned out to be unlikely as the proposed cheating ring wasn't beating the game. Most likely, she just made some kind of blunder like misreading her hand. (let's go with that.)

She changed her story about the hand and generally seems to kind of say whatever she thinks people want to hear/makes her look good, which muddied things up. So,

Because some instagram woman misread a hand:

She returned over $100k to the pro.

The poker pro investigated (maybe hired PIs) and dug up all this dirt on a bunch of people, some of whom likely had nothing to do with it.

Her husband is a seemingly prominent lawyer and says he will sue everybody.

It turned out that the show, which touted its superior security, had terrible security and was hiring people with rap sheets. The possibility real cheating occurred on some other occasion went way up.

Almost everyone at the table, including the poker pro himself, has been accused of cheating. (Poor Mike X).

Somewhat plausible cheating accusations were raised against a guy who plays on ANOTHER show on the stream. Not convincing, no real evidence, but the guy was at least winning at a crazy rate.

A guy in production--who might have been involved in cheating, but more likely didn't understand what was going down--stole $15k off her stack and was caught because everything was investigated due to the cheating allegation. Otherwise, he would likely have gotten away with it, as he might have in the past.

Bryan was in debt to DGAF for like 1/4 of his annual salary.

Poker Q-anon formed out of thin air. Every shadow was a device. Every gesture a signal. And a lot of times, this stuff does look pretty real! Like the shadow/seam on her pants. Amazing how easy it is to find seemingly suspicious stuff when you scrutinize people enough.

Watched people edit reality to their liking in real time. e.g. the team wasn't making money. This is no barrier at all to poker Q. Just has no impact whatsoever. It's, um... all a plot to increase her followers! The biggest poker star of all time was in the game and said no cheating. "He's obviously lying!"

Suspicions of an affair between 2 players were raised. Kind of on flimsy evidence and hearsay. But then, just as everything was dying down, they were seen on TV at a football game together! His wife confirmed that this wasn't kosher on twitter. What are the odds? Ferris Beuler, lol.

Lots of crazy coincidences. Like She was on a game show years ago and one of the prizes was a poker table.

The fact that the owner of the show was a sleazy real estate scammer who swindled people out of their savings really came to light. It was known before but there were big posts on Reddit where casuals learned about it.

She passed a poly. A panel of well known body language experts cleared her. There are a lot of interesting discussions to be had about the reliability of these things.

Maybe I missed something. If this all happened because she misread her hand, it's a really great comedy.
This is great. AWESOME. Almost perfect.

It just doesn't answer the question if Phil Ivey was in on the scam through edging?
10-27-2022 , 05:22 AM
robbi got robbed 135k by garett & 15k from bryan & somehow all the 2+2 conspiracy theorists think she's the criminal here
10-27-2022 , 05:25 AM
Voluntarily returning money after being accused of cheating = robbed.

This thread is something else.
10-27-2022 , 05:28 AM
You laught at hand and arm theory but it is way loess far fetched then you think

10-27-2022 , 05:34 AM
But with erik he has all the know how and contacts to compromise a casion electronically , he has eincentibves and all he needs is a simple poker solver. Run his hands through heads up vs Hellmuith see how he did.
10-27-2022 , 05:47 AM
Originally Posted by RJT
Let me answer this way. Do you think there are more threads and posts in the 2+2(happy boys and girls? I didn’t 2x2 it) forums about tipping or about is it ok to soft play?
You’ve honestly never read the lengthy threads in the forums about soft play?
A true poker player never complains about two regs slow playing each other. For one, they know it happens and is pretty much unenforceable. For two, if either of the slow players fit the right profile the player knows he has players he can overrun and bluff a lot.

Why would anyone complain about getting information like that?
10-27-2022 , 06:01 AM
Originally Posted by spaceman Bryce
There are two suspicious hands from robbi. The 78(garett) vs j4os
and Ak vs A8( persson)

not suspiciously played but "is this real life?" dialogue in the q4(garrett) vs j8 hand.
It's so ridiculous for her to throw out a time chip and tank with j high and then say something like i'll let you have this one, i'll get you again!
It's a schrodingers dialogue in that it is way too suspicious of a thing to say, so much so that it makes me think there's no way someone would say it.
You’ve never tank folded an obviously losing hand and wanted to convey that it was a tough decision?

I am very much in the puzzled camp over all of this. I don’t think she cheated, but that’s in part because despite the very best efforts of those who believe she did I still haven’t seen any compelling evidence as to how she did it.
10-27-2022 , 06:02 AM
Originally Posted by Strange Occurrence
Second time I've seen someone say here they wouldn't believe Robbi cheated even if she confessed.
I guess reading comprehension is tough for you.
10-27-2022 , 06:05 AM
Originally Posted by JimL
A true poker player never complains about two regs slow playing each other. For one, they know it happens and is pretty much unenforceable. For two, if either of the slow players fit the right profile the player knows he has players he can overrun and bluff a lot.

Why would anyone complain about getting information like that?
Its more their deception, regs dont hide it. Its unspoken no theatrics, . Their song and dance play to the men's rea nto evidence of cheating tards. Not that that wa cheating it was that they did in a way that was deceptive and indicative of someone disguising their exportation or cheating.
10-27-2022 , 06:10 AM
Originally Posted by JimL
I guess reading comprehension is tough for you.
You couldn't be more obvious what your agenda is here, if you were sitting next to Robbi at the Raiders game.
10-27-2022 , 06:26 AM
Originally Posted by Strange Occurrence
Holy hell there are so many disingenuous people in this thread supporting Robbi. Some that are being fair and sensible, but a whole hell of a lot that aren't. The sheer volume is really quite odd. There are some on the cheat side as well to be fair.
Yeah Strange it’s noticeable for a dying thread, there seems to be an uplift in the last couple of days of Robbie shilling.

It’s probably that paid publicist, oops sorry, I mean PR person trying to drive more clicks.

She must be stupid or just not realize how dumb it looks, I mean she could make the whole thing go away and Garrett look like a fool if she just explains how and why she played the hand the way she did. Something to this day she’s been unable or just unwilling to do, at least with any conviction or consistency.

If she hadn’t spun the whole thing, and instead was honest about the hand, instead of trying to turn this into a personal crusade for popularity and clicks, it would be over by now.

The shills and simps jumping to her defense, like f*cling lemmings throwing themselves off a cliff. There’s no logical reason for anonymous nobodies on the forum to defend her at all, let alone with the mouth foaming intensity we’re seeing here.

I don’t know if she’s honest or not, not my place to say, but she’s sure made it hard to trust. I know at least one person here (hi RJT) will claim that’s calling her a liar, but that’s not what I’m saying.

Last edited by PokerPunked; 10-27-2022 at 06:41 AM. Reason: Typo typing while walking doesn’t work well
10-27-2022 , 06:28 AM
Originally Posted by Strange Occurrence
Since you went back 34 pages to find this post, keep reading, because I answered this already.

But since you recognize that's an "advertisement" maybe you can skip that. Here's a question instead.

Do you think a guilty person looking for a lie detector test, would be more or less likely to choose this company, after reading that the "questions are carefully formulated to clear the innocent person" and that the results are confidential in case they fail?
1. I didn't go back 34 pages. I was catching up since I last read the thread. I don't live here.

2. A guilty person isn't looking to take a lie detector test that could prove them a liar. More to your point, the advertisement doesn't address guilty people, it specifically addresses innocent people and speaks of accuracy.

3. Back at you, if they were advertising their flexibility in honesty, why wouldn't they just leave the word innocent out? It would work far better than your twisted version that requires people to read words that are not there.
10-27-2022 , 06:29 AM
Originally Posted by GodsFavHuman
This isgaslighting, why was she disguising it if it was no big deal?

as always ignore hands

ok gif compression ruined that
Considering she mouthed it while being filmed, I wouldn’t say she went too hard to disguise it. But again it doesn’t mean anything. This happens all around the world in every poker game every day ever.
10-27-2022 , 06:29 AM
Originally Posted by Strange Occurrence
Everything you wrote here is logically stupid as hell. Guess I'm done taking the bait with you too.
Lol. That is more handwriting.

Good luck on life. Apparently you really need it.
10-27-2022 , 06:31 AM
Originally Posted by JimL

2. A guilty person isn't looking to take a lie detector test that could prove them a liar.
I don't know why I'm taking the bait with you again, but on the off chance you're capable of a civil conversation, you should read the part again about the results being confidential.
10-27-2022 , 06:33 AM
Originally Posted by Strange Occurrence
I'm getting the feeling from all the trolls randomly coming out of the woodwork and attacking me today, that someone might be upset at what I've been talking about lately.

Discussed some interesting topics lately. Especially yesterday. Not everyone is here though, which is interesting.
Or maybe they just find your logic laughable and your only defense is handwaving.

Why not just admit you were wrong about the advertisement? It would be better to admit you missed the word "innocent" and jumped to a false conclusion.

Or keep hand waving. Your choice.
10-27-2022 , 06:35 AM
Originally Posted by JimL
Or maybe they just find your logic laughable and your only defense is handwaving.

Why not just admit you were wrong about the advertisement? It would be better to admit you missed the word "innocent" and jumped to a false conclusion.

Or keep hand waving. Your choice.
On a scale of 1-10, with 1 being the dumbest person in history, and 10 being the 2nd dumbest person in history, are you a 1 or a 2?
10-27-2022 , 06:45 AM
Originally Posted by Strange Occurrence
You couldn't be more obvious what your agenda is here, if you were sitting next to Robbi at the Raiders game.
Lol, are you trying to set a record for obviously stupid statements in one thread?

Here is a hint. I have absolutely zero connection Robbi or anyone else highlighted in this thread. I don't care about anyone highlighted in this thread. I do not know if Robbi cheated or not. I just require actual proof of someone cheating before labeling them a cheater.

I do not like intellectual dishonesty. I understand when people make mistakes (I make them all of the time). I think making a mistake is a great learning opportunity. If someone says something stupid and then accepts corrections when it is pointed out to them I will think highly of that person. Intellectual dishonesty is something else though. When someone tells me that innocent = guilty and then doubles down on it when called out that they are wrong thrn they are only useful for ridicule.

So please entertain. What is my agenda here?
10-27-2022 , 06:54 AM
Originally Posted by GodsFavHuman
You laught at hand and arm theory but it is way loess far fetched then you think

Another thing that in the beginning was maybe far fetched, was Iveys involvement! But looking at the stream again after enough evidence that Eric was also in it! There are so many comments/dupe delights between Ivey, Eric, ROBBI before during and after the hand! Not even talking about both Eric and Ivey gave interview to cover for Their pawn! Ivey also has a history of finding legal edges and maybe even illegal edges! Comment from Ivey about Eric: I JUST WANT TO MAKE YOU FAMOUS Eric stands out on the table!
10-27-2022 , 06:56 AM
Originally Posted by spaceman Bryce
No I didn't say no. Instead I patiently explained. This is example 2 of what i'm talking about. You're seeing a pattern where there is none... hmm shocking.
Me: 1,2,3,4,5,6. I see a pattern.

You: You’re seeing a pattern where there is none. Also, I’m a victim who mean people in this thread won’t stop attacking. Also, my factually unsupported arguments only *seem* factually unsupported. In reality, they represent fifth-dimension wisdom that requires nuanced thinking to grasp. Unfortunately, no one on the board where I have chosen to post more than 19,000 times is actually capable of this kind of thinking.
