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Garrett Adelstein Report on Likely Cheating on Hustler Casino Live Garrett Adelstein Report on Likely Cheating on Hustler Casino Live

10-08-2022 , 06:07 PM
Originally Posted by chzbrglr
Yeah but those quotes don’t match up at all with the easy going, friendly competition, “Hustler poker family”personality he presented in the interview.

That’s all I’m saying.

It also doesn’t jive with his “Hustler is just my poker family which I never want to see tainted in any way” story.

Adelstein is a large part of that “family”. Why would he be making incisive comments like that?

Again, I want to believe he was completely joking to the point where he knew everyone else including Adelstein would know he understand.

But that seems to be neither Adelstein’s read on the situation nor how Airball himself presented it in Joey’s interview.
Garrett is the Goody Two shoes nut peddling nit older brother Nik A wants to Kill... the Abel to his Cain.
10-08-2022 , 06:09 PM
I was firmly in the non cheating camp initially when I first saw the hand (70/30 she wasn't cheating).

After a week and a half since the hand aired, I'm probably at 90/10 that she cheated. There's just so much circumstantial B/S surround her appearances on the HCL streams with RIP, where saying "it's just a coincidence bro" is not enough to explain it away.
10-08-2022 , 06:10 PM
Originally Posted by Jaden523
Nick airball said something REALLY interesting in that stream. He said that Ryan asked him to loan people money on several occassions because HE COULDN'T since he was running the game. That seems a bit shady, not on Nick's part but on Ryan's part.

I’ve heard this come up multiple times as a HCL fan. Like someone playing a Tuesday show will buy their $5,000 and ask Nick… “You got any chips?” And he’s said something to the effect of “We’re not allowed to give any chips or swap, etc”
10-08-2022 , 06:10 PM
Originally Posted by Jaden523
Defamation cases are notoriously hard to win. This is just him blowharding or his lawyer trying to make a buck. You have to prove that not only that they were saying something untrue, but that they had good reason to BELIEVE that it was untrue and that it harmed their client in a tangible way.

Garrett does NOT have to prove that they WERE in fact cheating, he only has to prove that he had good reason to suspect that they were and that he believed they were when he said it.

You don't have to prove that they knew/believe it was untrue. You only have to prove that they were negligent and reckless, look no further than Alex Jones.

Furthermore, in respect to this 'Beanz' character, an egregious lapse of judgement took place. Garrett is suggesting he was a "person of interest" in a completely unrelated robbery and reneged from taking a polygraph test regarding it. A clear attempt to cast doubt surrounding him and the situation like "why would he not do the polygraph test if he didn't have something to hide?!". It goes without saying this impacts his reputation, which is the entire point of Garrett saying it to begin with.

Garrett either did absolutely no research(negligent) or knowingly lied about the situation, because police already have said the two robberies were connected and most likely done by the same person. Which anyone could find if they did even 2 minutes worth of googling.

Accusing people of crimes is just about the worst thing you can do as far as libel/defamation goes.
10-08-2022 , 06:11 PM
Originally Posted by Avaritia
Joey’s stream from last night. Nik Airball comes in at 2:27 and good discussion for a half hour that answers many of the questions being asked itt.

I don’t have a dog in the Nik Airball fight but he’s one of the most quick and straight answered person that has been on the stream so far.

The problem with this is the power Ryan and Nick hold over him to be allowed to play on stream and continue in the arena he wants to continue in. It is in his best interest to portray the truth up until it compromises Hustler’s reputation in any way. At which point he will be removed from the show. He had to ask Ryan for permission to send out a tweet and then was given the stipulation he can only post facts. After his reputation was put at stake by Golden Boy. That is messed up. Again why are the people that should be being investigated as well heading up the investigation? And determining what info is released and isn’t. They have a lot to lose here. The full truth will never come out of this.

I believed Nik’s entire interview except the part about driving dude home and the woman may or may not have come with. Something about his tone seemed off and there is more to that story.
10-08-2022 , 06:11 PM
Originally Posted by HexBreaker

If the story about the filing cabinet is true, that is both pretty convincing and damning for Nick and Ryan. "Oh, the degenerate gambler who monitors our stream moved his filing cabinet in front of the camera pointed at him. Well, whatever."

The AQ softplay is not convincing at all. This is common at all levels and I've heard announcers on streams talking about it openly. It's probably neutral, but could be exculpetory. Why softplay with common money? Why care at all if you know you are chopping? If they were partners, this would be a good chance to stage a battle.
The way that I think the filing cabinet incident works is he intentionally moved it to block the camera. The two others in the booth didn't notice. Why would they think it's important if they had no suspicions of him? When they went to look at every cameras footage they then realized that they did not have that cameras feed, bc it was blocked. That cameras footage would solidify guilt, if he was in on it, but they dont have it. So they tell Doug about the whole thing.

The AQ soft play is actually important. They need her to have as many chips as possible, when the double up cheating hand occurs. If rip wins a big pot off her then she will less chips. So he signals her not to raise. He has a huge hand and knows that he could never fold, and that he would probably win.

I could be wrong.
10-08-2022 , 06:14 PM
The inclusion of Beanz in his "report" should cast doubt on all the other allegations his unnamed sources give.

I'm not going to pretend to know his motivation for including this false information but this clearly demonstrates he is not vetting the information provided by these unnamed sources at all.
10-08-2022 , 06:15 PM
Originally Posted by baltostar
Some have conjectured that because Robbi and/or hubby is quite wealthy that therefore she has no motive to cheat.

Few thoughts :

1. Biopharma account exec doesn't mean much. Yeah, low six-figure income, but these days that's just normal for white collar sales.

2. Even at Charles' guesstimate ~$10M net worth, all that $100K jewelry adds-up, and maybe the leash is tight.

3. Crypto crashed in 2022 ( thus calling in question the $10M ). Metaverse legal expert/lecturer sure founds impressive, but sustainable sources of income are in question.

4. These aren't fixed-income lifestyle type of people. Life in the fast lane is expensive. Risky business ops can become quite expensive. Gambling can be a continual sink especially interest on debt.

5. Trust funds or other family sources of income can go south or dry-up.

6. In sum, for this crowd the game is always on to find new sources of income.

7. I've read this entire thread, and nobody has offered any evidence that Robbi has any record as a winning/established/experienced/high-stakes poker player.

8. An amateur jumping into nosebleeds without personal funds should at least trigger a thought process of " why is she doing this ? and was it entirely her idea ? "
Motivation is key. What we know about the people potentially involved is all are or were wealthy, other than Bryan - the Hustler employee. The allegation here is, ignoring Bryan, 1-4 or more people were involved in quite an intricate scam to make 125k approx, not that much money I'd argue. If the hand involved winning or losing a few million much more motivation for the 1-4 or more folks alleged to be involved.

You suggest Robbi does not have ''personal funds'' she disputes this having said on numerous occasions losing 100-200k would be of little consequence. It might be interesting if evidence was uncovered this is a not true.
10-08-2022 , 06:18 PM
Originally Posted by 5mcory
The inclusion of Beanz in his "report" should cast doubt on all the other allegations his unnamed sources give.

I'm not going to pretend to know his motivation for including this false information but this clearly demonstrates he is not vetting the information provided by these unnamed sources at all.
Hi Beanz
10-08-2022 , 06:20 PM
^ quality rebuttal.

You Gstans must be running out of copium soon right?
10-08-2022 , 06:21 PM
If this was 2005 during the height of the poker boom no one would've suspected anything because people made calls like this all the time
10-08-2022 , 06:21 PM
I was in the Robbi isn’t cheating camp,
and I still am. There’s still no real evidence of her cheating. What’s really amazing is that some random sketch ball stealing chips is what convinced a lot of people to say she cheated. Truly insane. The story should be why did HCL hire this guy and how often has he been stealing? Instead it devolved into more conspiracy about Robbi.
10-08-2022 , 06:25 PM
I am still not convinced. If I was on the jury, I would vote not guilty for fraud. Just a lot of innuendo. Also, if Gman is so certain this happen as he proposes, then Nick V would also be a prime suspect for exactly the same reasons he pointed fingers at others.

Gman, it will be cheaper for you to pay her off and forget this. Your reputation, that your worked so hard to earn from a lifetime of hard work, is disappearing.

Last edited by NastyNicka; 10-08-2022 at 06:26 PM. Reason: rephrase 1 word
10-08-2022 , 06:25 PM
In the LA Times story it's mentioned that her husband comes by the jewelry store to pay for her new ring. Doesn't he trust her with a credit card? Proof even her husband thinks she's a cheat.

Even with this new information on top of all Garrett's "proof" that kicked off this thread, I am still firmly in the did not cheat camp. But I want to help the did cheat crowd with their pile of evidence. They need help.
10-08-2022 , 06:27 PM
Originally Posted by mike tommo
Motivation is key. What we know about the people potentially involved is all are or were wealthy, other than Bryan - the Hustler employee. The allegation here is, ignoring Bryan, 1-4 or more people were involved in quite an intricate scam to make 125k approx, not that much money I'd argue. If the hand involved winning or losing a few million much more motivation for the 1-4 or more folks alleged to be involved.

You suggest Robbi does not have ''personal funds'' she disputes this having said on numerous occasions losing 100-200k would be of little consequence. It might be interesting if evidence was uncovered this is a not true.
As I conjectured in my prior post, the investigative reporting should concentrate on the real net worth of either/or/both of Robbi/RIP/Charles. If they do have the wealth that I think they have, then everything else is moot. All the crappy speculation about the espionage of moving file cabinet and hustlers like Beanz don't really matter.

Let me give the detectives on here a head start. Like I said previously, I don't have the time to waste exploring this stuff.

Robbi Hussain-Lew, Cell Therapy (CAR-T) Account Manager at Bristol-Myers Squibb

What does a high powered account manager make at Bristol-Myers Squibb? I'm thinking substantial more than low 6 figures.

Prove that these people aren't wealthy and I will join the cheating side.
10-08-2022 , 06:28 PM
I feel like nobody appreciates the fact that they randomly caught the production guy allegedly stealing chips…on the same day as the craziest hand of poker ever played.
10-08-2022 , 06:28 PM
I was behind you the entire time, and still am! I was defending you on Twitter and YouTube, but didn’t think to get on here!
I had a numbered list of all of her conflicting stories that I posted in YouTube comments. Please come out with more soon! It is awful to see the people who STILL make excuses for Robbi and team!
Also…if Robbi is taking a polygraph test, please try to suggest that it is NOT with Eric’s people! It should not be done by anyone who was involved in that livestream!
10-08-2022 , 06:28 PM
Originally Posted by Gordie
In the LA Times story it's mentioned that her husband comes by the jewelry store to pay for her new ring. Doesn't he trust her with a credit card? Proof even her husband thinks she's a cheat.

I think THIS argument will hold up in court
10-08-2022 , 06:31 PM
If Robbi and rip have as much money as it looks like,they have no reason to scam a game for less then 100k lol?

We now also have Robbi pressing charges against this Brian, people claim is in on it.

Rip wasn't even going to play until couple hours before the game

There is nothing to make anyone believe she clearly cheated in this game
10-08-2022 , 06:33 PM
Originally Posted by ReliableSource
I feel like nobody appreciates the fact that they randomly caught the production guy allegedly stealing chips…on the same day as the craziest hand of poker ever played.
Because it’s not crazy or interesting. Especially if/when we find out this is a recurring thing he’s been doing. But even if we don’t, it still absolutely does not help support the cheating argument. As for her not pressing charges or caring about the money, that falls exactly in line with her behavior in the Garrett hand. She doesn’t care about money and doesn’t want to have drama/upset people.
10-08-2022 , 06:34 PM
Originally Posted by Roger Ramjet
It does not explain how they had access to the hole cards though which is sort of a big deal.
There you go wanting facts again. Or even a real life rundown of something actually feasible these characters would have the mental wherewithal to pull off.

Let the kids have their fun.


Just learned /s today. All this ready wasn’t wasted.
10-08-2022 , 06:36 PM
Originally Posted by Johnspence
Except for one thing: why would she ever give the money back....DNegs is right, scammers don't do that.
So Danny says that scammers don't do that. Ever?

You know that scammers don't do that. Ever?

So 100% of scammers do not give the money back? Even if it they think it could benefit them?

There could not be 1 reason that a scammer would think: "hmm, maybe giving the money back would save me some trouble and keep people away from finding out we cheated ... since, ya know, I did something incredibly suspicious, on a livestream(!), it's sinking in how ridiculous what I did was and I just hope that this will placate everyone and it will go away."

That could not have happened because Danny said so and you confirmed it, by thinking about it? You thought it through with a very narrow lense and you both did not add any nuance towards the situation.

"Scammers don't do that." Really? That is provably false.

Last edited by happy to be hear; 10-08-2022 at 06:40 PM. Reason: A word here, a period there ... needed fixing ...
10-08-2022 , 06:36 PM
Originally Posted by persianpunisher
Because it’s not crazy or interesting. Especially if/when we find out this is a recurring thing he’s been doing. But even if we don’t, it still absolutely does not help support the cheating argument. As for her not pressing charges or caring about the money, that falls exactly in line with her behavior in the Garrett hand. She doesn’t care about money and doesn’t want to have drama/upset people.

It would be quite the coincidence if it were the first time.
10-08-2022 , 06:36 PM
Originally Posted by pimpin aint ezy
Is it true she is pressing charges now against brian?
Shhhh you gonna ruin Burkey’s pod rant. He’s pretending she didn’t say this, hoping no one else heard it.
10-08-2022 , 06:38 PM
Originally Posted by ReliableSource
It would be quite the coincidence if it were the first time.
It really wouldn’t though. She just showed herself to be forgiving of 135k saying she doesn’t care about money and doesn’t want drama. What a golden spot for an unethical scum bag to steal with low risk of repercussion from the victim.
