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Garrett Adelstein Report on Likely Cheating on Hustler Casino Live Garrett Adelstein Report on Likely Cheating on Hustler Casino Live

10-08-2022 , 06:40 PM
Originally Posted by ReliableSource
It would be quite the coincidence if it were the first time.
This statement on its own I agree with completely. What you and I infer from this is probably different.
10-08-2022 , 06:44 PM
TBH the hands from DGAF are more sketch than the Robbi hands.
10-08-2022 , 06:44 PM
Originally Posted by DreamAgain
You don't have to prove that they knew/believe it was untrue. You only have to prove that they were negligent and reckless, look no further than Alex Jones.

Furthermore, in respect to this 'Beanz' character, an egregious lapse of judgement took place. Garrett is suggesting he was a "person of interest" in a completely unrelated robbery and reneged from taking a polygraph test regarding it. A clear attempt to cast doubt surrounding him and the situation like "why would he not do the polygraph test if he didn't have something to hide?!". It goes without saying this impacts his reputation, which is the entire point of Garrett saying it to begin with.

Garrett either did absolutely no research(negligent) or knowingly lied about the situation, because police already have said the two robberies were connected and most likely done by the same person. Which anyone could find if they did even 2 minutes worth of googling.

Accusing people of crimes is just about the worst thing you can do as far as libel/defamation goes.
Beanz was on the Joey Ingram podcast. He said that he gave Robbi money. He did not want to comment on their relationship.
EVERY initial story out of RobbiÂ’s mouth has changed 180!
THAT, is a problem!
10-08-2022 , 06:45 PM
Originally Posted by happy to be hear
So 100% of scammers do not give the money back? Even if it could benefit them?
In 1962 I bet someone $5 that the Blackhawks would beat the Leafs for the Stanley Cup. I did not have $5. I didn't pay when Leafs won.
In about 1991 I met this guy's brother at a social event. Found out he had cancer and was in rough shape. I gave the brother $20 and told him to give it to his dying brother because I had always felt bad for not paying. So this scammer did give the money back. Just took 30 years.

But I still don't think Robbi cheated.
10-08-2022 , 06:46 PM
Originally Posted by RJT
Shhhh you gonna ruin Burkey’s pod rant. He’s pretending she didn’t say this, hoping no one else heard it.
I've watched most of his recent shows but turned off his recent show not long after he claimed Garrett had now been vindicated lol
10-08-2022 , 06:47 PM
Originally Posted by ReliableSource
I find it comical that Nick Vertucci was sticking out his chest, “I have 20 years of law enforcement experience, I know that you don’t leak out information during an investigation”, and then proceeds to give us a bunch of golden nuggets a day or two later.
10-08-2022 , 06:52 PM
Originally Posted by pimpin aint ezy
If Robbi and rip have as much money as it looks like,they have no reason to scam a game for less then 100k lol?

We now also have Robbi pressing charges against this Brian, people claim is in on it.

Rip wasn't even going to play until couple hours before the game

There is nothing to make anyone believe she clearly cheated in this game
She was NOT going to press charges until many people pointed out how strange that was! She said that the police told her that Bryan had no past criminal history! That was one of her supposed reasons for not prosecuting.
He has a long list of criminal offenses!
So, who didn’t tell the truth. The police? Robbi has changed her stories on EVERY subject!
10-08-2022 , 06:54 PM
Originally Posted by CGreen317
She was NOT going to press charges until many people pointed out how strange that was! She said that the police told her that Bryan had no past criminal history! That was one of her supposed reasons for not prosecuting.
He has a long list of criminal offenses!
So, who didn’t tell the truth. The police? Robbi has changed her stories on EVERY subject!
You gotta remember she asked the cops if Bryan looked sad, and he did…
10-08-2022 , 06:57 PM
Originally Posted by ReliableSource
I find it comical that Nick Vertucci was sticking out his chest, “I have 20 years of law enforcement experience, I know that you don’t leak out information during an investigation”, and then proceeds to give us a bunch of golden nuggets a day or two later.
Garrett Adelstein Report on Likely Cheating on Hustler Casino LiveGarrett Adelstein Report on Likely Cheating on Hustler Casino LiveGarrett Adelstein Report on Likely Cheating on Hustler Casino LiveGarrett Adelstein Report on Likely Cheating on Hustler Casino Live BOZO ALERT Garrett Adelstein Report on Likely Cheating on Hustler Casino LiveGarrett Adelstein Report on Likely Cheating on Hustler Casino LiveGarrett Adelstein Report on Likely Cheating on Hustler Casino LiveGarrett Adelstein Report on Likely Cheating on Hustler Casino Live
10-08-2022 , 06:58 PM
high-powered account manager is an oxymoron. an account manager is basically customer service except you don't have to go through a telephone menu before talking to a human.
10-08-2022 , 07:01 PM
I feel as if I am seeing a disproportionate number of upvotes on comments supporting Robbie relative to the number of actual comments in favor of Garret on this thread.

You can't buy public perception on 2+2 Robbi/RIP take your social media bots somewhere else lmfao
10-08-2022 , 07:05 PM
Originally Posted by iversonian
high-powered account manager is an oxymoron. an account manager is basically customer service except you don't have to go through a telephone menu before talking to a human.
My sisters first job after graduating college was an account manager at a major company. It was probably a similar job. She made 140k plus benefits at start.
10-08-2022 , 07:05 PM
Originally Posted by TheLogo
All of this is pure speculation and horseshit. All we know for fact is...

1) she called you BEHIND in the hand. You were ahead at that point. Why would anyone on earth make that call at that point if they were cheating? Why would you not wait for a better spot where they are clearly ahead, not behind or a coin flip?

2) She gave back the money. What person has anyone ever met that runs a scam would just give the money ****ing back. Are you seriously that sheltered garrett in your life? Maybe so, but ends up the only one scamming somenone here was you.

3) You cried like a bitch off screen and confronted her with another person and demanded your money back.

Those are the only known facts. Otherwise we see robbie and rip talking across the table. Were they probably playing each soft, sure, but I saw no one pick anything up or look at a secret device.

You got beat buddy, you have lost all your integrity, which i doubt you had to begin with after I saw how you acted. Pathetic.
We also know that Robbi changed EVERYTHING she originally says on that stream! She has also done 180s on most topics after the stream. That matters!
The list of inconsistencies, or stories that did a 180 out of Robbi’s mouth:

#1. She looked at her hole cards for 17 seconds before calling Garrett’s all in w her J,4 offsuit. She also says (BEFORE turning over cards, but AFTER calling), No, I don’t have a 3. She also said that she did not have a pair…that he was giving her too much credit. She also says that all she has is J high!
New story…she thought she had a 3 in her hand and misread her hand.

#2. She said, live on stream…”Why do you let me keep doing this to you? You let me do this to you off stream too!” Garrett confronted that one right on stream, snd said that it wasn’t true. She changed her story when confronted.
PS. That is a red flag statement as it is! Trying to troubleshoot that this kind of crazy call doesn’t only happen when RFIDs are present.

#3. At the table (again recorded for everyone to hear), and says that the exchange of money to Garrett was amicable. Ryan was a witness and says it was amicable.
NOW, she says it was hostile and Garrett was a bully in a dark hallway.

#4. She said that she does not know the chip stealer, but they were friends on social media.

#5. One of the reasons that Robbi said she did not press charges on the chip stealer is because the police said that he had no prior offenses or record. He had a long list of offenses including jail time! So, who lied…the police?

#6. Robbi said that everyone at the table knew of her relationship with RIP, and knew that he was backing her. In the livestream…after Robbi gives money to Garrett and RIP goes ballistic…she whispers clearly, “Now they know.” It is highlighted in one of the Solve for Why streams.

If Robbi is innocent, she must understand why she is making this difficult for many of us to believe! All of the inconsistencies, on top of the hand itself, and the myriad of other things that make this look super suspicious!
I would truly love to believe that she could be innocent, but if Robbi is the intelligent woman that she seems to be, then she would completely understand another intelligent person’s dilemma in this.
And…why sue others, mock them after they lose to an ass hand, but have sympathy for someone who stole from her chip stack!

This makes steam come out of the ears of anyone with any intelligence!
10-08-2022 , 07:06 PM
Originally Posted by spaceman Bryce
My sisters first job after graduating college was an account manager at a major company. It was probably a similar job. She made 140k plus benefits at start.
was she high-powered?
10-08-2022 , 07:06 PM
Originally Posted by CorbinThoreson
I feel as if I am seeing a disproportionate number of upvotes on comments supporting Robbie relative to the number of actual comments in favor of Garret on this thread.

You can't buy public perception on 2+2 Robbi/RIP take your social media bots somewhere else lmfao
The Super Pro who keeps good players out of lineups and never gives action without the nuts and extols his own virtue constantly is a less sympathetic figure than the hot coked up Trainwreck mess.
10-08-2022 , 07:08 PM
Originally Posted by lwlee
As I conjectured in my prior post, the investigative reporting should concentrate on the real net worth of either/or/both of Robbi/RIP/Charles. If they do have the wealth that I think they have, then everything else is moot. All the crappy speculation about the espionage of moving file cabinet and hustlers like Beanz don't really matter.

Let me give the detectives on here a head start. Like I said previously, I don't have the time to waste exploring this stuff.

Robbi Hussain-Lew, Cell Therapy (CAR-T) Account Manager at Bristol-Myers Squibb

What does a high powered account manager make at Bristol-Myers Squibb? I'm thinking substantial more than low 6 figures.

Prove that these people aren't wealthy and I will join the cheating side.

Garrett has to prove Robbi received a signal to call this hand, the fact Robbi and a few other people may have lied about personal wealth would be suspicious, but somewhat irrelevant to the claim. But if Garrett stilll thinks cheating is certain or even likely he ought to invest some time and money finding out. Which may be a fools errand as others personal finances can be hard to pin down from the outside.
10-08-2022 , 07:08 PM
Originally Posted by Rmbxr9
You gotta remember she asked the cops if Bryan looked sad, and he did…
Whether or not you show remorse for your crimes is supposed to affect sentencing. She probably absorbed this judiciousness from her lawyer parent and husband.
10-08-2022 , 07:09 PM
Originally Posted by iversonian
was she high-powered?
I would not describe the position that way although i could conceive of someone reasonably thinking so.
10-08-2022 , 07:12 PM
Originally Posted by ReliableSource
I feel like nobody appreciates the fact that they randomly caught the production guy allegedly stealing chips…on the same day as the craziest hand of poker ever played.

Everything else is just noise. Taken together, these two facts are pretty damning. Not 100% ofc.

It's hard to take anyone seriously that cannot put these two together. Edit: To be clear, this is for all the "but there's no evidence" folks. You're just not serious people at this point.

Last edited by Kardnel; 10-08-2022 at 07:17 PM.
10-08-2022 , 07:13 PM
Originally Posted by spaceman Bryce
Whether or not you show remorse for your crimes is supposed to affect sentencing. She probably absorbed this judiciousness from her lawyer parent and husband.

Wait…did she really claim that she asked the cops if the kid looked remorseful? When were the cops ever present in person. All the statements were that it was all conducted over phone calls.
10-08-2022 , 07:17 PM
Originally Posted by ReliableSource
Wait…did she really claim that she asked the cops if the kid looked remorseful? When were the cops ever present in person. All the statements were that it was all conducted over phone calls.
My understanding is that she asked her questions over the phone. I don't know what those questions were but it sounds like the were primarily about his financial situation and his priors.
10-08-2022 , 07:21 PM
The J4 vs J3 thing. This is my take on it.

Robbi is playing with RIP and possibly others money and support. She is going to have to justify the call to him if she loses the hand. This is something she is concerned about hence she gives him a quick look prior to her call, it is just to sweeten him up so he doesnt berate/get upset for her call losing his money. But she dont really care about RIP, this whole situation is just about her ego and her attention-seeking and being a poker and life boss.

I believe the "I thought I had a 3" is just an excuse she had ready for when she loses and has to justify it to RIP. She is not expecting to have to justify a winning call if she wins the hand. She is expecting glory.

When the **** hits the fan and she is being accused of cheating she just uses the "I thought I had a 3" excuse, but that was never meant for if she won, but if she lost.
10-08-2022 , 07:26 PM
Originally Posted by ReliableSource
I feel like nobody appreciates the fact that they randomly caught the production guy allegedly stealing chipsÂ…on the same day as the craziest hand of poker ever played.
Hard agree. This is the only incident where that's a chargeable offense. HCL acknowledging this happened publicly is also surprisingly unusual. Typically poker rooms will want to keep things in house and circle the wagons until all the facts and considerations are in. This leads to the following questions. Was this the first time Bryan stole chips from players or was this the first time he got caught? Was he the only HCL employee involved? If I were the HCL I'd be extremely interested in finding this out.

This is also a terrible spot for HCL. Every character involved speaks to the credibility of Ryan, Nick, and company. "If something malicious happened there's no way they would have been involved." Are Ryan/Nick's best interest in actually finding out the truth and improving their security? Or will this blow over as Nick says "this is a nothing burger". Would the third party firm they hired be able to determine their involvement if they were conspirators? I think a healthy amount of skepticism is warranted here.

Joey, Doug, and company are great but is there an actual investigation by Hustler Casino, not HCL, or the gaming commission? There's an incredible amount of speculation and circumstantial evidence. It seems like Bryan is the weakest link. if there is something more to it he's would unlock things. But he wisely lawyered up and is quiet now.
10-08-2022 , 07:32 PM
I listened to Charles Lew talk about his wife's dedication to teaching herself poker on the ingram podcast.

To suggest that she is innocent because they are financially stable is foolish.

You don't believe she would cheat for the glory? To be known in the poker world, a game she so desperately wishes to he apart of?

The way she needles him after the hand also suggests there is a bit of competitive spirit/ ego at play as well.

I don't think anyone in the cheating camp is suggesting SHE cheated for strictly financial gain. In fact, she would stand to gain more from winning a giant pot from Gman *think HCL click bait YT title*
10-08-2022 , 07:32 PM
Originally Posted by CGreen317
She was NOT going to press charges until many people pointed out how strange that was! She said that the police told her that Bryan had no past criminal history! That was one of her supposed reasons for not prosecuting.
He has a long list of criminal offenses!
So, who didn’t tell the truth. The police? Robbi has changed her stories on EVERY subject!
Changed her story on EVERY subject, lol c'mon dude no need for hyperbolic statements

Last edited by pimpin aint ezy; 10-08-2022 at 07:59 PM.
