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Full Tilt's response to my questions regarding the UB + AP + KGC Full Tilt's response to my questions regarding the UB + AP + KGC

06-10-2008 , 04:09 PM
2p2 needs to seriously stop making FTP look bad. It is driving more and more good players to Pokerstas and it is really ****ing with my bankrollol.
Full Tilt's response to my questions regarding the UB + AP + KGC Quote
06-10-2008 , 04:13 PM
I will be playing at stars again. Rake back is not even worth it anymore with this shady company.
Full Tilt's response to my questions regarding the UB + AP + KGC Quote
06-10-2008 , 04:24 PM
I can't beleive how many big and mostly unessary words were used in that response, my head almost asploded imagining a Sam Watterson wannabe FTP support guy writing that ****
Full Tilt's response to my questions regarding the UB + AP + KGC Quote
06-10-2008 , 04:40 PM
If you read enough posts here on 2+2 or on full tilts own forum it is blatantly obvious that full tilt believes they do not need to treat their customers with any form of respect. From Howard Lederer calling Gobboboy a freak and a very weird dude, to their incredibly poor handling of the recent problems with withdrawals, to their current system of rakeback for some but only if your last name ends in a vowel and you were born in Wyoming. Full Tilt obviously believes that they have the market cornered with so few options left open to American players but I think that they underestimate Pokerstars. I used to play exclusively at full tilt but for someone not offered rakeback, that is just poor judgment. Until full tilt can offer a fair rate to ALL PLAYERS I will be playing at Pokerstars.

Here is their response to why some existing players are being given rakeback through rakebackpros but others are not...

While I understand your frustration in not yet being offered a place
with Rakebackpros please note that Full Tilt Poker does not offer
rakeback directly, so we cannot influence the decision, or speed of
processing, of our partner Rakebackpros.

In reviewing your emails I can also see that you have also requested
that your account (Pilkain) be closed. We have now processed this as per

your request.

Please understand this does not make you eligible to open a new account
on Full Tilt Poker. To ensure a level playing field, our policy allows
only one Full Tilt Poker account per player

Now here is a post from this forum by a player that was included in the test phase of rakebackpros:

FTP just gave me a rakeback account!
I stopped playing there about a year ago, but I just received one of those letters to sign up with rb. I stopped playing b/c they closed my other rakeback account and made me go back to my old non-rakeback-having account. Looks like they just got another player back.

So.... I guess multi accounters get preferential treatment?
Obviously some insane troll is running full tilt and living in howard lederer's stomach.
Full Tilt's response to my questions regarding the UB + AP + KGC Quote
06-10-2008 , 04:46 PM
Originally Posted by jason7761
Hmm, strange, Full Tilt no longer have KGC logo on thier site (I noticed this a while back)
But they are now saying they are licenced in Aldernay (one the the Channel Islands, between the UK and France, for those of you who don't know)

more info at:
This will show up if you are in the UK. The UK government has a white list of commissions and KGC is not on it. This prevents any site that is licensed by the KGC to advertise on TV (I think, or radio...). So Full Tilt shows that commission link if a player is coming from the UK (maybe elsewhere).
Full Tilt's response to my questions regarding the UB + AP + KGC Quote
06-10-2008 , 04:54 PM
Originally Posted by GotQuads
I cant believe FTP support really wrote something like this... sick
i can't believe he got not one, but a series of responses from FTP support. must be some kind of record.
Full Tilt's response to my questions regarding the UB + AP + KGC Quote
06-10-2008 , 05:04 PM
Originally Posted by TJC
This will show up if you are in the UK. The UK government has a white list of commissions and KGC is not on it. This prevents any site that is licensed by the KGC to advertise on TV (I think, or radio...). So Full Tilt shows that commission link if a player is coming from the UK (maybe elsewhere).
Ah, mystery solved, thank you kind Sir!
Full Tilt's response to my questions regarding the UB + AP + KGC Quote
06-10-2008 , 05:06 PM
be glad they atleast send you a response to your e-mails. Sounds like they dont want players to know were there operating and other details of there bussiness prob to make it harder for the DOJ or others seeking legal action against them.

I have often wonder about Ft after reading lots of posts on there forum you here alot of playes who e-mail a question then get a respons to e-mail a diferant department it always seem to me like all these dif department must not work in the same location or i would be easy do for one to derect the e-mail to the right department almost like its all outsorced Like when you call the 800 number on something you bought for support and you get an indian lady that you can bearly understad how hands calls for many companys.
I doubt that most of the people who work for full tilt and there support really know each orther or even work in the same physical place
Full Tilt's response to my questions regarding the UB + AP + KGC Quote
06-10-2008 , 05:08 PM
We really need Howard to see this and hear our displeasure. It's much worse than the jimmy frike fiasco. Give it 5 stars, a good bump and a PM to FTP Doug. Force FTP to the Isle of Man at least.
Full Tilt's response to my questions regarding the UB + AP + KGC Quote
06-10-2008 , 05:09 PM
Originally Posted by TJC

I am blown away by the hostile nature of the response. Is it me?
What do you think?
It's not you, it's an absurdly aggressive reply.

You should send a third mail along the lines of "ZOMG you lawyered up and wanna show that you can sue my ass off? Level ldo. Say hi to Scott and the Chief".
Full Tilt's response to my questions regarding the UB + AP + KGC Quote
06-10-2008 , 05:28 PM
Originally Posted by CybrPunk
I think if you don't trust the site or the licensing body that oversees them you should just pull your money off and go somewhere you feel safe that isn't licensed by the KGC.

This applies to anyone who would call into question the integrity of whatever site they are playing on. If you don't feel safe with your money on a particular site, just withdraw your money and move to a different one that you can trust. It really is that simple.
Ya, agree with this
Full Tilt's response to my questions regarding the UB + AP + KGC Quote
06-10-2008 , 05:28 PM

Dont see Party or Starzzzz (to legit ta quit)
Full Tilt's response to my questions regarding the UB + AP + KGC Quote
06-10-2008 , 05:33 PM
I was thinking about depositing on FT, but with their payout problems and now this, there's not a chance in h3ll I'm going to.
Full Tilt's response to my questions regarding the UB + AP + KGC Quote
06-10-2008 , 05:35 PM
Originally Posted by Harvester
Re-reading the statement does this make any sense?

Equally improper are your unproved factual assertions with respect to
certain individuals, entities, and sovereign governmental bodies.

Your unfounded factual statements may well be unlawful as defamatory and
otherwise improper under applicable law.

Is this an ESL lawyer? Why does he keep putting in "factual assertions" or "factual statements"? I mean is this some kind of secret message to the world behind the walls of FTP, wtf? If a person was trying to discredit a statement in rebuttal - the last thing I would use was factual in the verbiage. Just a very weird way to reply....well the whole thing is weird I guess par for the course for online.
I am a lawyer. A lawyer did not write the Full Tilt letter -- no competent attorney would write in such a fashion.
Full Tilt's response to my questions regarding the UB + AP + KGC Quote
06-10-2008 , 05:39 PM
Wow, whoever wrote that is missing a few brain cells or a few years of education. I would not be threatened by anyone who writes "unproved factual assertions" in an email meant to be taken seriously. This is a bad way to represent a company.

Also, PokerStars totally crushes here. Might make me want to transfer my money.
Full Tilt's response to my questions regarding the UB + AP + KGC Quote
06-10-2008 , 05:42 PM
Originally Posted by gwambini

Dont see Party or Starzzzz (to legit ta quit)
wow they do have a large list of permit holders most i have never heard of
i wonder why the U.K. denied them the right to advertise in the U.K. and alowed others to.
Full Tilt's response to my questions regarding the UB + AP + KGC Quote
06-10-2008 , 05:44 PM
Good point!
Originally Posted by TJC
Your unfounded factual statements
What exactly is an unfounded factual statement?
Full Tilt's response to my questions regarding the UB + AP + KGC Quote
06-10-2008 , 05:48 PM
Originally Posted by novahunterpa
wow they do have a large list of permit holders most i have never heard of
i wonder why the U.K. denied them the right to advertise in the U.K. and alowed others to.
I don't know the exact details, it has to do with some qualifications of the gaming commission. I did a quick google search and found this article.
Full Tilt's response to my questions regarding the UB + AP + KGC Quote
06-10-2008 , 05:54 PM
I think they had someone from prepaid legal write that second response.
Full Tilt's response to my questions regarding the UB + AP + KGC Quote
06-10-2008 , 05:54 PM
Full tilt is a joke.

My wife signed up for an account and I made sure she got rakeback.

They tell me they are closing my duplicate account wtf? So I say wtf, my wife cannot have an account?

They say, "oh she can but she just needs to send us a photo id and we'll need yours too"

LMFAO, So we send in our ids and they say, "you can keep your account but your wife must send in her photo id from her email" This is after telling me we needed to send in the id from the registered email account of my wifes account.

Full Tilt's response to my questions regarding the UB + AP + KGC Quote
06-10-2008 , 05:58 PM
Originally Posted by TJC
Oh and by the way, another poster emailed Stars with the same question (actually I copied his email) and this was their reply: (post #274 in thread)

I emailed Stars and this was their response.

PokerStars rocks.

Dear Sirs,

I am a player on your site and I am curious about your relationship with
the Kahnawake Gaming Commission. Are you licensed by them in any way? Are
your servers housed by the Kahnawake Tribe?

I am asking because of the recent scandals at AP and UB and the close
relationship between these comapnies and the Kahnawake tribe.



Hello XXXX,

Thank you for your email.

We did indeed previously have our servers in the Kahnawake reserve and were
regulated by them. However we have relocated our servers and of course our
license to the Isle of Man (UK). PokerStars now holds its license with the
Isle of Man Gambling Supervision Commission.

We are of course aware of the discussion online about Absolute Poker.
We have no more information about the situation than you do; we can
only read the threads posted online. Absolute Poker is not affiliated
with PokerStars in any way, and we do not use the same software. It
would be inappropriate for us to comment on this situation.

However, we recognize that the online discussion may make some people
generally doubt the security of other online poker sites. PokerStars'
software was developed under strict security controls. Here are some
facts about the PokerStars software and its development.

> In the early days of software development, the concept of having a
program that could view hole cards live in order to help testing was
discussed. It was explicitly decided against that idea, specifically
to avoid any potential problems like the one that is being discussed
in the forums. That decision stands, and no such software has ever
been developed in PokerStars software to view hole cards live in real

> PokerStars does record all of the hole cards in all real money
hands. This is an important tool to help us investigate fraud and
collusion. However this information is not accessible to anyone until
after the conclusion of the hand; it is not transmitted to our
database until all action is completed and the pot has been awarded.

> To be clear: Nobody at PokerStars can see or know the hole cards of
any hand in progress. Nobody in senior management, none of the
software developers, no support representatives. Nobody at all.

> All software updates are reviewed by several people before being
deployed. All sensitive changes are also personally reviewed by the
chief software architect to help ensure they are stable and secure.

> In our company history of more than six years, we have had no
indication of any breach that would allow anyone to see the hole cards
of other players.

> We are aware that there are some programs that claim to make it
possible to see other players' cards. We have investigated many of
these programs, and have not found any that do what they claim to do.
Some of them are actually malware, programs that compromise the
security of whoever installs the software. But mostly they are simply
scams; attempts to steal money from people who believe incorrectly
that they will get a competitive edge. In truth, they do not
compromise PokerStars security.

> We have a large team of Poker Specialists in our Support Team who
review all suspicious situations and escalate to the Game Security
team if they find anything, which in turn will escalate to the senior
management team if any serious problems are found.

The security and integrity of our games is of paramount importance to
PokerStars. I hope that I have been able to alleviate your concerns.

Please let us know if you have any more questions or concerns.


PokerStars Support Team
This response by Stars should not be missed.
Full Tilt's response to my questions regarding the UB + AP + KGC Quote
06-10-2008 , 05:59 PM
The plot thickens yet again.

This is getting way outta hand.
Full Tilt's response to my questions regarding the UB + AP + KGC Quote
06-10-2008 , 06:04 PM
stars support seriously owns every other sites, makes me want to move my roll there
Full Tilt's response to my questions regarding the UB + AP + KGC Quote
06-10-2008 , 06:06 PM
All Stars needs is the Tiltware skin and it's be purrrrfect.
Full Tilt's response to my questions regarding the UB + AP + KGC Quote
06-10-2008 , 06:28 PM
Originally Posted by GotQuads
I see no reason why any company would be regulated by the KGC yet have its servers elsewhere. I'm not a legal expert by any means, but common sense suggests that this is the safest way for gambling sites, ensuring their servers don't get shut down + databases don't get confiscated. If a poker site kept customer information on US or European servers for instance, this would be really bad news for all online players, especially pros making their living from poker.
LOL @ you thinking our infos are safer in Canada than in Europe.
Full Tilt's response to my questions regarding the UB + AP + KGC Quote
