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Full Tilt's response to my questions regarding the UB + AP + KGC Full Tilt's response to my questions regarding the UB + AP + KGC

06-10-2008 , 06:40 PM
Man the more i see on here about the full tilt the more i hate the site.
Full Tilt's response to my questions regarding the UB + AP + KGC Quote
06-10-2008 , 07:02 PM
Originally Posted by Caldarooni
This response by Stars should not be missed.
Damnit Stars, why don't you have rakeback and software that I like?
Full Tilt's response to my questions regarding the UB + AP + KGC Quote
06-10-2008 , 07:28 PM
That second email blew me away!!!
I believe the Canadian Gov't will be acting very soon against the tribe!
Full Tilt's response to my questions regarding the UB + AP + KGC Quote
06-10-2008 , 08:04 PM
fyi, Full Tilt has been advertising on UK television for the 6 months or so since the UK advertising laws were changed to allow gambling companies to advertise.

but **** Full Tilt Poker anyway.... i noly have an account there to rail the high stakes games and play the FTOPS.

it is a crooked site with lagging software, a crazy and unfair rakeback policy and awful customer service. not to mention the cashing out problems...

Full Tilt's response to my questions regarding the UB + AP + KGC Quote
06-10-2008 , 08:06 PM
doomswitch inc.
Full Tilt's response to my questions regarding the UB + AP + KGC Quote
06-10-2008 , 08:41 PM
The KGC is obviously a sham organization, there is so much evidence to support that claim that FTP's comment is pretty damn funny. If FTP is 'overseen' by the KGC then they are run with no oversight.

I am not saying that I have any reason for doubts or concerns about FTP's management or their integrity. Its just that their regulatory body does no actual regulating and if you believe that oversight is important to you then you should consider that when you make your decision of where to play online.

To repeat though: other than their lol support there is no reason to suspect that they are involved in any wrong doing.

A few people mentioned that they thought the second response was written by FTP's lawyer.

I have good news, I tracked down that lawyer!

Originally Posted by frattylight
Email 1 was answered by a customer service rep. Email 2 was answered by one of their attorneys (more than likely anyway). The latter tend not to be quite so polite when you threaten to publicly attack their clients on a high traffic website.
Originally Posted by jsbjoe
I am a lawyer. A lawyer did not write the Full Tilt letter -- no competent attorney would write in such a fashion.
You added the word competent, nobody said anything about anybody being competent (see quotes from incompetent attorney below)

Originally Posted by FULL TILT SUPPORT
Hello Trevor,

Thank you for writing in.

We can confirm our servers are located at the KGC.

In regards to question # 2, your unsubstantiated commentary and editorial opinions do not warrant response by FTP.

Equally improper are your unproved factual assertions with respect to certain individuals, entities, and sovereign governmental bodies.

Your unfounded factual statements may well be unlawful as defamatory and otherwise improper under applicable law.

That being said, we are not in a court of law and have no interest in engaging you or anyone else in a point-by-point refutation or other elaborate discussion of the alleged facts and purported legal contentions outside the formal process of lawful and appropriate judicial proceedings.

We reserve the right to do so in the event circumstances warrant it.

FTP will continue to expand multilateral strategies, including, but not limited to, multiple jurisdictional licensing. FTP?s mission is to provide its users with the best online poker cardroom experience worldwide and shall continue to expand its worldwide customer base with multiple licenses as the totality of the facts and circumstances dictate.

Kind regards,

Full Tilt Poker

FullTilt's Lawyer, Mark Seif

"he's [Dan Druff] made some remarkable statements... some untrue statements... some highly exaggerated statements. He's doing something we call in law "vouching" for the argument I was involved. He [Dan Druff] is engaged in some civil liability something I'll think about later". rawvegas TV interview where seif threatens to sue druff

Witteles has made several false claims and he continues to do so. I’ll talk a little about this and after that, I’m pretty much going to refrain from talking about him. ... In the end, when all the evidence comes out, I think, people will have a very different view of him and his role in this matter...

I believe very strongly that he has knowingly and intentionally or with reckless disregard for the truth (which are not elements of the offense by the way) made at least one statement that makes a false claim, expressly stated or implied to be factual, that may harm the reputation of an individual, business, product, group, government or nation. That’s all I can say about it for now...

Would it not be hypocritical of me to ask the public to wait until all the evidence is in regarding my own involvement before forming an opinion, but at the same time, quickly conclude that AP is guilty of such egregious conduct that I must sever all ties with the Company before the investigation is complete? Wouldn’t I be doing the same thing that some are doing to me? That is, unfairly jumping to conclusions without all the facts?...

Just look at a fairly recent and very similar matter in the news the Duke Lacrosse rape scandal. Everyone thought they were guilty because charges were leveled against them. It turns out they were not guilty. It took many many months before there was even the slightest hint that they might be telling the truth, that they didn’t do it...

Absolute Poker remains a 100% secure place to play. We value all of our players and we will continue to provide our community with a safe, secure and exciting online poker experience. seif blogs from 10/07

Last edited by Cornell Fiji; 06-10-2008 at 08:48 PM.
Full Tilt's response to my questions regarding the UB + AP + KGC Quote
06-10-2008 , 09:22 PM
Originally Posted by jschell
Damnit Stars, why don't you have rakeback and software that I like?
Indeed, I have rakeback on Full Tilt and like the software. Maybe I should try to custom the Stars interface.

But FT shows it true spirit here, wtf? That second email was
way too aggresive. And pretty dumb too. You warned them that you would share this and still they insist in attacking you.

What does FT do with our money? Do they say they have some kind of guarantee or could they 'Tusk' us?

Not to mention: "unproved factual assertions" LOL
Full Tilt's response to my questions regarding the UB + AP + KGC Quote
06-10-2008 , 09:43 PM
Mark Seif

um, wasn't there superuser accusations against Mark Seif at AP long before the scandal broke?
Full Tilt's response to my questions regarding the UB + AP + KGC Quote
06-10-2008 , 09:45 PM
I'm glad to have switched from Full Tilt to PS some time ago. Full Tilt is run like a monopoly in some banana republic.
Full Tilt's response to my questions regarding the UB + AP + KGC Quote
06-10-2008 , 09:53 PM
fwiw, I got the exact same response as the OP word for word. My original e-mail was very agressive so I figured I had it coming, but at the same time I was suprised that Tilt would go on the attack instead of trying to alleviate any concerns people might have with Kahnawake.

Full Tilt's response to my questions regarding the UB + AP + KGC Quote
06-10-2008 , 10:42 PM
LoL at Full Tilts response!! Holy crap. Talk about going from 0 to 60. First post is obv from customer support who most likely has zero insight which is typical. I just discard that response. Second response from Full Tilt was just laughable. Quite frankly I am stunned. Not that full tilt would release such a response but that ANYONE would release such a response. It's almost as if this person has zero social/ biz skills whatsoever. The incompetence is stunning. I would expect this type of response from a High School kid maybe. A high school kid with no sense at that...
Full Tilt's response to my questions regarding the UB + AP + KGC Quote
06-10-2008 , 10:45 PM
+2 same response from FTP about dealings with KGC.. only i sent them the email on 5-30 then requested to cashout 95% of avail balance 2 days later, 6-1. for some reason, my withdrawal was declined with only the standard form email. so i emailed them on the 2nd askin whats the deal, they replied the next day sayin that i was found to be usin 2 accts. lol. hadnt used my first acct since May of '07, created the 2nd for rb and used that only for the past yr. so in their initial email about the acct closure ftp says "let us know, we can transfer the balance to your first account." 3 days and 14 emails from me later the $ had been transfered, no reply about my $360 rakeback from May or even my 40k ftp pts and 250 ironman medals. FWIW seems to me my email about KGC made them look into my history on their site. will have my entire roll on stars within a wk, not worth the bs just for rakeback.
Full Tilt's response to my questions regarding the UB + AP + KGC Quote
06-10-2008 , 10:59 PM
Originally Posted by rock-steady
stars support seriously owns every other sites, makes me want to move my roll there

x 10

Never played on stars before, maybe its about time.
Full Tilt's response to my questions regarding the UB + AP + KGC Quote
06-10-2008 , 11:20 PM
prob be diff if you weren't a .10/.25 cent grinder
Full Tilt's response to my questions regarding the UB + AP + KGC Quote
06-10-2008 , 11:25 PM
When you have companies with huge revenues operating on the fringes of the law, rather than the intelligent people who would normally be running such a company, you get a bunch of morons. That reply is so counterproductive and stupid, especially given that you told them that you were going to post it on 2p2.

Just for kicks:

Dear Sir:

Thank you for your response. In it, you referred to your unwillingess to answer inquiries outside a formal judicial procedure. I, like most of your customers, reside in the United States. Could you please provide me with the address of a person or organization who will accept service of process within the United States in the event that I seek to initiate legal action against Full Tilt Poker?

Thank you for your courtesy in this matter.
Full Tilt's response to my questions regarding the UB + AP + KGC Quote
06-10-2008 , 11:32 PM
Originally Posted by Todd Terry
When you have companies with huge revenues operating on the fringes of the law, rather than the intelligent people who would normally be running such a company, you get a bunch of morons. That reply is so counterproductive and stupid, especially given that you told them that you were going to post it on 2p2.

Just for kicks:

Dear Sir:

Thank you for your response. In it, you referred to your unwillingess to answer inquiries outside a formal judicial procedure. I, like most of your customers, reside in the United States. Could you please provide me with the address of a person or organization who will accept service of process within the United States in the event that I seek to initiate legal action against Full Tilt Poker?

Thank you for your courtesy in this matter.
OP: Please cut and paste the above and mail it to FTP in reply to their threats of legal action.

Full Tilt's response to my questions regarding the UB + AP + KGC Quote
06-10-2008 , 11:35 PM
Originally Posted by Xylocain
um, wasn't there superuser accusations against Mark Seif at AP long before the scandal broke?
Yup, the thread is in the archives somewhere. IIRC, he was being killed heads-up and asked for his opponent to "hold on" while he left the table for a bit. When he returned a few minutes later he all of a sudden couldn't lose a hand.

If I had to guess, user 363 was probably contacted to start viewing the table when Seif suddenly went on his heater. That's purely speculation on my part, of course.
Full Tilt's response to my questions regarding the UB + AP + KGC Quote
06-10-2008 , 11:36 PM
Originally Posted by Xylocain
um, wasn't there superuser accusations against Mark Seif at AP long before the scandal broke?

Yes, disgusting and what a piece of stinky crap no good loser he is.
Full Tilt's response to my questions regarding the UB + AP + KGC Quote
06-10-2008 , 11:40 PM
Originally Posted by Xylocain
um, wasn't there superuser accusations against Mark Seif at AP long before the scandal broke?
Yep, I remember hearing how he said something in chat about bringing out a secret weapon then destroying the guy.

If I'm not mistaken, from watching live at the bike I remember hearing Shriley Risario (sp?) talk about how he was her mentor....LOL
Full Tilt's response to my questions regarding the UB + AP + KGC Quote
06-10-2008 , 11:55 PM
I am really growing to hate FTP. The sad thing is that almost every live player I've encountered here in Michigan plays there, and none of them are likely to see any of this.
Full Tilt's response to my questions regarding the UB + AP + KGC Quote
06-11-2008 , 12:28 AM
FT is so gay. I sent them a link to a site that sells bots to use on FT. The site had the FT logo on it and everything. The bots even had a free trial that I pointed out so FT could easily try them out themselves. I asked why they haven't bothered trying to stop them or updating their software so the bots don't work anymore. I also gave them some forum posts from that site where some people are making a killing using them. This is the response I got:

> Hello xxxxxxxxx,
> Thank you for contacting Full Tilt Poker.
> Full Tilt Poker strictly prohibits the use of artificial intelligence
> programs (Bots) and other external player assistance (EPA) programs
> which are used to gain an unfair advantage over your opponent. Further,
> there are no cheating programs that allow players to see your hole cards
> or determine what cards are going to come up on the board. This is
> simply not technically possible.
> Site integrity is of paramount importance to Full Tilt Poker and we take
> all of the appropriate actions to prevent, detect, and react to
> fraudulent activities that take place on our site.
> We strongly recommend that you do not try to "test" these programs. At
> best, it will be a waste of time and money. At worst, these programs may
> contain certain viruses and keyloggers designed to steal sensitive
> information such as passwords.
> Logically, if such cheating programs do exist, there would be no reason
> for anyone to advertise, and try to sell this "product" for $50 dollars
> a piece,
[editors note: I like how they question me even after I gave them as much proof as they need] or to use such a license to print money at the play money
> tables and risk detection.
> Unfortunately, due to the unrestricted flow of information that the net
> provides, there are some unscrupulous individuals that try and take
> advantage of unsuspecting players who may be looking for easy money.
> Much like those that sell "systems to beat the casinos," a logical
> analysis will bring one to question why the seller of the system would
> ever reveal such a truth to the public if it in fact, was effective at
> all.
> Thank you for your understanding. If you have any other questions or
> concerns, please do not hesitate to ask.
> Regards,
> Jeremy E
> Security and Fraud
> Full Tilt Poker

We don't give a ****. LOL!
I just wanted to see FT's stance on them. Clearly they don't care and they dance around the subject avoiding proof presented to them (*covers ears* LALALALALA).

Last edited by ivienthol; 06-11-2008 at 12:34 AM.
Full Tilt's response to my questions regarding the UB + AP + KGC Quote
06-11-2008 , 12:30 AM
Originally Posted by Harvester

lol, thats it

is he working for FTP now -- in that case: over under on when the first FTP scandal breaks?
Full Tilt's response to my questions regarding the UB + AP + KGC Quote
06-11-2008 , 12:48 AM
Originally Posted by Dima2000123
I'm glad to have switched from Full Tilt to PS some time ago. Full Tilt is run like a monopoly in some banana republic.
Full Tilt's response to my questions regarding the UB + AP + KGC Quote
06-11-2008 , 12:50 AM
FTP is a SHAM! The servers are probably in lederer's basement. In a few years when this site loses popularity the truth will be known.
Full Tilt's response to my questions regarding the UB + AP + KGC Quote
