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FTP Remission Issues Thread ONLY. No polititard or history derails please. FTP Remission Issues Thread ONLY. No polititard or history derails please.

04-16-2014 , 06:54 PM
Reading that made me sick to my stomach. What a terrible update. Now my WSOP trip is no longer an option. 3 and counting unjust.
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04-16-2014 , 09:16 PM
Can this thread stop putting this Patrick guy on some sort of pedestal simply because he answers his phone and pretends to be competent in answering questions? GCG are a bunch of incompetent, mouthbreathing idiots. There is no reason, whatsoever, this should take this long when they ****ed up the whole affiliate thing to begin with.
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04-16-2014 , 09:22 PM
Originally Posted by JAAASH
Can this thread stop putting this Patrick guy on some sort of pedestal simply because he answers his phone and pretends to be competent in answering questions? GCG are a bunch of incompetent, mouthbreathing idiots. There is no reason, whatsoever, this should take this long when they ****ed up the whole affiliate thing to begin with.

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04-16-2014 , 10:43 PM
Here I was hoping my dispute would be processed in a timely manner considering I provided them with everything showing the mistake, literally the first day that petitions were able to be filed. lol me. If I knew it would have been like this I would have never disputed, and it's a pretty good chunk of change to kiss goodbye. Those who disputed were wronged out of their money with no error of their own (didn't file late, didn't file duplicate petitions, didn't give wrong information), it's bull****. I wonder how many jackasses disputed their $40 balances for 10 million dollars, slowing it down significantly for those with legit bankrolls being held hostage by these guys.
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04-17-2014 , 01:06 AM
Yeah, really sickening update. God knows when the hell disputed claims might even be looked at. Wishing I'd just accepted the balance as presented without disputing the check I never received.
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04-17-2014 , 07:27 AM
I thought disputed came before affiliates? I'm in disputed batch with my balance being 12k off due to black Friday panic cash outs never received. I need this money to pay off medical bills incurred from not one but two children being born between black Friday and now. children are expensive
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04-17-2014 , 09:18 AM
Originally Posted by TheGift&TheCurse
you realize there was zero warning (so almost everyone lost/had locked up a large portion of their working capital, at the very least) and alongside the loss of our rolls we lost out income source overnight

i survived cancer, chemotherapy, and radiation when i was 12 years old (28 now)

i can promise you without a shadow of a doubt

if you devoted your life to this craft (which deuce obv didn't) BF was worse than cancer ainec

US govt is 100% responsible (just like SEC was for failing/refusing to execute effective oversight of banking industry)

and I will never forgive or forget as long as I live

congrats govt suits, you have an enemy for life
Use that misguided anger when you talk to them about getting paid. Maybe they will go faster if the understand you blame them for someone else stealing your money that they are getting back for you.
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04-17-2014 , 09:37 AM
Originally Posted by markksman
Use that misguided anger when you talk to them about getting paid. Maybe they will go faster if the understand you blame them for someone else stealing your money that they are getting back for you.
ya true those white knights that could and should have prevented the grey market sites from doing whatever they want in the first place i should now be thanking for doing their job almost 15 years after the market emerged and 3 years after they had the case dumped in their lap by tzvetkoff

whatever would we do without those cute little useless heros
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04-17-2014 , 03:28 PM
Originally Posted by markksman
Use that misguided anger when you talk to them about getting paid. Maybe they will go faster if the understand you blame them for someone else stealing your money that they are getting back for you.
Get the **** out. Pokerstars would have paid us almost 3 years ago. The US government is as inept as always. They haven't done **** for us in this situation.
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04-17-2014 , 03:54 PM
So Affiliates who confirmed balance are in this July group or no?
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04-17-2014 , 04:01 PM
So let me get this straight, affiliates and red pros that weren't even getting paid originally, are now being paid before disputed balances? Glad to see the PPA is earning those dues by doing nothing as usual.
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04-17-2014 , 08:53 PM
Originally Posted by joeyrulesall
So let me get this straight, affiliates and red pros that weren't even getting paid originally, are now being paid before disputed balances?

Let's not forget the people that ****ed up their initial petitions as well.
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04-18-2014 , 03:02 AM
Originally Posted by joeyrulesall
So let me get this straight, affiliates and red pros that weren't even getting paid originally, are now being paid before disputed balances? Glad to see the PPA is earning those dues by doing nothing as usual.
Wow didn't even catch that affiliates were in July... though it looks like pros aren't in that group.

Looks like the disputed is really getting the shaft here. Something, in all likelihood should be easy to confirm disputed balances as they're well aware that cashouts near black friday were not processed.

I, myself, was a black friday cashout. Are there even any other reasons to dispute a balance other than a cashout not processed? Anyone?
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04-18-2014 , 04:12 AM
did most people who disputed their balances have "pending cashouts" b/c they tried to withdraw on black friday? I requested my withdrawal like 2 weeks beforehand.
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04-18-2014 , 11:36 AM
Originally Posted by GrimeRat420
did most people who disputed their balances have "pending cashouts" b/c they tried to withdraw on black friday? I requested my withdrawal like 2 weeks beforehand.
I'm in a similar position. I requested a check on March 21st that was debited from my account, but which I never received.
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04-18-2014 , 12:31 PM
What about the people listed as affiliates that had their rakeback counted against their balance?

I had signed up for the affiliate program but never used it causing them to say that my high 4 figure balance was $0 since I had received over my balance in rakeback payments for my play throughout the life of my account.

I obviously disputed the balance and submitted the spreadsheet from FT showing all of the affiliate activity on my account was affiliate to player rakeback from RakeBackPros.
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04-18-2014 , 12:44 PM
Originally Posted by zachvac
ok I don't really want to derail this but please don't compare this with something like cancer.
I get where you're coming from - but the guy who made the comparison actually went through cancer (I assume he's telling the truth), as well as treatment. As long as he's being honest with his statements, it seems sort of crazy to ask him not to compare his own experience of cancer with another experience in his life. Who else in the world could possibly make this comparison except people who have been through it?

in my mind the only reasonable critique you could say about his statements was that maybe he could have hedged his statement a bit with something like "in my experience."
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04-18-2014 , 12:51 PM
Originally Posted by GrimeRat420
did most people who disputed their balances have "pending cashouts" b/c they tried to withdraw on black friday? I requested my withdrawal like 2 weeks beforehand.
I requested my withdrawal 2 or 3 days before Black Friday
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04-18-2014 , 01:34 PM
Originally Posted by QueenEight24
what i don't understand is i was an undisputed non-affiliate account who filed a petition ONCE and was put in wave 2, why do i get thrown in the "multiple petition" batch
FWIW. Wave 2 is not the multiple petition batch. Wave two will be Mid-May with all likelihood.
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04-18-2014 , 02:40 PM
Anyone hear anything on the affiliate payout front (time lines, etc)?
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04-18-2014 , 03:25 PM
Just spent almost 30 minutes on the phone with these people only getting the same run around, they give answers that don't make any sense at all. This conversation ended with me telling them how useless they are and that they have done nothing to help us players going through this nightmare. When I filed my original claim back in Nov. to ensure I was in before the deadline, there was nothing wrong with this claim. (I received a reply email telling me it has been filed successfully for remission.) However when I called to check up on the status of my claim in mid march I was instructed to file a NEW claim with a new petition # because it was needed for me to get paid. When I did this I was told to send an email letting them know about the new claim and that I agreed with this new claim. I got another confirming email from them. After talking with them today there was nothing wrong with the first one and because I filed a new one I was now lumped into the duplicate claim group. WHATTTTT???? Am I really stupid or does this make no sense at all????? All they are doing is answering the phone and reading from the website while deflecting blame towards the DOJ. This is a bunch of BS and at this point they are defrauding us players almost as much as the site was, making us wait while they do nothing... I completely 100% give up on this whole process and could care less if I ever see this money bottom line is its not worth the stress it causes just trying to make sure that I will receive the money that has been owed to me for over 3 years now. BOL to all of the rest of us waiting on the money they have permission to release to us but wont or chose to drag out even longer than necessary. I have done my best to update this thread with any and all info I could pass along and sorry for the length of this post.
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04-18-2014 , 03:58 PM
Just spoke to Patrick. I have a disputed account due to check withdrawal that I never received. He told me that disputed accounts would likely go out late Aug or Sept. He also informed me that you would be able to provide additional info if at first your dispute doesn't get confirmed. They are still in touch with full tilt and that if you provided the withdrawal confirmation numbers that it should be somewhat easy to confirm your claim. I was also informed that I could drop my dispute within the next 3 weeks (which is when they are sending the next batch to the DOJ) and be included in the July payouts. If you choose to drop your dispute, once the batch is sent off you no longer have any rights to get the dispute back.
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04-18-2014 , 07:00 PM
Originally Posted by cknotts226
Just spoke to Patrick. I have a disputed account due to check withdrawal that I never received. He told me that disputed accounts would likely go out late Aug or Sept. He also informed me that you would be able to provide additional info if at first your dispute doesn't get confirmed. They are still in touch with full tilt and that if you provided the withdrawal confirmation numbers that it should be somewhat easy to confirm your claim. I was also informed that I could drop my dispute within the next 3 weeks (which is when they are sending the next batch to the DOJ) and be included in the July payouts. If you choose to drop your dispute, once the batch is sent off you no longer have any rights to get the dispute back.
Good information to have.

Annnnddd **** that I guess I get to wait.
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04-18-2014 , 07:51 PM
Originally Posted by joeyrulesall
So let me get this straight, affiliates and red pros that weren't even getting paid originally, are now being paid before disputed balances? Glad to see the PPA is earning those dues by doing nothing as usual.
As far as I can tell, a huge number of "affiliate" accounts had incorrect balances and therefore will need to be disputed anyway. I don't think any affiliate, in the normal sense of the word, will be getting any money before you. Red pros, maybe.
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04-18-2014 , 08:12 PM
They are sending out some payments in May now for people?
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