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FTP "3rd Wave of Bots" Investigated FTP "3rd Wave of Bots" Investigated

06-01-2008 , 11:45 AM
Originally Posted by valdos
I hope they decide to fully reimburse players, and figure out a way to stop it. The bots will only improve to point where outside users like mike will be unable to stop them.
They can't fully reimburse players with funds lost to bots unless they confiscate the funds that other people have won from the bots also.
FTP "3rd Wave of Bots" Investigated Quote
06-05-2008 , 04:22 PM
Originally Posted by kuelk420
Cross Post from a thread I started:

I got to the heads up match up of a 4 man sng on stars where before the action began it made me match the security word in italics (i'm sure there's a name for this but it's escaping me) to begin play. Said something to the effect of "to prevent automated play, please type in security password".

Anyone else ever seen this?? I've never seen it before but it's definitely a good feature.

So at least Stars seems to being doing something about this..

I got this the other day when I was playing 2-4 tables of NL100. I thought it was pretty weird but good overall I guess. I wonder what the algorithm is because I can't imagine I was doing anything bot-like.
FTP "3rd Wave of Bots" Investigated Quote
06-05-2008 , 05:14 PM
Originally Posted by MrGatorade
First off I am crazy. My name is "Crazy Mike". To the point of how you believe I need to discuss/reveal/explain the methodology on how I prove a bot is a bot is something that I do not believe should be discussed in the open on a public forum. I find that comment simply silly and ill informed on your part. I do not like dean for many reasons and I do hold a grudge so you are correct in that. I am trying to be civil and so forth with him and I also believe he is doing the same towards me. Please review this post as it will help you understand that i am not simply the only one that believes these are bots. Some well respected people in the limit community understand that bots are simply put the most destructive force that online poker is going to have to contend with in the near future. I am not a drunk as I do not drink as many will contest to but I am crazy and that fact alone should be more then enough to understand that I am simply trying to inform FTP that they have a serious issue because unfortunately they cannot take action on there own to rid these without user intervention from us. That is a real shame on FTP part but in time I hope they will correct that. I have a true passion for this as I hate bots and cheating and this will ruin a game I love in time unless a more proactive approach is taken towards bots.

-Crazy Mike
"To the point of how you believe I need to discuss/reveal/explain the methodology on how I prove a bot is a bot is something that I do not believe should be discussed in the open on a public forum." - Then why should the names be discussed in a public forum? If it's a problem and you've reported it to the correct places they will be handled, right? You can be a hero in the dark knowing you helped the masses.

However if you're just going to accuse names without any evidence or any means to back up any of what you're saying, you're just a jackass making life difficult on other people.

If you post the names you post the evidence, the "massive" research you do to back it up. If you don't post the names, nobody gets all pissed off and you can still have your bots banned.

What do you want, a high five from the collective community, is that why you made a post with a bunch of names? C'mon man.

I can accuse a ton of people of murder, but I need something to back it up. When asked to back it up I can't say "Well, that's not really for the general public to know. But trust me, these guys are murders!"

C'mon dude.
FTP "3rd Wave of Bots" Investigated Quote
06-05-2008 , 06:38 PM
Originally Posted by kuelk420
Cross Post from a thread I started:

I got to the heads up match up of a 4 man sng on stars where before the action began it made me match the security word in italics (i'm sure there's a name for this but it's escaping me) to begin play. Said something to the effect of "to prevent automated play, please type in security password".

Anyone else ever seen this?? I've never seen it before but it's definitely a good feature.

So at least Stars seems to being doing something about this..
I played Stars for about 2 years, without ever seeing a CAPTCHA box.

The very first time I fired up the PT3 Hud at Stars, I got the CAPTCHA box, which leads me to assume that Stars has some way of detecting 3rd party software.

FTP didn't even seem to notice the PT Hud.
FTP "3rd Wave of Bots" Investigated Quote
06-05-2008 , 06:44 PM
Serious question...

Why are bots bad?

If I'm programming a bot, then I could certainly be playing the way I'd code a bot to play.

To use an analogy, I could record every hand history I play and put it into a spreadsheet, but PT does that for me and it's not cheating.

By the same logic, then, I think, if I could write code for a bot which is basically a slightly-more-complicated preflop hand chart, I don't think it should be wrong if I can run my bot to show a profit.
FTP "3rd Wave of Bots" Investigated Quote
06-05-2008 , 06:59 PM
what limit do these bots play at? do any of them play 50-100, or did in January?
FTP "3rd Wave of Bots" Investigated Quote
06-05-2008 , 07:18 PM
Why are bots bad?
A better question would be, "How could anyone not understand why bots are BAD for the poker community?"

But since some seem to need an explanation, I and others like me are a good example of why bots are bad.

At my (fishy) stage, I and others like me, (or those that just jump in without even knowing about bots) would probably lose to the bots at the higher levels, and that money would go to the bot owners, instead of you, and those like you, that have presumably worked hard to get to the higher levels.

Also, it would almost certainly piss many less skillful players off, to the point where they might stop playing, or only play live.

The bot owners will be in the clubs, or on the beach, spending what could have been your money, while you forlornly sit at a table waiting for me to come along.

...and all the while their bots tirelessly sit home earning.
FTP "3rd Wave of Bots" Investigated Quote
06-05-2008 , 07:23 PM
Why are bots bad?
A better question would be, "How could anyone not understand why bots are BAD for the poker community?"

But since some seem to need an explanation, I and others like me are a good example of why bots are bad.

At my (fishy) stage, I and others like me, (or those that just jump in without even knowing about bots) would probably lose to the bots at the higher levels, and that money would go to the bot owners, instead of you, and those like you, that have presumably worked hard to get to the higher levels.

Also, it would almost certainly piss many off, to the point where they might stop playing, or only play live.

The bot owners will be in the clubs, or on the beach, spending what could have been your money, while you forlornly sit at a table waiting for me to come along.

...and all the while their bots tirelessly sit home earning.
FTP "3rd Wave of Bots" Investigated Quote
06-05-2008 , 07:30 PM
very nice good looking out i will keep watch for these s/n's
FTP "3rd Wave of Bots" Investigated Quote
06-05-2008 , 07:57 PM
"I have already been through a series of tests and have analyzed the evidence to a point where I am confident a human could not play or exhibit the types of behavior/actions/algorithms that these accounts show."

How confident?
FTP "3rd Wave of Bots" Investigated Quote
06-05-2008 , 09:01 PM
Originally Posted by schundler
what limit do these bots play at? do any of them play 50-100, or did in January?
FTP "3rd Wave of Bots" Investigated Quote
06-05-2008 , 09:26 PM
Originally Posted by B00T
rsigley isn't a bot

myspacetom is a huge idiot

I <3 Alobar
+1 qft etc. If Mr. Gatorade would like to wager on whether rsigley is convicted as a bot by FTP, I'd gladly put down a few grand and give you 2-1. I mean, you must have at least that much confidence in your methods, right?
FTP &quot;3rd Wave of Bots&quot; Investigated Quote
06-06-2008 , 12:53 AM
Originally Posted by kafkapoe
I spoke about this before. Bots are no threat. It is collusion that is the only real threat right now.

I have played many bots and they lack the neccesary skills to become good players. They may be better than your typical donk, but that is only because they have no emotion.

But bots are donks in the long run and nothing to be afraid of.
I'm not afraid of bots. I fear only the Yeti. And space monkeys. And if they ever collude...well, God help us all.
FTP &quot;3rd Wave of Bots&quot; Investigated Quote
06-06-2008 , 01:01 AM
Originally Posted by Tweed _Man
They can't fully reimburse players with funds lost to bots unless they confiscate the funds that other people have won from the bots also.
why not?
FTP &quot;3rd Wave of Bots&quot; Investigated Quote
06-06-2008 , 01:04 AM
Originally Posted by TJ Eckleburg12
Serious question...

Why are bots bad?

If I'm programming a bot, then I could certainly be playing the way I'd code a bot to play.
so you can play 24 hours a day with no bathroom or food breaks, never get tired, play your exact same game whether it be at 1 or 24 tables, and never tilt even in the slightest? very impressive.
FTP &quot;3rd Wave of Bots&quot; Investigated Quote
06-06-2008 , 01:19 AM
An ever-vigilant watch is kept:

From: michael stevenson
Sent: Fri 3/07/08 4:06 PM
hi guys,

i was playing the 10-cent turbo [nlhe] @ 4am est today.
i had checked "auto-fold" a number of times in a row.... they were pewp hands, trust me.
all of a sudden, i get this msg. in my chatbox...
"you have 100 seconds to type in such-and such code..."
so I did, and things returned to normal.
If this is used to thwart auto-fold bots, I UNDERSTAND FULLY
It's just that i never saw it before.
[oh btw i cashed in that, yay]



Hello Michael,

Thank you for your Email.

The prompt you received is a legitimate part of PokerStars' robot player
detection and prevention system, known as a CAPTCHA. CAPTCHA is an
acronym for "Completely Automated Public Turing Test to tell Computers
and Humans Apart".

This system helps ensure that PokerStars is as free of "bots" as we can
make it. The system has been designed such that most players will
experience a CAPTCHA very rarely so as not to be intrusive upon your
game play. The exact criteria for who receives a CAPTCHA and when
cannot be divulged.

We ask for your cooperation in completing the CAPTCHA whenever it is
presented to you, in order to help protect the integrity and security of
our games here on PokerStars. Failure to complete the CAPTCHA when
prompted may subject your account to unnecessary further CAPTCHAs or
more careful scrutiny of your account.

Good luck in your games, and thank you for playing on PokerStars.


PokerStars Support Team
FTP &quot;3rd Wave of Bots&quot; Investigated Quote
06-06-2008 , 06:52 PM
Originally Posted by schundler
what limit do these bots play at? do any of them play 50-100, or did in January?
FTP &quot;3rd Wave of Bots&quot; Investigated Quote
06-07-2008 , 12:08 AM
Originally Posted by MYSPACETOM
His post comes off the wrong way and is just off. Accused of being a bot in a poker room in 2003?

Bots were conjecture back then, nobody knew they existed.
BZZZZT! Thank you for playing.

Greg Wohletz had "r00lbot" coded and playing on the old server more than ten years ago. The UA Edmonton group field-tested early versions of their bot there, too.
FTP &quot;3rd Wave of Bots&quot; Investigated Quote
06-07-2008 , 04:29 AM
I can appreciate what Mikes doing but I think the guy suffers from Paranoia.

I've railed his games and the first minute hes losing he starts accusing his opponents of being a bot, it's sad; especially when they are talking back...
FTP &quot;3rd Wave of Bots&quot; Investigated Quote
06-07-2008 , 05:01 AM
Originally Posted by valdos
2. the idea of "oh people were cheating, we had no ability to stop it, here is 10% back" is absurd. I want to know that if I get cheated I get 100% back. Fulltilt should eat the cost as it is there problem that cheating is going on. How can I feel comfortable playing and knowing I might get cheated and if I do I will get an amazing 10% refund.

I hope they decide to fully reimburse players, and figure out a way to stop it. The bots will only improve to point where outside users like mike will be unable to stop them.
This is a completely illogical view to maintain. Running a bot is in violation of the TOC of most sites. The mere fact someone violates the TOC doesn't immediately mean you deserve any sort of refund.

Unless I'm completely mistaken the program(s) these bots run off is flawed and is exploitable. Also, as far as I know, this program(s) plays LHE within the confines of the accepted rules of the game itself and does not utilize any information not available to a human player. Is it unfair you lost money to someone violating the TOC? Sure, of course it is. That doesn't mean you deserve a freeroll on FT's behalf though.
FTP &quot;3rd Wave of Bots&quot; Investigated Quote
06-07-2008 , 07:12 AM
the university of alberta bot can already beat anybody except 'thebryce' (and maybe him) hu limit..
be afraid
FTP &quot;3rd Wave of Bots&quot; Investigated Quote
06-07-2008 , 12:52 PM
Originally Posted by thesnowflake
the university of alberta bot can already beat anybody except 'thebryce' (and maybe him) hu limit..
be afraid
FTP &quot;3rd Wave of Bots&quot; Investigated Quote
