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FTP Discussion Thread (Everything but big new news goes here. Cliffs in OP) FTP Discussion Thread (Everything but big new news goes here. Cliffs in OP)
View Poll Results: Do you want the AGCC to regulate the new FTP?
1,156 56.58%
887 43.42%

02-28-2012 , 07:22 AM
Originally Posted by TheDarkElf
  1. UIGEA signed into law on October 13, 2006
  2. Deal for Playtech to buy Tribeca Tables for $139M signed on November 13, 2006
  3. Final migration of Tribeca site players to Playtech sites completed by Februrary 2007

Bullet item 2 was necessitated by #1; wasn't even on the table before UIGEA was passed.

You were saying?
To be fair, by all accounts FTP is a trainwreck of a company, and as such it shouldn't be overly surprising that this sort of "multimillion dollar deal" takes a long time to complete. This of course cuts both ways, since being a trainwreck also means there are more reasons for the deal to fall through.
02-28-2012 , 07:27 AM
I think the deal is done, they only needed an excuse to push back reopening without loosing face vs Pokerstars... they clearly do not want to clash with the march reload bonus...
02-28-2012 , 07:28 AM
Originally Posted by foldacedeuce
You got to be joking with your estimates, if we are lucky will not be running till Summer and more likely Autumn dude. Remember they most likely will have to arrange to pay players back before they re-start...
What, why would they ever pay pack before re-opening? Us players are the DOJ's worries now. Why would they payback ROW before opening? Obviously they will just re-open to allow players to keep playing/raking and not withdraw 100% of their roll. Of course some will, but not all obv.
02-28-2012 , 07:36 AM
hooray another article!

here comes a temporary breeze of optimism followed by an inevitable tidal wave of pessimism until the next update
02-28-2012 , 07:40 AM
Originally Posted by Zenzor
hooray another article!

here comes a temporary breeze of optimism followed by an inevitable tidal wave of pessimism until the next update
02-28-2012 , 08:18 AM
For anniversary i'd like this picture came true
02-28-2012 , 08:36 AM
02-28-2012 , 01:46 PM
Sry for what is probably a stupid question, but I didn't feel like reading through all 1200+ pages while i'm supposed to be studying to find out.

Is FullTilt poker starting back up?

Because the merge network makes me want to shoot myself in the face...
02-28-2012 , 02:02 PM
Originally Posted by RKStelm
Sry for what is probably a stupid question, but I didn't feel like reading through all 1200+ pages while i'm supposed to be studying to find out.

Is FullTilt poker starting back up?
Do you live in Texas?
If so, then you will never be able to play on PS or FTP ever again.

Because the merge network makes me want to shoot myself in the face...
Agreed, but don't shoot your face.
02-28-2012 , 02:50 PM
Originally Posted by yesright
GBT recently said the 16M owed by the name Pros was significant in making the deal happen.

Either they are liars and it isn't significant (meaning they are untrustworthy)

Or they are telling the truth and 16M is significant and they are vastly underfunded.
You left out some other possilities, that I think between them are more likely than the two you listed.

They are liars who happen to be telling truth about the the $16M being significant.

They are liars about the siginficance of the $16m and they are also vastly underfunded.

But most likely is that they are telling the truth about the $16M being significant, they are not underfunded for the whole deal as long as the assets are worth close to what what they were told by FTP, but margins are tight.
02-28-2012 , 02:50 PM

Yes I do live in Texas and played pretty regularly on FullTilt. IMO they superseded every poker site available as far as user friendliness, promotions, and game selection is concerned. AND ON TOP OF ALL OF THAT, they didn't take 8-12 weeks to get your cashed out funds to you! (GD MF'n Merge). I don't even really care about all of the sketchball stuff they were doing because they still managed to do everything right for me. ha. I was just hoping that maybe someone else had acquired their poker software and were trying to get it up and running again. Thanks for the response!
02-28-2012 , 02:58 PM
Ryan Lang has pleaded guilty in Manhattan Federal (pound me in the ass) Court.

What does this mean for the rest of the open cases if anything?

Faces up to 30 years in prison...jesus that's a long time!
02-28-2012 , 03:04 PM
i live in nyc

does anyone know if random citizens can attend these hearings?
02-28-2012 , 03:10 PM
Thread just hit over the 2,000,000 views mark.
Wonder if it will be all over by the time it hits 3 million.
02-28-2012 , 03:11 PM
Originally Posted by DePokerGod
Thread just hit over the 2,000,000 views mark.
Wonder if it will be all over by the time it hits 3 million.
def take the under
02-28-2012 , 03:41 PM
Originally Posted by RKStelm

Yes I do live in Texas and played pretty regularly on FullTilt. IMO they superseded every poker site available as far as user friendliness, promotions, and game selection is concerned. AND ON TOP OF ALL OF THAT, they didn't take 8-12 weeks to get your cashed out funds to you! (GD MF'n Merge). I don't even really care about all of the sketchball stuff they were doing because they still managed to do everything right for me. ha. I was just hoping that maybe someone else had acquired their poker software and were trying to get it up and running again. Thanks for the response!
You prolly won't get an answer given the attitude you have of 'oh well, they did everythign right by me so I don't give a **** that they ****ed thousands of other players over'.
02-28-2012 , 04:23 PM
Originally Posted by hamsamich
Ryan Lang has pleaded guilty in Manhattan Federal (pound me in the ass) Court.

What does this mean for the rest of the open cases if anything?

Faces up to 30 years in prison...jesus that's a long time!
I wouldn't be surprised if he pays a fine and does a year or two tops.
02-28-2012 , 04:32 PM
The negativity here is absurd.

We get a statement from the buyer's representative, that having negotiated with the DOJ in 2 stages and gained shareholder approval over a period that took months, and which is starting a big international poker league for which they really need to know if they'll have FTP's software to run within a few weeks to plan the first event, that they've made enough progress on issues that could have scuttled the deal such that they can assert they think they're going to execute the deal in the next few weeks.

All evidence points towards this deal going through. That a complex deal with legal problems to buy a bankrupt company that had accounting irregularities up the wazoo might, *GASP*, hit delays a few times, should be expected.

You know what else? Even when there's been no news to report, we've gotten regular updates pretty much monthly from GBT's representatives. We've been able to track the progress of the deal for nearing half a year because enough has been happening for them to tell us what they're currently working on.
02-28-2012 , 04:33 PM
Originally Posted by Will_the_thrill
i live in nyc

does anyone know if random citizens can attend these hearings?
Yes you can attend
02-28-2012 , 04:35 PM
Originally Posted by It'sOn
The negativity here is absurd.

We get a statement from the buyer's representative, that having negotiated with the DOJ in 2 stages and gained shareholder approval over a period that took months, and which is starting a big international poker league for which they really need to know if they'll have FTP's software to run within a few weeks to plan the first event, that they've made enough progress on issues that could have scuttled the deal such that they can assert they think they're going to execute the deal in the next few weeks.

All evidence points towards this deal going through. That a complex deal with legal problems to buy a bankrupt company that had accounting irregularities up the wazoo might, *GASP*, hit delays a few times, should be expected.

You know what else? Even when there's been no news to report, we've gotten regular updates pretty much monthly from GBT's representatives. We've been able to track the progress of the deal for nearing half a year because enough has been happening for them to tell us what they're currently working on.
Agreed 100%, which is why I always roll my eyes and laugh when people come on here saying things like, "all we want is updates. Just tell us SOMETHING instead of silence." Because when they do say something, people irrationally **** all over it. When it's positive, they say, "yeah right, they are blowing smoke up our ass." When it's negative, they say "thanks a lot, like we didn't know that." When there's nothing new but they make a statement anyway, they say "LOLOL an announcement about the announcement of future announcements."

So really, why say anything? If I were them I'd just not release a statement at all until I was able to say "FTP is re-opening, and here's how to reclaim your money again."
02-28-2012 , 04:43 PM
Originally Posted by three_dee
Agreed 100%, which is why I always roll my eyes and laugh when people come on here saying things like, "all we want is updates. Just tell us SOMETHING instead of silence." Because when they do say something, people irrationally **** all over it. When it's positive, they say, "yeah right, they are blowing smoke up our ass." When it's negative, they say "thanks a lot, like we didn't know that." When there's nothing new but they make a statement anyway, they say "LOLOL an announcement about the announcement of future announcements."

So really, why say anything? If I were them I'd just not release a statement at all until I was able to say "FTP is re-opening, and here's how to reclaim your money again."
Also agree. I thought this was the best announcement yet. I'm actually close to 100% positive that FTP will be up and running and ROW will get paid soon. The first sweat for U.S. citizens is almost over IMO. The second sweat is how, when, if we get paid from the DOJ.
02-28-2012 , 05:24 PM
02-28-2012 , 05:27 PM
Originally Posted by stackinsideways
WOW. Just realized that. **** YOU Jesus. You brainwashed us you mother ****er.
02-28-2012 , 05:36 PM
Originally Posted by DePokerGod
Thread just hit over the 2,000,000 views mark.
Wonder if it will be all over by the time it hits 3 million.
i guess we will hit about 3.50mn when it is over...
