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FTP Discussion Thread (Everything but big new news goes here. Cliffs in OP) FTP Discussion Thread (Everything but big new news goes here. Cliffs in OP)
View Poll Results: Do you want the AGCC to regulate the new FTP?
1,156 56.58%
887 43.42%

01-16-2012 , 12:14 AM
Originally Posted by NoahSD
I mean.. we publish more breaking news about FTP than anyone, have never been wrong about any of it (although we should not have linked our users to the LA Times article), and don't take money from pokersites. That's because we behave roughly like adults and put effort into doing things properly.
I think you hit the problem on the head here. You are behaving like adults, and your audience is predominantly juvenile. Poker players are not known for being particularly mature, and adding the Internet to that mix brings the social ineptitude quotient up to near-infinity.
01-16-2012 , 12:34 AM
Have there ever been cases in Nevada where a casino went bankrupt and was not able to redeem all the the outstanding chips?
01-16-2012 , 02:53 AM
this is starting to get alil outrageous now. wtf they cant say not one ****ing word even if its just "hey were still working on it". how ****ing inconsiderate. Their starting to go full ****** with this silence
01-16-2012 , 03:44 AM
Originally Posted by vamooose
Regulation by report refers to annual accounting. UK & irish companies have a legal requirement to file annual companies accounts and these must be audited by an external auditor (Grant Thornton LLP). The audited accounts form legal documents with criminal repuccussions if information contained within is fraudulent.

AGCC rely on these accounts and refer to this element of regulation as regulation by report.

Why does AGCC rely on these accounts? Because they carry a far higher weight than anything that AGCC or it's representatives could prepare.

This is completely standard. Even London's Financial Centre, the biggest and most trusted in the world, relies on accounts prepared on this basis.
The equity investment regulation of a corporation is a type of regulation entirely different from the operational regulation most corporations face relative to their primary product. For example, a large publicly traded meat packer will have securities regulation, as you want to call it, "by report," but it will have regulation of its product and its production processes by daily presence of government inspectors in its plants. It's this latter type of regulation players correctly expected from the gaming regulators relative to FTP.
At a minimum it should have included daily confirmation of the total owed players, independent confirmation of the total available in cash accounts held to pay players and testing of the accuracy of the information (e.g. obtaining estoppel certificates from players regarding balances).
01-16-2012 , 04:45 AM
Originally Posted by TicKinTiMeBomB
this is starting to get alil outrageous now. wtf they cant say not one ****ing word even if its just "hey were still working on it". how ****ing inconsiderate. Their starting to go full ****** with this silence
I totally agree with you,they are being just as bad as the old FTP.
They had a good chance to gain trust by changing the way they are treating/communicating with their customers,but I guess they missed it.
01-16-2012 , 06:12 AM
Working in the online marketing department of an online poker company myself it's clear to me that re-opening a huge company like FTP is a lot of work and takes a lot of time, but why do they still not run any marketing campaigns (for instance, a new logo plus a "coming soon..." slogan or something) to get people excited? I can't help but this doesn't look too good to me, there still must be some semi-huge problems concerning the deal, otherwise there would have been some kind of sign that FTP actually does open in the near future by now...
01-16-2012 , 06:56 AM
Originally Posted by TicKinTiMeBomB
this is starting to get alil outrageous now. wtf they cant say not one ****ing word even if its just "hey were still working on it". how ****ing inconsiderate. Their starting to go full ****** with this silence
they are just kidding you.

the only truth to say would be muahaha we enjoy eating your money up!

use the time for your personal plans and make sure not to forget one of these mother****ers who live their worthless lifes with your money!
01-16-2012 , 11:28 AM
Here's something before everyone loses their mind if no news is dropped by the end of today.

It's a federal holiday.
01-16-2012 , 11:46 AM
Originally Posted by JackAceJack
So what's up with Full Tilt ? Will Groupe Bernard Tapie put it online before end of January 2012 as he promised ?
99% of 2+2 posters have no clue, but don't mind telling you that they "think" they "know" something about what is likely. The 1% (or less) who do know, can't or won't talk for very good reasons! Sorry, but Jan is very unlikely!
01-16-2012 , 11:49 AM
Originally Posted by AnnieDukeEatsPuke
I had $0.14 and 26 Full Tilt Poker Points in my account. What are the chances of me seeing these in the future?
Very mature screen name, pal, will get a lot of respect here ! Where have you been for the last 9 months? the troll line forms to the left, welcome!
01-16-2012 , 11:50 AM
Originally Posted by DebtsNBooze
Working in the online marketing department of an online poker company myself it's clear to me that re-opening a huge company like FTP is a lot of work and takes a lot of time, but why do they still not run any marketing campaigns (for instance, a new logo plus a "coming soon..." slogan or something) to get people excited? I can't help but this doesn't look too good to me, there still must be some semi-huge problems concerning the deal, otherwise there would have been some kind of sign that FTP actually does open in the near future by now...
Ive been thinking the exact same myself. Think about it, if u were to launch anything new, no matter how long in the future, ud be still promoting it just like you said 'coming soon' or what ever just to get people curious.
01-16-2012 , 12:07 PM
Originally Posted by Bene Gesserit
99% of 2+2 posters have no clue, but don't mind telling you that they "think" they "know" something about what is likely. The 1% (or less) who do know, can't or won't talk for very good reasons! Sorry, but Jan is very unlikely!
you make it sound like youre in the 1% "in the know" but are choosing to not share the info?

edit: also, i think many players would be ok with hearing its going to be 6 months before you get paid but you are getting paid 100%. all of the frustration and angst towards FTP is because we have been left in the dark for what has now been 9 months and we still have no idea when/if we are ever getting paid. all we are really asking for is assurance we are getting paid and updates on a timeframe and ftp doesnt seem to want to give any of it out (maybe they have no clue?)
01-16-2012 , 12:25 PM
Originally Posted by 2Pretty2Lose
you make it sound like youre in the 1% "in the know" but are choosing to not share the info?

edit: also, i think many players would be ok with hearing its going to be 6 months before you get paid but you are getting paid 100%. all of the frustration and angst towards FTP is because we have been left in the dark for what has now been 9 months and we still have no idea when/if we are ever getting paid. all we are really asking for is assurance we are getting paid and updates on a timeframe and ftp doesnt seem to want to give any of it out (maybe they have no clue?)
Sorry, but I hardly know what day it is most of the time What I do know is that there are always some folks "in the loop" in situations like this who are either pledged not to talk or find it in their economic intrest to keep quiet. I totally believe this is true here also for better or worse, and very few of us can do anything but hope for the best GL to you and all other stiffed players
01-16-2012 , 01:32 PM
Originally Posted by Bene Gesserit
very few of us can do anything but hope for the best
lol...everyone could do something especially those who live close to the headquarters of pocket kings!

if i were a dublin resident i would await these mother****ers infront of their offices!
01-16-2012 , 01:43 PM
Originally Posted by prohunter
lol...everyone could do something especially those who live close to the headquarters of pocket kings!

if i were a dublin resident i would await these mother****ers infront of their offices!
New Name, same message, LOL well welcome back again, your point of view is interesting and very "familiar" over the last few months What's your opinion of "Russian Justice" this time?
01-16-2012 , 02:03 PM
Originally Posted by DebtsNBooze
Working in the online marketing department of an online poker company myself it's clear to me that re-opening a huge company like FTP is a lot of work and takes a lot of time, but why do they still not run any marketing campaigns (for instance, a new logo plus a "coming soon..." slogan or something) to get people excited? I can't help but this doesn't look too good to me, there still must be some semi-huge problems concerning the deal, otherwise there would have been some kind of sign that FTP actually does open in the near future by now...
Makes perfect sense to me.

You would think the new FTP would want to differentiate itself from the old FTP.

Makes you think that not much will change if the vast majority of people are still in charge at FTP.

Its just so dirty the way they have treated us, the players/customers.

I have little confidence that even if this goes through, we wont get screwed in some way.
01-16-2012 , 02:12 PM
Originally Posted by Bene Gesserit
New Name, same message, LOL well welcome back again, your point of view is interesting and very "familiar" over the last few months What's your opinion of "Russian Justice" this time?
that you are not interested in a solution because you are one of the phantom depositors and owe full tilt money is very "familiar" as well!

i totaly understand your point but you need not keep kidding those who want this **** solved! you might have to pay up someday yourself!
01-16-2012 , 02:36 PM
Originally Posted by prohunter
that you are not interested in a solution because you are one of the phantom depositors and owe full tilt money is very "familiar" as well!

i totaly understand your point but you need not keep kidding those who want this **** solved! you might have to pay up someday yourself!
You got me pal! I still owe $220 US Dollars and I have foolishly let my account stay open so it can be collected. I hope it all gets resolved soon. Looking forward to all your posts no matter what screen name you use! GL
01-16-2012 , 02:51 PM
Stop the little personal spat now.

Guy who can ban you
01-16-2012 , 02:57 PM
Originally Posted by NoahSD
Stop the little personal spat now.

Guy who can ban you
I hear you, Thanks
01-16-2012 , 03:12 PM has been doing updates almost every day for a few months on the progression of events. it looks like most of the updates just got cleared for some reason but i recommend you guys check it out if you don't feel like doing your own research everyday

also, any thoughts on ivey/lederer and how they sleep at night?
01-16-2012 , 03:18 PM
Originally Posted by lawstyle
also, any thoughts on ivey/lederer and how they sleep at night?
with a belly full of lobster and a mattress stuffed with player funds
01-16-2012 , 04:56 PM
Originally Posted by Gioco
The equity investment regulation of a corporation is a type of regulation entirely different from the operational regulation most corporations face relative to their primary product.......
so my licence (regulation) qualifies me to drive a 40' truck in Nevada but I need to get a driving licence to drive my car in Nevada from the same guys? You're not understanding the bit where the accounts already prepared are as solid as they get, why get some other monkey printing different or same stuff without any legal weight attached to it. If directors and big 6 auditors are going to falsify legal documents, there's a fair chance they will falsify docs that have no legal status e.g. BS at AGCC hearing

At a minimum it should have included daily confirmation of the total owed players, independent confirmation of the total available in cash accounts held to pay players and testing of the accuracy of the information (e.g. obtaining estoppel certificates from players regarding balances).
retrospect is great....of course I do not read that AGCC ever said they checked the balances daily (that US bank is a long flight each day) assuming the bank are allowed to give an external (foreign) regulator details of client accounts. Otherwise you are back to relying on bits of paper (reports) that someone else wrote, the only difference being they carry no legal liability.

At a minimum maybe the AGCC should have subjected directors and FTP finance department to daily lie detector and personality tests to ensure they weren't about to turn criminal on us

How's Italy anyway? They finished that bridge to Sicily yet or are the Cosa Nostra still running every construction and government department in the country?

Originally Posted by Gioco
For example, a large publicly traded meat packer will have securities regulation, as you want to call it, "by report," but it will have regulation of its product and its production processes by daily presence of government inspectors in its plants. It's this latter type of regulation players correctly expected from the gaming regulators relative to FTP
And that whats the players get, except the 1% of regulation that pertains to players deposits, which are passed up to a higher being (the real accounts at Grant Thornton and Dixon Wilson) and is audited by AGCC by report.

Best to outsource to experts were liability exceeds annual profit.

Are we back to reminding the players that AGCC don't sit their with paper and pencils checking the RNG either.....nor do they perform the defrag of the FTP servers. AGCC staff not employed to do the verification etc etc etc.

Last edited by vamooose; 01-16-2012 at 05:12 PM.
01-16-2012 , 04:58 PM
Originally Posted by FBItookMyMoni
Ive been thinking the exact same myself. Think about it, if u were to launch anything new, no matter how long in the future, ud be still promoting it just like you said 'coming soon' or what ever just to get people curious.
Yes your right but this tends to point to the fact that maybe it is not opening. Or, maybe the start up date isn t so close yet. I would think they would make an anoucnement around 30 days in advance of any relaunch of FTP
01-16-2012 , 05:10 PM
They aren't going to make any announcements about re-opening until they actually own the assets. The last thing they want is to set a date and then have something hold up the sale and make them look incompetent and leave players even more uneasy.
