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FTP Discussion Thread (Everything but big new news goes here. Cliffs in OP) FTP Discussion Thread (Everything but big new news goes here. Cliffs in OP)
View Poll Results: Do you want the AGCC to regulate the new FTP?
1,156 56.58%
887 43.42%

10-13-2011 , 05:02 AM
All anybody who disagrees with me ahs to do is to say so AND give their reasoning of what their take on my comment is and why they believe itheir point of view which is opposite or different to mine.

I say what I think and explain why I think it.

Others just dismiss it and offer no comment and simnply say this is hogwash or whatever with no reasoning.

That is trolling and deserves the appropriate garbage response.

make a point and I will answer

Dismiss it carte blanche and I will treat it with the contempt it deserves.

qualify your disagreement and explain it and you get a reasoned reply otherwise dont waste my time or yours...just put me on the ignore list
10-13-2011 , 05:05 AM
Originally Posted by EYESCREW
You might not agree with what he says but Harry's been nothing but a gentleman. He's done nothing to warrant any sort of ban... Nice try though.
"You can fool some of the people all of the time"

Believe what you want but I am happy with my reasoning and am confident the sun will rise tomorrow morning.
10-13-2011 , 05:06 AM
When the "change BR to equity"-thing came out, it was said that there would be a choice between that and cold hard cash!
By the way, I'm sure when they said "significant amounts", $100k is much closer to accurate than the $10k that have been floating around widely.
10-13-2011 , 05:06 AM
Originally Posted by Blizzuff
Some people (Notably hdemet and EYESCREW) are reluctant to believe that any investment deal is possible without serious DOJ concessions.
I think they're probably right. However, I don't see how this means we should be opposed to such a deal (including DOJ approval / support, as per Harry that is a necessity for there being a deal) or how it means that such a deal makes FTP$ worth 3c.
10-13-2011 , 05:07 AM
Originally Posted by Hdemet
PS I shall always reply to serious comments and discussion in an appropriate manner....

Post garbage and you will get what you dish out - more garbage back.
Why not simply be quiet instead of contributing to the garbage?
10-13-2011 , 05:09 AM
Originally Posted by Hdemet
I never ignore direct questions but I am online for several hours a day due to the nature of my work and cant answer immediately all the time.

So please give me some lattitude as I will always get around to answering and have done so.
Yes, you do. And no, you haven't.
10-13-2011 , 05:19 AM
OK I have decdied to put numerous idiots on my ignore list.

Pointless feeding the idiots on here
10-13-2011 , 05:19 AM
Originally Posted by pablito_21
* Copy/pasting a useless response to posters that disagree with him, even when their posts are well thought out and not offensive.

* Accusing me of trolling when I've done nothing that warrants that claim.

Idk, I think it's getting close.

Look, I've got nothing against Harry and he makes good points too. But there is no reason for him to lump everyone who disagrees with him together as garbage posters. Good posts and arguments are posted that oppose Harry's viewpoints, and he just dismisses everything.

You have copy/pasted the 'Gotcha Harry! Admit you were wrong' post at least three times. What is the point in that? If you wanted to multi-quote every post I've made that contained something later proven wrong you might wear out your mouse.

This is a discussion thread and we are voicing opinions based on limited information. Besides, Harry's over-all opinion that a deal in which everyone gets paid will never happen has not changed for months.

If you're tired of hearing it, why keep asking him about it?
10-13-2011 , 05:27 AM
I mean, there's still a chance the deal will not be done and there is an off-(but close to)-0% chance these three parties lied in their statements.

But that's the information we all are operating on right now.
10-13-2011 , 05:27 AM
Ah thats much ignore list is now 9 from the previous 2 and I feel a lot more at peace with the world seing those posts disappear
10-13-2011 , 05:28 AM
Originally Posted by Hdemet
From the same article further down transalated by Google Translator which like your bit isnt acutally a quote of his but reference to him in the article.

However, he did not wish to elaborate on how or the financial reimbursement of players from Full Tilt.
At least I didn't get the 'sunrise reply'.

You seem to be reading something more sinister in that brief fragment of the article than I do. Doubtless the form the potential investment might take is not completely clear at this point, so I'd think it perfectly understandable that Tapie would refrain from commenting in detail about player repayments. I'm sure he doesn't want to commit to anything specific now without knowing just what money will become available (and when) from shareholders and the DOJ. So I don't find anything especially meaningful in the fact that he declines to be quoted on the subject.
10-13-2011 , 05:31 AM
Originally Posted by Hdemet
Ah thats much ignore list is now 9 from the previous 2 and I feel a lot more at peace with the world seing those posts disappear
Took you long enough
10-13-2011 , 05:34 AM
Originally Posted by kamikaze baby
At least I didn't get the 'sunrise reply'.

You seem to be reading something more sinister in that brief fragment of the article than I do. Doubtless the form the potential investment might take is not completely clear at this point, so I'd think it perfectly understandable that Tapie would refrain from commenting in detail about player repayments. I'm sure he doesn't want to commit to anything specific now without knowing just what money will become available (and when) from shareholders and the DOJ. So I don't find anything especially meaningful in the fact that he declines to be quoted on the subject.
As I said you posted something in a civil manner and I replied as such.

Obviously a little is lost in translation which makes the article seem a little odd to me as they kind of contradict each other slightly.

He will pay all players but will not comment on how and if he will pay the players.

Just like the quotes from Ifrah...I am always sceptical and intrigued as to whether there is a hidden meaning in basic comments and words int he one liners.
10-13-2011 , 05:34 AM
Originally Posted by tamiller866
You have copy/pasted the 'Gotcha Harry! Admit you were wrong' post at least three times. What is the point in that? If you wanted to multi-quote every post I've made that contained something later proven wrong you might wear out your mouse.

This is a discussion thread and we are voicing opinions based on limited information. Besides, Harry's over-all opinion that a deal in which everyone gets paid will never happen has not changed for months.

If you're tired of hearing it, why keep asking him about it?
I'm sorry if my posting come across that way, it is not meant as a 'Gotcha'. I am simply trying to understand his position. I never said I was tired of hearing it, I just wanted him to clarify.

There is a difference between the opinion that a deal in which everyone gets paid will never happen and the opinion that any deal would be bad for the players. I haven't seen sufficient reasoning for the latter.
10-13-2011 , 05:41 AM
If this keeps up mods are going to change the title of this thread to "FTP low content discussion thread" sometime in the very near future...

It's not 100% the poster's fault. There's just not enough new information to keep the thread from derailing.
10-13-2011 , 05:42 AM
Tapie Lawyer: "Makes Sense" for Full Tilt to Reapply for AGCC License

Talks between Tapie and Full Tilt have continued in recent days in spite of reports that they were nearly dead. Dayanim explained, “We are focused on trying to effectuate some kind of transaction that will allow Full Tilt to continue forward as a viable European-facing entity as quickly as possible.” Full Tilt is bleeding cash month by month while it remains shuttered and, to that end, Tapie’s counsel noted, “We’re conscious of the fact that Full Tilt isn’t doing business. No company can sit idle forever.”

A sale of Full Tilt could include players receiving equity in a revitalized site in lieu of larger cashouts. In addition, existing Full Tilt Poker stakeholders could contribute money to minimize Tapie’s cash outlay, although many in the industry have taken exception to that concept. Dayanim addressed their concerns: “What is clear, and is not up for debate, is that to the extent there is any interest from former owners, it would be a minority or passive interest. There would be no continued involvement or oversight.”

On how much cash Tapie is willing to put forth in order to repay players and acquire Full Tilt, was told, “The current arrangement with the company calls for the Tapie group to provide the lion’s share of the funding necessary for the rebooting of the site. How much money is required to accomplish which objective depends on discussions with the DOJ and regulatory authorities.” The DOJ has slapped hefty civil penalties on each poker room indicted on Black Friday.

Could someone who doesn't have me on ignore post this link for those that might be interested

Last edited by tamiller866; 10-13-2011 at 05:57 AM.
10-13-2011 , 05:52 AM
My view of this thread:

10-13-2011 , 05:52 AM
Originally Posted by exoendo
I promise you that 80% of those attacking harry aren't doing so because of his opinions. Many in this thread have pessimistic views.

he's being attacked because:

1) he continually speculates but presents said speculation as fact
2) he throws out his personal evaluations for what assets are worth, but wont back up his assertions with any concrete data other than some variant of "it just is"
3) He categorically ignores any sign of good news and pretty much puts that stuff out of sight and mind
4) He literally spams the thread whether he is asked to or not with literally the same stuff over and over. It's like he is determined to hammer negativity into every crevasse with a sledgehammer.
5) Some have accused him of ulterior motives. His posts certainly read that way sometimes (my opinion)

If he would just cut back on the ego games and stop treating his opinions as already proven scientific data, I think most people would have less of a problem with him.

Exactly what "signs of good news" have we seen from FT in the last 6 months?

I'd like to know what you are talking about because I haven't seen ANY.
10-13-2011 , 05:53 AM
Originally Posted by insidemanpoker
Mpethy, just how ornate can a deal with the DoJ be? Like could the terms of a deal be so long term and detailed as to say something like "if poker gets regulated in the US any time in the next three years we will help you with the licensing process. If you receive a US license, we get xx% of profits for yy period of time or some fixed extra 'fine' if they are able to get the license".

I have no clue how a DoJ settlement can get structured, but obviously the DoJ stands to gain the most from a purchased FTP that hits it BIG but I am not sure they are allowed to make deals in such a manner.
There is no limit on how far into the future an agreement could reach. DOJ certainly could agree to something like what you propose, though I doubt it would. Too much uncertainty in whether they'd get paid if it depends on poker being regulated in the US.
10-13-2011 , 06:06 AM
Originally Posted by mpethybridge
There is no limit on how far into the future an agreement could reach. DOJ certainly could agree to something like what you propose, though I doubt it would. Too much uncertainty in whether they'd get paid if it depends on poker being regulated in the US.
Thanks and I don't really disagree but at the same time I don't see why deals can't include things that may not be that likely as incentives for both sides. It's certainly worth >0 to the DoJ if they could be attached to profits from a future US market regardless of how likely it is and it would also be a somewhat easy chip for the buyers to play because if it comes to that, their investment will have just hit big.

I just don't have any experience with how deals get structured with them and my gut tells me what you say is just too logical and that they don't get involved with such levels of speculation. Couldn't hurt though!
10-13-2011 , 06:11 AM
Ah, hdemet. ^_^ In his desperate need to know the objective truth he escapes the voices who tell him that he can't by putting his hands on his ears and eyes.
10-13-2011 , 06:11 AM
Full Tilt Poker: Laurent Tapie confirms negotiations with DOJ are ongoing and is optimistic, more will be revealed end of October

Laurent Tapie has confirmed that negotiations between Groupe Bernard Tapie and the US Department of Justice were ongoing and that he was optimistic about a Full Tilt Poker takeover which would see the French group take over the former world number 2 of online poker and repay the players in full. He also categorically denied that the negotiations between his company and the DOJ would soon come to an end without any agreement being reached, as has recently been claimed in some media outlets. Laurent Tapie told iGaming France: « This information is wrong. Negotiations began with the US Department of Justice more than a week ago and are still ongoing. I’m optimistic about a favorable outcome for the company and the players. » In terms of timing, the industry should know more by the end of the month: « I think we will know by the end of October, » he said. However, he did not want to elaborate on the financial details or how the Full Tilt players would be reimbursed. He also confirmed that the International Stadiums Poker Tour (ISPT), a series of huge live poker tournaments in some of the world’s most famous football stadiums, was going ahead. The first live event of the ISPT will be at Wembley in 2012, the exact date of the tournament has yet to be finalised because Wembley still has to work out when the stadium will be free of sporting events, he added.

Last edited by tamiller866; 10-13-2011 at 06:26 AM.
10-13-2011 , 06:17 AM
On whatever side you stand, you really gotta put props to him for his open and regular updates. I feel that's very unusual but I really like it.
10-13-2011 , 06:23 AM
Originally Posted by tamiller866
Tapie Lawyer: "Makes Sense" for Full Tilt to Reapply for AGCC License

Talks between Tapie and Full Tilt have continued in recent days in spite of reports that they were nearly dead. Dayanim explained, “We are focused on trying to effectuate some kind of transaction that will allow Full Tilt to continue forward as a viable European-facing entity as quickly as possible.” Full Tilt is bleeding cash month by month while it remains shuttered and, to that end, Tapie’s counsel noted, “We’re conscious of the fact that Full Tilt isn’t doing business. No company can sit idle forever.”

Could someone who doesn't have me on ignore post this link for those that might be interested
My first impressions:

Tapie will put up money to get the site back up and running

However no commitment by him to pay back players but to do a deal that involves the arranging of repayment of players whatever that may mean and you all know what i think it means.

Very useful and interesting.

BTW I have not put you on ignore and cannot justify doing so as you make a lot of sense to me.

Last edited by Hdemet; 10-13-2011 at 06:31 AM.
10-13-2011 , 06:28 AM
Originally Posted by AvoidMe?
On whatever side you stand, you really gotta put props to him for his open and regular updates. I feel that's very unusual but I really like it.
I like how he manages to get a plug in for ISPT regardless of the interview topic.
