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FTP Discussion Thread (Everything but big new news goes here. Cliffs in OP) FTP Discussion Thread (Everything but big new news goes here. Cliffs in OP)
View Poll Results: Do you want the AGCC to regulate the new FTP?
1,156 56.58%
887 43.42%

10-12-2011 , 05:42 PM
Originally Posted by MICK E JUICE

If I was negotiating with the DOJ I would be making sure there was to be no hurdles to overcome to be able to re-enter the US market and that the DOJ wouldn't stand in the way.

This is where I see a lot of room to move, + or - on the future sale value and potential income of FTP. I'm just an old fashioned common sense sorta guy so maybe I'm being naive.
I don't think you are being naive at all; I think this is a genuine source of value for a potential investor.

The tide is turning in favor of US regulated poker--not as fast as we would like, but turning nevertheless.

I imagine Tapie is seeking (at least) assurances that when he applies for a US license a year or three from now that the DOJ will at least stay out of his way, and maybe even write a letter to the US poker regulator about how Tapie "provided invaluable assistance to the united states in its billion dollar civil case."

That doesn't justify spending a whole lot more on FT than you otherwise might, but having the good will of the DOJ in some active way would add some millions of dollars of value, I would think.
10-12-2011 , 05:51 PM
Originally Posted by blackfriday415
Temp ban hdemet imo
Lets go for complete censorship and make it a life ban....
10-12-2011 , 05:51 PM
Thanks for the input guys
10-12-2011 , 05:59 PM
Originally Posted by Hdemet
Lets go for complete censorship and make it a life ban....
its nothing against you. its just that it is derailing the thread
10-12-2011 , 06:02 PM
Originally Posted by Hdemet
My viewpoint on things is constantly evolving as and when I learn more and more things but essentially has not changed very significanlty from a long time ago and I shall present them again.
lol WHAT
10-12-2011 , 06:04 PM
Originally Posted by mpethybridge
I don't think you are being naive at all; I think this is a genuine source of value for a potential investor.

The tide is turning in favor of US regulated poker--not as fast as we would like, but turning nevertheless.

I imagine Tapie is seeking (at least) assurances that when he applies for a US license a year or three from now that the DOJ will at least stay out of his way, and maybe even write a letter to the US poker regulator about how Tapie "provided invaluable assistance to the united states in its billion dollar civil case."

That doesn't justify spending a whole lot more on FT than you otherwise might, but having the good will of the DOJ in some active way would add some millions of dollars of value, I would think.
Mpethy, just how ornate can a deal with the DoJ be? Like could the terms of a deal be so long term and detailed as to say something like "if poker gets regulated in the US any time in the next three years we will help you with the licensing process. If you receive a US license, we get xx% of profits for yy period of time or some fixed extra 'fine' if they are able to get the license".

I have no clue how a DoJ settlement can get structured, but obviously the DoJ stands to gain the most from a purchased FTP that hits it BIG but I am not sure they are allowed to make deals in such a manner.
10-12-2011 , 06:04 PM
Originally Posted by Hdemet
Lets go for complete censorship and make it a life ban....
lol at this
10-12-2011 , 06:10 PM
Originally Posted by blackfriday415
its nothing against you. its just that it is derailing the thread
Ask for a guy to be temp banned then say it's nothing personal? Lol

This on a slow news day no less. At least Harry gives us something to read and it's pretty clear his motivations are in the right place. He wants players made whole and those responsible to pay. Why would anybody have a problem with this?
10-12-2011 , 06:26 PM
Yeah harry is the man!!! If he doesn't get his money you know he is going after ray himself hahah yes! I got 15k locked up on there so I can see why he's losing his mind. I wake up half depressed and he has 20x we I have on there!!!
10-12-2011 , 06:27 PM
My random thoughts today:

1. Why on earth would anyone trade any of their account balance for equity if they are given an option. No one would have enough information to know if its a good investment at whatever rate they offer. I guess its possible that they make it very tempting somehow?
Realistically, I just dont see any demand for this.

2. If I hadn't hired mptheybridge back in february to go over my database and had the most productive and enlightenening 4 hour coaching session imagineable, I wouldn't have had nearly as much tied up on FTP. Can't thank the man enough, even though I was only able to play for 6 weeks after that, went on a nice run (6BB+/100) for 100k hands, after breaking even the previous 100k. Dam you mpethy for making me a better player.

Even though i was only able to get $2k out from that run (two bounced checks, one went through), was easily the best investment I've made.
10-12-2011 , 06:32 PM
Originally Posted by dormie9

1. Why on earth would anyone trade any of their account balance for equity if they are given an option. No one would have enough information to know if its a good investment at whatever rate they offer. I guess its possible that they make it very tempting somehow?
Realistically, I just dont see any demand for this.

Poker players are gamblers. If they can be convinced there's a chance they'll make some significant coin with the investment then some might be willing to give it a shot. The investment does seem highly speculative and anybody putting some of their bankroll back into FT should only do so with money they can afford to lose.
10-12-2011 , 06:41 PM
Originally Posted by exoendo
the idea of equity in full tilt was the idea of some italian that was spamming this thread for 2 weeks. i think they even ended up talking on the phone with tapie.
yeah I remember two guys going on and on about that plan for a while and their English getting better and better with each post, but what the heck, if all the DOJ, FTP, AGCC " suits" do in fact pay close attention to all our spew then I will have a slight ego boost
10-12-2011 , 06:43 PM
Originally Posted by EYESCREW
Ask for a guy to be temp banned then say it's nothing personal? Lol

This on a slow news day no less. At least Harry gives us something to read and it's pretty clear his motivations are in the right place. He wants players made whole and those responsible to pay. Why would anybody have a problem with this?
No news week you mean??
10-12-2011 , 06:48 PM
Originally Posted by EYESCREW
Ask for a guy to be temp banned then say it's nothing personal? Lol

This on a slow news day no less. At least Harry gives us something to read and it's pretty clear his motivations are in the right place. He wants players made whole and those responsible to pay. Why would anybody have a problem with this?
Hdemets theories have been debunked a million times and he keeps repeating them, and now some shadyness is uncovered by Diamond_flush surrounding the whole situation. I'm pretty sure being pro-tempbanning Hdemet shouldn't be regarded as a personal offence, I personally am for it to protect him. It's obvious he's gone a bit crazy to me, and will regret this if he ever returns to normal.
10-12-2011 , 06:50 PM
Originally Posted by Bene Gesserit
No news week you mean??
I'd also like to point out that no news probably means good news. The longer we hear nothing the further the negotiations are getting. if the DOJ was like "LOL no **** off french tapette" we'd have heard of that by now.
10-12-2011 , 06:53 PM
Before i say this let me just state i barely read this train wreck of a thread and have no opinion on Harry either way. The way you internet message board lifers treat people its no wonder no one famous in the poker world ever comes in here. This guy is about the biggest name you have posting in here and you guys have crucified him. I dont even have a clue why you are killing him now but why dont you guys show some respect because more than half of you wouldnt have the balls to say it in real life,
10-12-2011 , 06:56 PM
Originally Posted by joeyrulesall
Before is say this let me just state i barely read this train wreck of a thread and have no opinion on Harry either way. The way you internet message board lifers treat people its no wonder no one famous in the poker world ever comes in here. This guy is about the biggest name you have posting in here and you guys have crucified him. I dont even have a clue why you are killing him now but why dont you guys show some respect because more than half of you wouldnt have the balls to say it in real life,
So harry gets a free pass if he has been privately lobbying a potential investor not to pay back a certain group of players who are owed money?
10-12-2011 , 06:58 PM
Originally Posted by joeyrulesall
Before is say this let me just state i barely read this train wreck of a thread and have no opinion on Harry either way. The way you internet message board lifers treat people its no wonder no one famous in the poker world ever comes in here. This guy is about the biggest name you have posting in here and you guys have crucified him. I dont even have a clue why you are killing him now but why dont you guys show some respect because more than half of you wouldnt have the balls to say it in real life,
durrrr is the biggest name that has posted on FTP on 2P2, and AFAIK no one has ever said anything bad about him during this situation (there was some confusion at some point but I think pretty much everyone still loves him now).
Why? Because durrrr knows how to act on the forums, and isn't presenting speculation as if they were facts. He has also acted as a logical thinking person, what hdemet hasn't been doing.

Last edited by bbfg; 10-12-2011 at 07:01 PM. Reason: he has also been on fox :)
10-12-2011 , 07:00 PM
Originally Posted by aggo
So harry gets a free pass if he has been privately lobbying a potential investor not to pay back a certain group of players who are owed money?
Exactly this too. Sure hdemet can say it's not true and all, but at the end of the day if I have to pick between who to believe between Diamond_Flush and hdemet... Very easy pick .
10-12-2011 , 07:03 PM
Originally Posted by EYESCREW
Ask for a guy to be temp banned then say it's nothing personal? Lol
ya. like he'd want anyone who was posting what hdemet was, with the persistence and repetition that he is, to be tempbanned. hence, nothing personal.
10-12-2011 , 07:04 PM
didnt follow the last few weeks but can someone please update me?...the mes is getting bigger and bigger and i feel lost.
10-12-2011 , 07:05 PM
Originally Posted by Hdemet
So many people speaking on my behalf and fabricating what I am thinking and why I have written whatever it may be on this subject and making TOTALLY false assumptions..very pitiful and pathetic.

I think whenever I write something in future I will just ask certain indivuiduals on here to tell me what I should write first.

A very brief response to some comments in this thread recently:

The Tapie deal is not good for the players in whatever form it takes for various reeasons repeatedly expressed already in this thread.

I have spoken to people about what I believe is a way out of this mess with my own views and ideas but it has always involved the US players getting paid back and some of these have been passed on to others who may or may not have been involved directly and/or indirectly in negaotiations for FTP. these involved US players needing to be sacrificed in the short term in having to be treated differently from the RoW debts as they are not worth anything to a potential future FTP owner.

I have never had any financial interest in any outcome of any negotiations for FTP other than indirectly getting money back from people with money on the site who owe me.

Believe with 100% conviction that no investor exists who is prepared to put up $350+ million for the whole of FTP thereby guaranteeing all players get their funds and that this is based on no investor coming remotely close to doing this to date.

Also believe with that any refund of player funds will always be heavily dependant on shareholders returning a lot of their dividends which re[present stolen player funds.

BTW My believing something with 100% conviction means that it is blatantly obvious to me and based on what has or hasnt happened to date.

The reason my post count is so high and there is a lot of repetition is becasue people seem to misundertsand a lot of what I have written or dont bother to actual read the words and keep repeatedly asking the same questions over and over again. Hence the repeat replies which are the same over and over again.

and finally....

My viewpoint on things is constantly evolving as and when I learn more and more things but essentially has not changed very significanlty from a long time ago and I shall present them again.

No investor exists who is prepared to put up all the player liability money becasue the US bit is toxic and casues the company to be grossly overpriced

FTP surviving is not essential to players getting their money back but shareholders returning dividend money is very critical to this happening.
Just read this, skimmed over it earlier. I'm going to take a risk. I'm going to ask you a very simple question. If you can answer it and the answer satisfies me, I'll start acting respectful vs you.

I quote you:
No investor exists who is prepared to put up all the player liability money becasue the US bit is toxic and casues the company to be grossly overpriced
How do you know this to be true? Why do you think there is no way Tapie's valuation of the company will make it look like a good investment? Or any other possible investor? I do not want an answer based on assumptions or opinions, but on facts. Do this and I'm pretty sure most of the haters will stop hating too .
10-12-2011 , 07:06 PM
Originally Posted by joeyrulesall
Before i say this let me just state i barely read this train wreck of a thread and have no opinion on Harry either way. The way you internet message board lifers treat people its no wonder no one famous in the poker world ever comes in here. This guy is about the biggest name you have posting in here and you guys have crucified him. I dont even have a clue why you are killing him now but why dont you guys show some respect because more than half of you wouldnt have the balls to say it in real life,
Right, I forgot that Tom Dwan, Daniel Negreanu, Barry Greenstein, etc. aren't famous in the poker world

If someone pretends to have the best interests of the poker community at heart, while actually working to hurt the poker community as a whole, then he deserves to be crucified. That's exactly what Harry has done here.
10-12-2011 , 07:07 PM
Originally Posted by Zaarg
didnt follow the last few weeks but can someone please update me?...the mes is getting bigger and bigger and i feel lost.
Tapie (french baller) is currently in talks with the DOJ to possibly take over the company. If these talks go well, there's a good chance this is going to end well for us. There are some rumours that IF everything goes through ROW players with a lot of money on the site will get partially money and partially shares.
10-12-2011 , 07:17 PM
Originally Posted by bbfg
Hdemets theories have been debunked a million times and he keeps repeating them, and now some shadyness is uncovered by Diamond_flush surrounding the whole situation. I'm pretty sure being pro-tempbanning Hdemet shouldn't be regarded as a personal offence, I personally am for it to protect him. It's obvious he's gone a bit crazy to me, and will regret this if he ever returns to normal.
You're full of crap. Harry's "theories" as you'd like to call them are nothing more than him stating his opinion which is the same thing everybody else in here is doing because none of us have all the details nor do we have a crystal ball.

The only difinitive statment Harry has made is that he believed nobody was going to put $300 million + up front to buy FTP and to that extent he's been correct.

Add to that his hopes of seeing those that have hurt the players and the game punished for their wrongdoings. There's not much more to any of his arguments than that. Sure he has speculated a little about things but this is a discussion thread. We've all speculated to some degree. Harry stands by his convictions and when proven wrong he's the first to admit it.

That's more than I can say for a lot of the posters itt.
