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FTP Discussion Thread (Everything but big new news goes here. Cliffs in OP) FTP Discussion Thread (Everything but big new news goes here. Cliffs in OP)
View Poll Results: Do you want the AGCC to regulate the new FTP?
1,156 56.58%
887 43.42%

09-28-2011 , 10:11 AM
Here's a thought for you all to consider/discuss/debate...

Why did the French Investor get promoted and publicly banded about so readily AFTER the AGCC retired to consider it's verdict on hearing2?

I am EXTREMELY suspicious about this because the claim is that they were looking at FTP from 24 August after the exclusivity period with the time waster ended.

It seems INCEREDIBLY strange and coincidental to me that JI or FTP would not have been shouting form the rooftops about him from the 24th August and prior to the AGCC second hearing rather than waiting until after that hearing before publicly screaming about this current investor.

Definitely ominous and very questionable in my opinion that this public declaration of the French investor started at the same time as The AGCC was rumoured to be revoking FTP's licence.

I dont like coincidences and this smacks of blatant spin type PR to me or at least thats what I conclude from the timing of it all.
09-28-2011 , 10:19 AM
Originally Posted by Hdemet
I am not so sure....the previous investors were also known but wanted to remain anonymous and only one of them didnt have the money to pay for any deal whilst others only wanted part of the company or didnt want to agree to FTP's terms.

The fact that all the previous ones fell trhough also means that we dont need to hazard a guess as to their liklihoods of completion as they all failed.

The European investor exclusive deal was led by someone with no money and that was widely reported int he press too so French press covering it doesnt mean much at all.

Jeff Iffrah's comments are very biased and despite the investors having the money it deosnt necessarily mean they havee seen all the books but imagine that they will do before a deal is done assuming that they are shown honest books and not doctored ones as FTP could easily misrepresent things in order to try and secure a deal as they were not totally open and honest with previous investors.

Lets a hope a deal gets done but again I am not convinced that all this optimism is anything more than just rtificially induced hype.
I don't know what the level of optimism is/should be. My impression from this forum is that many people like extremes. They either become very euphoric around 'good news' like this, or are the type "they stole my moniez! FT was a Ponzi scheme! Scumbags!" or the type "It's all over boys, we can kiss our rollz goodbye". Few people actually try to analyze the situation realistically and non-impulsively.

I personally think that this deal is more likely to succeed than the previous ones, but am also trying to not get too hopeful until it's actually done (and it's a good deal).
09-28-2011 , 10:20 AM
Is the frenchman legit?
09-28-2011 , 10:20 AM
Originally Posted by EYESCREW
That's just it. It's not free. You got more rakeback as you paid more rake. You were getting 27% of your own money back.

I can't believe players got suckered into playing a style that maximized rake. Who does that benefit? Certainly not the players.
When the RB was given by the 'dealt' method, generating more rake was pretty smart actually.
09-28-2011 , 10:23 AM
Originally Posted by Hdemet
Here's a thought for you all to consider/discuss/debate...

Why did the French Investor get promoted and publicly banded about so readily AFTER the AGCC retired to consider it's verdict on hearing2?

I am EXTREMELY suspicious about this because the claim is that they were looking at FTP from 24 August after the exclusivity period with the time waster ended.

It seems INCEREDIBLY strange and coincidental to me that JI or FTP would not have been shouting form the rooftops about him from the 24th August and prior to the AGCC second hearing rather than waiting until after that hearing before publicly screaming about this current investor.

Definitely ominous and very questionable in my opinion that this public declaration of the French investor started at the same time as The AGCC was rumoured to be revoking FTP's licence.

I dont like coincidences and this smacks of blatant spin type PR to me or at least thats what I conclude from the timing of it all.
Could it be that the investors themselves did not want to appear before the hearing for some unknown to us reason? That would explain your suspicions imo.

I would like to ask you a question too. What do you think FT might potentially gain by spreading a false rumor at this point?
09-28-2011 , 10:23 AM
Originally Posted by Hdemet
Here's a thought for you all to consider/discuss/debate...

Why did the French Investor get promoted and publicly banded about so readily AFTER the AGCC retired to consider it's verdict on hearing2?

I am EXTREMELY suspicious about this because the claim is that they were looking at FTP from 24 August after the exclusivity period with the time waster ended.

It seems INCEREDIBLY strange and coincidental to me that JI or FTP would not have been shouting form the rooftops about him from the 24th August and prior to the AGCC second hearing rather than waiting until after that hearing before publicly screaming about this current investor.

Definitely ominous and very questionable in my opinion that this public declaration of the French investor started at the same time as The AGCC was rumoured to be revoking FTP's licence.

I dont like coincidences and this smacks of blatant spin type PR to me or at least thats what I conclude from the timing of it all.
This has already been said in this thread. Agcc revokes the lisence and full tilt blames them for killing the mystery deal that would have saved the company. If there was indeed a deal almost complete wouldn't thus have been discussed in the hearing? Wouldn't the agcc already know the details. Maybe they shouldn't have had that hearing in secret. Now they are going to be spun to have killed the deal or have to extend further. Things done in secret usually have sinister reason. Congrats agcc your being played as badly as we have been.
09-28-2011 , 10:26 AM
Originally Posted by aggo
Honestly if you're not following the thread everyday people should research before they post simple questions.

There have been tons of rumors as to who the new investor is.
Which illustrates my point perfectly earlier. Do you really expect people to login and sift through pages upon pages of people arguing the same mundane stuff that they have arguing about for the last two months?

If it wasn't all wild speculation and plucking numbers out of thin air (most of which don't even add up) then the thread might be worth reading.
09-28-2011 , 10:31 AM
Originally Posted by Genetikfreak
Poon imo,

Also if Ftp comes back, they could finaly fk'n retag my account for rakeback. Those basturds have been stiffing me 4 so long...
I have reasonable hope for my $$$ balance
The child in me that also believes in the easter bunny has hope that there is a miniscule chance that they might honour ftps and iron man medals, maybe...

I have zero hope for rakeback deals no matter whether you had it before or not... (as I said before, i would even entertain the conspiracy theroy that this is all a huge ruse with the sole purpose of getting rid of rakeback)


Acctually, do you guys think ftp and medal balances are included in the owed to the players numbers? If yes how much of it is it?

Last edited by Eldorian; 09-28-2011 at 10:36 AM. Reason: Thought about the implications of my joke...
09-28-2011 , 10:31 AM
Those arguing that the license should be revoked ASAP are just totally incapable of calculating EV. The fact is, YES, there are plenty of good reasons to be very very skeptical about the legitimacy of this deal. There is plenty of prior evidence to suggest that it would be unwise to get your hopes too high.

That being said, there is PLENTY Of evidence to at least suggest that there is some % chance of this happening. I don't know if it's 1%, 10% or 90% right now, but with regards to the AGCC it shouldn't matter at all. The damage of this mess is done. FTP has very little $ left. The amount you could somehow salvage from revoking the license now rather than in a few weeks is basically completely meaningless relative to the amount that could be recovered should a deal happen. In that scenario, you should do everything humanely possible to create a climate most favorable to the deal coming to fruition. This has nothing to do with having a great degree of healthy skepticism about it, but frankly, we have no choice but to pursue it as it is the only outcome that will actually be positive for players. If no deal happens, whether the license was officially revoked today or in two months will have basically no significant impact on the future. If a deal does happen, it will have a dramatic influence, so going on and on about how AGCC needs to take a hard line now is silly. Their opportunity to take a hard line in defense of the players interests have long come and gone and they squashed it, and at this point, they should just stay out of the way since there is very little good they can do now. If this ends badly, they can do their part to make their information public, but we'll cross that bridge if we get there.
09-28-2011 , 10:34 AM
Originally Posted by la6ki
Could it be that the investors themselves did not want to appear before the hearing for some unknown to us reason? That would explain your suspicions imo.

I would like to ask you a question too. What do you think FT might potentially gain by spreading a false rumor at this point?
Investors have to make themselves known to the AGCC if they want to take over the licence and are having meetings with The AGCC

If they were around since24 August why didnt they meet them before and not after the hearing if the licence being kept was so important to them?

FTP gain more time and mess The AGCC around for a lot longer as if The AGCC revoke the licence it will send a clear message that FTP are not worthy of a licence.

This would lead me to believe that the deal with The French is not what it would appear to be to us on the outside and when added to the JI comment about a "Restructuring" of FTP ownership makes me wonder if some existing owners will still have an involvement in a new FTP or a deal will be done for part of the company or something sinister deal wise is going on.

It just doesnt feel or sound right at all and smacks of suspicious underhanded goings on as it simply does not add up.
09-28-2011 , 10:34 AM
god do i hate reading all the negative **** from you HDemet
09-28-2011 , 10:36 AM
Originally Posted by IHaveStrong9
god do i hate reading all the negative **** from you HDemet
09-28-2011 , 10:38 AM
Originally Posted by Hdemet
Here's a thought for you all to consider/discuss/debate...

Why did the French Investor get promoted and publicly banded about so readily AFTER the AGCC retired to consider it's verdict on hearing2?

I am EXTREMELY suspicious about this because the claim is that they were looking at FTP from 24 August after the exclusivity period with the time waster ended.

It seems INCEREDIBLY strange and coincidental to me that JI or FTP would not have been shouting form the rooftops about him from the 24th August and prior to the AGCC second hearing rather than waiting until after that hearing before publicly screaming about this current investor.

Definitely ominous and very questionable in my opinion that this public declaration of the French investor started at the same time as The AGCC was rumoured to be revoking FTP's licence.

I dont like coincidences and this smacks of blatant spin type PR to me or at least thats what I conclude from the timing of it all.
Why would they go public with anything on Aug. 24? That was when this potential investor had his first meeting at FTP iirc. What would there be to report? We had already been told by then that there were several interested parties. The fact that exclusivity with another party ended and someone else made their FIRST visit to the site is not news. If that was true, this roller coaster ride of the last few months, would have been even more bumpy!

Sometime between late August and the September AGCC hearings, there was some agreement between FTP and this investor to move forward. As someone who has seen some of the docs, I can tell you that the date the Term Sheet was signed, was about the same date as the hearings began, which imo, is pretty fast considering the first meeting was only a few weeks earlier.
Several additional things happened shortly thereafter...the AGCC leaked that it was considering revoking the license and the DOJ released an amended complaint in the civil forfeiture action.

On a daily basis, things happen or don't happen that can either make a deal or kill a deal. Thats why its impossible to guage the liklihood of success until it actually happens.
Personally I wouldnt read anything into the dates themselves. It would seem that AGCC at least, took pause with their revocation action, possibly based on that plea from players. Who knows why? Until they give a formal statement, thats all speculation too. Its my understanding that a lot of things are still happening behind the scenes to get this deal done. And thats all we know for now.
09-28-2011 , 10:42 AM
Originally Posted by IHaveStrong9
god do i hate reading all the negative **** from you HDemet
Fine I have no problem with you not liking it but do you think my reasoning has some merit?

If you do not think my reasonong has merit then just ignore it but with such limited amounts of information out there I have to interpret what is available as best I can and mix it in with stuff that I do know.

There appears to me to be something sinister going on as statements made by FTP and their lawyer do not seem to add up logically and I think it is right to question and interrogate and analyze anything that is said publicly.

Alternatively give me your reasoning as to why these weird timings and statements come out at the times that they do.
09-28-2011 , 10:42 AM
Originally Posted by IHaveStrong9
god do i hate reading all the negative **** from you HDemet
09-28-2011 , 10:43 AM
Originally Posted by Hdemet
Here's a thought for you all to consider/discuss/debate...

Why did the French Investor get promoted and publicly banded about so readily AFTER the AGCC retired to consider it's verdict on hearing2?

I am EXTREMELY suspicious about this because the claim is that they were looking at FTP from 24 August after the exclusivity period with the time waster ended.

It seems INCEREDIBLY strange and coincidental to me that JI or FTP would not have been shouting form the rooftops about him from the 24th August and prior to the AGCC second hearing rather than waiting until after that hearing before publicly screaming about this current investor.

Definitely ominous and very questionable in my opinion that this public declaration of the French investor started at the same time as The AGCC was rumoured to be revoking FTP's licence.

I dont like coincidences and this smacks of blatant spin type PR to me or at least thats what I conclude from the timing of it all.
I see you have found the caps and bold combination to get your point across. You still are FULL OF CRAP though. After August 24th, MULTIPLE investors came forward. I think it was smth between 4 and 7?

Investors want to remain anonymous as long as possible since once it's out there is added pressure, you are going to get contacted, it's going to be bad PR if you decide to opt out,... numerous reasons.
09-28-2011 , 10:44 AM
Originally Posted by bbfg
I see you have found the caps and bold combination to get your point across. You still are FULL OF CRAP though. After August 24th, MULTIPLE investors came forward. I think it was smth between 4 and 7?

Investors want to remain anonymous as long as possible since once it's out there is added pressure, you are going to get contacted, it's going to be bad PR if you decide to opt out,... numerous reasons.
maybe we would have to suffer through less posts from hdemet if we all made the conscious decision to not engage him anymore?
09-28-2011 , 10:46 AM
Originally Posted by Eldorian
I have zero hope for rakeback deals no matter whether you had it before or not...
If a new company takes over are all affiliate deals dead?

If they are then the new FTP could give every player rakeback direct with no middle men to pay. Win Win IMO.
09-28-2011 , 10:47 AM
what is our "date" for more info for us right now?
09-28-2011 , 10:50 AM
Originally Posted by laughing gravy
If a new company takes over are all affiliate deals dead?

If they are then the new FTP could give every player rakeback direct with no middle men to pay. Win Win IMO.
I think looking at the success that PS has with their VIP programme i would assume they rather take that route, but yes same difference...
09-28-2011 , 10:51 AM
Originally Posted by IHaveStrong9
god do i hate reading all the negative **** from you HDemet
Well he is realist... What do you wanna hear? that the deal is done by someone with a "reputable" source which have now happened numerous times but everytime turnout to be false.
09-28-2011 , 10:55 AM
Originally Posted by Jokko
Well he is realist...

Originally Posted by Jankone54
what is our "date" for more info for us right now?
Whenever Howard is ready to share?
09-28-2011 , 11:05 AM
Originally Posted by IHaveStrong9
god do i hate reading all the negative **** from you HDemet
I think there's an "I believe in the tooth fairy" thread in BBV. Perhaps you should check it out?

Sorry for being a prick but it's obvious this story is going to have a bad ending. The only thing that remains to be seen is whether it'll be bad for the owners and the players or just end up bad for the owners.

Hopefully there will be an answer soon...
09-28-2011 , 11:07 AM
Any of the people talking to Ifrah heard any updates today?
09-28-2011 , 11:10 AM
HDemet writes good, solid, logically based posts. I also am very disappointed in how FTP have turned out, but it would be foolish to ignore what is staring us in the face.
