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FTP Discussion Thread (Everything but big new news goes here. Cliffs in OP) FTP Discussion Thread (Everything but big new news goes here. Cliffs in OP)
View Poll Results: Do you want the AGCC to regulate the new FTP?
1,156 56.58%
887 43.42%

07-12-2012 , 11:20 AM
Originally Posted by COCOCHANEL
Just to clarify: DOJ cannot grant or deny bail. Only a judge/court/tribunal can do that.
SDNY filed a motion to deny bail asserting Ray Bitar to be a flight risk, hence, "the DOJ attempted to deny bail...".
07-12-2012 , 11:21 AM
I have seen lots of people post that PS said the "deal" is not dead but I must have missed when they confirmed there was a "deal" in the first place!
The only thing I saw was when the rumours started they said "we are in negotiations with the DOJ and cannot comment" there was never any mention that part of those negotiation included FTP .

or did I miss that "tweet"
yes we have heard it from DF but when did PS say they were working on a deal "INCLUDING" FTP?
07-12-2012 , 11:24 AM
Originally Posted by joeyrulesall
Amazing how much you can learn from good cliffs. I didn't even know about the tweets from Eric hollreiser whoever he is. Very interesting.
Happened last night. I'm still not sure what to make of it considering that many people came forth to talk about the amount of credibility Eric had...
07-12-2012 , 11:24 AM
Originally Posted by TY reload PLS
'Pokerstars folds on FTP deal. Never real deal, just bluff to prevent Tapie from bringing FTP back to market - great bargaining chip with DOJ'
The day PS buying FTP thing appear on the same day GBT deal declared dead above speculation came to my mind. PS will drag it as long as they can and finally will say sorry its too complicated and cant be completed. By the time PS say deal is dead or dont say anything about deal, it will be beyond complicated and near impossible to acquire/revive FTP by anyone.
As far as I can tell this guy is totally talking out of his ass? I don't get why Pokerstars would need to fake a deal at length to prevent a GBT deal that was never going to happen regardless of Stars' involvement or lack thereof.

The only reason the stars deal got mentioned the same day as the GBT deal being dead, is because GBT was the one that name dropped Pokerstars, and they did it in the announcement saying their own deal fell through. So.... I guess GBT is in on the big bluff to push....GBT...out of the market.... wait....

If GBT hadn't mentioned a stars deal in the works, we likely would have gone weeks without even knowing about it.
07-12-2012 , 11:24 AM
Originally Posted by TY reload PLS
'Pokerstars folds on FTP deal. Never real deal, just bluff to prevent Tapie from bringing FTP back to market - great bargaining chip with DOJ'
The day PS buying FTP thing appear on the same day GBT deal declared dead above speculation came to my tiny mind. PS will drag it as long as they can and finally will say sorry its too complicated to complete. By the time PS say deal is dead or dont say anything about deal, it will be beyond complicated and near impossible to acquire/revive FTP by anyone.
Agreed. And, we'll all have the geniuses at the DOJ to thank for their great judgement.
07-12-2012 , 11:26 AM
Originally Posted by Wizzard89
I have seen lots of people post that PS said the "deal" is not dead but I must have missed when they confirmed there was a "deal" in the first place!
The only thing I saw was when the rumours started they said "we are in negotiations with the DOJ and cannot comment" there was never any mention that part of those negotiation included FTP .

or did I miss that "tweet"
yes we have heard it from DF but when did PS say they were working on a deal "INCLUDING" FTP?
The first thing saying this is the retweet by Eric Hollreiser yesterday.
07-12-2012 , 11:26 AM
^^ if its considered ray bitar's letter to Pocket kings employees is not false, he confirmed deal talk is going on with PS and PS is paying salaries of PK employees.
07-12-2012 , 11:26 AM
Originally Posted by TY reload PLS
'Pokerstars folds on FTP deal. Never real deal, just bluff to prevent Tapie from bringing FTP back to market - great bargaining chip with DOJ'
The day PS buying FTP thing appear on the same day GBT deal declared dead above speculation came to my tiny mind. PS will drag it as long as they can and finally will say sorry its too complicated to complete. By the time PS say deal is dead or dont say anything about deal, it will be beyond complicated and near impossible to acquire/revive FTP by anyone.
Nice find.
07-12-2012 , 11:32 AM
Originally Posted by Wizzard89
I have seen lots of people post that PS said the "deal" is not dead but I must have missed when they confirmed there was a "deal" in the first place!
The only thing I saw was when the rumours started they said "we are in negotiations with the DOJ and cannot comment" there was never any mention that part of those negotiation included FTP .

or did I miss that "tweet"
yes we have heard it from DF but when did PS say they were working on a deal "INCLUDING" FTP?
We haven't heard anything specifically mentioning FTP from Stars, because (wait for it....) they're not saying anything.

People very likely to be in the know , including GBT and Ray Bitar, have mentioned Pokerstars by name. That's about as close as you get get to an inside source without having sexual relations with Isai himself.
07-12-2012 , 11:47 AM
Originally Posted by TY reload PLS
'Pokerstars folds on FTP deal. Never real deal, just bluff to prevent Tapie from bringing FTP back to market - great bargaining chip with DOJ'
The day PS buying FTP thing appear on the same day GBT deal declared dead above speculation came to my tiny mind. PS will drag it as long as they can and finally will say sorry its too complicated to complete. By the time PS say deal is dead or dont say anything about deal, it will be beyond complicated and near impossible to acquire/revive FTP by anyone.
Cross posting from the locked thread:

Diamond_Flush posts:

I've heard this "it's always been just a sham to take down FTP and get Tapie out" before, long before this week. Also about the supposed connection to Isai Scheinberg's criminal case concerns being part of this deal.

I am calling b.s. and telling you, neither is true.
This is only my opinion...

I totally accept that there are people, for various reasons, that would not want this deal to go through.

As to the whole fakeout thing though, if PokerStars were ready to close its doors and just sit back and count their money, thats one thing, but as a company who has everything to gain for short and long term, to see that players are repaid while settling their own civil issues with DOJ, do you (collective you) really believe that there is no down side to them either playing the DOJ by just pretending to be interested in absorbing the FTP account balances? There are some casual players out there that have no clue what transpired on Black Friday, or before or after. But PokerStars must depend on a global community to continue being their customers. Double screwing those players out of $350 million has no upside if they want to continue to operate. It would be corporate suicide.
She also confirmed that Pokerstars are paying FTP employees' July salaries.
07-12-2012 , 11:48 AM
[QUOTE=starvingwriter82;33717604]We haven't heard anything specifically mentioning FTP from Stars, because (wait for it....) they're not saying anything.

People very likely to be in the know , including GBT and Ray Bitar, have mentioned Pokerstars by name. That's about as close as you get get to an inside source without having sexual relations with Isai himself.[/QUOTE]

and yet---everybody is saying that they "tweeted" last night saying the "deal" is not dead. If they are not saying anything in regards to there even being a "deal" to start with then i have a small problem with the reports that they "tweeted" last night that the "deal" is still alive.
07-12-2012 , 11:50 AM
Originally Posted by starvingwriter82
As far as I can tell this guy is totally talking out of his ass? I don't get why Pokerstars would need to fake a deal at length to prevent a GBT deal that was never going to happen regardless of Stars' involvement or lack thereof.

The only reason the stars deal got mentioned the same day as the GBT deal being dead, is because GBT was the one that name dropped Pokerstars, and they did it in the announcement saying their own deal fell through. So.... I guess GBT is in on the big bluff to push....GBT...out of the market.... wait....

If GBT hadn't mentioned a stars deal in the works, we likely would have gone weeks without even knowing about it.
The first mention of a Pokerstars deal was when it was posted on this forum. Not from GBT.

Originally Posted by starvingwriter82
We haven't heard anything specifically mentioning FTP from Stars, because (wait for it....) they're not saying anything.

People very likely to be in the know , including GBT and Ray Bitar, have mentioned Pokerstars by name. That's about as close as you get get to an inside source without having sexual relations with Isai himself.
Eric Hollreiser who is the head of corp communications for PokerStars has retweeted claims that he said the FT deal is not dead.
07-12-2012 , 11:59 AM
Originally Posted by andyg2001
Eric Hollreiser who is the head of corp communications for PokerStars has retweeted claims that he said the FT deal is not dead.
I love the fact that he doesn't tweet directly that the deal isn't dead, but retweets others saying that he said it isn't dead
07-12-2012 , 12:00 PM
Originally Posted by It'sOn
I'm going to assume Ray Bitar knew what he was talking about when he said in his email that Stars would pay employee salaries in July and then assume them as employees thereafter.

Presumably, that means we're very close, and this endless speculation about how long this could still drag out is silly.
Subsequent events be damned!
07-12-2012 , 12:04 PM
Originally Posted by andyg2001
The first mention of a Pokerstars deal was when it was posted on this forum. Not from GBT.
I hate to say "Source?" but... where do you think the forum poster(s) got their info? AFAIK the first time Pokerstars was mentioned by name by anyone not purely speculating was GBT.

People had mentioned Stars as a potential buyer before, sure, but where is the first time it was mentioned where it didn't come directly from someone using their anus to form human speech?
07-12-2012 , 12:09 PM
Originally Posted by MuppetPower
I love the fact that he doesn't tweet directly that the deal isn't dead, but retweets others saying that he said it isn't dead
Maybe a retweet doesn't violate the terms of the NDA or the requirements of confidentiality in settlement negotiations, whereas, a direct tweet does. Not much has been settled in the area of twitter law.

(That's a joke)

So maybe if people just tweet to him, "@erichollreiser There is an agreement in place to buy Full Tilt", he can just retweet it and let us know.

(Again, a joke).

Last edited by bizzle03; 07-12-2012 at 12:14 PM.
07-12-2012 , 12:12 PM
Originally Posted by starvingwriter82
I hate to say "Source?" but... where do you think the forum poster(s) got their info? AFAIK the first time Pokerstars was mentioned by name by anyone not purely speculating was GBT.

People had mentioned Stars as a potential buyer before, sure, but where is the first time it was mentioned where it didn't come directly from someone using their anus to form human speech?
No there was I post that got deleted then undelted when a mod was told by sources that it was ture. This was hours before any cooment by GBT.
07-12-2012 , 12:12 PM
Originally Posted by starvingwriter82
I hate to say "Source?" but... where do you think the forum poster(s) got their info? AFAIK the first time Pokerstars was mentioned by name by anyone not purely speculating was GBT.

People had mentioned Stars as a potential buyer before, sure, but where is the first time it was mentioned where it didn't come directly from someone using their anus to form human speech?
First mention of PS/FTP deal
07-12-2012 , 12:21 PM
Originally Posted by starvingwriter82
I hate to say "Source?" but... where do you think the forum poster(s) got their info? AFAIK the first time Pokerstars was mentioned by name by anyone not purely speculating was GBT.

People had mentioned Stars as a potential buyer before, sure, but where is the first time it was mentioned where it didn't come directly from someone using their anus to form human speech?
If my memory serves me right, this thread was posted early on 4/24

then followed by GBT announcement and DF article later that same day

I can't find it now but i believe that someone else posted the same thing on internet poker that day saying he was told vy a relative that works for PS. least this is how i remember the progression of events.
07-12-2012 , 12:40 PM
There was also the tweet by Chilligaming's CEO:

Alexandre Dreyfus ‏@alex_dreyfus

Pokerstars buys FullTilt for a consideration of $750m, including settlement with DOJ and full balances of players (330m). I'm impressed.
07-12-2012 , 12:42 PM
I'm just thinking there is no way IS wants to fork over hundreds of millions of dollars for fines and FTP and still do prison time. I think it's possible he said FU, I'm not spending whatever the amount is and still go to prison, we will take our chances in court. Especially if they feel their case is strong.
07-12-2012 , 12:49 PM
Originally Posted by tamiller866
SDNY filed a motion to deny bail asserting Ray Bitar to be a flight risk, hence, "the DOJ attempted to deny bail...".
(At the risk of sounding like a nit...) Then the proper phrasing would be something like:

"DOJ attempted to have the court deny bail."

Or better still, "DOJ's motion sought/requested/asked the federal judge to deny the defense's motion that the defendant be released on bail."

Procedurally, what undoubtedly happened was that the defense made a motion for Bitar to be released on bail, and the government then filed a pleading captioned, "State's Opposition to Defendant Bitar's Motion for Bail Hearing and Review," or some sht close to that...

A "motion" is the form of pleading one files to the court when it is requesting that the court do something (anything). E.g., a bail motion, a motion to suppress evidence, a motion for reconsideration, etc., etc., etc. Motions are either "consent motions" (meaning both parties consent to the action requested of the court), "joint motions" (meaning not only do both parties consent to the requested action, but that both parties have actually agreed to request the same thing of the court), "unopposed motions" (meaning that the non-moving party does not offer its express consent that that motion be granted, but that it also doesn't expressly oppose the relief, either), or--as is the case with the vast majority of motions filed--is a contested motion to which the opposing party will file an opposition motion or response.

It does not surprise me at all that DOJ does not wish for the court to grant Bitar bail in this case. At least outside-looking-in, it appears that the DOJ has not received the level of cooperation from the defendants in this case that one would expect to be commensurate with the government assuaging to a defendant's request for bail. While it is certainly true that white collar criminals are MUCH more likely to be released on bail pending a trial verdict or plea agreement than are violent criminals, this case has clearly become one of those high-profile matters in which the government feels it must set an example at every turn. This means that, even if bail would be granted to Bitar as a matter of course were he involved in some other financial scandal, the government believes it must oppose bail here to send a message that illegal online gaming operators will be pursued and will face jail time. I suspect that at the heart of the matter is the truth that there exists no financial disincentives sufficient to make other site operators close down their businesses (certain sites are just way too profitable--any monetary fines or penalties really don't amount to much relative to the profits of a business like FTP), so the threat of prison is the only real weapon in the DOJ's arsenal. For this reason, I also can't see any eventual plea agreement being offered to Bitar which does NOT include some time at Club Fed. As for the "flight risk" business, I believe that this argument was likely set forth in earnest. I have represented folks in the past whom the state has argued were "flight risks" because they've committed some crime in the U.S. but are citizens of other countries or otherwise have "strong ties to," relatives in, or assets located in another country. In such cases, I have been able to get my clients released on bail by offering to the court to surrender my clients' passports. Here, I doubt very much that DOJ feels this will be a sufficient safeguard to ensure no flight: clearly Bitar would have the financial means to acquire faked documents, and I suspect DOJ believes that Bitar likely knows how to attain the same. But that's just a guess... I haven't even read the pleadings.
07-12-2012 , 01:03 PM
Originally Posted by FishNChips1
the deal IS alive, pokerstars confirmed it
Pokestars did not, AFAIK, actually confirm that the deal is alive. They have never really confirmed that there is a deal. They claimed that the tweets were false that said Stars had given up on the deal and it was all a ruse to get rid of GBT. Stars statement would be true if the deal was alive OR if there never was a deal, OR if the DoJ had given up on the deal.
07-12-2012 , 01:10 PM
Originally Posted by COCOCHANEL
(At the risk of sounding like a nit...) Then the proper phrasing would be something like:

"DOJ attempted to have the court deny bail."

Or better still, "DOJ's motion sought/requested/asked the federal judge to deny the defense's motion that the defendant be released on bail."

Procedurally, what undoubtedly happened was that the defense made a motion for Bitar to be released on bail, and the government then filed a pleading captioned, "State's Opposition to Defendant Bitar's Motion for Bail Hearing and Review," or some sht close to that...

A "motion" is the form of pleading one files to the court when it is requesting that the court do something (anything). E.g., a bail motion, a motion to suppress evidence, a motion for reconsideration, etc., etc., etc. Motions are either "consent motions" (meaning both parties consent to the action requested of the court), "joint motions" (meaning not only do both parties consent to the requested action, but that both parties have actually agreed to request the same thing of the court), "unopposed motions" (meaning that the non-moving party does not offer its express consent that that motion be granted, but that it also doesn't expressly oppose the relief, either), or--as is the case with the vast majority of motions filed--is a contested motion to which the opposing party will file an opposition motion or response.

It does not surprise me at all that DOJ does not wish for the court to grant Bitar bail in this case. At least outside-looking-in, it appears that the DOJ has not received the level of cooperation from the defendants in this case that one would expect to be commensurate with the government assuaging to a defendant's request for bail. While it is certainly true that white collar criminals are MUCH more likely to be released on bail pending a trial verdict or plea agreement than are violent criminals, this case has clearly become one of those high-profile matters in which the government feels it must set an example at every turn. This means that, even if bail would be granted to Bitar as a matter of course were he involved in some other financial scandal, the government believes it must oppose bail here to send a message that illegal online gaming operators will be pursued and will face jail time. I suspect that at the heart of the matter is the truth that there exists no financial disincentives sufficient to make other site operators close down their businesses (certain sites are just way too profitable--any monetary fines or penalties really don't amount to much relative to the profits of a business like FTP), so the threat of prison is the only real weapon in the DOJ's arsenal. For this reason, I also can't see any eventual plea agreement being offered to Bitar which does NOT include some time at Club Fed. As for the "flight risk" business, I believe that this argument was likely set forth in earnest. I have represented folks in the past whom the state has argued were "flight risks" because they've committed some crime in the U.S. but are citizens of other countries or otherwise have "strong ties to," relatives in, or assets located in another country. In such cases, I have been able to get my clients released on bail by offering to the court to surrender my clients' passports. Here, I doubt very much that DOJ feels this will be a sufficient safeguard to ensure no flight: clearly Bitar would have the financial means to acquire faked documents, and I suspect DOJ believes that Bitar likely knows how to attain the same. But that's just a guess... I haven't even read the pleadings.
Government Files Motion to Deny Bail for Bitar, Conditions Satisfied but Bail Stayed
07-12-2012 , 01:13 PM
Originally Posted by DoTheMath
Pokestars did not, AFAIK, actually confirm that the deal is alive. They have never really confirmed that there is a deal. They claimed that the tweets were false that said Stars had given up on the deal and it was all a ruse to get rid of GBT. Stars statement would be true if the deal was alive OR if there never was a deal, OR if the DoJ had given up on the deal.
This is true.

However, the odds PS would go out of their way to deceive players is unlikely.
Especially when considering,they had remained silent until that point.
To me the tweet may signal frustration if zbt is right about the fact that a deal was supposed to be done Monday.

I think it puts pressure on the DOJ when PS speaks out bc the public opinion at this point is that pokerstars wants a deal and the DOJ is being difficult.

Disclaimer ianal , no sources, just speculation from someone who follows rather closely and has 5 figure funds tied up
