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FTP/CardRunners: Educational (EDU) Tables Are Coming. FTP/CardRunners: Educational (EDU) Tables Are Coming.

03-21-2008 , 10:34 AM
Will there be less rake on the EDU tables?
FTP/CardRunners: Educational (EDU) Tables Are Coming. Quote
03-21-2008 , 10:36 AM
Originally Posted by Jurrr
Another step in killing online pokers imo.
FTP/CardRunners: Educational (EDU) Tables Are Coming. Quote
03-21-2008 , 11:33 AM
This just really seems like one of those things that looked good on paper when they were discussing it, but in reality makes little sense for everyone involved.

Cardrunners is going to gain revenue of course, but they'll lose credibility. I'm a subscriber and I will most likely remain one, but I'll take the FT videos with a grain of salt until I'm convinced I shouldn't.

As a semi-regular player on FullTilt, I'd much rather they didn't do this deal. Many sides of this argument have already been discussed ad nauseum, but count me as one of the guys who don't want Cardrunners videos more widely available.

FullTilt is now forced to use a lot of duct tape and mirrors to make this "fit". I would guess that if they could un-do this deal, then they would. The whole value of "pros" to them, imo, is so the casual player can feel good about where they play, and maybe win a t-shirt when they busted out some guy they know from tv. I question how 99% of their recent additions satisfy this at all.

Not knowing the terms of the red-pro deals, I would guess that a large percentage of them will not be renewed. With all respect to the CR boys, I wouldn't be surprised if this was one of them.
FTP/CardRunners: Educational (EDU) Tables Are Coming. Quote
03-21-2008 , 11:33 AM
Originally Posted by Jurrr
Another step in killing online pokers imo.
FTP/CardRunners: Educational (EDU) Tables Are Coming. Quote
03-21-2008 , 11:51 AM
Originally Posted by wyndam
i think its good intentions, but people knowing they will posibbly be on a video would change their play, making the actual videos less realisitic.
I agree 100%
FTP/CardRunners: Educational (EDU) Tables Are Coming. Quote
03-21-2008 , 12:00 PM
Originally Posted by MyironThumb
nice solution ftp, f the haters

This ****ing crap drives me nuts. There is no "hate" you ****ing monkey. It's about paying customers expressing opinions about the service they are subscribing to. I have loved CR over the years, and it's still great. I certainly don't hate it or anyone associated with it.

But I pay my sub, and have a right to say I don't think all this is a good way for CR to progress. That's all. I don't know why some ****ing ******ed children here insist on personalising the issue.

And while I think Taylor would disagree with my tone in this post, I doubt that, as a good businessman, he disagrees with the general point - customers of his business have the right to express an opinion on how it's being run. It's not a charity or group of buddies we're all helping out. It's a frigging business.
FTP/CardRunners: Educational (EDU) Tables Are Coming. Quote
03-21-2008 , 12:02 PM
Originally Posted by Taylor Caby

let's keep the thread on track, please. i'll answer other CR related questions in the CardRunners forum, or you can always PM me.

thanks, and i appreciate the input from everyone in that other huge thread.

fwiw, i think there will be a mix of good players and fish at these tables. the fish will naturally want to play because there is a chance to get a "bonus," and to play with a pro (believe me when i say fish love playing with pros). smart grinders will naturally go to these tables too to take advantage of the fish playing there. there are also quite a few regs that have told me they love being in CR videos because then they can see what a pro thinks of their game.

i suspect you won't notice much of a difference at all at the play of these tables, compared to any normal table.

If this was true then I would have to say its an absolutely fantastic solution. However, I don't think they will. It remains to be seen though and I suppose once everyone realises the videos will only be made rarely it might work out ok.

Also I have an idea re: the compensation. Why not just make the tables rake free whilst a pro is making a video? Sounds compensation enough to me.
FTP/CardRunners: Educational (EDU) Tables Are Coming. Quote
03-21-2008 , 01:52 PM
Also I have an idea re: the compensation. Why not just make the tables rake free whilst a pro is making a video? Sounds compensation enough to me.
Sort of defeats the purpose of anonymity and changing screen names if you can look in the HH and see no rake being taken?
FTP/CardRunners: Educational (EDU) Tables Are Coming. Quote
03-21-2008 , 02:15 PM
Originally Posted by Chomp
This ****ing crap drives me nuts. There is no "hate" you ****ing monkey. It's about paying customers expressing opinions about the service they are subscribing to. I have loved CR over the years, and it's still great. I certainly don't hate it or anyone associated with it.

But I pay my sub, and have a right to say I don't think all this is a good way for CR to progress. That's all. I don't know why some ****ing ******ed children here insist on personalising the issue.

And while I think Taylor would disagree with my tone in this post, I doubt that, as a good businessman, he disagrees with the general point - customers of his business have the right to express an opinion on how it's being run. It's not a charity or group of buddies we're all helping out. It's a frigging business.
You've expressed your opinion. More than once. Now put a sock in it.
FTP/CardRunners: Educational (EDU) Tables Are Coming. Quote
03-21-2008 , 02:17 PM
Originally Posted by MyironThumb
these tables will be juicy, lots of fish wanting to play the CR pro's! i cant wait..

nice solution ftp, f the haters

I can't wait to see what these games are going to look like.
FTP/CardRunners: Educational (EDU) Tables Are Coming. Quote
03-21-2008 , 03:50 PM
Originally Posted by Recliner
I can't wait to see what these games are going to look like.
Wow. There's an idea - actually wait to see how the tables play instead of bickering over what is essentially speculation at this point.
FTP/CardRunners: Educational (EDU) Tables Are Coming. Quote
03-21-2008 , 03:57 PM
A+ concept
FTP/CardRunners: Educational (EDU) Tables Are Coming. Quote
03-21-2008 , 04:16 PM
Originally Posted by stack510
Sort of defeats the purpose of anonymity and changing screen names if you can look in the HH and see no rake being taken?
Give it in the form of 100% RB. They won't know until after.
FTP/CardRunners: Educational (EDU) Tables Are Coming. Quote
03-21-2008 , 04:19 PM
I think this is a good solution. The prior proposals were so bad that it was remarkable that they got to the point where they were publicly announced, but at least Tilt listened and eventually got it right.
FTP/CardRunners: Educational (EDU) Tables Are Coming. Quote
03-21-2008 , 04:22 PM
Originally Posted by Todd Terry
I think this is a good solution. The prior proposals were so bad that it was remarkable that they got to the point where they were publicly announced, but at least Tilt listened and eventually got it right.
yeah I think that about sums it up.
FTP/CardRunners: Educational (EDU) Tables Are Coming. Quote
03-21-2008 , 04:22 PM
if new screennames arent generated for the pros after each session then the secret will be out after the first videos are published, entirely defeating the purpose of making anonymous handles.
FTP/CardRunners: Educational (EDU) Tables Are Coming. Quote
03-21-2008 , 04:44 PM
I have to say I agree with Jimpo and Chomp, anybody who thinks that this CR-FTP deal is anything but bad for existing CR customers is an idiot.

Looking forward to chatting with some of you on the DeucesCracked forums!
FTP/CardRunners: Educational (EDU) Tables Are Coming. Quote
03-21-2008 , 04:44 PM
Wouldn't the simplest solution be to just switch from CR to one of the other video instructional sites? They all have high quality name-brand pros and solid production values it seems to me.
FTP/CardRunners: Educational (EDU) Tables Are Coming. Quote
03-21-2008 , 05:37 PM
Originally Posted by sightless
why should they be if they choose to sit there?
because if the players are not anonymous (smart) players at higher stakes will not sit down at an EDU table.
If everyone can see how you play and the vid shows them the best ways
to adept to your playing style you're giving yourself a hard time.

if you in fact remain anonymous you (if you feel like it) can play against the pro's and later on see some of the flaws in your game wich you can work on.
And besides take the extra bonus at the fishy tables.

imo this whole idea is totally unnessesary and won't do online poker any good,
it's just a wierd shot at gaining some extra income for CR/FTP.
FTP/CardRunners: Educational (EDU) Tables Are Coming. Quote
03-21-2008 , 06:04 PM
definitely moving in the right direction. is there going to be a cap on the number of a tables? i feel like these tables will fill up and stay full pretty quickly, and everyone will be playing on them. no reason not to really.
FTP/CardRunners: Educational (EDU) Tables Are Coming. Quote
03-21-2008 , 06:35 PM
These tables are well over a Month away btw. Taylor, will the CR Pro's be doing videos under there "Red Names" until these table are put into the Client?
FTP/CardRunners: Educational (EDU) Tables Are Coming. Quote
03-21-2008 , 07:45 PM
Originally Posted by shaniac
yeah I think that about sums it up.
This is definately a move in the right direction on CR/FullTilts part.It did seem to take awhile....but sometimes digesting all the possible information/comments/suggestions/ the parties involved the proper time to digest/process this available information.They can then come up with the 'BEST' solution available,rather than the usual knee-jerk response that is so common in the business world today

FTP/CardRunners: Educational (EDU) Tables Are Coming. Quote
03-21-2008 , 08:47 PM
Originally Posted by stephenNUTS
This is definately a move in the right direction on CR/FullTilts part.It did seem to take awhile....but sometimes digesting all the possible information/comments/suggestions/ the parties involved the proper time to digest/process this available information.They can then come up with the 'BEST' solution available,rather than the usual knee-jerk response that is so common in the business world today

Good Post.
FTP/CardRunners: Educational (EDU) Tables Are Coming. Quote
03-21-2008 , 09:22 PM
I'll play on these tables.
FTP/CardRunners: Educational (EDU) Tables Are Coming. Quote
03-21-2008 , 11:01 PM
I am so sick of all of you apes saying that educating the fish is a bad idea etc. etc. etc. First off, for a moment, lets ignore the fact that knowing theory doesn't automatically make one a good player. Let's also ignore that in order to become a good poker player, one needs to devote a significant amount of time to both playing and studying when most people simply don't have a lot of spare time available. Now, if someone really wants to get good at poker they will find the material with which to do so as it is everywhere. The old adage of you can take a horse to water, but you can't make him drink definitely plays here.

The games are phenominal right now. People have been gambling since money was created, and they will continue to do so long after we are dead. The simple fact is that poker, and internet poker are here for the long haul.
FTP/CardRunners: Educational (EDU) Tables Are Coming. Quote
