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Epiphany77 starts a  to k BR challenge to show his methods are better than Doug Polk's Epiphany77 starts a  to k BR challenge to show his methods are better than Doug Polk's

02-12-2019 , 02:21 PM
lol well played Charlie!
Epiphany77 starts a  to k BR challenge to show his methods are better than Doug Polk's Quote
02-12-2019 , 02:27 PM
Originally Posted by KossuKukkula
Started the challenge to prove Doug Polk wrong.
Doug had good moments and bad moments in the micros part of the challenge but it started to look like he was being exploited by some typical regs early on. He completed the challenge so not hating on him but I think his initial approach to the micros was flawed. He was stationy and over bluffy.

For the record not calling him a bad player by any stretch. I agree he is one of the best HU players in the world.
Epiphany77 starts a  to k BR challenge to show his methods are better than Doug Polk's Quote
02-13-2019 , 10:13 AM
I genuinely don't understand how Charlie can charge money to micro-donks and even develop a training site, whilst currently downswinging at 10nl. This is just speculation but I truly think he is a dog at 25nl+, just because Ive watched all his streams and I've faced regs with a lot tougher of a strategy than his. But I'll remain tight lipped until I see it (although I doubt we will).

I just think its a bit insane that he made close to 10k over a weekend telling people how to valuebet fish at 5nl. And basically just use a ridiculously unbalanced strategy that I specifically have a purple tag for this sortve exploitable thinking when I play cash. (Bets big in medium pots to get you to fold- bets small when value betting- I've since renamed it the "Charlie Carrel Reg"). Obviously makes no sense to bet big in medium-small sized pots for value a lot, as most nutted hands want flops to be inflated on the river anyway.

Overall, he is probably a good guy in person. But he definitely has an inflated sense of his own skill level, or moreover, a very poor opinion of the skill level of even like 50nl regs. People aren't just recreational because they aren't playing 5knlz. Most people who play recreationally would never even come close to the volume needed to move up to the midstakes online. It doesn't mean that their brain capacity is too small to figure out these insanely poorly constructed post-flop concepts.

I also question his concept of what he thinks GTO is. Im not actually sure he understands it properly. I'm not a very naturally talented poker player so I have had to use PioSolver to help me a lot. And I don't get why he always thinks that "the GTO thing to do" would be to be this river-station because of minimum defence frequencies. I would encourage him to actually look at what PioSolver does in certain spots and its a bit of a sicko when you look at the gametree properly. Ive seen spots where its encouraging hero calls to jams with 4th pocket pair to the board. And rejamming insanely massive as bluffs on rivers. Its not like GTO strategy is this robotic, boring, non-sick style. It can be mega aggressive at times and will put most people in spots that no human could organically think of.

GTO is about balance not passivity. These are not the same thing.

Very interested to see if he continues the challenge. I think that 200z video where he played a few hundred hands was his way of saying "I could beat cash if I wanted to". A white flag of sorts. But unfortunately that doesn't do it for me unless he puts his money where his mouth is. I don't care that its been well over his 2 month prediction. I will be seriously impressed if he gets to even 100z without a solver, but rather just his amazingly gifted mind over people who study hard who have already outworked him. But for now, Id just like him to get rolled for 10nl again and prove he can beat it before charging people on how to do so. This isn't 2014 anymore.
Epiphany77 starts a  to k BR challenge to show his methods are better than Doug Polk's Quote
02-13-2019 , 10:25 AM
Tbh I have no doubt he can crush 25z and probably 50z, but I do agree he arrogantly went into it giving way too little respect to the regs.
We need to remember though that his go-to style is, apparently, a very aggressive red line strategy which is way more prone to variance so it’s more precarious to judge from small samples than it would be for, say, Doug.
Epiphany77 starts a  to k BR challenge to show his methods are better than Doug Polk's Quote
02-13-2019 , 10:54 AM
i commented on charlies most recent YT video asking him what happened to the bankroll challenge, this was what he said.
Of course he stopped responding when i called him out.

edit- more specifically i asked him if he ever gave a statement on why he stopped the BR challenge.
Epiphany77 starts a  to k BR challenge to show his methods are better than Doug Polk's Quote
02-13-2019 , 11:05 AM
Lol you guys need to take it easy.
@Scott7x I doubt you got that response after asking politely.
Epiphany77 starts a  to k BR challenge to show his methods are better than Doug Polk's Quote
02-13-2019 , 11:13 AM
Originally Posted by Scott7x
i commented on charlies most recent YT video asking him what happened to the bankroll challenge, this was what he said.
Of course he stopped responding when i called him out.

edit- more specifically i asked him if he ever gave a statement on why he stopped the BR challenge.
Thread has 5 pages, do you even 2+2 bro?
Epiphany77 starts a  to k BR challenge to show his methods are better than Doug Polk's Quote
02-13-2019 , 11:15 AM
Originally Posted by mrno1324
Lol you guys need to take it easy.
@Scott7x I doubt you got that response after asking politely.
here is the whole thread. I wasn't necessarily polite but i wasn't 'toxic' either.

Epiphany77 starts a  to k BR challenge to show his methods are better than Doug Polk's Quote
02-13-2019 , 11:19 AM
Originally Posted by ratslla
Thread has 5 pages, do you even 2+2 bro?
i guess it depends how many posts per page you have. It is 19 pages long in my browser.
Epiphany77 starts a  to k BR challenge to show his methods are better than Doug Polk's Quote
02-13-2019 , 11:36 AM
Haha, wow he got salty with you in the YT comments. I posted a link to the full EPT when he talked about the KK hand where he hero folded to Kanit. I normally never comment on YT but this irked me quite a bit because I remember watching that entire high roller and mustapha was running over him. Anyway I posted the time stamp of another hand I wanted people to see in the same event a few hands later when it was mustapha vs Charlie again and it got deleted. The reason I posted it is because he claimed to have “live reads” on Mustapha and he exploited him by folding. But I suppose he had hoped people wouldn’t remember the rest of the event.

If people want to see here go to 27 minutes in:

To make that valuebet there shows total disrespect for your opponents game. Absolute clowning. I just think people should be more humble sometimes. It’s poker we all make great plays and bad ones. This is one thing I liked about Doug, is that he had no qualms about showing himself getting rekt repeatedly because that is the nature of the game. Even if it was heads up at 10nl vs some fish. Conversely, had I not know better, I wouldn’t be sure if Charlie Carrel has ever made a wrong decision in a hand in his life if his YouTube was anything to go by.

Last edited by Halo_P1; 02-13-2019 at 11:54 AM.
Epiphany77 starts a  to k BR challenge to show his methods are better than Doug Polk's Quote
02-13-2019 , 01:19 PM
While I'm not a fan of his, I do think some of yall are taking it a bit too far. Going out of your way to troll/attack on social media is a bit much.

I do find it funny, though, that he couldn't get past 10nl lol
Epiphany77 starts a  to k BR challenge to show his methods are better than Doug Polk's Quote
02-13-2019 , 01:25 PM
Originally Posted by Halo_P1
Haha, wow he got salty with you in the YT comments. I posted a link to the full EPT when he talked about the KK hand where he hero folded to Kanit. I normally never comment on YT but this irked me quite a bit because I remember watching that entire high roller and mustapha was running over him. Anyway I posted the time stamp of another hand I wanted people to see in the same event a few hands later when it was mustapha vs Charlie again and it got deleted. The reason I posted it is because he claimed to have “live reads” on Mustapha and he exploited him by folding. But I suppose he had hoped people wouldn’t remember the rest of the event.

If people want to see here go to 27 minutes in:

To make that valuebet there shows total disrespect for your opponents game. Absolute clowning. I just think people should be more humble sometimes. It’s poker we all make great plays and bad ones. This is one thing I liked about Doug, is that he had no qualms about showing himself getting rekt repeatedly because that is the nature of the game. Even if it was heads up at 10nl vs some fish. Conversely, had I not know better, I wouldn’t be sure if Charlie Carrel has ever made a wrong decision in a hand in his life if his YouTube was anything to go by.
lol yeah just watched it, Kanit just tossing Charlie around like a rag doll
Epiphany77 starts a  to k BR challenge to show his methods are better than Doug Polk's Quote
02-13-2019 , 01:33 PM
I really hope I haven’t given the impression that Im personally attacking him. I only ever posted a link for balance in defence of Kanit, whom he was implying he owns him in his video (and references other occasions in which he has done so). Just because Mustapha is an absolute sicko and I don’t think he deserves that, especially in an event where the inverse was true. For a guy who is all about sharing balance of opinions he didn’t take long in censoring my post underneath the video.

As I said he is probably a good person but I don’t think it’s right to be making that amount of money off an impressionable player pool without proving your product first. I have a friend who is just starting poker asking me about joining it whose entire bankroll is like 100$ and this is the first piece of training material he had heard about.
Epiphany77 starts a  to k BR challenge to show his methods are better than Doug Polk's Quote
02-13-2019 , 01:56 PM
Originally Posted by angeles
While I'm not a fan of his, I do think some of yall are taking it a bit too far. Going out of your way to troll/attack on social media is a bit much.

I do find it funny, though, that he couldn't get past 10nl lol
I think a lot of the high stakes guys that try bankroll challenges simply underestimate the variance and overestimate possible win rates at the micros. Rake is is also high in most micro stakes games. Once they realize they are going to have to actually put in some meaningful time to grind these games to finish the challenge they quit.
Epiphany77 starts a  to k BR challenge to show his methods are better than Doug Polk's Quote
02-13-2019 , 02:14 PM
Originally Posted by kep
I think a lot of the high stakes guys that try bankroll challenges simply underestimate the variance and overestimate possible win rates at the micros. Rake is is also high in most micro stakes games. Once they realize they are going to have to actually put in some meaningful time to grind these games to finish the challenge they quit.
yeah I think you're spot on
Epiphany77 starts a  to k BR challenge to show his methods are better than Doug Polk's Quote
02-13-2019 , 03:22 PM
Originally Posted by angeles
While I'm not a fan of his, I do think some of yall are taking it a bit too far. Going out of your way to troll/attack on social media is a bit much.

I do find it funny, though, that he couldn't get past 10nl lol
i understand why you would say that.
but watch 1-2 minutes of this video, starting at 10:25.
you could really start anywhere, he is a douche in the whole video, but 10:25 is a random example of what i'm referring to.

He talked so much **** to people who doubted him, him giving up on the challenge at 10nl is pathetic. He deserves to be called out for quitting with no explanation, then proceeding on to advertise his coaching and masterclass.
Epiphany77 starts a  to k BR challenge to show his methods are better than Doug Polk's Quote
02-13-2019 , 03:39 PM
Originally Posted by Scott7x
i understand why you would say that.
but watch 1-2 minutes of this video, starting at 10:25.
you could really start anywhere, he is a douche in the whole video, but 10:25 is a random example of what i'm referring to.

He talked so much **** to people who doubted him, him giving up on the challenge at 10nl is pathetic. He deserves to be called out for quitting with no explanation, then proceeding on to advertise his coaching and masterclass.
Yeah, to be fair I haven't watched anything from him and that clip you linked was pretty cringe worthy lol
Epiphany77 starts a  to k BR challenge to show his methods are better than Doug Polk's Quote
02-14-2019 , 06:05 PM
Originally Posted by Scott7x
i guess it depends how many posts per page you have. It is 19 pages long in my browser.
...hence the "do you even 2+2 bro" part of his post.
Epiphany77 starts a  to k BR challenge to show his methods are better than Doug Polk's Quote
02-14-2019 , 06:18 PM
Still don’t get it, guess not.
Epiphany77 starts a  to k BR challenge to show his methods are better than Doug Polk's Quote
02-14-2019 , 06:26 PM
Originally Posted by Scott7x
Still don’t get it, guess not.
You're supposed to have 100 posts per page.
Epiphany77 starts a  to k BR challenge to show his methods are better than Doug Polk's Quote
02-14-2019 , 09:28 PM
Originally Posted by Kelvis
You're supposed to have 100 posts per page.
Even though you are just probably letting him know what is the acceptable number by the regular posters here, why does this really matter?

I hardly ever log in unless I am making a post, and even then the page size doesn't bother me at all.

It seems like it is mostly a 2+2 thing to berate posters who haven't changed their page size to 100 posts.

Everyone should just use the posts per page they are happy with and not give one **** about what anyone else does.

Last edited by MikkeD; 02-14-2019 at 09:34 PM.
Epiphany77 starts a  to k BR challenge to show his methods are better than Doug Polk's Quote
02-14-2019 , 09:40 PM
Originally Posted by MikkeD
Even though you are just probably letting him know what is the acceptable number by the regular posters here, why does this really matter?

I hardly ever log in unless I am making a post, and even then the page size doesn't bother me at all.

It seems like it is mostly a 2+2 thing to berate posters who haven't changed their page size to 100 posts.

Everyone should just use the posts per page they are happy with and not give one **** about what anyone else does.
no one is berating anyone, "do you even 2+2 bro?" is just a little in joke, nothing to get worked up about

although obviously anything less than 100 posts per page is ridiculous
Epiphany77 starts a  to k BR challenge to show his methods are better than Doug Polk's Quote
02-14-2019 , 09:45 PM
Originally Posted by Stupor
no one is berating anyone, "do you even 2+2 bro?" is just a little in joke, nothing to get worked up about

although obviously anything less than 100 posts per page is ridiculous
Did you see where the original poster didn't get it?

I was just explaining why it didn't matter.

Not everyone understands the 2+2 meme regarding page count.

But thanks for explaining it to me. *sigh*

Last edited by MikkeD; 02-14-2019 at 09:54 PM.
Epiphany77 starts a  to k BR challenge to show his methods are better than Doug Polk's Quote
02-14-2019 , 09:59 PM
Originally Posted by MikkeD
Did you see where the original poster didn't get it?

I was just explaining why it didn't matter.

Not everyone understands the 2+2 meme regarding page count.

But thanks for explaining it to me. *sigh*
you said someone was berating other posters, i was "explaining" to you that a little joke is not berating someone. *sigh*
Epiphany77 starts a  to k BR challenge to show his methods are better than Doug Polk's Quote
02-14-2019 , 10:08 PM
Originally Posted by Stupor
you said someone was berating other posters, i was "explaining" to you that a little joke is not berating someone. *sigh*
This is going nowhere - enjoy the 100 post meme in your future posting.
Epiphany77 starts a  to k BR challenge to show his methods are better than Doug Polk's Quote
