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EEE27 playing in live and online tournament at same time (violates no electronic devices rule) EEE27 playing in live and online tournament at same time (violates no electronic devices rule)

11-13-2022 , 08:24 AM
Intentionally breaking the rules in order to be able to play in games that are unavailable for you due to rules and legal restrictions in your current circumstances I think is pretty big and unfair advantage. People were banned for such acts on PS in past.
EEE27 playing in live and online tournament at same time (violates no electronic devices rule) Quote
11-13-2022 , 08:34 AM
Sneaking a phone into a live stream table, for whatever the initial intended reason might be, and then surreptitiously using it, opens up the possibility of colluding with another player, or players, if someone else has also sneaked their phone in too.

On the issue of playing online from a non-authorised country, not only is it breaking the rules, it is also creating a higher "hourly" for a winning player who is doing it, compared to players who aren't, because you are reducing the ratio of travel and accommodation expenses to total buy ins.

While one could argue that it is a distraction while playing a live game, you could also argue the opposite, that it breaks up the monotony of playing a relatively slow live game.

And in the case we are discussing, Joni Jouhkimainen said that EEE is one of the best multi-tablers in the world. So playing 1 live comp and 1 online comp is not exactly difficult for him.
EEE27 playing in live and online tournament at same time (violates no electronic devices rule) Quote
11-13-2022 , 08:46 AM
Originally Posted by Chuck Bass
I guess I'll recap what (as I understand) actually happened here, since it's probably better than people reading all the nonsense and getting confused. Apologies if I got any of the details wrong.

1. EEE registers into the 1k WCOOP PLO Main from Finland, plays days 1 and 2 from Finland. Makes day 3, when he's due to be in Rozvadov. He travels to Rozvadov with the intention of playing day 3 from there while playing the 25k at the same time.

2. He jumps in the 25k, gets moved to the TV table and then gets told he can't use his phone there. It's too late to unregister and he has a huge equity spot in the PLO. So he'd either have to forfeit his stack in the 25k, or his PLO tournament equity (which I'm assuming was also around the 25k ballpark, not sure about that tho). Mistakes were made on the way to arrive at this situation, but once you're actually presented with this spot... it's a pretty impossible one.

3. He decides to continue playing on his phone at the TV table anyway.

4. This thread gets created.

5. Stars freezes his account.

6. EEE posts ITT, says he's cooperating with Stars fully, and that he takes responsibility for his actions and whatever punishment Stars decides to slap him with.

7. Stars investigation is still ongoing, the end (for now).

He broke two rules, which are:

-Playing on Stars from Rozvadov -- even though both Finns and Czechs are allowed in the exact same global network and this tournament was also available for both, the local jurisdiction doesn't allow foreigners to play from a Czech IP. So he used a VPN, which is directly against Stars rules.

-Using a phone on live stream (to play the PLO tournament), which none of the tournament directors made him stop, even though he was doing it in front of the cameras.

Neither of these gave him any sort of edge in either tournament. He sat out multiple times during the endgame of the PLO because he was in a hand at the live table, and I suspect he wasn't able to focus 100% on the 25k either for similar reasons. So if anything, he did his opponents a favor with his poor planning.

Should he have been smarter and planned ahead better? Yes. Was it a pretty silly thing to do to VPN on Stars while sitting in a live stream in front of 1500 viewers? Also yes. But honestly, faced with that spot, I would probably have done the same thing, because I wouldn't have known what else to do.

edit: I don't mean to imply this should just get shrugged off -- I think Stars are in a pretty rough spot here as well and it's really hard to say what's fair. I'm also not going to express my opinion on what my decision as Stars would be here, as I'm definitely too biased for that. But what for sure isn't fair is a lot of the posting ITT suggesting all kinds of nefarious crap.
Good post, he broke some rules but cheating = gaining unfair advantage and that wasn't the case here.

One thing I really don't understand is, once you make day 3 of the PLO, why on earth travel to Czech? Surely any long time pro knows that playing in a juristriction with seperate license has a big risk of ban+funds taken? Why not just play 3 in Finland and skip the 25k, and fly out to Czech a day later? Was he really not aware of the risk?
EEE27 playing in live and online tournament at same time (violates no electronic devices rule) Quote
11-13-2022 , 03:05 PM
Originally Posted by Oppeisuljik
We can look at this from so many perspectives yet looking at perspective of MR UNKNOWN Broke rules is probably most beneficial ; , what would the players of the LIVE EVENT DO ? Lets say a Japanese man was on his phone the whole live event FT . He finished 1st .

Event people say he broke the rules to the other people who were involved in the FT. What would Eelis the perfect do? Say its alright being on phone when its not? I doubt it .
If the person in your example showed they were using the phone to play on Pokerstars, 99% of the time no one at the table would care.

I've seen plenty of people doing this in live tournaments and cash games.

He also got 8th place on the final table with the no phones rule.

I doubt anyone at the final table, let alone the rest of the tournament, would care whatsoever.
EEE27 playing in live and online tournament at same time (violates no electronic devices rule) Quote
11-13-2022 , 03:19 PM
Originally Posted by PokerPlayingDunces

If phones were allowed on live stream tables, it would create a completely different kind of game, as players would all be watching the game on a 30 min / 45 min / 1 hr, whatever delay, and adjusting their play accordingly to what they have seen from previous hands. Players might also then play some hands in a different way deliberately, knowing that opponents will then see that hand 45 minutes later, so a kind of "style of play bluff", if you will.
Triton allow phones to be used to be used throughout tournaments, including all of the streamed tables.

All of the players seem very happy about it.
EEE27 playing in live and online tournament at same time (violates no electronic devices rule) Quote
11-13-2022 , 03:56 PM
Originally Posted by Noobtard
Triton allow phones to be used to be used throughout tournaments, including all of the streamed tables.

All of the players seem very happy about it.
Well that's fine if they want to do it that way, I personally don't think it's a good idea.

And you don't actually know if the players are happy with it, without asking them.

I think if it was explained to the business people (whales) how the pros can and probably do use this to their advantage, that the business people would not be happy about it.

It is way more likely that the pros are using the easy access to the stream to help them than the whales are.
EEE27 playing in live and online tournament at same time (violates no electronic devices rule) Quote
11-13-2022 , 04:01 PM
Originally Posted by PokerPlayingDunces
Well that's fine if they want to do it that way, I personally don't think it's a good idea.

And you don't actually know if the players are happy with it, without asking them.

I think if it was explained to the business people (whales) how the pros can and probably do use this to their advantage, that the business people would not be happy about it.

It is way more likely that the pros are using the easy access to the stream to help them than the whales are.
Aside from the multiple player interviews where they state how great it is to use the Triton app during the tournaments.

By the way, Triton is ran/hosted by recreational players.
EEE27 playing in live and online tournament at same time (violates no electronic devices rule) Quote
11-13-2022 , 04:21 PM
Originally Posted by Noobtard
Aside from the multiple player interviews where they state how great it is to use the Triton app during the tournaments.

By the way, Triton is ran/hosted by recreational players.
They are commenting on how the app is great because it gives live chip counts so you don't have to count/work out other players stacks when determining bet sizing or thinking about your response to a bet faced.

I very much doubt that they are praising the fact that when they don't show a bluff that everyone finds out it's a bluff 30 minutes later.

And as I alluded to, the whales are probably not sophisticated enough to think about how it is almost certainly disadvantaging them.

Yes agreed, it is a series created by recs/whales with recs and whales largely in mind. But this still doesn't mean that easy viewing access on a 30 min delay for players is a good idea.
EEE27 playing in live and online tournament at same time (violates no electronic devices rule) Quote
11-13-2022 , 08:18 PM
Guys, the arguments about him not gaining an advantage by it are beside the point. He's basically just demonstrated that someone can sit there with an electronic device and not bed noticed. I am almost 100% certain this is going to change how the circuit handles the live events and that there will also be a rather severe punishment for him.

Last edited by pontylad; 11-13-2022 at 08:24 PM.
EEE27 playing in live and online tournament at same time (violates no electronic devices rule) Quote
11-13-2022 , 08:26 PM
Originally Posted by pontylad
Guys, the arguments about him not gaining an advantage by it are beside the point. He's basically just demonstrated that someone can sit there with an electronic device and not bed noticed. I am almost 100% certain this is going to change how the circuit handles the live events and that there will also be a rather severe punishment for him.
Maybe they shouldn’t force people to sit at the feature table if they don’t want to? They’re double dipping by making players play at these tables with 0 advantage.
EEE27 playing in live and online tournament at same time (violates no electronic devices rule) Quote
