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Doyle Brunson doesn't like transgenders Doyle Brunson doesn't like transgenders

02-03-2015 , 09:02 AM
Originally Posted by ZOMG_RIGGED!
Trying to change the option of an 80 year old is usually pointless
Assuming you meant opinion... Trying to change the opinion of anyone is usually pointless.
02-03-2015 , 09:02 AM
Wow and I thought this family couldn't be anymore outlandish. What a bunch of freaks.
02-03-2015 , 09:24 AM
Originally Posted by Mubsy Bogues
I think it's cute how the trans community and their defenders have decided to start calling anybody who doesn't like trannies a bigot.

What's next, are pedophiles going to start doing that, too?

Pedophile are child rapist are two separate things, and neither is comparable to transgenderism or transsexualism.
02-03-2015 , 10:04 AM
Originally Posted by Mubsy Bogues
I think it's cute how the trans community and their defenders have decided to start calling anybody who doesn't like trannies a bigot.

What's next, are pedophiles going to start doing that, too?

Doyle is a bigot. However, there's nothing wrong with being one.

What the **** are you even saying? Pedophilia is illegal and it directly hurts other people, whereas being transgender doesn't, and is perfectly legal.
02-03-2015 , 10:07 AM
Originally Posted by rugby
Wow... Like wow...

Two of these things are not the same... Can you identify the difference?
Originally Posted by NVF
Pedophile are child rapist are two separate things, and neither is comparable to transgenderism or transsexualism.

Please explain how they are different in the context of that definition.

People who don't like terrorists are bigots!

You didn't agree with my post, you are a bigot!

Last edited by Mubsy Bogues; 02-03-2015 at 10:25 AM.
02-03-2015 , 10:09 AM
Originally Posted by Mixgrill
Doyle is a bigot. However, there's nothing wrong with being one.

What the **** are you even saying? Pedophilia is illegal and it directly hurts other people, whereas being transgender doesn't, and is perfectly legal.
Ok so we can only call people bigots if they hate on something legal and that doesn't hurt anyone? I disagree with your definition if bigotry, but I'll go with it:

I'm a huge Justin Bieber fan. Lots of people hate on Justin Bieber and me because I like him. They are all bigots!
02-03-2015 , 10:11 AM
Originally Posted by Mubsy Bogues
I think it's cute how the trans community and their defenders have decided to start calling anybody who doesn't like trannies a bigot.

What's next, are pedophiles going to start doing that, too?

02-03-2015 , 10:21 AM
The second link is worthless. It doesn't even say there is anything wrong or incorrect about doing it, it merely describes the act of making an analogy.

The first link doesn't apply here. There is an equivalence. Just like there is between the other examples I've given: terrorism, disagreeing with somebodies post and being a Justin Bieber fan.

They all represent somebodies views being disagreed with by somebody else, and the person doing the disagreeing being called a bigot.

There is great variance in how extreme those views are but that doesn't matter. Now you're just nit-picking over taste. 100 years ago there would be nothing extreme about having strong views against black people. Now that's against the rules. Twenty years ago there was nothing wrong with having views against gays, today you can't do that. And now evidently we've reached the point where you aren't allowed to think bad thoughts about transvestites. Or else you get called a bigot.

And my question was, what next? Pedophiles? Terrorists? People who disagree with your posts? People who hate on Justin Bieber and his fans? Are they all bigots too? Or only people who disagree with your views?
02-03-2015 , 10:34 AM
Originally Posted by LookBehindYou
Wow and I thought this family couldn't be anymore outlandish. What a bunch of freaks.
Unclear whether you mean Doyle's or Kardashian's, imo.
02-03-2015 , 10:36 AM
Originally Posted by Mubsy Bogues
The second link is worthless. It doesn't even say there is anything wrong or incorrect about doing it, it merely describes the act of making an analogy.

The first link doesn't apply here. There is an equivalence. Just like there is between the other examples I've given: terrorism, disagreeing with somebodies post and being a Justin Bieber fan.

They all represent somebodies views being disagreed with by somebody else, and the person doing the disagreeing being called a bigot.

There is great variance in how extreme those views are but that doesn't matter. Now you're just nit-picking over taste. 100 years ago there would be nothing extreme about having strong views against black people. Now that's against the rules. Twenty years ago there was nothing wrong with having views against gays, today you can't do that. And now evidently we've reached the point where you aren't allowed to think bad thoughts about transvestites. Or else you get called a bigot.

And my question was, what next? Pedophiles? Terrorists? People who disagree with your posts? People who hate on Justin Bieber and his fans? Are they all bigots too? Or only people who disagree with your views?
People who are intolerant of views that they find intolerant?

"Don't be such a bigot bigot, he's transitioning to a redneck"
02-03-2015 , 10:37 AM
Originally Posted by pokerface21
Would Jesus approve of a transgender?
Yes, unless it was a Roman.
02-03-2015 , 10:39 AM
Originally Posted by Mubsy Bogues
. And now evidently we've reached the point where you aren't allowed to think bad thoughts about transvestites. Or else you get called a bigot.
Transvestites are not being discussed here.
02-03-2015 , 10:43 AM
Originally Posted by NerdSuperfly
Conservatives always use catchy words like 'propaganda' and 'brainwash', whenever it's about something, they don't approve. because their opinion, which was formed by tradition and religion, is a fact

.. and of course everyone, who is a "liberal" is basically stupid.

actually hitler would have loved conservatives from the bible belt, because these are easy to control. ahh, and btw did you know, that in the concentration camps homosexuals and other 'perverts' died too?

find and blame a scapegoat ... be afraid from everyone, who is different. and of course, your own lifestyle is the only way. check the hysteria about the 'muslim thread' in the USA and you see, it's still working.

imo, doyle is an idiot ... there are people out there, who don't feel comfortable with their "gender". that's nothing new, the only new thing is, that we somehow can talk openly about it. there are also Intersexuals, which is a "natural" thing. not every one is a man or a woman. not every man, loves women, and not every woman loves men. all this things, maybe uncomfortable for some people, but disrespecting someone, based on their sexuality is just stupid.

anyways ... SrslySirius nailed it with his 1st post itt
Sex in determined by genetics. Chromosomes. DNA. Biology. There are some folks who have sexual mutations but this is rare. If you want to pretend you are another sex, more power to you, but don't force me to pretend along with you.
02-03-2015 , 10:55 AM
Originally Posted by Wheel Gunner
Sex in determined by genetics. Chromosomes. DNA. Biology. There are some folks who have sexual mutations but this is rare. If you want to pretend you are another sex, more power to you, but don't force me to pretend along with you.

By 'not pretending along with you' does that mean you wont call a transwoman "she" or something?
02-03-2015 , 10:58 AM
Originally Posted by bhoylegend
Transvestites are not being discussed here.
Damn I don't even know all the various politically correct ways to refer to dudes that want to become women, I must be a bigot.
02-03-2015 , 11:00 AM
02-03-2015 , 11:00 AM
Originally Posted by Mubsy Bogues
Damn I don't even know all the various politically correct ways to refer to dudes that want to become women, I must be a bigot.
no just ignorant
02-03-2015 , 11:05 AM
I bet he hated todd's ponytail
02-03-2015 , 11:08 AM
Good questions

If you were female and a male wanted to use your bathroom at work, would this be a problem?

Would it be less a problem if the male wore a dress to work and took hormones to give him breasts?

If you were a writer for Grantland, is it OK to be blacklisted because you factually reported that a person who pretended to invent a new putter also pretended to be born the opposite sex?

Last edited by Wheel Gunner; 02-03-2015 at 11:15 AM.
02-03-2015 , 11:20 AM
Originally Posted by Wheel Gunner
Would it be less a problem if the male wore a dress to work and took hormones to give him breasts?
This happens in my workplace and given I live and work in one of the most backward backwater **** holes on the face of the earth, the fact that no one even talks about it, is pretty epic.
02-03-2015 , 11:41 AM
Originally Posted by bhoylegend
This happens in my workplace and given I live and work in one of the most backward backwater **** holes on the face of the earth, the fact that no one even talks about it, is pretty epic.
Fair enough, I have been retired for a few years now.
02-03-2015 , 11:43 AM
Originally Posted by bettyqs
no just ignorant
Typical liberal response, if I don't agree with you I'm a bigot and ignorant. Freedom of speech is ok as long as we agree with you, and if not we need to be censored. I just become a bigger Doyle fan. Let the flaming from the libtards begin!
02-03-2015 , 11:47 AM
Originally Posted by YappingYoda
Typical liberal response, if I don't agree with you I'm a bigot and ignorant. Freedom of speech is ok as long as we agree with you, and if not we need to be censored. I just become a bigger Doyle fan.
I called him ignorant because he is talking about an issue that has evolved with new definitions and language but he refuses to learn them so hence ignorant. He can have any opinion he wants as long as he is aware he doesnt even know the terms or what he is talking about. What do you call that?
02-03-2015 , 11:50 AM
I can understand that this is a very confusing and unsettling topic for many people. But to publicly recoil in disgust about something you haven't bother to educate yourself on is ignorant. Be uncomfortable not judgmental.
02-03-2015 , 11:51 AM
Originally Posted by moki
Unclear whether you mean Doyle's or Kardashian's, imo.
The only normal person in the Kardashian family is Rob. The rest of them are a bunch of attention whores.
