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Doug Lee Has Reached a New Low. Posting "Ask Me" Strategy Threads in Zynga Poker Forum? Doug Lee Has Reached a New Low. Posting "Ask Me" Strategy Threads in Zynga Poker Forum?

08-20-2011 , 01:26 PM
Originally Posted by rookiepsu
Most obvious gimmick ever.
This, no way this is Doug Lee.
Doug Lee Has Reached a New Low. Posting "Ask Me" Strategy Threads in Zynga Poker Forum? Quote
08-20-2011 , 01:31 PM
LOL dougleefakeaments
Doug Lee Has Reached a New Low. Posting "Ask Me" Strategy Threads in Zynga Poker Forum? Quote
08-20-2011 , 01:42 PM
Originally Posted by atthebottom77
how can you be sure it not doug pulling a reverse troll?
not doug 100% hes too much of a tool, but a complete random... possibly
Doug Lee Has Reached a New Low. Posting "Ask Me" Strategy Threads in Zynga Poker Forum? Quote
08-20-2011 , 01:46 PM
Doug Lee Has Reached a New Low. Posting "Ask Me" Strategy Threads in Zynga Poker Forum? Quote
08-20-2011 , 01:46 PM
Originally Posted by LolDonkamentz
"Hi thanks for helping out and answering questions for us beginner poker players! I'm not sure who you are and haven't seen you on tv, but greatly appreciate your expert opinions. Since you are such good friends, is there any way you could get me Joe Hachem's autograph? I have many famous poker players' autographs, but have been unable to get his. Much appreciated! Thanks again Don."

If this thread had been started a few months ago I'd think it was one of you, however someone beat us to it, taking the piss....
But it was started a few months ago, in BBV.

One of the Zynga mods thanked him for spreading his knowledge lol
Doug Lee Has Reached a New Low. Posting "Ask Me" Strategy Threads in Zynga Poker Forum? Quote
08-20-2011 , 01:55 PM
'I am a firm believer in betting a little to win a lot. At a table, I have a very aggressive image, and I use that image to my advantage to win a lot of pots. I know that people are afraid to get involved in a big pot with me, because if the pot is big the chances are that I will win it.

For me, bluffing has a very high EV. People recognize me from TV, and because of that they try to play pots with me. I use that TV image to strike fear into my opponent when I can, and by betting small to win big, I am able to drag pots that maybe a less famous player would not.'

Doug Lee Has Reached a New Low. Posting "Ask Me" Strategy Threads in Zynga Poker Forum? Quote
08-20-2011 , 01:56 PM
I hope this is not a gimimck.
Doug Lee Has Reached a New Low. Posting "Ask Me" Strategy Threads in Zynga Poker Forum? Quote
08-20-2011 , 02:05 PM
Originally Posted by akcbr954
Originally Posted by knish View Post
great that you're taking time to help us fish out doug

basically, my question relates to triple range merging. i have heard alot about it and know it is key to being a good poker-er, but i dont really understand it. can you help me out?

Triple Range Merging is just one of those fancy terms internet kids like to use. I don't use it. I rely on my instincts and knowledge of the players and the game. Know the math, understand how to manipulate the table, and know the rules so you can use them to your advantage, and I think you will find that you do not need to triple range merge.

-Doug Lee

wow. lol.
Doug Lee Has Reached a New Low. Posting "Ask Me" Strategy Threads in Zynga Poker Forum? Quote
08-20-2011 , 02:05 PM
Originally Posted by Fanboy1 View Post
Mr. Lee,

I have a problem with profuse sweating. Can you give me some tips on how to deal with this?

Love always and forever

You need to learn to relax at the tables. I never sweat in a card game because I am so comfortable at the felt. The only way to achieve this is get out there and play, play, play. Once you have enough experience, then you won't be surprised by any situation and your sweating will stop.

-Doug Lee

Doug Lee Has Reached a New Low. Posting "Ask Me" Strategy Threads in Zynga Poker Forum? Quote
08-20-2011 , 02:20 PM
holy ****

why isnt this 5 stars yet
Doug Lee Has Reached a New Low. Posting "Ask Me" Strategy Threads in Zynga Poker Forum? Quote
08-20-2011 , 02:22 PM
Originally Posted by knish
Doug: i have heard it said that you are a toolbox. Are you a toolbox?

There are some people out there who are jealous of my fame and what I have accomplished playing poker, and because of that, they try to disparage my name.

People who play with me every day and those who know me know I am a nice guy and always willing to give back to the community and my fans.

This whole toolbox thing was a myth started by one particular player who tried and failed to get an endorsement deal in the past, and took his jealousy out on me.

-Doug Lee

Hope it's real
Doug Lee Has Reached a New Low. Posting "Ask Me" Strategy Threads in Zynga Poker Forum? Quote
08-20-2011 , 02:24 PM
Its probably the OP of this thread. Nice job.
Doug Lee Has Reached a New Low. Posting "Ask Me" Strategy Threads in Zynga Poker Forum? Quote
08-20-2011 , 02:35 PM
3 stars
Doug Lee Has Reached a New Low. Posting "Ask Me" Strategy Threads in Zynga Poker Forum? Quote
08-20-2011 , 02:45 PM
Originally Posted by Roger Mainfield
Pretty sweet gimmick.
Doug Lee Has Reached a New Low. Posting "Ask Me" Strategy Threads in Zynga Poker Forum? Quote
08-20-2011 , 02:53 PM
This was posted in the Doug Lee toolbx thread already. I made a post on Zynga declaring my love for Doug and the scumbag mods deleted it. He'll never know how much I love him now.
Doug Lee Has Reached a New Low. Posting "Ask Me" Strategy Threads in Zynga Poker Forum? Quote
08-20-2011 , 03:17 PM
LOL love the im a WSOP champion part just like his pal Joe

WSOP circuit event

This could be epic, maybe doug lee can explain why there are so many straight flushes and 4 of a kinds every other hand on zynga
Doug Lee Has Reached a New Low. Posting "Ask Me" Strategy Threads in Zynga Poker Forum? Quote
08-20-2011 , 03:27 PM
Originally Posted by Bill_Clinton
I hope this is not a gimimck.
the irony
Doug Lee Has Reached a New Low. Posting "Ask Me" Strategy Threads in Zynga Poker Forum? Quote
08-20-2011 , 03:34 PM
old news but great gimmick by one of the better gimmickers around here
Doug Lee Has Reached a New Low. Posting "Ask Me" Strategy Threads in Zynga Poker Forum? Quote
08-20-2011 , 03:38 PM
What I find most funny is that the thread reaches a decent number of posts without anyone questioning wether it's really him.
Doug Lee Has Reached a New Low. Posting "Ask Me" Strategy Threads in Zynga Poker Forum? Quote
08-20-2011 , 03:43 PM

First time I see this, amazing.
Doug Lee Has Reached a New Low. Posting "Ask Me" Strategy Threads in Zynga Poker Forum? Quote
08-20-2011 , 03:46 PM
Joe and I rose both rose to fame in 2005, and have since not looked back.

Feel free to ask any questions you may have, and either I or one of my assistants (acting under my authority) will try to respond back. I look forward to sharing my vast poker knowledge with you.

And if you see me at the tables, know that I am very approachable and am happy to sign autographs. All you have to do is ask!

-Doug Lee
Haha GOLD! This is unreal, he really is..a toolbox.
Doug Lee Has Reached a New Low. Posting "Ask Me" Strategy Threads in Zynga Poker Forum? Quote
08-20-2011 , 03:48 PM
Originally Posted by bbfg
What I find most funny is that the thread reaches a decent number of posts without anyone questioning wether it's really him.
It's a zynga forum. not surprised over here
Doug Lee Has Reached a New Low. Posting "Ask Me" Strategy Threads in Zynga Poker Forum? Quote
08-20-2011 , 03:48 PM
Originally Posted by Chrizza

First time I see this, amazing.
Seen before but stays so funny

Pedro hits a set of sixes!
Doug Lee Has Reached a New Low. Posting "Ask Me" Strategy Threads in Zynga Poker Forum? Quote
08-20-2011 , 05:08 PM
Originally Posted by Chrizza

First time I see this, amazing.
Please allow real money deposits. I'm not sure which is funnier, the set of 6s or the way those pocket kings and pocket queens were played.
Doug Lee Has Reached a New Low. Posting "Ask Me" Strategy Threads in Zynga Poker Forum? Quote
08-20-2011 , 05:28 PM
They will never allow real money deposits, they make a killing as is now.
Doug Lee Has Reached a New Low. Posting "Ask Me" Strategy Threads in Zynga Poker Forum? Quote
