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Don't you get the feeling that almost all poker players are getting broke? Don't you get the feeling that almost all poker players are getting broke?

05-07-2011 , 07:22 PM
I read the OP like I would read a novel. Interesting read, but I don't take any of it as fact.

The guy has made some observations and picked examples to try and beef up his story. At no point in the post did I read "this is fact and you must accept what I write".

I often find when I make general sweeping statements the most vitriolic responses come from the insecure people who think I'm talking about them.
Don't you get the feeling that almost all poker players are getting broke? Quote
05-07-2011 , 07:26 PM
Originally Posted by elocutionist
Watching pad and some other shows got me thinking also.If these guys were as rich as rumored I couldnt see them laying down the hands they do for just a few thousand.

One hand in particular when dwan bluffed ivey out of an almost million dollar pot with a 200k bet. now I understand for the average guy a 200k bet is a real butt tightener, but for a guy rumored to have 100 mill in the bank,seemed really weak. It would be like me laying down a 2 dollar bet for a 100 dollar pot.
lol, nice level. touche.
Don't you get the feeling that almost all poker players are getting broke? Quote
05-07-2011 , 07:31 PM
Originally Posted by Randomness28
You need to play live more to have an understanding of what is really going on ..... no offense, but you sound like some kentucky basement gossip queen who went to vegas once and thinks he knows everything about everyone...
Of all the things in this thread that stood out, this took the cake. What the **** is a "Kentucky basement gossip queen"?
Don't you get the feeling that almost all poker players are getting broke? Quote
05-07-2011 , 08:04 PM
Originally Posted by RikaKazak
I play drunk small stakes poker with my friends, and I'll fold for "tiny bets compared to my net worth"...not because the money matters/scares me, but because it's about "being right."

Also some people are just very competitive. It doesn't matter that they just lost $1, it matters that they didn't win the pot/tourney.
Don't you get the feeling that almost all poker players are getting broke? Quote
05-07-2011 , 08:31 PM
Doesn’t matter how good you are, cards are largely based on luck at the end of the day.

I disagree with a lot that you say, mainly because your making assumptions based on nothing really, but the sentence above really annoys me.

Most of these guys made their money playing poker, and lost it doing other things, so at the end of the day IT DOES matter how good you are at poker as that is what will always get you money. Ivey losing $13 mil. or whatever on craps in no way holds any bearing on anything poker related with him, that loss is outside the game of poker other than it's his SKILL at poker that allows him to be able to lose that kind of money and be ok.

I'm really not a big fan of assumptions as they are made without having all the facts and in most cases 1/2 the facts. I knew a guy worth $15 mil that most would think was a minimum wage earning guy as he bought all his clothes at walgreens and had no furniture in his house. Warren Buffett one of the richest guys in the world still lives in a house that he paid $60,000 for back in the day.
I mean these guys are spending 12+hours in the casino, why do they need to be dressed up all fancy? They NEED to be comfortable, after all there are no TV cameras around so no need to dress up and look respectable.

I don't know I guess my whole ramble is basically saying your reading into things too much, IMHO
Don't you get the feeling that almost all poker players are getting broke? Quote
05-07-2011 , 08:45 PM
If you are getting broke than money you can't be made if ever was a question for them?
Don't you get the feeling that almost all poker players are getting broke? Quote
05-07-2011 , 08:56 PM
I think the OP would make a good basis for a comedy sketch.
Don't you get the feeling that almost all poker players are getting broke? Quote
05-07-2011 , 11:14 PM
Originally Posted by LordDonk
i actually spent a percentage of my life on this planet to read that...
Agreed, Why was that post so long, I am now the dumber for reading it
Don't you get the feeling that almost all poker players are getting broke? Quote
05-08-2011 , 01:03 AM
Originally Posted by RikaKazak
I play drunk small stakes poker with my friends, and I'll fold for "tiny bets compared to my net worth"...not because the money matters/scares me, but because it's about "being right."

edited to add: A lot of guys my wear inexpensive/cheap clothes, but have money. The shirt I'm wearing right now is $5 from walmart, and my networth is 7 figures. (and I'll wear $5 walmart shirts to vegas at the bellagio when I play).

A lot of guys that are doing much better then you might think, don't even play the highest stakes. They're mid stakes grinders who just keep grinding low variance styles and saving/investing money year after year. I've personally never had a losing month, never made less then 6 figures in a year, and last year I saved 35.6% of my money and stuck it all into real estate (and a little in the stock market).

Appearances and reality aren't always the same thing.
Without PTR and the like no one would know what Nanonoko's sick graph would look like. He was crushing the mid stakes games relentlessly he didn't win a bunch of money in a donkament and sit 100/200 with 80% of his net worth at the table. People who play within their means and play a game that they can beat consistently are always going to be a cut above, IMO.
Don't you get the feeling that almost all poker players are getting broke? Quote
05-08-2011 , 01:24 AM
Look. I'm very very convinced that there are huge winners in this game. And constant ones. But the constant winners are the ones that grind. And when I say grind, I mean grind the 1/2, 2/5, and maybe soft 5/10 games. The true winners or ~99% of them aren't the ones playing WAAAY to high to make the tv shows. The constant winners are Bob and Sam and Joey (average guys) that play the 2/5 game 5 days a week and saves his money.

IMO, what you see on tv is the glitz and glamor of poker. Its the extreme scenarios. The outliers, so to speak. Guys like that probably think their famous after showing up on tv, and feel like rockstars after a winning session. Its very hard to maintain a steady bankroll while living it up like you're Steven Tyler or something, lol.

There are plenty of people, at least in the area I play, Tampa/Miami, that just sit at 2/5 games or 1/2, or 1/3 games and nit the F--- out of it and grind it. Here, there are such bad players, that doing that proves to be VERY profitable over the long run. And to make things better, we don't have craps, and roulette, and sports betting. We have your basic BJ games, and Pai Gow type games, but thats about it. Boring, in my book.

Just my 2 cents of course.
Don't you get the feeling that almost all poker players are getting broke? Quote
05-08-2011 , 01:27 AM
Blatant speculation.

Like I said, I don't know 1 rich, or even "well off" poker player. We can all sit here and guess, but the reality is I've met a lot of poker players in my area and they are all in unenviable situations (that I know of).
Don't you get the feeling that almost all poker players are getting broke? Quote
05-08-2011 , 01:27 AM
Originally Posted by chardonis


Don't you get the feeling that almost all poker players are getting broke? Quote
05-08-2011 , 01:31 AM
Originally Posted by CursedbyaGypsy
I guess money just keeps on going round and round in high stakes games. Dwan wins $5m from Guy, Isildur wins $5m from Dwan, Hastings wins $5m from Isildur etc etc etc

About looking annoyed. How come they didn't look too annoyed after a big tournament win? How come they're starting to look annoyed now? People like Esfandiari for example?
To kind of elaborate on this point, which I believe could be a good theory, when Dwan wins $5m from Guy, Dwan may spend 100k of it on bull **** b/c hes on happy life tilt. Then, he loses $4.9M to Isildur, who spends half a million on a car and more bull **** b/c he just had a big score. Then, he loses 4.4M to Hastings, who also blows a piece of it, b/c he. Hes a baller now after that win. The money slowly disappears, and the people who end up with it is, guess who? The business owners of the car dealerships, or real estate agents, fine watch dealers, etc etc etc.

So if this theory is correct, the businessmen are the constant winners.
Don't you get the feeling that almost all poker players are getting broke? Quote
05-08-2011 , 01:32 AM
Originally Posted by Pikaberdort

hey op, don't forget joeysweetp
he got 2nd in the wcoop for 1.3m then moved up to where they respect his raises

Don't you get the feeling that almost all poker players are getting broke? Quote
05-08-2011 , 01:43 AM
Originally Posted by Doug_Funnie
lol, nice level. touche.
Just too intune. well done
Don't you get the feeling that almost all poker players are getting broke? Quote
05-08-2011 , 04:17 AM
Here's something to think about:

Let's assume only 100 players can afford to buy into the Main Event (and the casino takes out 6% of their buyins). Now let's also assume that the prize pool is distributed to those 100 players somewhat evenly, regardless of who wins or loses the tournament (e.g., Mike Matasow wins the Main Event and then gives all of his winnings to stake other players in the Main Event the following year). How many of the original 100 players can afford to buy into the Main Event the following year using only money from the prize pool? How about X years later?

Year 1: 100
Year 2: 94
Year 3: 88
Year 4: 83
Year 5: 78
Year 6: 73
Year 7: 69
Year 8: 65
Year 9: 61
Year 10: 57
Year 11: 54
Year 12: 51
Year 13: 48

That's right--by year 13, less than half of the original 100 players can afford to buy into the Main Event simply because of the casino's 6% takeout.


Last edited by RoyalCrap; 05-08-2011 at 04:26 AM.
Don't you get the feeling that almost all poker players are getting broke? Quote
05-08-2011 , 06:24 AM
Yeah, but how much did they WIN?
Don't you get the feeling that almost all poker players are getting broke? Quote
05-08-2011 , 08:35 AM
Originally Posted by dbaseworking
I like that sentence about 'life-Rake'.
I think there was a study of NY.State
lottery winners. Over half go broke within
the first few years.
5.5% actually
Don't you get the feeling that almost all poker players are getting broke? Quote
05-08-2011 , 08:57 AM
Originally Posted by elocutionist
Watching pad and some other shows got me thinking also.If these guys were as rich as rumored I couldnt see them laying down the hands they do for just a few thousand.One hand in particular when dwan bluffed ivey out of an almost million dollar pot with a 200k bet. now I understand for the average guy a 200k bet is a real butt tightener, but for a guy rumored to have 100 mill in the bank,seemed really weak. It would be like me laying down a 2 dollar bet for a 100 dollar pot.
This is part of the reason these guys are rich duhh they still take poker seriously and don't piss about just because they have alot of money.
Don't you get the feeling that almost all poker players are getting broke? Quote
06-06-2011 , 01:42 AM
Professional poker players in general do not have a dream lifestyle. They have occassional financial pressures and job related mood swings. Obviously TV sells a more appealing false reality to attract viewers and add to the mystique. However, many of your statements are laughable, as you seem to go to the opposite extreme of the television producers and make intelligent financially successful professional players seem like they are struggling degenerates. The reality is generally in the middle.
Don't you get the feeling that almost all poker players are getting broke? Quote
06-06-2011 , 02:54 AM
I suspect your are at best a break even player with latent hostility towards the guys who usually get the best of you at the poker table. Furthermore you had an over glamorized vision of professional poker players in the first place. Unfortunately professional players have to work hard and deal with stressful situations like most people who earn a good income.
Don't you get the feeling that almost all poker players are getting broke? Quote
06-06-2011 , 03:24 AM
Originally Posted by RoyalCrap
Here's something to think about:


That's right--by year 13, less than half of the original 100 players can afford to buy into the Main Event simply because of the casino's 6% takeout.
This is the reason why blackjack and roulette died years ago.
Don't you get the feeling that almost all poker players are getting broke? Quote
06-06-2011 , 03:38 AM
Originally Posted by POB666
I like 'The guy was playing $25-$50 like a homeless person was playing $1k-$2k'

what does that even mean?
he was probably playing with ellix powers. hell of a nice guy.
Don't you get the feeling that almost all poker players are getting broke? Quote
06-06-2011 , 04:51 AM
I don't know if i agree with your thoughts. it may seem that way but they are under a lot of stress and i think that has some to do with it.
Don't you get the feeling that almost all poker players are getting broke? Quote
