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Dan Blizerian and Robl spending more rediculous amounts of money on stupid stuff...... Dan Blizerian and Robl spending more rediculous amounts of money on stupid stuff......

03-25-2011 , 11:04 AM
Originally Posted by Thappers
I hate patriotism, but good Christ this kind of thing makes me glad I'm British where the concept of 'partying' involves eight pints of Stella, a 2am kebab and throwing up outside your nan's house. Seeing this video I think I will now enrol with the chaps in Al-Qaeda, but I fear I might fail the physical.
Big up the fellow Brits....epic post lol
Dan Blizerian and Robl spending more rediculous amounts of money on stupid stuff...... Quote
03-25-2011 , 11:24 AM
Originally Posted by jonboka
Big up the fellow Brits....epic post lol
You were doing a really good job of lurking :/
Dan Blizerian and Robl spending more rediculous amounts of money on stupid stuff...... Quote
03-25-2011 , 12:11 PM

Dan Blizerian and Robl spending more rediculous amounts of money on stupid stuff...... Quote
03-25-2011 , 12:17 PM
the assault rifle on the table is just memt to b joke
Dan Blizerian and Robl spending more rediculous amounts of money on stupid stuff...... Quote
03-25-2011 , 12:18 PM
Originally Posted by POB666
Putting vids up on youtube basically saying 'look how awesome I am' is douchey. I dont think you can deny that.
Dan Blizerian and Robl spending more rediculous amounts of money on stupid stuff...... Quote
03-25-2011 , 12:26 PM
Every nationality has their Douche bag's who's idea of partying is acting like a complete attention whoring cnut. Stereotypically people from outside of the states think that all young American's are backward hat wearing, bodybuilding loud mouth frat boys who yell ''spring break'' and ''get some''! While many would fit this picture, many also do not. I've spent 3 summers living in the states and met some of the most chilled out and nice American people who were great fun to go out and get drunk with. It's sort of the college culture that magnifies the douche bag's and from what American friends have told me, lots of these big colleges are known for their party reputation so they become focal points for attracting young attention seeking people. But to be honest anyone around the ages of 18-21 sort of gets away with acting like a douche in my opinion. It's still a pretty immature age to be so I wouldn't judge a person based on their behavior at this age. However it is the people who continue to behave like this well in to their 20's and even 30's who are the worst imo. And I can imagine things like 'Spring break' is just a mecca for attracting these types who want to gel with people of their maturity bracket. Flashing the cash and banging drunk & naive 20 year old's isn't exactly as impressive as it might sound.
Dan Blizerian and Robl spending more rediculous amounts of money on stupid stuff...... Quote
03-25-2011 , 12:40 PM
I think it's pretty douchey they pay someone to spam nvg with this crap.

Anyways who thinks it's cool to inject another man's ass with steroids? LOLOLOL so edgy!
Dan Blizerian and Robl spending more rediculous amounts of money on stupid stuff...... Quote
03-25-2011 , 01:26 PM
Originally Posted by myggenx
Ye, i do realize that, but I just think it is pathetic to do steroids to attain a physique ala. Dan Bilzerian's. It's true that steroids to some extent differ, but basically they are all the same, and watching the video + his suspect dark voice, I'm guessing he's done more than a 200mg EW Primobolan cycle...
Broscience at its finest
Dan Blizerian and Robl spending more rediculous amounts of money on stupid stuff...... Quote
03-25-2011 , 01:49 PM
I guess I'm in the minority that liked this vid and it looked like they were having fun
Dan Blizerian and Robl spending more rediculous amounts of money on stupid stuff...... Quote
03-25-2011 , 02:17 PM
Originally Posted by cheddarIZbetter
is this the old blitzforce on bodog from years ago?
ya i used to have some epic battles with him at 10-20. I've never met him in person tho but I always felt like he was just an eccentric personality. I dont really see what all the hate is for
Dan Blizerian and Robl spending more rediculous amounts of money on stupid stuff...... Quote
03-25-2011 , 02:22 PM
It's true I found the same thing when I looked him up.

Michael Joseph Jackson (August 29, 1958 – June 25, 2009) was an American recording artist, dancer, child molester, singer-songwriter, musician, and philanthropist.
Dan Blizerian and Robl spending more rediculous amounts of money on stupid stuff...... Quote
03-25-2011 , 03:10 PM
Originally Posted by AlanPartridge27
the assault rifle on the table is just memt to b joke
No, Bilzerian is "famous" for having supposedly completed the Seals' Hell Week training, although on a military forum whose name I can't remember, everyone on there who actually was a Seal seemed to think he was full of **** and banned him.

Either way, he's obviously obsessed with that kind of stuff.
Dan Blizerian and Robl spending more rediculous amounts of money on stupid stuff...... Quote
03-25-2011 , 04:00 PM
it doesnt take a lot of money to hook up with a 9 in cancun or to have a hell of a week
Dan Blizerian and Robl spending more rediculous amounts of money on stupid stuff...... Quote
03-25-2011 , 04:01 PM
Dan Blizerian and Robl spending more rediculous amounts of money on stupid stuff...... Quote
03-25-2011 , 04:13 PM
Vanity of vanities, all is vanity
Dan Blizerian and Robl spending more rediculous amounts of money on stupid stuff...... Quote
03-25-2011 , 04:17 PM
the coolest part is when he threw a temper tantrum and swam back to shore. so bad ass. dan blitz is the type of friend that looks like he is about to punch you in the arm as hard as he can at any time.
Dan Blizerian and Robl spending more rediculous amounts of money on stupid stuff...... Quote
03-25-2011 , 04:55 PM
Originally Posted by Foldemlow
No, Bilzerian is "famous" for having supposedly completed the Seals' Hell Week training, although on a military forum whose name I can't remember, everyone on there who actually was a Seal seemed to think he was full of **** and banned him.

Either way, he's obviously obsessed with that kind of stuff.
He's compensating because he never got to see any action.
Dan Blizerian and Robl spending more rediculous amounts of money on stupid stuff...... Quote
03-25-2011 , 07:41 PM
Anyone know the song that's playing when they're at the club? Can't decide wether it's crap or awesome, need to hear full version.
Dan Blizerian and Robl spending more rediculous amounts of money on stupid stuff...... Quote
03-25-2011 , 10:39 PM
RObl looks like a 20yr old gary busey.... BUt robl looks just as messed up as busey @ 60yrs old
Dan Blizerian and Robl spending more rediculous amounts of money on stupid stuff...... Quote
03-26-2011 , 08:29 PM
Originally Posted by Loctus
Broscience at its finest
Except, that steroids darkening the voice is pretty well-documented...
Dan Blizerian and Robl spending more rediculous amounts of money on stupid stuff...... Quote
03-27-2011 , 02:52 AM
Originally Posted by I_Luv_Wilco
Lol, pretty accurate. Irish girls in my opinion are the most non-sexual girls in the world (with the exception of any strict Religious or very traditional cultures). The only ones that seem willing to sleep with people casually are ugly girls and nackers. And since most guys don't want to mix with these types most Irish guys are very sexually frustrated. American girls are far more open about sex and comfortable with it. They don't have to be sluts. I've gone home with girls while in America who were not sluts, they are just down for it if they meet somebody they like and feel comfortable with. If an Irish girl did this however, she'd feel like a slut or be ridiculed by her friends. This is why I NEVER go home with Irish girls : (

Most Irish guys who get a taste of America fall in love with the place purely because of how much easier it is to hook up with girls, and the girls they hook up with are WAY better looking than the ones they would hook up with back home. Can't beat Irish for having fun and sense of humor but yes pulling women is ****ing tough work. And yes the ego's of even moderately attractive girls is so much higher than their equivalents in other countries. I spent 4 months in New York last summer and you would see girls every few seconds hotter than the hottest girl you would see in 1 month in Ireland. It's ridiculous!! Anyway long story short, Irish girls suck, lol!!
Hahaha, this post was awesome, especially the last few sentences

And this guy...

Originally Posted by Fish no more
looks like a bunch of nerds trying to act cool to me.

no matter how much $ you have or how many pretty women you pay to be around you, if you are a nerd, you are a nerd, can't hide it.
...reminds me of this guy, lol

Dan Blizerian and Robl spending more rediculous amounts of money on stupid stuff...... Quote
03-27-2011 , 04:53 AM
Can't say I know blitz or robl personally. But I'm friends with Torelli and he's an awesome dude
Dan Blizerian and Robl spending more rediculous amounts of money on stupid stuff...... Quote
03-27-2011 , 04:55 AM
Originally Posted by ArmenH
I was playing at Bellagio with Dan Bilzerian 10/20nl, while he was waiting for a bigger game. He sat with prob 100k in flags , 2nd orbit in he doubles up a fish on a brutal beat for an 8k pot. He storms off table with his not very cute , kinda trashy gf, says "he'll be right back" and 5 mins later sits back down at table with a million dollars in cranberres, when average stack was prob 5-6k. Yep, he's a Dbag.
This is the most ******ed post I have ever read, this is completely untrue. I've never even had a million dollars in cranberries at bellagio, so this pretty much confirms that you are totally full of ****. Anyone who know me knows I don't lie, I have no reason to... But, what I do now have is a reason to punch your teeth in. Congrats, hope to see you soon.
Dan Blizerian and Robl spending more rediculous amounts of money on stupid stuff...... Quote
03-27-2011 , 06:23 AM
Originally Posted by okletsgo
This is so accurate. I'm Irish and culturally Irish and English people are pretty much identical except in general English girls are a bit sluttier. With regards to groups of girls in the UK and Ireland, lol yeah, if they're in any way better looking than average, unless they're working class, they generally have huge egos. Working class girls are sluts but obviously just because they're poor and have been parented badly.
I'm getting the impression that you either (a) haven't been to England to often or (b) Haven't spoken with a good looking working class girl in anywhere other than that seed pit of a local that you call a pub. It amazes me that people from the UK are quick to tag our women before even speaking to them and/or only judge what they only ever see in a pub. Quite obviously a high percentage of sluts will go into a pub looking for talent or an easy ****. Broaden your horizons a bit and you will meet some decent chicks.

Looks like Armen is going to be doing a Russ Hamilton from now on...
Dan Blizerian and Robl spending more rediculous amounts of money on stupid stuff...... Quote
03-27-2011 , 06:28 AM
Originally Posted by myggenx
Except, that steroids darkening the voice is pretty well-documented...
And yet there are guys who have juiced their brains out for a very very long time and have squeaky voices.

Funny, if a steroid user has a dark voice it's because of steroids. If he has a squeaky voice it's also due to steroids Go figure
Dan Blizerian and Robl spending more rediculous amounts of money on stupid stuff...... Quote
