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Chris Ferguson Returns to WSOP Chris Ferguson Returns to WSOP

06-06-2016 , 02:08 AM
^ to be fair, only the guys who are talking/typing threats when in real life do nothing are being correctly called spineless cowards.
Chris Ferguson Returns to WSOP Quote
06-06-2016 , 02:12 AM
Wow with all the tuff guys on here, Chino must be shaking in his Boots.
Chris Ferguson Returns to WSOP Quote
06-06-2016 , 03:29 AM
Guess the only one who has actually got balls is Fergusson himself for showing up.

Or maybe he figured correctly that most poker players are pathetic pussies.

Good call on his part.
Chris Ferguson Returns to WSOP Quote
06-06-2016 , 04:15 AM
Originally Posted by BroadwaySushy
Guess the only one who has actually got balls is Fergusson himself for showing up.

Or maybe he figured correctly that most poker players are pathetic pussies.

Good call on his part.
Or not.

I expect more of this as the WSOP goes on:
Chris Ferguson Returns to WSOP Quote
06-06-2016 , 04:17 AM
Originally Posted by trixie
OMG, move on or file suit against him...

He was involved in a business in a great position and made his money. (the beauty of capitalism.) Madoff - guilty and prison. Your evil empire - no prison time = NO CRIME.

Everyone here is so high and mighty, you'd have done the same thing if you were there walking in his shoes
Full Tilt was insolvent as they were not taking in the money they were paying out, so Madoff, but for poker:

Chris Ferguson’s Secret FTP Bank Accounts

Unlike Madoff, Ferguson just got away with it
Chris Ferguson Returns to WSOP Quote
06-06-2016 , 05:03 AM
Originally Posted by Joe Tall
Or not.

I expect more of this as the WSOP goes on:
he sure showed him. why would he **** himself though when he could have a threesome with 2 high class escorts in a penthouse and it wouldn't even dent his bank balance?
Chris Ferguson Returns to WSOP Quote
06-06-2016 , 05:10 AM
It's bizarre, he's either completely delusional or really DGAF.

Whatever it is, he must really love the game though, I'd much rather be doing this
threesome with 2 high class escorts in a penthouse
than sitting for hours playing cards, being insulted by people who hate me.
Chris Ferguson Returns to WSOP Quote
06-06-2016 , 05:24 AM
Originally Posted by BroadwaySushy
Awkward glances? LOL.

What a bunch of wimps.

Why didn't you man up yourself, and in a loud voice, inform the deluded gentleman what a thieving scumbag this guy really is?
Chris Ferguson Returns to WSOP Quote
06-06-2016 , 05:37 AM
I would like to see the reactions when he actually runs deep in a WSOP tourney or even wins one. What would happen if he'd final tabled the main event? Boycott by the community or silence?

Also, no reaction of Dneg yet? As one of representatives of poker I'd like to see him step up and tell him he's not welcome at the poker tables.

He already did this 4 years ago in this vid:
But never in his face.
Chris Ferguson Returns to WSOP Quote
06-06-2016 , 05:56 AM
Representative of poker my ass, #couldhavedonemore
Chris Ferguson Returns to WSOP Quote
06-06-2016 , 06:14 AM
Hilarious video, well done
Chris Ferguson Returns to WSOP Quote
06-06-2016 , 06:30 AM
Originally Posted by baudib1
lol poker players are the biggest group of spineless cowards ever assembled.
Tell that to poker enthusiasts Manny Pacquiao, Randy Couture, and Steve Wilkos next time you see them at the table.
Chris Ferguson Returns to WSOP Quote
06-06-2016 , 06:49 AM
Sounds like Howard wrote that apology claiming responsibility so that Chris could turn up
Chris Ferguson Returns to WSOP Quote
06-06-2016 , 07:07 AM
Originally Posted by Well Read Ted
... or do some action like make a 5 million dollar donation to the homeless of Las Vegas in the name of the poker community. At least with a big donation like that at least someone would benefit out of this mess.
Originally Posted by LektorAJ
EDIT: actually I don't want to get banned so not going to leave my first response to this.
I don't know how much Ferguson is worth, but I'm serious. A big donation that hurts him a little will be at least something; I mean give us anything other than the words "I'm just here to play poker". Even if he thinks he did nothing wrong, the bottom line is that it was his company to a big extent and he should at least try to make amends for what Full Tilt did. If the guy is worth 20 million a 5 million payout to either charity or former Full Tilt patrons would go a long way to placating a decent percentage of the poker community, not all of course, but a decent percentage.

The same goes for Howard. Apologies are nice but making a voluntary monetary payout above and beyond the legal agreement would be evidence of true sorrow about what happened.
Chris Ferguson Returns to WSOP Quote
06-06-2016 , 07:54 AM
If they gave money as you suggested that would do nothing to change people's perspective of them other than perhaps make them say that it proved they knew they were doing something bad all along and this is their way of trying to salvage their reputation. $5 million for no gain in a sense.

Their reputation has changed, though people wanting others to smash them with a baseball bat at the tables are being unrealistic. A few snarky comments on some self serving twitter feeds will be about as good as it gets for those looking for that form of comeuppance, because whether it is liked or not - the justice system finished their cases on these people. Randy Couture is not going to force anyone to tap out at the poker tables via a choke hold, even if the whole story is told to him.

Certainly politely educating those at the tables (like the geezer mentioned who was heaping praise) is a reasonable approach, but that is about it, and if these guys are showing up to play poker after all of this I doubt that anything said at them will hurt in any way. They know what they did.
Chris Ferguson Returns to WSOP Quote
06-06-2016 , 09:13 AM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
Certainly politely educating those at the tables (like the geezer mentioned who was heaping praise) is a reasonable approach
This FFS and I hope it's happening (but sounds like it isn't). Least people can do is speak up when unknowing fools are heaping praise on them

Last edited by PasswordGotHacked; 06-06-2016 at 09:13 AM. Reason: I'm all for violence too fwiw
Chris Ferguson Returns to WSOP Quote
06-06-2016 , 09:19 AM
Originally Posted by RLGallday
Also, no reaction of Dneg yet? As one of representatives of poker I'd like to see him step up and tell him he's not welcome at the poker tables.

I guess at least you didnt say respected representative
Chris Ferguson Returns to WSOP Quote
06-06-2016 , 09:27 AM
Originally Posted by PasswordGotHacked

I guess at least you didnt say respected representative
Negreanu isnt a representative of the poker community?
Chris Ferguson Returns to WSOP Quote
06-06-2016 , 09:47 AM
Originally Posted by Joe Tall
If I end up at the same table as him today (in the dealer's choice), I'll be reading quotes from: out loud.
What exactly would you hope to accomplish by doing that? Of course other than solidifying yourself as a grade A douche?
Chris Ferguson Returns to WSOP Quote
06-06-2016 , 10:02 AM
Originally Posted by mikeyfan420
Judas Turdeguson.
If everyone started calling him Judas instead of Jesus, that would be great.
Chris Ferguson Returns to WSOP Quote
06-06-2016 , 10:03 AM
Originally Posted by Mi$terMJ
All of those walk around in casinos, the gambling world is filled with criminals.
What world isn't? Politicians? Priests? Wall Street? Teachers? Doctors?
Chris Ferguson Returns to WSOP Quote
06-06-2016 , 10:06 AM
Originally Posted by yocrackattack
I'm not saying you're wrong, or that they're right, BUT keep in mind what was happening before DOJ stepped in....nothing. They only thing they were doing 'wrong' was having all the money in one big account instead of segregated funds for this, that, and the other. They were paying everyone that wanted to get paid. Also, they were millionaires, MULTI millionaires *without* players deposits. FTP was making TONS of cash for everyone in -profit-, not from 'stealing' players funds.

Again, did they handle it well AFTER DOJ stpped in? No. But to say that they went in with the idea of stealing everyone's money is absurd. They were making a KILLING! Believe me, they wanted this to continue till the end of time just as bad as we did.....
You should probably go and read up on what actually happened before posting any more in this thread.
Chris Ferguson Returns to WSOP Quote
06-06-2016 , 10:14 AM
Originally Posted by MiRee446
Negreanu isnt a representative of the poker community?
Depends who you ask these days. Sure he is. If he is respected or a wanted representative may get some differing opinions these days though
Chris Ferguson Returns to WSOP Quote
06-06-2016 , 10:22 AM
. If people are talking sh|t they are just tilting themselves.
Like a oldschool gambler like chris really cares what somebody says. He will probably just smile and just keep playing and thats the best thing to do for him. to play tournament after tournament just like negreanu , hellmuth etc....
Then give some interview and talk about you missed poker and that was a hard time dealing with all that ****.
5 minutes later he is a normal celebrity and he wont get more hate than paris hilton, 50cent or whoever is big in america.......
Chris Ferguson Returns to WSOP Quote
