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Cedrik / Cedric Brazeau returns, in a hacking attack on the Phuket Poker Community Cedrik / Cedric Brazeau returns, in a hacking attack on the Phuket Poker Community

12-18-2013 , 06:07 AM
who really want to let this girl in his house? she's a 3,25 on 10
Cedrik / Cedric Brazeau returns, in a hacking attack on the Phuket Poker Community Quote
12-18-2013 , 07:03 AM
meh.... those are some pointy elbows....
Cedrik / Cedric Brazeau returns, in a hacking attack on the Phuket Poker Community Quote
11-21-2023 , 09:42 PM
30 minutes ago, I was watching the French Canadian TV show ''La Facture'', (translation : the invoice) which is a documentary show about fraudsters and they talked about Brazeau. I almost choked myself with my ice cream when they said his name. The guy posted some publicities on Google for a doorlock company. The customers who called the company got scammed when they agreed to pay an amount for a doorlock, but when they received the bill, the amount was 5 times higher than the agreed amount and the installation was not included. When some customers refused to pay, 2 tough guys were staying in the costumers house/apartment until they finally accepted to pay. 10 years later and the guy is always scamming people. This is unbelievable. Some people will never change.
Cedrik / Cedric Brazeau returns, in a hacking attack on the Phuket Poker Community Quote
11-27-2023 , 07:55 PM
Never trust a guy with the name Cedrik. UNLESS the guy is Cedrik the Entertainer. Then it is ok.
Cedrik / Cedric Brazeau returns, in a hacking attack on the Phuket Poker Community Quote
11-28-2023 , 12:02 AM
Originally Posted by HurtLocker
Never trust a guy with the name Cedrik. UNLESS the guy is Cedrik the Entertainer. Then it is ok.
Cedric* the Entertainer.
Cedrik / Cedric Brazeau returns, in a hacking attack on the Phuket Poker Community Quote
