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Cedrik / Cedric Brazeau returns, in a hacking attack on the Phuket Poker Community Cedrik / Cedric Brazeau returns, in a hacking attack on the Phuket Poker Community

01-08-2013 , 06:34 AM
There is proof on the french forums on:

Him scamming people on transfers and making up multiple identities to do so.
Him admitting to hack.
Posts from people that got scammed by him while living together with him.

Aside from the transfer scams and some online chats about him admitting to hacking, everything took place in real life, but postings from multiple posters that aren't gimmick accounts should tell you that there is some truth to all of this.
Cedrik / Cedric Brazeau returns, in a hacking attack on the Phuket Poker Community Quote
01-08-2013 , 06:35 AM
Originally Posted by amberdosh
You guys should pool your money together and get a connected lawyer to advise you on the best way to take this to the police. Let the lawyer know you're concerned about shedding light on your online poker activities but that you have some legit crimes to report and you're scared of this guy.

The lawyer can act as intermediary between you and the police and can help you file the police reports for those crimes that have nothing to do with online poker (residential burglary is a pretty serious offense in any country). At the very least, it will probably get this guy out of Thailand.

Also keep in mind that corruption works both ways. Just as this guy can pay the cops to get out of it if he is arrested, you guys can pay the cops to arrest or harass this guy. Don't just walk up to a street cop and propose this though, that's what the lawyer is for...
All people I know that got involved with thai lawyers in some form or fashion got seriously burnt. They're more criminal than the police most of the time.
Cedrik / Cedric Brazeau returns, in a hacking attack on the Phuket Poker Community Quote
01-08-2013 , 06:37 AM
Originally Posted by skillgambler
i pretty much agree with everything youre saying. That said, i m part of the phuket community and I was one of the more vocal voices to post this ASAP. You have to realize that being in Thailand changes things for everyone involved drastically. We cant go to the police because the police is a corrupt entity that isnt to be trusted. That takes A LOT of the leverage that people have in "civilized" countries away from people who face scammers/thiefs/any illegal activity. Also, if you are an unscrupulous person, it s very easy to hire criminals for very little money.

so let s look at what we know with certainty:

-2 different houses have been burglarized
-some of the people in one house claim they have been hacked and lost a substantial amount at nl5k
-people in the same house claim to have been followed home at various times
-that whole house got scared ****less and left the country
-other people in the phuket poker community report suspicious things(people hanging out around houses, delivery men ringing the bell at various times (possibly to find out if someone is home))

then there are a bunch of rumors, mainly surrounding cedric and his possible involvement with thai mafia,police. Also stories about him owning guns, old rumors about him drugging and robbing people, him hacking other people, him bribing his way into (guarded) houses and other stuff i might be forgetting

so with all that in mind, and with the "security through obscurity" pejorative mostly being on his side (given that he (supposedly)is covertly trying to target poker players for years now) it seems prudent to out him ASAP in the poker community and make everyone aware of what s happening.

also, obv we re not trying to ruin his reputation, we would love for him to come here or onto the french site and defend himself.

yeah, +1
I believe you guys and understand the desire to out him quickly, but I find it hard to believe you (as a group) would be as sure as you are of his guilt and at the same time not have more than this.

You've basically just said that some houses have been burglarised, people have CLAIMED to be hacked and reported other weird stuff, some people lost money playing and there are a bunch of rumours about this guy so therefore it's him. Even the OP doesn't include a single thing to tie this guy to the crimes, except for 'he's been trying to hack us'.

Has he been befriending a ton of guys from your community? How are you aware that he's been hiring criminals? Have you seen the portfolios he's been building? Has anyone confronted him at all?

I guess I also don't really see the point in hiding any of your info since you can't take legal action against him anyway. Anyway just my 2c, gl.

edit: just saw proof may be coming from a french forum. cool
Cedrik / Cedric Brazeau returns, in a hacking attack on the Phuket Poker Community Quote
01-08-2013 , 07:55 AM
Some recent info on him in french:


He's apparently in Rawai, to learn Muay Thai, telling french players that know about his history that he changed etc. and tries to get friendly with people again, starts to offer favors like interest free loans, staking etc.

Then he asks MrMuckDude for a favor in return, telling him he'll be compensated well for it.

He finds out that he has thais working for him to bribe housekeepers, act like fast food delivery guys, trail people with GPS etc. and keeps files on all known players in thailand with cell, bike license plate numbers and address, all with the aim to hack them and scam them at some point.
Cedrik / Cedric Brazeau returns, in a hacking attack on the Phuket Poker Community Quote
01-08-2013 , 07:57 AM
to be clear, there is plenty of evidence, Skillgambler posted a "what we know with certainty" list. obviously we as a community are convinced. I contacted a moderator that we trust before posting here, and gave him some insight into what we know without having to reveal to everyone what we do know.

I agree with Skillgambler 100% that posting quickly was important. I don't know how deep of a "responsibility" we have to the 2+2 community, but obviously we feel strongly about helping the community.

we're not prosecuting a case here on 2+2, we're trying to give everyone fair warning, not only about Cedric, but also about what other thieves/scammers/hackers might be out there doing. I know that reading this makes people hungry for more details, but please understand that we're just a few days past dealing with a serious violation of our privacy, and attacks on our livelihoods. we're here to warn people and help them protect themselves, not satisfy your cravings for drama.

thanks to everyone who has pitched in information to help us, as well.

when it's more prudent, we may release more information, once it will no longer hinder us in our objectives, and assuming that it's productive to helping people understand how to protect themselves.

also, we don't really have any intention of blowing up a 2+2 thread with threats, vengeful rants, or tough guy posing.
Cedrik / Cedric Brazeau returns, in a hacking attack on the Phuket Poker Community Quote
01-08-2013 , 08:14 AM
google translated

Ok, so I decided to Thailand from late November to return to Quebec, at least some time for the holidays. (The accents not work on this keyboard.) I do not play poker too at that time, I leave the country provides for shortly, jhabite in Rawai.

A few weeks ago, told me that Rhalala Ced was passing in Rawai, to practice Muy Thai and vacation with his girlfriend. He told me he has changed, he admits his mistakes and that all this is behind him. In fact, he spent years of hard and does not want to do this kind of things. He wants to reintegrate the community of poker players. It is convincing, friendly,

his girlfriend is pretty and it does not attempt to integrate too fast, it leaves time to time, but no more.

Then we'll see more at the bar with Rhalala sometimes. He says he has a contact to deal with visaruns, often pays the bills, etc.. At one point, he offered to take a hotel room as neighbor Phuket Town before returning to Quebec. Jeremy offer him lend money without interest, we offer online Staker, etc.. He says he owes a debt to the community. Then he speaks to business Rhalala dune private detective ... Then he

says I owe him a favor. I'm okay, I think at that time was painting the fence or service standard, I do not know. At this moment, I am not back to Quebec for the holidays. I asked for information on the community of poker players. Rhalala I was talking he had a GPS home, whatever was my neighbor that moment, I had never seen, always very discreet. I realize that it is very professional.

I refused, but he insisted on telling me that it's going to be extremely paying and he possesses everything to succeed:

-Engage in Thai and brought to Bangkok to work for him (He ask Rhalala in the past knew sil inexpensive apartments for low-grinders friends who had a vacation in Bangkok)

In fact, deliver and pay or other KFC and / or beating the driver to steal his clothes in order to disguise its employees

-Has a remote that the internet has cut away (cut in front of me in my room for example)

Hack-I do not know too much what ways computers

-Has files on all known players from Thailand or almost same dailleurs Quebec or (with the stakes of these, their Number motorcycles, their addresses, such numbers, etc.)

-Me says he has lots of ways, one of his employees has an appointment with a housekeeper for a villa to let him pay (The first, a mid-stakes player said he Rawai sest stolen a laptop that someone would view has its skype asking for information has its contacts by fesant go to the owner of the laptop in question, and the housekeeper did not see anything unusual that evening ( ?)

I do not know if his girlfriend works for him, but I am sure it does. It is violent, threatening with a taser gun (it possesses other weapons too), breaks the material. I see one of his employees also thais with full of stolen watches, equipment and other applications. I then left the hotel without checking out I decided to refuge in another hotel with all my stuff in the other room waiting to see what I'm doing.

I know that my computer has been hacker, my cell phone, and same for Rhalala several poker Rawai and surrounding areas. At least three villas have also been victims of broken entries and possibly hacking. So we put the community aware, I get my stuff back with grinders Rawai to my original hotel, check out and it has been more news. In fact, he called me in the night of 31 to the first to wish me happy new year! Also, I would forget, he would go to a certain poker players from the cell of Rhalala by posing for him.

I took some time before posting, because I'm still in Thailand, and I do not feel very in security. I highly recommend to everyone in Thailand, or even if you have also been in contact with far Cedrik or loan, or private information about you is easily accessible on the internet, and you play cards at 2-4 +, to format your computer, as I see Gabe was telling him, but I prefer you call me out and block skype. I take this opportunity to rapeller you you're the one who offers me a free room with you at the beginning of the summer. If you have to ask me Rhalala things that seem strange for Skype, MSN or FaceBook, please contact us.
Cedrik / Cedric Brazeau returns, in a hacking attack on the Phuket Poker Community Quote
01-08-2013 , 08:26 AM
Originally Posted by rutang
to be clear, there is plenty of evidence, Skillgambler posted a "what we know with certainty" list. obviously we as a community are convinced. I contacted a moderator that we trust before posting here, and gave him some insight into what we know without having to reveal to everyone what we do know.

I agree with Skillgambler 100% that posting quickly was important. I don't know how deep of a "responsibility" we have to the 2+2 community, but obviously we feel strongly about helping the community.

we're not prosecuting a case here on 2+2, we're trying to give everyone fair warning, not only about Cedric, but also about what other thieves/scammers/hackers might be out there doing. I know that reading this makes people hungry for more details, but please understand that we're just a few days past dealing with a serious violation of our privacy, and attacks on our livelihoods. we're here to warn people and help them protect themselves, not satisfy your cravings for drama.

thanks to everyone who has pitched in information to help us, as well.

when it's more prudent, we may release more information, once it will no longer hinder us in our objectives, and assuming that it's productive to helping people understand how to protect themselves.

also, we don't really have any intention of blowing up a 2+2 thread with threats, vengeful rants, or tough guy posing.
I dont really understand how can ppl concern about this guy trying to convince us that he is not guilty.

A guy who has had some hacking problems before... i have some friends there in Phukhet who told me about this scum harassing other grinders and trying to hack computers in order to get some money.

I just know that IMO this guy is guilty until proven innocent. Sometimes our past is really awful for ourselves.

Sorry Cedrik
Cedrik / Cedric Brazeau returns, in a hacking attack on the Phuket Poker Community Quote
01-08-2013 , 08:35 AM
Neither Rhalala or Muckdude on the french forum want to answer simple questions like:

1) How do you know that much information about ur friend Bluestaze? (see original OP).

2) Why did u wait until Bluestaze rob you to finally put that story on 2+2?

I mean, Bluestaze offer Rhalala and Muckdude free loan, he talks to them about starting a *detective enterprise*. That should ring a bell..., and then all of the sudden he rob both of them (he did the same in the past). Couple of days later the whole story is all over internet! It's impossible that before they got rob by him they didn't know anything, they were friend and he try to involved them in his scam, they must knew about the poker player files, why didn't they talk?

My theory, and it's only a theory, is that both Rhalala and Muckdude we're broke and Cedric was helping them $ but asking some favors, like adress of some french poker player (fake purpose) and to keep their mouth shut. He try to get them more and more involved but they eventualy refused, got mad, rob them.

Last edited by TomaTe; 01-08-2013 at 08:40 AM.
Cedrik / Cedric Brazeau returns, in a hacking attack on the Phuket Poker Community Quote
01-08-2013 , 09:24 AM
You are probably not too far off with that theory.

Last edited by nhourmess; 01-08-2013 at 09:31 AM.
Cedrik / Cedric Brazeau returns, in a hacking attack on the Phuket Poker Community Quote
01-08-2013 , 09:53 AM
Whats his screennames online?
Cedrik / Cedric Brazeau returns, in a hacking attack on the Phuket Poker Community Quote
01-08-2013 , 10:11 AM
Originally Posted by BustoPro
That's one of the reasons I never went.
Translation: "I am about to offer an opinion on something I know nothing about"
Cedrik / Cedric Brazeau returns, in a hacking attack on the Phuket Poker Community Quote
01-08-2013 , 10:12 AM
So if something happens in Thailand you are basically depended on yourself? nice! the price of cheap living, paradise and hookers just went up a notch.

police wont do anything unless you pay more than the villain, (if he works with police that is) and you guys seem like tourists (my impression) aka easy victims. while that cedric guy actually integrates and knows how to pull some strings (again my impression) Time to actually start working the system if you plan to stay IMO and really start living there instead of being on a vacation. Threads wont make him stop if he can operate with impunity. tbh, this community doesnt sound very safe at all. It seems isolated when the **** hits the fan. Probably better off to leave the region with the 1 or 2 friends you with and relocate if you insist on staying in thailand.
Cedrik / Cedric Brazeau returns, in a hacking attack on the Phuket Poker Community Quote
01-08-2013 , 10:58 AM
Originally Posted by MakeBelieve
Time to actually start working the system if you plan to stay IMO and really start living there instead of being on a vacation.

All this hand-waving 'police wont do ****' 'lawyers are more corrupt than the police' etc smacks of a lack of experience navigating the system.
Cedrik / Cedric Brazeau returns, in a hacking attack on the Phuket Poker Community Quote
01-08-2013 , 11:44 AM
Originally Posted by TomaTe
Neither Rhalala or Muckdude on the french forum want to answer simple questions like:

1) How do you know that much information about ur friend Bluestaze? (see original OP).

2) Why did u wait until Bluestaze rob you to finally put that story on 2+2?

I mean, Bluestaze offer Rhalala and Muckdude free loan, he talks to them about starting a *detective enterprise*. That should ring a bell..., and then all of the sudden he rob both of them (he did the same in the past). Couple of days later the whole story is all over internet! It's impossible that before they got rob by him they didn't know anything, they were friend and he try to involved them in his scam, they must knew about the poker player files, why didn't they talk?

My theory, and it's only a theory, is that both Rhalala and Muckdude we're broke and Cedric was helping them $ but asking some favors, like adress of some french poker player (fake purpose) and to keep their mouth shut. He try to get them more and more involved but they eventualy refused, got mad, rob them.
I found a recent thread on these forums about this Muckdude person. Seems like he owes a lot of money to many people and isnt paying up much of it back.
Cedrik / Cedric Brazeau returns, in a hacking attack on the Phuket Poker Community Quote
01-08-2013 , 12:36 PM
Originally Posted by murkmanz
Wow, i didn't know Thailand cops were so corrupt. If you guys are settled and don't want to leave, than could you not hire some protection out there? I know that's not ideal, as nobody should live in fear but if that Cedric A-hole got to learn that you have protection i bet he would think twice on targeting you. Bullies hate resistance.
Originally Posted by amberdosh
You guys should pool your money together and get a connected lawyer to advise you on the best way to take this to the police. Let the lawyer know you're concerned about shedding light on your online poker activities but that you have some legit crimes to report and you're scared of this guy.

The lawyer can act as intermediary between you and the police and can help you file the police reports for those crimes that have nothing to do with online poker (residential burglary is a pretty serious offense in any country). At the very least, it will probably get this guy out of Thailand.

Also keep in mind that corruption works both ways. Just as this guy can pay the cops to get out of it if he is arrested, you guys can pay the cops to arrest or harass this guy. Don't just walk up to a street cop and propose this though, that's what the lawyer is for...
Originally Posted by MakeBelieve
So if something happens in Thailand you are basically depended on yourself? nice! the price of cheap living, paradise and hookers just went up a notch.

police wont do anything unless you pay more than the villain, (if he works with police that is) and you guys seem like tourists (my impression) aka easy victims. while that cedric guy actually integrates and knows how to pull some strings (again my impression) Time to actually start working the system if you plan to stay IMO and really start living there instead of being on a vacation. Threads wont make him stop if he can operate with impunity. tbh, this community doesnt sound very safe at all. It seems isolated when the **** hits the fan. Probably better off to leave the region with the 1 or 2 friends you with and relocate if you insist on staying in thailand.

yeah, it's not all that bad obviously. Most of the community has no problems with anyone, everyone just wants to live their lives in peace. That said, for a lot of us, phuket is home and we're not about to give that up because criminals try to intimitade us. We are obviously conisdering all our options, involving lawyers or police, hiring security and hitman, getting rid of rogue house employees or buying weapons. Everything comes up and is discussed, and paying thai police more than that cedric guy could shouldnt be a problem for us, some of us have been here for a few years and have made some powerful friends themselves.

that said, we learned most of this story just a few days ago and are still gathering facts and information, so posting here and getting the word out is our first step to make sure everyone here or in bangkok or in the poker community is aware and can protect themselves as much as possible.

Last edited by skillgambler; 01-08-2013 at 12:44 PM. Reason: "hiring hitman" is a joke
Cedrik / Cedric Brazeau returns, in a hacking attack on the Phuket Poker Community Quote
01-08-2013 , 12:42 PM
Originally Posted by skillgambler
hiring security and hitman
Well it's good that you're being serious about it.
Cedrik / Cedric Brazeau returns, in a hacking attack on the Phuket Poker Community Quote
01-08-2013 , 01:24 PM
Originally Posted by MakeBelieve
police wont do anything unless you pay more than the villain, (if he works with police that is) and you guys seem like tourists (my impression) aka easy victims.
Nobody is paying the police anything lol.

while that cedric guy actually integrates and knows how to pull some strings (again my impression)
Not really, his english is crap and he doesn't speak thai, but he has a gf that is probably some scamming hooker herself who is sorting everything thai related for him. He's still mainly turning to other french people and tries to involve them in his activities.

Time to actually start working the system if you plan to stay IMO and really start living there instead of being on a vacation.
I'm pretty sure some of the guys there have some thai friends with more or less much influence, but I think most would prefer to keep them out of this, as favors have to be returned. I'm sure they're involving them at this point though and the thread is just a warning to others to stay far away from him.

tbh, this community doesnt sound very safe at all.
It's safe unless some maniac foreigner comes around that is hellbent on trying to scam you.
Cedrik / Cedric Brazeau returns, in a hacking attack on the Phuket Poker Community Quote
01-08-2013 , 01:42 PM
That 'joke' was in pretty poor taste, skillgambler; you might want to see if a mod will clean that up for you.
Cedrik / Cedric Brazeau returns, in a hacking attack on the Phuket Poker Community Quote
01-08-2013 , 02:47 PM
Originally Posted by Sciolist
Translation: "I am about to offer an opinion on something I know nothing about"
Right, because I wouldn't actually bother to research a place if I was considering moving there.

I'd just go, because there's, like, sand and Asian chicks and stuff, and what could possibly go wrong, because I KNOW I can trust all my 2+2 buddies who I've never actually met.
Cedrik / Cedric Brazeau returns, in a hacking attack on the Phuket Poker Community Quote
01-08-2013 , 02:54 PM
You researched to find out that it's a 3rd world hellhole and you need to hire security. I see.
Cedrik / Cedric Brazeau returns, in a hacking attack on the Phuket Poker Community Quote
01-08-2013 , 03:39 PM
This is why you don't make friends with busto people
Cedrik / Cedric Brazeau returns, in a hacking attack on the Phuket Poker Community Quote
01-08-2013 , 03:47 PM
Originally Posted by Sciolist
You researched to find out that it's a 3rd world hellhole and you need to hire security. I see.
He should really write a book
Cedrik / Cedric Brazeau returns, in a hacking attack on the Phuket Poker Community Quote
01-08-2013 , 05:05 PM
This is completely awful, but if half of what those guys say is true he should already be in jail, right? I mean it's pretty ridiculous to think that the Thai police wouldn't care about foreigners getting harassed like that, and calling it harassment sounds like an understatement. Anyway, I really hope none of you get hurt.
Cedrik / Cedric Brazeau returns, in a hacking attack on the Phuket Poker Community Quote
01-08-2013 , 05:32 PM
Originally Posted by CoolAcesBro
This is completely awful, but if half of what those guys say is true he should already be in jail, right? I mean it's pretty ridiculous to think that the Thai police wouldn't care about foreigners getting harassed like that, and calling it harassment sounds like an understatement. Anyway, I really hope none of you get hurt.
I doubt they've told the police. This is also a country where a man committed murder and was told that if he paid the police $50k he would be deported instead of sent to prison.
Cedrik / Cedric Brazeau returns, in a hacking attack on the Phuket Poker Community Quote
01-08-2013 , 06:04 PM
lol at any westerners needing security in thailand. I feel safer walking down the street at night here than i do in the UK
Cedrik / Cedric Brazeau returns, in a hacking attack on the Phuket Poker Community Quote
