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Can we discuss Cereus specifically? Can we discuss Cereus specifically?

05-06-2011 , 07:20 PM
Guys, I think we need to start taking action. Obviously UB's management and employees are reading our forums here at 2+2 and other places. If we keep writing posts about how the US player's money is lost then they might just live up to that expectation. A poster yesterday mentioned how we should maybe get a law firm to take a look at this case as it could be a good one for review. If we make progress with our action towards UB to get our money back, they might get scared or nervous of the legal action coming their way and resort to doing the right thing - paying US player's money back.

If anyone has any legal advice, PLEASE give it.

Again, I think we should start posting about how we can go after UB for our money. We need to have something in our back pocket in case they resort to hit and run us.
05-06-2011 , 07:21 PM
i listened to it all and still couldn't figure out who CHUCK was??
05-06-2011 , 07:24 PM
Originally Posted by lastchances
I have been asked to post this message on behalf of an employee of Absolute / UB.
A group of investors have made an offer to take over the Absolute Poker/UB non-US business. The new owners were presented to key staff as the new Management of the Operation. They would come in and take over all liabilities of the Non-US database, set up a new network on which they could play and PAY players.

Staff is disgusted to learn that Management of Absolute suddenly terminated the deal with what must have been a heroic group of individuals. However the deal is off. Now Absolute will use all the free funds (not confiscated), about USD 16.000.000, to set up this new business and pay non-US players, in portions. Furthermore they will blame DOJ for US players not being paid.
I would not be suprised if "lastchances" is actually a US player with money on UB/AP

If I was in his situation I would also look to create a gimmick account and try to create some sort of PR movement to fight against the obvious (don't think the legal side of things will get anything done for now). Did you guys really expect a financially troubled company like Cereus to fight and claw with the DOJ for the $$$ of players that they will not receive a dime from ever again? They are seeking 500m and they are 20 times smallers then stars who they wanted 1.5b from. If they feel they can't finance the return of the funds and feel they can get away without the whole thing affecting their future non-US market then they will not hesitate. I think it's very possible somebody came to the same conclusion and posted under a gimmick account to stir things up.

edit: seriously, re-read the post from this gentleman and imagine he's a US player with $ on the site it makes perfect sense

Last edited by wuwut666; 05-06-2011 at 07:35 PM.
05-06-2011 , 07:25 PM
Originally Posted by People_Mover
i listened to it all and still couldn't figure out who CHUCK was??
chuck kidd ceo of PPN poker!/PPNCEO
05-06-2011 , 07:27 PM
Chuck is the CEO of PPN poker, who lives in Costa Rica and runs the site from there. AJ seems to be somebody with inside information but it just seems like he has no idea what is going on? He claims the FBI basically asked the Ojiota to raid these offices on the pretext of not getting payments for employees. If this was the case, why would they raid PS office.

AJ mentions FBI and Interpol as the guys leading these raids. I couldn't find anything in the interview to substantiate that claim.
05-06-2011 , 07:33 PM
Originally Posted by Thinky
Chuck is the CEO of PPN poker, who lives in Costa Rica and runs the site from there. AJ seems to be somebody with inside information but it just seems like he has no idea what is going on? He claims the FBI basically asked the Ojiota to raid these offices on the pretext of not getting payments for employees. If this was the case, why would they raid PS office.

AJ mentions FBI and Interpol as the guys leading these raids. I couldn't find anything in the interview to substantiate that claim.
I won't speculate why, but Stars VIP Manager seems to think it has to do with AP/UB as well.

"It is unclear as to why the Stars office was targeted, however Pokerstars Steve added the action was most likely taken as a "response to problems experienced by other local companies in the same industry”. "

05-06-2011 , 07:39 PM

All the AP/UB guys affected by this, Please start posting in that thread
05-06-2011 , 07:40 PM
I thought the interview was slightly disappointing too. AJ seems to give contradictory information on some points, and was certainly mixing fact and opinion towards the end. A lot of this may have come down to language difficulties, even though his English is excellent the situation required very precise descriptions.

He said that AP has told their employees that they're declaring bankruptcy but this doesn't gel with information from other sources.

Certainly there's nothing good going on in Costa Rica anyway. I honestly can't see any reason for them raiding the PS office, which makes it seem pretty corrupt to me.
05-06-2011 , 07:44 PM
Oh, and "oh ee jota" is just how you pronounce the letters OIJ in Spanish. Writing "Ojiota" is like writing Efbeeaye.
05-06-2011 , 07:46 PM
Yeah I know, it's just easier to refer it that way.
05-06-2011 , 07:50 PM
Originally Posted by Whose2know
Guys, I think we need to start taking action. Obviously UB's management and employees are reading our forums here at 2+2 and other places. If we keep writing posts about how the US player's money is lost then they might just live up to that expectation. A poster yesterday mentioned how we should maybe get a law firm to take a look at this case as it could be a good one for review. If we make progress with our action towards UB to get our money back, they might get scared or nervous of the legal action coming their way and resort to doing the right thing - paying US player's money back.

If anyone has any legal advice, PLEASE give it.

Again, I think we should start posting about how we can go after UB for our money. We need to have something in our back pocket in case they resort to hit and run us.
Simple the DOJ has ur money and mine well some % of it maybe 20% maybe 120% if u believe they have more debts than cash

UB/AP crashing and burning helps there case 4 US run an regulated an taxed poker sites

Course its not about the taxes its about having properly regulated sites to protect the players

So getting figures on what they've seized/confiscated/stolen from Cereus and giving % of that money back to players if doomsday hits should be a given hey..............................They seized close to 1 BILLION dollars from the big 3 and have hit them with 3 BILLION $ worth of fines

UB/AP have proven to be shady over an over again an we are silly for keeping money in there an no doubt the top guys there will be walking away with plenty of money BUT ARE THEY REALLY THE ONLY BAD GUYS HERE?

Get active Americans goto DOJ and ur local politicians an get some answers stand up to your government that has taken your money and freedom to play poker in your own home on the internet! we're living in 2011 FFS and ur living in 'the land of the free'............................................. .................
05-06-2011 , 07:55 PM
Originally Posted by Thinky
Yeah I know, it's just easier to refer it that way.
It's easier to make up a word rather than call them the OIJ? Actually, let's not have this conversation.
05-06-2011 , 07:58 PM
lol yeah **** the OIJ or whatever, let's start posting in the legislation thread
05-06-2011 , 07:58 PM
Originally Posted by mustmuck
It's easier to make up a word rather than call them the OIJ? Actually, let's not have this conversation.
05-06-2011 , 07:59 PM
The Quadjacks show is well worth a listen. Chuck Kidd states that Scott Tom was running the show at AP/UB and Brent Beckley was still processing payments for them still. It is about 25 minutes long but it is an informative show.
05-06-2011 , 08:48 PM
I have six figures on Cereus.... Does anyone want to fly out to Costa Rica with me? I'm fluent in Spanish, and I've been to Costa Rica before...
05-06-2011 , 08:55 PM
Originally Posted by veganmav
I have six figures on Cereus.... Does anyone want to fly out to Costa Rica with me? I'm fluent in Spanish, and I've been to Costa Rica before...
I'd be up for it we even know where their new HQ is? We just go in and be like we'd like our money please? All my contacts in their VIP dpt have been fired .
05-06-2011 , 08:56 PM
Originally Posted by Pokeraddict
The Quadjacks show is well worth a listen. Chuck Kidd states that Scott Tom was running the show at AP/UB and Brent Beckley was still processing payments for them still. It is about 25 minutes long but it is an informative show.
Is there a link to this interview?
05-06-2011 , 08:58 PM
Originally Posted by Jeff W
Is there a link to this interview?
05-06-2011 , 09:02 PM
Originally Posted by People_Mover
i listened to it all and still couldn't figure out who CHUCK was??
Chuck was one of AP's finest...
05-06-2011 , 09:04 PM
Originally Posted by mustmuck
Anyone who wants to know the real deal about what happened in Costa Rica should listen to this. Particularly interesting is that Interpol is now after the indicted persons too.
05-06-2011 , 09:07 PM
Originally Posted by veganmav
I have six figures on Cereus.... Does anyone want to fly out to Costa Rica with me? I'm fluent in Spanish, and I've been to Costa Rica before...
I'm in!
05-06-2011 , 09:42 PM
I have high 6 figures at Cereus. I'd be up for heading down there.
05-06-2011 , 09:58 PM
im confused... what changed from yesterday that makes everybody think it's more likely now that UB/AP isn't paying US players. I thought things were looking semi-better.
05-06-2011 , 10:14 PM
Originally Posted by AEPpoker
FOrgive my ignorance, but is this dude non-random in some way? (OK nm looked it up... poker writer)

That said, its pretty impressive/sad/scary that the cereus bigwigs could con this guy into expressing postivie sentiments about the situation there (esp when, according to him, he was ready to post something negative)
In all fairness, he did apologize for changing his opinion from "slim hope" to "none" (that was my take at least).
