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Can we discuss Cereus specifically? Can we discuss Cereus specifically?

05-11-2011 , 01:18 PM
Why people keep saying UB will pay before FTP? where does this come from?

Didn't tilt made a deal with DOJ way before UB did? did FTP screw non US players with cashouts? did FTP PR say even when they made a deal that was not to mean players would be able to cashout for the time being as UB's did?
Did they fire pretty much their entire staff and kept operating from a house?

And as of generating enough revenue to pay goes , doesnt tilt have 15000 cash game players playing right now against 320 from UB?

I know some people are mad at FTP for not acting as fast as Stars did, but to say UB is ahead simply because they said they signed an agreement ( that isnt even signed yet btw ) 3 weeks after the others is just lol.

Why is it that UB keeps screwing us and we keep thinking they will make good?
05-11-2011 , 01:37 PM
Originally Posted by hdbets
I can try and post cliffs/thoughts but it will be a tldr, here it goes:

Good cliffs, except you probably should have said something about the reported cashouts were never specified as being to any US players.
05-11-2011 , 01:44 PM
Haven't been following the thread but a couple days ago I canceled my pending 250 to neteller and requested the new 500 max. The 250 had been pending since 4/25 but I already received the 500. Not much, but maybe a start.
05-11-2011 , 01:53 PM
i got my $250 today, had to wait for 3 weeks or so though. but maybe they are paying out to their customers? did a $500 now, let's see how long it'll take.
05-11-2011 , 03:04 PM
Originally Posted by NexusWR
Cereus going under the train will be so bitter-sweet. I will feel sorry for those who had money there, though it will be limited to those naive enough to not know anything about them. If you did, then shame on you and I won't be shedding any tears for anyone who supported these incompetent crooks - Nobody likes to say 'I told you so' But, we sorta did - many, many, MANY times.

It will be so sweet because the DOJ have done something the ethical poker community couldn't do - Shut down Cereus. It will be the one good thing to come of this whole mess.
oh look! yet another bitter gambling addict who has lost a ton of money on UB and is "glad they got what they deserved"

jesus christ can we please just start banning these ******s already? i hesitate to even reply to these fleas but it's really annoying when people are actually trying to figure out how to manage this situation professionally while random degenerates are cluttering the thread up with their "thank god i can't deposit anymore my wife is so happy" nonsense
05-11-2011 , 03:08 PM
Originally Posted by Fubster
oh look! yet another bitter gambling addict who has lost a ton of money on UB and is "glad they got what they deserved"

jesus christ can we please just start banning these ******s already? i hesitate to even reply to these fleas but it's really annoying when people are actually trying to figure out how to manage this situation professionally while random degenerates are cluttering the thread up with their "thank god i can't deposit anymore my wife is so happy" nonsense
ah. but without them there would be no such thing as profitable poker for the rest of us.
05-11-2011 , 03:10 PM
Originally Posted by DoTheMath
Good cliffs, except you probably should have said something about the reported cashouts were never specified as being to any US players.
Nice cliffs HDBets!
05-11-2011 , 03:55 PM
Can anyone still play on Cereus from US?
05-11-2011 , 04:07 PM
$250 from UB just hit my moneybookers. requested 25 april. going to try for a $500 now obv.
05-11-2011 , 04:42 PM
Originally Posted by proogs1
Can anyone still play on Cereus from US?
Yes as of this morning, yes. I will be trying again this evening.
05-11-2011 , 04:58 PM
I wonder if UB will waive the minimum withdrawal amount ($100+$8 for cheapest withdrawal option) for US players in the event that they do stop US players from playing at some point (as of 5 minutes ago I could still play).

I have 95 bucks on there dammit.
05-11-2011 , 05:06 PM
Originally Posted by Boredom
I wonder if UB will waive the minimum withdrawal amount ($100+$8 for cheapest withdrawal option) for US players in the event that they do stop US players from playing at some point (as of 5 minutes ago I could still play).

I have 95 bucks on there dammit.
Run it up!
05-11-2011 , 05:14 PM
After sending the following e-mail to Att: Stuart Gordon via ub, bingomania and blanca games on 5/6, I got this back from UB support.

Dear Mr. Gordon,

I hope that you will read this e-mail in full and give a reply as I am trying to find some answers to some questions that have come up throughout the poker industry.

I've read your bio on blanca games. I, too am a family man with a wife and a new baby girl due on the 19th of this month. We even spent our honeymoon at the Sandals Resort in Antigua where you make your home now. For the past several years, I've made the Ultimate Bet/Cereus poker room my home for online gaming. It's given me the opportunity to give my wife and I a nice lifestyle. With the recent U.S. DOJ regulations however, there are several American players that have considerably large balances on the Cereus Network. Currently we can not withdraw these funds, however European, Austrailian, New Zealand and others can newly withdraw $500.00 per week.

Do you have any time estimations as to when US players will receive the balances in their accounts? Is there anything we can do to expedite this? As mentioned earlier, my wife and I are starting a new family together and we need this money for our family. I currently have over $65,000.00 US funds in my account. There are rumors flying around the internet of bankruptcy, of stiffing US players and only paying non-US players, and of other negative items that US player's funds will be non-existent in the near future.

I ask you to please help us. My family sincerely depends on this money. Any response you can give would be very much appreciated. Thank you for your time.

I received this:

Dear Valued Player,

Thank you for contacting us.

Cereus’s top priority has always been, and remains, the refund of account balances to its US players. Unfortunately, the Company still faces several legal issues, which must be navigated before funds can be paid out to US players. The Company’s United States attorneys, Blank Rome LLP, continue to work diligently to resolve these issues, which is a necessary further step to facilitate the return of funds to players. US Player account balances, therefore, will not become immediately available for withdrawal as a result of today’s agreement with the DOJ.

We thank you for your patience in this matter. This remains our highest priority, and we will update you as we move forward to resolve outstanding issues.

Best regards,


UB – Payments

I wrote back asking for confirmation that our funds are 100% safe and secure, so I hope they can confirm.

We also had our baby girl on Sunday May 8
05-11-2011 , 05:18 PM
They might as well just reply to the email with a link to the supposed press release. I appreciate your efforts to get in touch with UB management but I don't think it's going to happen.
05-11-2011 , 05:20 PM
Originally Posted by Flat Beat
Can someone PLEASE post current cliffs for what is happening with UB?

I withdrew 2500 on Apr 13th, The cheque looked to have cleared on the 19th only for me to receive the cheque in the mail yesterday with a statment from my bank saying there were insufficient funds available.. The money has not been returned to my ub account and has essentially disapeard.

This is f***ing brutal... I bought a car with that money and now Im in a rough spot for cash . And UB wont respond to any of my emails.

I live in canada if that has any impact.
my 2500 check withdrawal from 4/13 was returned back into my UB acct on 4/26. my 2500 check from 4/3 received and put into my bank on 4/16 from initials "C, A", LLC, finally cleared my bank yesterday 5/10
05-11-2011 , 05:24 PM
Originally Posted by People_Mover

I wrote back asking for confirmation that our funds are 100% safe and secure, so I hope they can confirm.

We also had our baby girl on Sunday May 8

What do you expect them to say and do you really think the support guy really knows. You are probably asking for something you want to hear, no offense.

Congratz on your girl btw hope everything works out fine for you.
05-11-2011 , 06:46 PM
The DOJ agreement is official.
05-11-2011 , 06:51 PM
ship it!
05-11-2011 , 07:00 PM
What exactly is it that Cereus got in this deal? Looks like only the legal ability to repay US players.
05-11-2011 , 07:01 PM
That agreement is the same as the one made with Stars and Full Tilt. I still do not believe that the money exists to cash out all the players.

If they had the money all along and were just waiting to make a deal with the DOJ, then why have they been super slow paying non-US players, who represent only a small fraction of their player base?
05-11-2011 , 07:14 PM
my 250$ withdrawal just hit my MB account
05-11-2011 , 07:14 PM
It could be a good thing for players that the DOJ is looking for money from UB as well. If would be much easier for them to go AWOL owing players money than the DOJ/ US government.
05-11-2011 , 07:17 PM
Ok, I've read it numerous times. I don't see it where the DOJ specifically says it will allow Cereus access to the frozen bank accounts to pay back US players.

"And today’s agreement will provide assurances to
third parties working with Absolute Poker in its legitimate
efforts to return funds to U.S. players."---from the press release.

I view this as the DOJ will allow Cereus use of new third parties to pay us back. If so, I take this agreement with a grain of salt.

Last edited by Spartan73; 05-11-2011 at 07:38 PM.
05-11-2011 , 07:34 PM
With regards to their ability to payout US players, here's what I think might be going on. This is obviously just some guess work based on the information I have and should be treated as such. Of course you are welcome to provide alternate view points.

Some guy with the account lastchances mentioned that AP has 16 million cash right now. I've no idea if this is accurate. Let's assume for a minute that they have 16 million in cash. Currently, the group that has been informally formed on 2p2 comprising UB/AP players has about 160 players and 6.3 million. Also, John Pappas mentioned somewhere that the total money that belongs to US players(all 3 sites) is somewhere in the range of 100-150 million. Since AP is the smallest, I doubt theres more than 15 million of US player's money with AP.

The chances of surviving this DOJ indictment are slim. Their chances only improve if they pay out US players. They have started paying out non US players in small chunks and this kind of gives me hope that they intend to pay US players. And the only reason they are paying out in small chunks is because they don't have sufficient cash to pay out everyone. Non US players will pretty much be forced to "earn" their money by contributing to rake and hence contributing to some traffic on the site.

I could be wrong but someone in the UB/AP regs thread asked if players would be open to a cashout/rake earned deal and I'm guessing this is a good indicator of the management's thought process.

Of course this is all conjecture and you are welcome to troll me.
