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Bye Bye HUDs.. Bye Bye HUDs..

11-02-2015 , 10:26 AM
Originally Posted by +rep_lol
removing SNE is also a good idea, i dont think people realize how painful it is for a rec player to be at a table where 3+ players are taking 15-30 seconds apiece for basic preflop decisions cuz they've got 24 tables open at a time in their rakeback quest (edit: pre-BF when i was chasing SNE, i used to get bitched at ALL THE TIME by rec players for taking too long)
They've been restricting table max based on avg decision time for like 3-4 years already.
Bye Bye HUDs.. Quote
11-02-2015 , 10:40 AM
Ban HUD one time pls, lets play some poker without help of softwares
Bye Bye HUDs.. Quote
11-02-2015 , 10:41 AM
It is not about huds only, but also shared databases. I like play zoom aside of mtts to kill time but I cannot, after few sessions all regs know how to play with me and on low limts are like 70% of players regs. Huds are cancer for poker.¨
I know I can do it also, but it is not poker but some computer statistic game.
Bye Bye HUDs.. Quote
11-02-2015 , 10:51 AM
Originally Posted by lancelott_
its THE ONLY THING THAT allows us to catch bots
It is right other way, rooms will have stats and they can catch bots, but for bot rings it will be harder to make correct stats (either to hide bots or read players).
Bye Bye HUDs.. Quote
11-02-2015 , 10:51 AM
Originally Posted by Roger Mainfield
They've been restricting table max based on avg decision time for like 3-4 years already.
thats a decent idea. fwiw, idc either way about supernova elite stuff (imo most guys who grind almost exclusively for rakeback are too lazy/emotionally immature to put in the hours in the lab to learn how to really crush a particular format/variant), and i feel very strongly that the entire industry would benefit tremendously from making games anonymous and getting rid of full tables and waitlists in the lobby view. the cheating issue is solved when you can download all the HH you've played with full hole cards exposed after the fact. it's also super nice (and fun) to be able to look back at hands to see if you made the right decision, whether youre a grinder or a rec player.
Bye Bye HUDs.. Quote
11-02-2015 , 10:52 AM
What is this thread all about - stars banned huds or what ? link to official info?
Bye Bye HUDs.. Quote
11-02-2015 , 10:54 AM
Good. People that need the help of huds will actually have to play poker. Well done.
Bye Bye HUDs.. Quote
11-02-2015 , 10:58 AM
Originally Posted by +rep_lol
thats a decent idea. fwiw, idc either way about supernova elite stuff (imo most guys who grind almost exclusively for rakeback are too lazy/emotionally immature to put in the hours in the lab to learn how to really crush a particular format/variant), and i feel very strongly that the entire industry would benefit tremendously from making games anonymous and getting rid of full tables and waitlists in the lobby view. the cheating issue is solved when you can download all the HH you've played with full hole cards exposed after the fact. it's also super nice to be able to look back at hands to see if you made the right decision, whether youre a grinder or a rec player.
Bovada already exists. I never look back at past decisions. Looking at a hand in isolation is too results oriented. If I make a fold and I'm wrong, it doesn't mean it's a bad play. I have the confidences.
Originally Posted by kkqq
What is this thread all about - stars banned huds or what ? link to official info?
It's based mostly on what DN said. Then some picture that wasn't given a source. Then quoted past the first post and within the first 75 is a detailed looking PokerStars written thing, again not linked. In the changes to the VIP system, Mathew mentions that HUDs will be looked at and to be replaced with in house stuff so there will likely still be HUDs so idk why everybody's up in arms about this. There's a chance it's just a rumor but not a very good chance.
Bye Bye HUDs.. Quote
11-02-2015 , 11:06 AM
Originally Posted by .isolated
Bovada already exists. I never look back at past decisions. Looking at a hand in isolation is too results oriented. If I make a fold and I'm wrong, it doesn't mean it's a bad play. I have the confidences.
i've already pointed out that this exists on bovada, and idk why you're talking condescendingly about being results-oriented, as if i don't grind for a living, or as if that has any relevance to the fun aspect or the issues being brought up
Bye Bye HUDs.. Quote
11-02-2015 , 11:07 AM
I'm saying that not all see it as a plus to play in that environment. I wasn't trying to be condescending so, my bad.
Bye Bye HUDs.. Quote
11-02-2015 , 11:13 AM
how is it not a plus? the games are anonymous (the practical "insight" gleaned from looking back at hands, in a vacuum, is minimal at best) and human nature is to be curious/inquisitive

i guess a better question is, how is that feature a net-negative for any player?
Bye Bye HUDs.. Quote
11-02-2015 , 11:22 AM
Originally Posted by +rep_lol
thats a decent idea. fwiw, idc either way about supernova elite stuff (imo most guys who grind almost exclusively for rakeback are too lazy/emotionally immature to put in the hours in the lab to learn how to really crush a particular format/variant), and i feel very strongly that the entire industry would benefit tremendously from making games anonymous and getting rid of full tables and waitlists in the lobby view. the cheating issue is solved when you can download all the HH you've played with full hole cards exposed after the fact. it's also super nice (and fun) to be able to look back at hands to see if you made the right decision, whether youre a grinder or a rec player.
I feel very strongly that I totally agree with this

The only thing I would add to the Bovada anon model is that players must choose a screen name for each day of cash games or for each individual MTT. they can keep using the same one if they want, or change each time.

I find really it hard to rem Player #487 vs player #478 while playing a MTT. and 1-6 as names for cash games is just really cold and sterile.

make that change and anon tables are perfect, but even without that they are still best current solution by far
Bye Bye HUDs.. Quote
11-02-2015 , 11:27 AM
Originally Posted by Sect7G
I have absolutely zero qualms with Pstars removing HUDS/Scripts etc.

This is long overdue and it shows somewhat of a commitment to the recreational player by giving them a chance. I'm not against mass tablers but they never should have been able to play so many by being held up by a crutch.
I agree removing HUDS for the game is good for the games...

if they can enforce it

Originally Posted by Yumbula
Banning HUDs? Goodluck.

All the necessary coding and techniques already exist in the botting world, would take all of a few hours too adapt.

Fools pursuit.

My computer illiterate friends can get a HUD working on Bovada, which has also banned huds.

If stars can't enforce an equal playing field where no one is using banned huds, then all they're doing is giving a different group of players a new advantage
Bye Bye HUDs.. Quote
11-02-2015 , 11:35 AM
Originally Posted by Syous
I agree removing HUDS for the game is good for the games...

if they can enforce it

My computer illiterate friends can get a HUD working on Bovada, which has also banned huds.

If stars can't enforce an equal playing field where no one is using banned huds, then all they're doing is giving a different group of people currently breaking the terms of service a new advantage
Bye Bye HUDs.. Quote
11-02-2015 , 11:39 AM
Originally Posted by PTLou
I feel very strongly that I totally agree with this

The only thing I would add to the Bovada anon model is that players must choose a screen name for each day of cash games or for each individual MTT. they can keep using the same one if they want, or change each time.

I find really it hard to rem Player #487 vs player #478 while playing a MTT. and 1-6 as names for cash games is just really cold and sterile.

make that change and anon tables are perfect, but even without that they are still best current solution by far
choosing a name for a day complicates the anonymous issue a bit tho, as when multi-tabling you would be identifiable by your nickname. i think the static players #s that bovada does is definitely the best way.

for example if i play a session in the morning with "PTLou", and he's some mega whale , i'm gonna be on the lookout for him, or at least more likely to sit with him, when i'm table selecting for a later session, even if he changes his name to BIGDICK420 the next day.
Bye Bye HUDs.. Quote
11-02-2015 , 11:39 AM
Originally Posted by 1gambler
Ban HUD one time pls, lets play some poker without help of softwares
you're naive if you think eastern europeans won't have illegal huds the following day huds are banned and amaya's incompetent security won't catch them.
Bye Bye HUDs.. Quote
11-02-2015 , 11:46 AM
Originally Posted by PTLou
let me try again.

In a world of unlimited liquidity with tons of new buyins pouring into the game (some call this the poker "boom"), then yes , you are correct, maximize rake with churning as much volume as you can. who cares where rake comes from. this is plenty of money for all.

In todays world, with chopped up liquidity due to various country regulations, a shrinking base of current rec players getting quickly chopped up by grinders, reducing numbers of new players entering the game, then its more about a race between the site and winning grinders to get the rec player buyins.

huds/seat scripters/ other tools allow grinders to get the money from rec players too quickly, and before sites can take most of it in rake.

eazy answer, get rid of tools.
You are looking at this in binary terms. I'm saying there's an equilibrium or "happy medium" somewhere which includes a pool of regulars and Pokerstars probably haven't figured out where that is.
Bye Bye HUDs.. Quote
11-02-2015 , 11:51 AM
Havent played on Pokerstars in years (U.S lol) but this was so obvious if you all didn't see it coming you aren't nearly the sharp hustlers you probably thought. Obviously most will probably raise the stakes now and lower the volume or not but, the whine definitely seems to need some cheese at this point.

Also I wonder what the results would be of a completly HUD/Softwareless American vs. 'Eastern Euro' winning penny botter would be.

Would the 'terrible' American players Stars lost really get carved up by some Eastern Euro penny botters because some of them seem to think the U.S is the softest players in the world lol its funny to read that sentiment. Of course some peoples results will be affected, but others will be benefitted. its not nearly as much a net-loss some are clearly trying to make it out to be.

The sky really isn't falling either, lmao...
Bye Bye HUDs.. Quote
11-02-2015 , 11:53 AM
Originally Posted by Geist
you're naive if you think eastern europeans won't have illegal huds the following day huds are banned and amaya's incompetent security won't catch them.

They don't even need a hud. Cheats can just display the same player data on a separate computer as they are doubtless doing with the charts PS banned recently. The only effective way of enforcing this kind of measure is to scrap hand histories or to make the players anonymous (and that might mean sacking their PS pros !).
Bye Bye HUDs.. Quote
11-02-2015 , 11:55 AM
Originally Posted by PTLou
What could be better for a site than providing their own rec focused HUD that would basically equalize skill amongst player base?
Maybe you just chose your words poorly because if you actually think that banning huds would equalize skill between recs and pros, you're delusional.
Bye Bye HUDs.. Quote
11-02-2015 , 11:56 AM
Bye Bye HUDs.. Quote
11-02-2015 , 11:57 AM
Originally Posted by +rep_lol
choosing a name for a day complicates the anonymous issue a bit tho, as when multi-tabling you would be identifiable by your nickname. i think the static players #s that bovada does is definitely the best way.

for example if i play a session in the morning with "PTLou", and he's some mega whale , i'm gonna be on the lookout for him, or at least more likely to sit with him, when i'm table selecting for a later session, even if he changes his name to BIGDICK420 the next day.
One of the biggest issues I've noticed with Anon poker are the Hit n runners. They constantly jump in and out of games maybe playing 1-2 orbits. It creates kind of a crappy guessing game every time a new guy joins the table. If you had a name for a day, it would eliminate this.
Bye Bye HUDs.. Quote
11-02-2015 , 12:00 PM
it's not a problem tho because jumping in for 1-2 orbits and being readless just like their opponents doesn't give them any kind of advantage.

edit: after posting this i realize that datamining allows people to jump into a game and not be completely "readless", but the EV of sticking around and playing a lengthy amount of time at a good table far outweigh any miniscule EV you gain from hit and running a couple bb in an orbit, and anyway it's not even something that i notice happening often (or care about, for that matter) in the games i play
Bye Bye HUDs.. Quote
11-02-2015 , 12:02 PM
Bye Bye HUDs.. Quote
11-02-2015 , 12:19 PM
what is this anon nonsense?!?!

you know who you are playing live. people dont ware masks or made to close their eyes.

what is wrong with "playing the player"

that is what everyone seems to be fighting for anyway! why on earth would you want to play a random player. takes all the ego out of it.

and lets face it, thats all you guys want to be able to "make reads" and call a certain players bluffs, how exactly is this going to happen if you are playing "player x12322"
Bye Bye HUDs.. Quote
