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Bye Bye HUDs.. Bye Bye HUDs..

11-02-2015 , 03:35 AM
Makes sense for them to go anon no? Regs will be dropping down (especially in msnl) due to rake back changes so keeping everything anon will keep regs playing higher as I can't tell if I'm playing analog or if I'm playing vitot so more rake for them?

Banning buds/scripts is fine/good though
Bye Bye HUDs.. Quote
11-02-2015 , 03:45 AM
but winning players pay so much rake!!!!
Bye Bye HUDs.. Quote
11-02-2015 , 03:46 AM
Originally Posted by Mrtrebus
Seems DN doesn't even know what people are complaining about.

People are complaining to him about rake increases and he is responding by saying "no your wrong, banning huds is good."
Sanity was never his strong suit. These next few days will bare that out.
Bye Bye HUDs.. Quote
11-02-2015 , 03:51 AM
Do you guys think ban HUDs will make the game soft and increase the volume?
Bye Bye HUDs.. Quote
11-02-2015 , 03:51 AM
So this confirms that Huds and seating scripts will be banned soon.

If that's the case, does anyone know if they will ban programs like tableninja 2, tableoptimizer, starshelper and those other software aids which help multitablers a lot?

Aren't many players going to have a tough time multitabling if their preflop bet size or flop/turn/river bet size isn't automatically? I do know stars has the hotkeys and their default betting which is good. Also would that mean stars won't allow programs like tableninja to autoregister for sngs etc? I know there are lots of sng players that use programs like this to autoregister sng.
Bye Bye HUDs.. Quote
11-02-2015 , 03:51 AM
Where in the text stands that huds will be banned????????
Bye Bye HUDs.. Quote
11-02-2015 , 03:52 AM
Banning HUDs? Goodluck.

All the necessary coding and techniques already exist in the botting world, would take all of a few hours too adapt.

Fools pursuit.
Bye Bye HUDs.. Quote
11-02-2015 , 03:53 AM
Originally Posted by Mrtrebus
Seems DN doesn't even know what people are complaining about.

People are complaining to him about rake increases and he is responding by saying "no your wrong, banning huds is good."
Seems like you don't understand. DN is helping poker by helping to attract recreational players. The rake increase only applies to those with > 200,000 fpps, not to recreational players. On the same token, the banning of huds helps to attract recreational players.
Bye Bye HUDs.. Quote
11-02-2015 , 03:59 AM
This will be interesting.
Bye Bye HUDs.. Quote
11-02-2015 , 04:00 AM
Originally Posted by rtd353
Seems like you don't understand. DN is helping poker by helping to attract recreational players. The rake increase only applies to those with > 200,000 fpps, not to recreational players. On the same token, the banning of huds helps to attract recreational players.
But they dont realize this only leads to regulars having to flood even lower stakes and focus on taking recreationals money more effectively (when there's no rakeback).
Bye Bye HUDs.. Quote
11-02-2015 , 04:14 AM
so basically Daniel is now salivating, as he thinks this will make him be able to win at 25-50 and finally offer that bet again?!
shouldn't have made so much fun of him I guess...
Bye Bye HUDs.. Quote
11-02-2015 , 04:49 AM
Obvious and long overdue move by stars.

Multi tabling, hud using, seat scripting, players are no longer pokerstars customers, they are their competitors.

They are both competing to get new player / fish buyins before the other.

Why would a site allow an environment that makes this easier for this competitor and harder for the site to get the money ?
Bye Bye HUDs.. Quote
11-02-2015 , 05:01 AM
Originally Posted by PTLou
Obvious and long overdue move by stars.

Multi tabling, hud using, seat scripting, players are no longer pokerstars customers, they are their competitors.

They are both competing to get new player / fish buyins before the other.

Why would a site allow an environment that makes this easier for this competitor and harder for the site to get the money ?
Pokerstars get their rake/fees regardless of who is playing. If they maximise volume then they get more. We can see this most clearly in the mtts. It is better for Stars if 10,000 enter the PS Million rather than 5,000. Who wins does not change how much they get for each player.
Bye Bye HUDs.. Quote
11-02-2015 , 05:20 AM
I really don't believe they will completely remove HUD's. I mean wouldn't PS lose alot of money by doing this? What company would lose money on purpose...
Bye Bye HUDs.. Quote
11-02-2015 , 05:35 AM
As with everything in poker there are always two polarized views with groups on either side adamant they are on the right side.

The use of hud/script/spftware is a massive issue so stars needs to be seen to try to and work to eliminate it although, as has been pointed out by some, this is probably close to impossible.

The problem for all high volume grinders is that they have absolutely no control over their working environment and stars (actually all providers) know this so any changes they make are to maximize profit as well as benefit new customers they are trying to attract more than existing players who play millions of hands a year as really what other option do these players have, leave?

Pokerstars is the monopoly in the online poker industry and its unlikely to change in the short term.

People were winning and losing players before huds existed, this also, is unlikey to change.
Bye Bye HUDs.. Quote
11-02-2015 , 05:35 AM
Banning seat scripting is good, but banning HUD seems ridiculous.
Doesn't this mean ZOOM volume will decrease by 50%?
I mean at microstakes NLHE the ZOOM pool is 80% regs already, now with HUD banned they won't be able to put up the volume (and give Stars more rake)
I suspect it's Daniel who give advice to Stars, and he doesn't seem to understand that without HUD it's virtually pointless to play ZOOM in a huge pool.

Anyway, bye2 ZOOM, now start paying attention to what people do at normal tables. )

Last edited by SicilianTaimanov; 11-02-2015 at 05:41 AM.
Bye Bye HUDs.. Quote
11-02-2015 , 05:46 AM
Glad I was here to see the beginning of Pokerstar's demise.

RIP stars.
Bye Bye HUDs.. Quote
11-02-2015 , 05:47 AM
Just updated pt4, logged on to Stars & FTP, HUD's are still working. Got to say I was pretty happy when all the stats launched Got home and insta tested them on zoom, rush and spins.

Also won a few bets off a reg in a 3 bet pot IP on super wet board, only fired the bullet because I knew he was reg, wasn't based off stats at all really, didn't even look at the "fold OP when checking flop in a 3 bet pot" stat. I am terrible with remembering screen names, however I wouldn't have identified this reg without my stats.
Bye Bye HUDs.. Quote
11-02-2015 , 06:05 AM
Originally Posted by NellyV
Pokerstars get their rake/fees regardless of who is playing. If they maximise volume then they get more. We can see this most clearly in the mtts. It is better for Stars if 10,000 enter the PS Million rather than 5,000. Who wins does not change how much they get for each player.
let me try again.

In a world of unlimited liquidity with tons of new buyins pouring into the game (some call this the poker "boom"), then yes , you are correct, maximize rake with churning as much volume as you can. who cares where rake comes from. this is plenty of money for all.

In todays world, with chopped up liquidity due to various country regulations, a shrinking base of current rec players getting quickly chopped up by grinders, reducing numbers of new players entering the game, then its more about a race between the site and winning grinders to get the rec player buyins.

huds/seat scripters/ other tools allow grinders to get the money from rec players too quickly, and before sites can take most of it in rake.

eazy answer, get rid of tools.
Bye Bye HUDs.. Quote
11-02-2015 , 06:15 AM
Originally Posted by rtd353
Seems like you don't understand. DN is helping poker by helping to attract recreational players. The rake increase only applies to those with > 200,000 fpps, not to recreational players. On the same token, the banning of huds helps to attract recreational players.
in case you're not joking, anyone able to accumulate 7500 vpps in one month is affected (platinum star rewards are decreased), how can you comment on a subjet without even reading what the changes are?

As Ansky mention in the zoo thread, there are plenty of recs who are platinum stars/supernovas, so that will hit them as well.
Bye Bye HUDs.. Quote
11-02-2015 , 06:15 AM
lol why is everyone acting like huds are banned now ?? its just not true, they only said u cannot let the hud show you Statistics in more than 3 different colour ranges, thats all, thats no Problem at all for 90% of all hud Users.

huds will never be completely banned cuz it takes away the ability to multitable, which would be dumb for the players and for stars
Bye Bye HUDs.. Quote
11-02-2015 , 06:17 AM
Originally Posted by ToDeepToFold
As with everything in poker there are always two polarized views with groups on either side adamant they are on the right side.

The use of hud/script/spftware is a massive issue so stars needs to be seen to try to and work to eliminate it although, as has been pointed out by some, this is probably close to impossible.

The problem for all high volume grinders is that they have absolutely no control over their working environment and stars (actually all providers) know this so any changes they make are to maximize profit as well as benefit new customers they are trying to attract more than existing players who play millions of hands a year as really what other option do these players have, leave?

Pokerstars is the monopoly in the online poker industry and its unlikely to change in the short term.

People were winning and losing players before huds existed, this also, is unlikey to change.
this is a prevailing attitude amongst online grinders that drives me bat chit crazy

the sites are in no way chartered to provide a "working environment" or a job to anyone except their employees.

They are chartered to provide a return on invested capital to their investors by providing a service/entertainment to their customers.

so although your post is good in that it succinctly summarizes the two points of view, the world where online poker is a job exists only in the mind of those players, not the sites so that viewpoint is largely irrelevant.
Bye Bye HUDs.. Quote
11-02-2015 , 06:18 AM
Well done Pokerstars;

time to sink or swim Hiding-under-Digits players.

I believe you will be seeing Hurtful, Usurping, Downswing's.

Bye Bye HUDs.. Quote
11-02-2015 , 06:29 AM
Originally Posted by YoungKhalifa
lol why is everyone acting like huds are banned now ?? its just not true, they only said u cannot let the hud show you Statistics in more than 3 different colour ranges, thats all, thats no Problem at all for 90% of all hud Users.

huds will never be completely banned cuz it takes away the ability to multitable, which would be dumb for the players and smart for stars

as for as future of HUDs, I think the writing is on the wall.
Bye Bye HUDs.. Quote
11-02-2015 , 06:39 AM
Originally Posted by PTLou
this is a prevailing attitude amongst online grinders that drives me bat chit crazy

the sites are in no way chartered to provide a "working environment" or a job to anyone except their employees.

They are chartered to provide a return on invested capital to their investors by providing a service/entertainment to their customers.

so although your post is good in that it succinctly summarizes the two points of view, the world where online poker is a job exists only in the mind of those players, not the sites so that viewpoint is largely irrelevant.
It's been said before on this board, you take away the dream of being able to make money at poker.... then who is gonna keep on playing?
Bye Bye HUDs.. Quote
