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Bryn Kenney: Ghosting, Collusion, Scamming, Warlord Shamans and Frog Poison Bryn Kenney: Ghosting, Collusion, Scamming, Warlord Shamans and Frog Poison

04-23-2022 , 01:25 PM

Bryn Kenney: Ghosting, Collusion, Scamming, Warlord Shamans and Frog Poison Quote
04-23-2022 , 01:30 PM
Originally Posted by Tutejszy
ok, Im very confused by those tweets, either we're missing something or Lauren just made herself look VERY bad, even though there were no prior accusations towards her in regards to all this

the only way it makes some sense is if Bryn somehow convinced her that she's a winning player in those games and he was staking her, but that would require a very high level of delusion on her part. And still wouldn't explain why she would volounteer info that she knew about Bryn using her account.

edit: the above would make sense as well, but I didn't find anything in those screenshots that would suggest that he owed her anything
I have a feeling Lauren is just as confused as the rest of us in regards to what Bryn was doing with her account and money.
Bryn Kenney: Ghosting, Collusion, Scamming, Warlord Shamans and Frog Poison Quote
04-23-2022 , 01:31 PM
I guess Lauren summed it up. But how complicit was she in this if she knew how shady Bryn has been for years? I mean I feel bad for her but I don't if that makes any sense.

Seriously my head is spinning from reading all of this.

I guess the real question now is how many lawyers does Bryn have on the payroll? He'll probably be threatening a lot more people like he did Doug and Henry lol.
Bryn Kenney: Ghosting, Collusion, Scamming, Warlord Shamans and Frog Poison Quote
04-23-2022 , 01:31 PM
Originally Posted by philhell24
are you suggesting that veganism is healthy? lol

I am pretty sure that when Robert Downey Jr., who looked great all his life, then goes vegan for 2 years, during which he ages like 15 years, it is totally not related to his diet xD

btw, the SAD is almost entirely plant-based
The common denominator in blue zones is a plant heavy diet.

Veganism isn't necessarily healthy. Oreos are vegan but if you eat a couple sleeves of Oreos everyday no one is going to say that's healthy. But a plant based diet is healthy. Unless you think blueberries are bad for your health or something.

Frog poison is not vegan and not healthy, stop trying to promote it.
Bryn Kenney: Ghosting, Collusion, Scamming, Warlord Shamans and Frog Poison Quote
04-23-2022 , 01:38 PM
Originally Posted by Xenoblade
no I'm with you man, we should eat exclusively meat, eggs and dairy and never touch fruits and veggies ever again, it's extremely unhealthy
I don't think anyone is saying not to ever touch fruit or veggies, it's moreso that it's very strange behavior from Brynn trying to control every aspect of his horses' lives, include their diets. It's one thing to make a well-intentioned suggestion that a healthy diet may lead to a healthier mind and subsequently better poker results. It's another thing to demand a horse switches to a vegan diet, threatening to cut his limits if he doesn't comply.
Bryn Kenney: Ghosting, Collusion, Scamming, Warlord Shamans and Frog Poison Quote
04-23-2022 , 01:40 PM
The real guilty party is GG Poker !!!!!!!
Bryn Kenney: Ghosting, Collusion, Scamming, Warlord Shamans and Frog Poison Quote
04-23-2022 , 01:41 PM
Originally Posted by nutflopper
I haven't changed my mind on anything. I never said I thought anything Martin said was a lie. I said Martin has sociopathic tendencies and seems like an untrustworthy shady scumbag.
Oh course he can be telling the truth(and probably is for the most part). I merely stated that everything he says needs to be verified as true because he's not a guy I'm just taking his word on.

Why are you being confrontational about that? I fail to understand your reasoning.
So the screenshots Lauren posted don't mean anything? Oh well.
Bryn Kenney: Ghosting, Collusion, Scamming, Warlord Shamans and Frog Poison Quote
04-23-2022 , 01:44 PM
Originally Posted by ddn
I don't think anyone is saying not to ever touch fruit or veggies, it's moreso that it's very strange behavior from Brynn trying to control every aspect of his horses' lives, include their diets. It's one thing to make a well-intentioned suggestion that a healthy diet may lead to a healthier mind and subsequently better poker results. It's another thing to demand a horse switches to a vegan diet, threatening to cut his limits if he doesn't comply.
yea I mean I'm not agreeing with Bryn's behavior, was merely saying that his take saying it's endangering one's life to force a vegan diet is a really dumb one, otherwise might as well just say that eating anything is dangerous because you could choke on it and die
Bryn Kenney: Ghosting, Collusion, Scamming, Warlord Shamans and Frog Poison Quote
04-23-2022 , 01:47 PM
GGpoker should have to answer to some of this but at that same time their in game product has revolutionized online poker in so many ways. It's kind of like they have the mafia roots to the start of their product in a way but in another way they also get the casual and even the professional customer at such better levels than every other network out there.

It's sad they have this sort of controversy surrounding them in so many ways considering the in game product that they offer.
Bryn Kenney: Ghosting, Collusion, Scamming, Warlord Shamans and Frog Poison Quote
04-23-2022 , 01:49 PM
Originally Posted by cneuy3
GGpoker should have to answer to some of this but at that same time their in game product has revolutionized online poker in so many ways. It's kind of like they have the mafia roots to the start of their product in a way but in another way they also get the casual and even the professional customer at such better levels than every other network out there.

It's sad they have this sort of controversy surrounding them in so many ways considering the in game product that they offer.
Will be interesting how Dnegs will spin this?

Its tricky to balance your pay check with your integrity.
Bryn Kenney: Ghosting, Collusion, Scamming, Warlord Shamans and Frog Poison Quote
04-23-2022 , 01:54 PM
Originally Posted by Xenoblade
yea I mean I'm not agreeing with Bryn's behavior, was merely saying that his take saying it's endangering one's life to force a vegan diet is a really dumb one, otherwise might as well just say that eating anything is dangerous because you could choke on it and die
My childhood friend went vegan about 6 years ago. In early 2020 he was hospitalized and I don't remember the details but he told me the doctor said it was his diet that put him in the hospital. He was hurting his insides or something by being a vegan. He was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis. He was worried he was gonna need a colostomy bag. The doc said his vegan high fiber diet was killing his gut. So noe he is a vegetarian. Eats eggs a lot.
Bryn Kenney: Ghosting, Collusion, Scamming, Warlord Shamans and Frog Poison Quote
04-23-2022 , 01:56 PM
Originally Posted by Dreamer
So the screenshots Lauren posted don't mean anything? Oh well.
We can just hash this out via PM. No need cluttering up the thread because I voiced being weary about a smoked up sociopath that enjoys robbing people via Craigslist meetups.

I know, a wild stance.
Bryn Kenney: Ghosting, Collusion, Scamming, Warlord Shamans and Frog Poison Quote
04-23-2022 , 02:00 PM
Originally Posted by EastCoastBalla
My childhood friend went vegan about 6 years ago. In early 2020 he was hospitalized and I don't remember the details but he told me the doctor said it was his diet that put him in the hospital. He was hurting his insides or something by being a vegan. He was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis. He was worried he was gonna need a colostomy bag. The doc said his vegan high fiber diet was killing his gut. So noe he is a vegetarian. Eats eggs a lot.
exactly the other way around for me, I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis, a severe case and was on the verge of having my colon removed, that was when I was eating a lot of meat, now I eat a lot of fiber and no more blood, fiber didn't cause UC guaranteed, it may have worsened the symptoms during a flare up though

anyway will stop talking about that this is derailing the thread hard
Bryn Kenney: Ghosting, Collusion, Scamming, Warlord Shamans and Frog Poison Quote
04-23-2022 , 02:10 PM
anyone who says you'll wither and die on a vegan diet is a poster child for that toxic masculinity thing or just completely clueless

you do need to put a lot more effort into your diet tho

sorry for derail - either way i hope nanonoko is clean in this
Bryn Kenney: Ghosting, Collusion, Scamming, Warlord Shamans and Frog Poison Quote
04-23-2022 , 02:43 PM
Originally Posted by nutflopper
We can just hash this out via PM. No need cluttering up the thread because I voiced being weary about a smoked up sociopath that enjoys robbing people via Craigslist meetups.

I know, a wild stance.
Ya it is a pretty wild stance at this point. Just deciding someone is a sociopath after a 2 hour pod. Think you used "busto scumbag" or similar yesterday. Super rational and substantiated opinion.

No excuse for his alleged robberies. Disgusting. But try and use logic and understand how little that effects his testimony on Bryn.
Bryn Kenney: Ghosting, Collusion, Scamming, Warlord Shamans and Frog Poison Quote
04-23-2022 , 03:23 PM
Whoa whoa whoa whoa, you’re telling me this Martin guy smokes DOPE? What a scumbag. I can’t believe anyone would do anything HIGH
Bryn Kenney: Ghosting, Collusion, Scamming, Warlord Shamans and Frog Poison Quote
04-23-2022 , 03:43 PM
F&ck off about the vegan stuff !!!! Look at Trump guy never exercises never ate a piece of fruit or a vegetable in his life. He is a sexy orange skinned mother f&cker !
Bryn Kenney: Ghosting, Collusion, Scamming, Warlord Shamans and Frog Poison Quote
04-23-2022 , 03:47 PM

Breakdown vid from Henry Kilbane (Who last year had a twitter interaction with Bryn where Bryn immediately threatened lawyers against him when he was hinting at a lot of the allegations that came out once again against him , back then)
Bryn Kenney: Ghosting, Collusion, Scamming, Warlord Shamans and Frog Poison Quote
04-23-2022 , 04:22 PM
Originally Posted by freedom 35
Ya it is a pretty wild stance at this point. Just deciding someone is a sociopath after a 2 hour pod. Think you used "busto scumbag" or similar yesterday. Super rational and substantiated opinion.

No excuse for his alleged robberies. Disgusting. But try and use logic and understand how little that effects his testimony on Bryn.
Pretty much this.

The fact that others have come out and corroborated the stories is totally ignore by the poster.

First he asked for evidence. When presented with evidence chose to ignore it.
Bryn Kenney: Ghosting, Collusion, Scamming, Warlord Shamans and Frog Poison Quote
04-23-2022 , 04:24 PM

- Goes over how Bryn threatened to have lawyers after him a year ago when he tried to out some of the shady practices

- Covers all of the various outings that happened on twitter and the accusations made against Bryn summarized

- Bryn back in day would poach players from other agents and promise them 'protection' being connected to him while also lowering their rakeback/rewards (screwing over both other agents + players)

- Says when he tried to out Bryn a year ago he had many people privately praising him for coming forward but nobody stood up with him publicly and he understands why it took so long for someone to come forward with information

- Receipts posted by Zamani showing pictures of some conversations with Bryn starts at ~21 mins in video

Alleged people part of Bryns crew, which no idea if that just means people he stakes or were working closer with him etc this isn't to witch-hunt them but maybe other people have anecdotes or stories about them as well.

Sergi Reixach ( srxakgirona on pokerstars ) (Multiple people including zamani mentioning he was banned for RTA on GG , used to play SNGs on stars ... )

Pascal Hartman ( päffchen on pokerstars )

George Wolff (Highstakes MTT? PLO player - Believe he is american so no pokerstars SN known - Bryn name dropped him on twitter a year or two ago wanting a prop bet of him vs anybody - I don't know if this is the 'PLO ghost' from the Zamani story or not

Martin Zamani (Guy who outed everything) ( FUTimReilly on gg / bathroomline / no idea what his stars name is)

Ludovic Geilich ( ludovi333 on pokerstars )

Isaac Baron ( Westmenloaa ? on pokerstars )

Amichai Barer ( uhhmee on pokerstars )

David Miscikowski ( "Cock sucker" from the podcast , no idea his sns either)

"Kevin" no idea who this refers to - possibly Kevin MacPhee old american mtt pro?

Last edited by TreadLightly; 04-23-2022 at 04:43 PM.
Bryn Kenney: Ghosting, Collusion, Scamming, Warlord Shamans and Frog Poison Quote
04-23-2022 , 04:43 PM
Originally Posted by Dreamer
Pretty much this.

The fact that others have come out and corroborated the stories is totally ignore by the poster.

First he asked for evidence. When presented with evidence chose to ignore it.
I have ignored nothing. I've posted way too much in this thread, but I do encourage you to read through my posts. Clearly people are not happy that I think Martin is a POS, I apologize if that offends you. But I'm quite fine with my stance. Also very happy that alot is coming out to how deep this whole scheme is and what a POS Bryn is turning out to be.

But I will bother this forum no more. Happy hunting.
Bryn Kenney: Ghosting, Collusion, Scamming, Warlord Shamans and Frog Poison Quote
04-23-2022 , 05:06 PM
Bryn Kenney: Ghosting, Collusion, Scamming, Warlord Shamans and Frog Poison Quote
04-23-2022 , 05:17 PM
On a bit of a different note, I'm curious to know what the falling out was about between Lynne and Berkey. Lynne tweeted the other day some ridiculous takes on the cheating scandal and later deleted them all. She got criticized pretty hard for her opinion.

Berkey then did his podcast about the cheating and Lynne's takes came up. He mentioned if I recall that even though they aren't "friends" anymore or something like that he stuck up for her in regards to her tweets. I remember reading on twitter about how close they are and watching a few of Lynne's older youtube videos he was with her a lot.

Now it seems they have parted ways.
Bryn Kenney: Ghosting, Collusion, Scamming, Warlord Shamans and Frog Poison Quote
04-23-2022 , 05:41 PM
Originally Posted by EastCoastBalla
On a bit of a different note, I'm curious to know what the falling out was about between Lynne and Berkey. Lynne tweeted the other day some ridiculous takes on the cheating scandal and later deleted them all. She got criticized pretty hard for her opinion.

Berkey then did his podcast about the cheating and Lynne's takes came up. He mentioned if I recall that even though they aren't "friends" anymore or something like that he stuck up for her in regards to her tweets. I remember reading on twitter about how close they are and watching a few of Lynne's older youtube videos he was with her a lot.

Now it seems they have parted ways.
They were probably smashing and had a private falling out, doubt its poker related.
Bryn Kenney: Ghosting, Collusion, Scamming, Warlord Shamans and Frog Poison Quote
04-23-2022 , 05:46 PM
Originally Posted by UserAbuser
They were probably smashing and had a private falling out, doubt its poker related.
Yeah I think it was well-known although not really spoken about that those two were dating or maybe just having sex.
Bryn Kenney: Ghosting, Collusion, Scamming, Warlord Shamans and Frog Poison Quote
