Brian "Stinger88" Hastings Multi-Accounting as "NoelHayes" Cliffs in first post.
, 03:23 PM
lol at this sanctimony.
I mean, there is so much cognitive dissonance in your post when you celebrate Bakes, the guy didn't out Hastings for weeks or months and could have enabled many VICTIMS to lose lots of money, and then chastise Mercier and ChicagoJoey for doing exactly that. Celebrating the hero who outed Hastings is pretty inconsistent with your overall argument.
And maybe Mercier et al were facing the same moral dilemmas that Bakes was? Maybe give them the benefit of the doubt or at least not crucify them when they weren't the ones who were actually cheating?
And to be clear, I don't think it's Mercier's moral obligation to out everyone he sees doing something wrong in the poker world, and I think the moral outrage itt is pretty laughable when anyone who knew of Hastings' MAing was in a tough and unfair spot. I can understand the need for some sort of reasonable punishment as a matter of precedent, but booting him from PokerStars is not at all reasonable.
I mean, there is so much cognitive dissonance in your post when you celebrate Bakes, the guy didn't out Hastings for weeks or months and could have enabled many VICTIMS to lose lots of money, and then chastise Mercier and ChicagoJoey for doing exactly that. Celebrating the hero who outed Hastings is pretty inconsistent with your overall argument.
And maybe Mercier et al were facing the same moral dilemmas that Bakes was? Maybe give them the benefit of the doubt or at least not crucify them when they weren't the ones who were actually cheating?
And to be clear, I don't think it's Mercier's moral obligation to out everyone he sees doing something wrong in the poker world, and I think the moral outrage itt is pretty laughable when anyone who knew of Hastings' MAing was in a tough and unfair spot. I can understand the need for some sort of reasonable punishment as a matter of precedent, but booting him from PokerStars is not at all reasonable.
, 03:24 PM
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 94
So I've only read a really small piece of this thread, apologies if I'm repeating.
I think y'all really need to think about what you're doing as a community. Crucifying someone who is MA'ing is absolutely terrible for poker. Basically, the people who wind up getting burned at the stake (BH, gboro, etc) are the people who were trying to do the "right thing" and come out to some people about their accounts. The people who say nothing to anyone get away scot free.
I'm not condoning the activity of MA'ing but from a pragmatic point of view, what's more likely to result from threads like these - that everyone stops MA'ing, or that they stop coming out to ANYONE at any time?
Furthermore, the idea of blaming Jason Mercier for not coming out with the info is the same situation. If he is supposed to be punished for not immediately outing someone who comes out to him, you basically just ensure that Jason now has to play poker against multiaccounters without that info. Sure, it's a pessimistic attitude, but it's reality.
Since this is a sort of a lose-lose, the only result of threads like these or blaming Mercier is creating totally perverse incentives. Given that, there just has to be some sort of change in the rules/ethical code about changing screen names, or something else has gotta give. I just think it's so short-sighted for everyone to pile on in these instances. Things are not black and white, there are gray areas. What BH did isn't great of course, but surely we can understand the reason behind doing it if you are based in the US (once again I don't know specifics of the activities of whether he was pretending to be fishy or not, but just assuming not for now). So shouldn't we have at least some compassion for existing within the gray area?
Just my 2 cents.
I think y'all really need to think about what you're doing as a community. Crucifying someone who is MA'ing is absolutely terrible for poker. Basically, the people who wind up getting burned at the stake (BH, gboro, etc) are the people who were trying to do the "right thing" and come out to some people about their accounts. The people who say nothing to anyone get away scot free.
I'm not condoning the activity of MA'ing but from a pragmatic point of view, what's more likely to result from threads like these - that everyone stops MA'ing, or that they stop coming out to ANYONE at any time?
Furthermore, the idea of blaming Jason Mercier for not coming out with the info is the same situation. If he is supposed to be punished for not immediately outing someone who comes out to him, you basically just ensure that Jason now has to play poker against multiaccounters without that info. Sure, it's a pessimistic attitude, but it's reality.
Since this is a sort of a lose-lose, the only result of threads like these or blaming Mercier is creating totally perverse incentives. Given that, there just has to be some sort of change in the rules/ethical code about changing screen names, or something else has gotta give. I just think it's so short-sighted for everyone to pile on in these instances. Things are not black and white, there are gray areas. What BH did isn't great of course, but surely we can understand the reason behind doing it if you are based in the US (once again I don't know specifics of the activities of whether he was pretending to be fishy or not, but just assuming not for now). So shouldn't we have at least some compassion for existing within the gray area?
Just my 2 cents.
BH should be permabanned from Stars/Tilt.
Aren't you a lawyer and a Stars pro?
Sites probably should allow players to change their screen names, but until they do it's a level playing field for everyone. Just like the law is meant to apply equally to everyone, no matter their position of power or wealth, the rules of the game should apply equally to everyone, whether a fish or a bracelet winner/top pro.
Last edited by zzxy9; 06-26-2015 at 03:39 PM.
Reason: grammar
, 03:24 PM
lol at this sanctimony.
I mean, there is so much cognitive dissonance in your post when you celebrate Bakes, the guy didn't out Hastings for weeks or months and could have enabled many VICTIMS to lose lots of money, and then chastise Mercier and ChicagoJoey for doing exactly that. Celebrating the hero who outed Hastings is pretty inconsistent with your overall argument.
And maybe Mercier et al were facing the same moral dilemmas that Bakes was? Maybe give them the benefit of the doubt or at least not crucify them when they weren't the ones who were actually cheating?
And to be clear, I don't think it's Mercier's moral obligation to out everyone he sees doing something wrong in the poker world, and I think the moral outrage itt is pretty laughable when anyone who knew of Hastings' MAing was in a tough and unfair spot. I can understand the need for some sort of reasonable punishment as a matter of precedent, but booting him from PokerStars is not at all reasonable.
I mean, there is so much cognitive dissonance in your post when you celebrate Bakes, the guy didn't out Hastings for weeks or months and could have enabled many VICTIMS to lose lots of money, and then chastise Mercier and ChicagoJoey for doing exactly that. Celebrating the hero who outed Hastings is pretty inconsistent with your overall argument.
And maybe Mercier et al were facing the same moral dilemmas that Bakes was? Maybe give them the benefit of the doubt or at least not crucify them when they weren't the ones who were actually cheating?
And to be clear, I don't think it's Mercier's moral obligation to out everyone he sees doing something wrong in the poker world, and I think the moral outrage itt is pretty laughable when anyone who knew of Hastings' MAing was in a tough and unfair spot. I can understand the need for some sort of reasonable punishment as a matter of precedent, but booting him from PokerStars is not at all reasonable.
Mercier outed the account as a MA before bakes did. He didn't specifically mention stinger but he may as well have by what he said.
, 03:25 PM
That's why I also used quotation marks around "right thing." I agree with you that it isn't, I'm just saying in the minds of people who do this, they believe it's more right than not to tell the people they're playing. I would agree that it is wrong to multiaccount, but if you're going to do it, it's more right to tell people than to not tell people. That's all I mean about the gray area.
And in this case Mr. Hastings chose which ones would be the victims and which would be his "friends".
Which is disgusting right, seems like he thinks he is god or something..
, 03:25 PM
, 03:26 PM
That's why I also used quotation marks around "right thing." I agree with you that it isn't, I'm just saying in the minds of people who do this, they believe it's more right than not to tell the people they're playing. I would agree that it is wrong to multiaccount, but if you're going to do it, it's more right to tell people than to not tell people. That's all I mean about the gray area.
Next to that he also seemed to initially make "fishy" plays when playing vs people who didn't know.
Your posts seem very biased and you certainly could have benefitted from reading more of the thread before posting.
, 03:37 PM
I have a couple of questions and statements.
Do you guys wan't to corrupt, taint and just smear poker to the brink of destruction?
Or stay within the rules and just play poker because you like it or love it or whatever?
Well, You have a choice. In fact, you have to choose!
So, do you have integrity or not? Define yourself.
Do you guys wan't to corrupt, taint and just smear poker to the brink of destruction?
Or stay within the rules and just play poker because you like it or love it or whatever?
Well, You have a choice. In fact, you have to choose!
So, do you have integrity or not? Define yourself.
Last edited by HelloDeli; 06-26-2015 at 03:55 PM.
Reason: End result of reflection.
, 03:46 PM
Join Date: Oct 2014
Posts: 156
I have a simple question.
Do you guys wan't to corrupt, taint and just smear poker to the brink of destruction?
Or stay within the rules and just play poker because you like it or love it or whatever?
Well, You have a choice. In fact, you have to choose!
So, do you have integrity or not? Define yourself.
Do you guys wan't to corrupt, taint and just smear poker to the brink of destruction?
Or stay within the rules and just play poker because you like it or love it or whatever?
Well, You have a choice. In fact, you have to choose!
So, do you have integrity or not? Define yourself.
, 03:50 PM
Join Date: Jun 2010
Posts: 562
The comparisons to The Tour De France seem very apt.
In order to hang in the peloton you absolutely had to take PEDs. There was virtually no way to exist at the top end of that competition without engaging in rule breaking behavior.
It seems like most high stakes pro's engage in various forms of edge pushing or rule breaking, and that it's mostly accepted and not talked about outside of the small circle of those engaging in the behavior.
Perhaps there are a very isolated few pro's who do not push boundaries, but it seems reasonable to assume that most do in fact do it. Vanessa's post kind of shows that she accepts it to some degree, as do the other high stakes insiders who are posting.
Their issues with Hastings' behavior stem more from whether or not he broke certain codes of conduct within the community or not.
But I think Limon has been the closest to the truth on this. Most high stakes pros are engaged in underhanded and deceptive practices, and they pretend not to be, because the reality would discourage the fish they prey on from entering the games.
People like Limon either will not play in such games or will be marginalized in such games.
In the end, nothing changes without strict regulations, investigations, exposing of the violators of the rules, and tough punishments.
The community of High Stakes Pros will NEVER self police.
Edited to add: I wonder if Gus Hanson, who has been nothing but scorned for his losing ways, is actually an example of a "clean" player trying to compete in an uneven playing field. If so, people may one day look back on him and realize he was better than we thought in more ways than one.
In order to hang in the peloton you absolutely had to take PEDs. There was virtually no way to exist at the top end of that competition without engaging in rule breaking behavior.
It seems like most high stakes pro's engage in various forms of edge pushing or rule breaking, and that it's mostly accepted and not talked about outside of the small circle of those engaging in the behavior.
Perhaps there are a very isolated few pro's who do not push boundaries, but it seems reasonable to assume that most do in fact do it. Vanessa's post kind of shows that she accepts it to some degree, as do the other high stakes insiders who are posting.
Their issues with Hastings' behavior stem more from whether or not he broke certain codes of conduct within the community or not.
But I think Limon has been the closest to the truth on this. Most high stakes pros are engaged in underhanded and deceptive practices, and they pretend not to be, because the reality would discourage the fish they prey on from entering the games.
People like Limon either will not play in such games or will be marginalized in such games.
In the end, nothing changes without strict regulations, investigations, exposing of the violators of the rules, and tough punishments.
The community of High Stakes Pros will NEVER self police.
Edited to add: I wonder if Gus Hanson, who has been nothing but scorned for his losing ways, is actually an example of a "clean" player trying to compete in an uneven playing field. If so, people may one day look back on him and realize he was better than we thought in more ways than one.
, 03:53 PM
Join Date: Mar 2014
Posts: 110
Id say shame on you Jungleman but hey I remember the whole Girah scandal, a kid who popped up and crushed everyone seemingly out of nowhere, that you coached and backed hmmmm. We all know from live poker how you handle losing money. Just another smokescreen. Don't be naive people!
, 03:54 PM
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 94
Stars, for legal reasons, doesn't allow players from the US. Therefore, as much as we would like to, most US based players no longer play online.
Some players are fortunate enough to be able to afford to establish residences elsewhere to be able to continue to play. BH with his massive winnings was in this category. He chose to break this rule, as well as the one account per player rule, and at the same time put Pokerstars in legal jeapordy by playing from the US, all for his convenience.
There is not much gray area here in my opinion.
Some players are fortunate enough to be able to afford to establish residences elsewhere to be able to continue to play. BH with his massive winnings was in this category. He chose to break this rule, as well as the one account per player rule, and at the same time put Pokerstars in legal jeapordy by playing from the US, all for his convenience.
There is not much gray area here in my opinion.
, 03:56 PM
OK it seems the specifics of this situation are more complicated/worse than I thought, so carry on and nevermind, sorry I chimed in without knowing a ton about the details. I'm super out of the loop and should have just kept my mouth shut!
(My point still stands from a hypothetical perspective on less insidious MA'ing, i.e. changing screen name once to play from US, which probably happens all the time)
(My point still stands from a hypothetical perspective on less insidious MA'ing, i.e. changing screen name once to play from US, which probably happens all the time)
Also for the victory in the courts for freedom in the US
But when ppl take a stand for hate in the name of oppression then we fight back. Some incident has to kick it off, maybe brian was acting in the correct way to get ppl to notice the oppression in POKER(tbh i don't think so).
"For bad men to succeed all it takes is for good men to do nothing"
When sponsored pro's do not do this it not only affects the community but also nullifies there contract with the company as they are expected to act with integrity. hearsay is 1 thing but to actually hear from the horses mouth is another. so any stars pro who got told by brian this information & didn't act on then they say good buy to being a face of pokerstars. And u know this fslexcduck.
Again Gl At the tables.
, 04:00 PM
Question is whether that is because of your care free mindset or because of a similar moral compass. Hard to say..
, 04:06 PM
Unreal some of the comments made in this thread - unreal and unsurprising. Never had specifics, never wanted specifics - the situations that surfaced through the years are enough to paint a clear picture.
Truly brilliant and diligent poker minds applied cleanly like those which seem to be existent in people like Sauce, and some less-known high stakes players in this thread are such an exception in high stakes online poker success imo / but that's just an assumption.
Just felt the need to send a message to any thoughtful, grounded, truly reasonable (not school xyz told me I am good therefore I am good / I made a lot of money therefore I am highly valuable) people reading this thread.
Either get on another path if it's still early (live poker if you truly love poker and that's what you want to do full-time for the next 5-20 years) or start the process of migrating to another path (if you meet all the conditions outlined above then no...not finance)
As for the mentality of 'outing people who break rules will destroy the environment which allows for the platform on which those rules are formed therefore we must be stealthy in our 'vigilance' lest we be actually vigilant and allow for significant transformation as a by-product of exposing the reality which the current platform more easily supports'...sigh
Truly brilliant and diligent poker minds applied cleanly like those which seem to be existent in people like Sauce, and some less-known high stakes players in this thread are such an exception in high stakes online poker success imo / but that's just an assumption.
Just felt the need to send a message to any thoughtful, grounded, truly reasonable (not school xyz told me I am good therefore I am good / I made a lot of money therefore I am highly valuable) people reading this thread.
Either get on another path if it's still early (live poker if you truly love poker and that's what you want to do full-time for the next 5-20 years) or start the process of migrating to another path (if you meet all the conditions outlined above then no...not finance)
As for the mentality of 'outing people who break rules will destroy the environment which allows for the platform on which those rules are formed therefore we must be stealthy in our 'vigilance' lest we be actually vigilant and allow for significant transformation as a by-product of exposing the reality which the current platform more easily supports'...sigh
, 04:08 PM
If you lie with dogs you get fleas and there seem to be a lot of flea ridden high stakes players.
, 04:09 PM
Carpal \'Tunnel
Join Date: Oct 2006
Posts: 8,611
Actually, no. You are wrong.
mreed is one of the few high stakes regs posting in this thread who have shown that they have a sense of fairness and integrity.
One thing that's not being discussed here that should be being discussed is the overall sense of entitlement and the focus on achievements and belonging exhibited by the majority of the high stakes community.
People like Mercier, ChicagoJoey, and others who have said nothing or soft-condoned/defended Hastings here are not the people who should be getting any type of respect.
People like Bakes, Thayer, mreed, are the real heroes in this story. Those willing to speak truth to power without regard to how it affects their friendships, standing within their group of peers, or bottom line are those who deserve the community's respect.
At this point, if you fail to understand how big of a scumbag Hastings and co are, especially given the reaction since being exposed, you are part of the problem.
Power corrupts. Great men (players) are almost always bad men.
mreed is one of the few high stakes regs posting in this thread who have shown that they have a sense of fairness and integrity.
One thing that's not being discussed here that should be being discussed is the overall sense of entitlement and the focus on achievements and belonging exhibited by the majority of the high stakes community.
People like Mercier, ChicagoJoey, and others who have said nothing or soft-condoned/defended Hastings here are not the people who should be getting any type of respect.
People like Bakes, Thayer, mreed, are the real heroes in this story. Those willing to speak truth to power without regard to how it affects their friendships, standing within their group of peers, or bottom line are those who deserve the community's respect.
At this point, if you fail to understand how big of a scumbag Hastings and co are, especially given the reaction since being exposed, you are part of the problem.
Power corrupts. Great men (players) are almost always bad men.
It is sad to see so many hs players chiming in apathetically. The fact that no one cares and there aren't serious consequences certainly helps perpetuate the cheating. No wonder cheating is so commonplace, if you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. For now, it seems a decent portion of the hs community is happy with a race to the bottom which doesn't bode well for poker.
, 04:12 PM
I honestly can`t decide whether he`s just completely delusional in his million miles away from reality world and thinks he almost did nothing wrong or he`s just pure scum and doesn`t give a ****.
That post about how he was depressed and had to move back home, alone tells you he`s socially inept/outta touch and doesn`t have a clue what he`s saying.
Everyone goes trough tough times, but you fight trough it like a man and adapt, not cheat people out of $ so you can make it easier on yourself.
Remarkable thing he does this even after the Isildur thing.Just wow.
That post about how he was depressed and had to move back home, alone tells you he`s socially inept/outta touch and doesn`t have a clue what he`s saying.
Everyone goes trough tough times, but you fight trough it like a man and adapt, not cheat people out of $ so you can make it easier on yourself.
Remarkable thing he does this even after the Isildur thing.Just wow.
, 04:23 PM
I will make it clear this is normal not some one of case,
I was playing against Venessa Selbts being ghosted by her crew on paradise poker in 2006,
The Scandinavians learn from the Americans and share accounts some not for immediate gain Boy wonder shared with his brother.
Around 2 years ago EVERY high stakes American player left from black Friday was playing most via VPN on I-Poker there were some great games.
Accounts are purchased in Neutral Country's with a reliable profession person providing the details if any security is needed and being paid a % on the transfer of winnings.
Ignorance is not a trait that will win money at high stakes the level of shadiness is unparalleled.
BTW Jose Macado was back playing on microgamming recently!
I was playing against Venessa Selbts being ghosted by her crew on paradise poker in 2006,
The Scandinavians learn from the Americans and share accounts some not for immediate gain Boy wonder shared with his brother.
Around 2 years ago EVERY high stakes American player left from black Friday was playing most via VPN on I-Poker there were some great games.
Accounts are purchased in Neutral Country's with a reliable profession person providing the details if any security is needed and being paid a % on the transfer of winnings.
Ignorance is not a trait that will win money at high stakes the level of shadiness is unparalleled.
BTW Jose Macado was back playing on microgamming recently!
, 04:26 PM
Join Date: Apr 2008
Posts: 370
"Rasva" shows up - everyone gets it. "BiggestFishEver" shows up - a clear first mover advantage, but if it plays like Brian Hastings . . .
But here there was a history of the underlying account and that, to my legal mind, suggests intent to deceive. What do you think?
, 04:27 PM
As for the mentality of 'outing people who break rules will destroy the environment which allows for the platform on which those rules are formed therefore we must be stealthy in our 'vigilance' lest we be actually vigilant and allow for significant transformation as a by-product of exposing the reality which the current platform more easily supports'...sigh
As for the mentality of 'outing people who break rules will destroy the environment which allows for the platform on which those rules are formed therefore we must be stealthy in our 'vigilance' lest we be actually vigilant and allow for significant transformation as a by-product of exposing the reality which the current platform more easily supports'...sigh
, 04:32 PM
ROT buddy, ROT.
, 04:35 PM
These are the most important posts until now. Please message me if I missed one.
The case begins with a tweet from David Baker (Bakes on 2+2):
Brian "Stinger88" Hastings reacts to this news, but does not deny nor confirm the allegations.
After a majority of posters found above reaction worthless, mr. Hastings posts the following:
Then mr. Baker came into the thread and ended the doubts about the allegations by posting a picture of a DM mr. Hastings send him.
No reaction from mr. Hasting upon that post, but SGT RJ reveals that he tried to get the post removed:
BERRI SWEET enters the thread, and provides hand histories to go with his suspicion that he too played against mr. Hastings under the screenname "NoelHayes".
These are the most important posts until now. Please message me if I missed one.
The case begins with a tweet from David Baker (Bakes on 2+2):
I have been following the thread some but been very busy this summer playing the WSOP. I'm aware of the allegations, but at this time I have nothing to add to the conversation publicly. I stopped caring what strangers on the internet said or thought about me many years ago; otherwise I probably would've jumped off the deep end by now. What I do care about is something like this being a major story in the poker world at a time in which the WSOP is in full force and we should be trying to promote and grow the game of poker, rather than drag it through the mud. Think what you want about me, but one thing I have in common with most people reading this is that we love the game of poker and want to be able to play it freely in the comfort of our own homes. I'm moving back to PA soon to play 400/800 mix live and be closer to Sonya's and my parents, and state regulation of online poker would be a nice cherry on top.
I think especially those of us who are professional poker players should be taking steps to try to promote and grow the game, rather than feeling sorry for themselves because Cardrunners was founded, Black Friday happened, everybody is too good now, etc. With enough hard work, I truly believe that just about anyone (at least anyone smart enough to be browsing 2+2) can make a living playing poker in 2015. I think it's unfortunate that certain people have been on bad runs and choose to take their frustrations out outwardly rather than by trying to self improve, but I get it, it's certainly not always easy. I did not turn a profit in 2 of the previous 3 years, but with an improved mindset, an amazing woman in my life, and a strong work ethic, I've gotten my game back to where it needs to be.
This will be my last post in this thread. If you'd like to discuss further with me I'm just a PM away.
I have been following the thread some but been very busy this summer playing the WSOP. I'm aware of the allegations, but at this time I have nothing to add to the conversation publicly. I stopped caring what strangers on the internet said or thought about me many years ago; otherwise I probably would've jumped off the deep end by now. What I do care about is something like this being a major story in the poker world at a time in which the WSOP is in full force and we should be trying to promote and grow the game of poker, rather than drag it through the mud. Think what you want about me, but one thing I have in common with most people reading this is that we love the game of poker and want to be able to play it freely in the comfort of our own homes. I'm moving back to PA soon to play 400/800 mix live and be closer to Sonya's and my parents, and state regulation of online poker would be a nice cherry on top.
I think especially those of us who are professional poker players should be taking steps to try to promote and grow the game, rather than feeling sorry for themselves because Cardrunners was founded, Black Friday happened, everybody is too good now, etc. With enough hard work, I truly believe that just about anyone (at least anyone smart enough to be browsing 2+2) can make a living playing poker in 2015. I think it's unfortunate that certain people have been on bad runs and choose to take their frustrations out outwardly rather than by trying to self improve, but I get it, it's certainly not always easy. I did not turn a profit in 2 of the previous 3 years, but with an improved mindset, an amazing woman in my life, and a strong work ethic, I've gotten my game back to where it needs to be.
This will be my last post in this thread. If you'd like to discuss further with me I'm just a PM away.
I find it ironic that so many of you have such a strong opinion of me yet not a single one of you have shot me a PM yet. We can debate morality all you want, but there's a real sociopathic element of posting nasty things to the world while at the same time being unwilling to have a real conversation about the topic. I get the mob mentality to pile on and hate on one who is more successful than the mobsters, but just realize that in an adult world more problems are solved through real conversation than by blind hatred.
I've tried to give back to the 2+2 community and the poker community for many years, I've never turned someone down when they've asked for advice about poker strategy or whatever. It's unfortunate that many of you don't really understand or care about that. I've been on 2+2 for many years now, and I've learned a lot from this site, but I can't imagine myself continuing to try to give back publicly to a group of people who just don't get it (not talking about all of you, but seemingly the majority). Those who have made a real effort to get to know me are aware of who I am, and that's what matters. So from my perspective, it makes more sense to give back by helping these people than to post strategy advice on a forum. And like I said, I'm very good at replying to PMs.
I've tried to give back to the 2+2 community and the poker community for many years, I've never turned someone down when they've asked for advice about poker strategy or whatever. It's unfortunate that many of you don't really understand or care about that. I've been on 2+2 for many years now, and I've learned a lot from this site, but I can't imagine myself continuing to try to give back publicly to a group of people who just don't get it (not talking about all of you, but seemingly the majority). Those who have made a real effort to get to know me are aware of who I am, and that's what matters. So from my perspective, it makes more sense to give back by helping these people than to post strategy advice on a forum. And like I said, I'm very good at replying to PMs.
This is the level of delusion we're dealing with here folks
The guy was no doubt blowing up my old Skype that I never use and got frustrated when I didn't immediately respond
I don't always get Multiaccounting apologies, but when I do they curse me out, condescend and call me a bad player, talk some patriotic bull**** about what's good for the game, and something something I didn't scum you that bad but I'll still pay your equity back

Fwiw let me explain how I was contacted
With 7 left in the FT a poker player who is my friend but is no doubt much closer to Brian than me messaged a close friend of mine saying that they had a 'business opportunity' or something like that for the FT. I had no clue wtf this was so I played out the FT and only realized after this was my opportunity to learn who I was playing against
Of course, that was the SCOOP FT
When we played sessions like this together
Hand #4379
PokerStars Hand #130955392733: 8-Game (Triple Draw 2-7 Lowball Limit, $100/$200 USD) - 2015/02/22 12:46:20 ET
Table 'Coppelia V' 6-max Seat #2 is the button
Seat 1: Crazy Elior ($6493.10 in chips)
Seat 2: NoelHayes ($8830.50 in chips)
Seat 3: Fresh_oO_D ($7211 in chips)
Seat 4: hotmark777 ($2576.69 in chips)
Seat 6: WhooooKidd ($2450.50 in chips)
He didn't give two ****s about telling me 4 months prior at 100/200 8game
The guy was no doubt blowing up my old Skype that I never use and got frustrated when I didn't immediately respond
I don't always get Multiaccounting apologies, but when I do they curse me out, condescend and call me a bad player, talk some patriotic bull**** about what's good for the game, and something something I didn't scum you that bad but I'll still pay your equity back

Fwiw let me explain how I was contacted
With 7 left in the FT a poker player who is my friend but is no doubt much closer to Brian than me messaged a close friend of mine saying that they had a 'business opportunity' or something like that for the FT. I had no clue wtf this was so I played out the FT and only realized after this was my opportunity to learn who I was playing against
Of course, that was the SCOOP FT
When we played sessions like this together
Hand #4379
PokerStars Hand #130955392733: 8-Game (Triple Draw 2-7 Lowball Limit, $100/$200 USD) - 2015/02/22 12:46:20 ET
Table 'Coppelia V' 6-max Seat #2 is the button
Seat 1: Crazy Elior ($6493.10 in chips)
Seat 2: NoelHayes ($8830.50 in chips)
Seat 3: Fresh_oO_D ($7211 in chips)
Seat 4: hotmark777 ($2576.69 in chips)
Seat 6: WhooooKidd ($2450.50 in chips)
He didn't give two ****s about telling me 4 months prior at 100/200 8game
He also reported bakes posting that PM. Quick, mods, delete that post!
For the record, while random posting of PMs without permission is frowned up, particularly if you are just trying to slur someone, when you actually admit to what you're being accused of in a PM, we aren't going to delete that so you can erase your own confession.
For the record, while random posting of PMs without permission is frowned up, particularly if you are just trying to slur someone, when you actually admit to what you're being accused of in a PM, we aren't going to delete that so you can erase your own confession.
I play as BERRI SWEET on stars. The biggest winner in the world against me this year is NoelHayes. I was always playing him under the assumption that he was someone other than Brian Hastings. Here are two hands, that sprung to mind, that I would have played very differently, had I known it was Brian I was playing.
Maybe I would have still raised the flop had I known I was playing Brian Hastings. Maybe not. I would definitely not have 4bet the flop if I knew it was him.
In these two pots alone, I lost roughly 30k more than I would have done if I had known it was Brian. There are a lot more(albeit usually smaller) pots like this, where I made erroneus assumptions because of the presented misinformation, and lost a lot of equity and money as well.
I wanted to chime in and underline the massive effects that cheating in this manner can have on the other players in the game.
I do believe that Brian owes me(and others) a lot more than just an apology.
Poker Stars, $200/$400 Pot Limit Omaha Cash, 5 Players
Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite. View Hand #36905061
Sauce123 (BTN): $85,689.68 (214.2 bb)
tr1cky7 (SB): $45,188.25 (113 bb)
JayP-AA (BB): $73,806.55 (184.5 bb)
Hero (MP): $96,972.54 (242.4 bb)
NoelHayes (CO): $60,780.86 (152 bb)
Preflop: Hero is MP with Q
Hero raises to $1,400, NoelHayes raises to $4,800, 3 folds, Hero calls $3,400
Flop: ($10,200) 2
(2 players)
Hero checks, NoelHayes bets $4,078, Hero calls $4,078
Turn: ($18,356) Q
(2 players)
Hero checks, NoelHayes checks
River: ($18,356) Q
(2 players)
Hero checks, NoelHayes checks
Results: $18,356 pot ($5 rake)
Final Board: 2
Hero showed Q
and won $18,351 ($9,473 net)
NoelHayes mucked 6
and lost (-$8,878 net)
Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite. View Hand #36905061
Sauce123 (BTN): $85,689.68 (214.2 bb)
tr1cky7 (SB): $45,188.25 (113 bb)
JayP-AA (BB): $73,806.55 (184.5 bb)
Hero (MP): $96,972.54 (242.4 bb)
NoelHayes (CO): $60,780.86 (152 bb)
Preflop: Hero is MP with Q
Hero raises to $1,400, NoelHayes raises to $4,800, 3 folds, Hero calls $3,400
Flop: ($10,200) 2
Hero checks, NoelHayes bets $4,078, Hero calls $4,078
Turn: ($18,356) Q
Hero checks, NoelHayes checks
River: ($18,356) Q
Hero checks, NoelHayes checks
Results: $18,356 pot ($5 rake)
Final Board: 2
Hero showed Q
NoelHayes mucked 6
Poker Stars, $200/$400 Pot Limit Omaha Cash, 5 Players
Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite. View Hand #36905051
Sauce123 (MP): $62,447.14 (156.1 bb)
JayP-AA (CO): $129,784.28 (324.5 bb)
Hero (BTN): $120,621.95 (301.6 bb)
NoelHayes (SB): $44,200.27 (110.5 bb)
Ben86 (BB): $35,182.02 (88 bb)
Preflop: Hero is BTN with 5
2 folds, Hero raises to $800, NoelHayes raises to $2,800, Ben86 folds, Hero calls $2,000
Flop: ($6,000) 8
(2 players)
NoelHayes bets $2,398, Hero raises to $8,146.78, NoelHayes raises to $16,400, Hero raises to $24,653.22, NoelHayes raises to $41,400.27, Hero folds
Results: $55,306.44 pot ($5 rake)
Final Board: 8
Hero mucked 5
and lost (-$27,453.22 net)
NoelHayes mucked and won $55,301.44 ($27,848.22 net)
Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite. View Hand #36905051
Sauce123 (MP): $62,447.14 (156.1 bb)
JayP-AA (CO): $129,784.28 (324.5 bb)
Hero (BTN): $120,621.95 (301.6 bb)
NoelHayes (SB): $44,200.27 (110.5 bb)
Ben86 (BB): $35,182.02 (88 bb)
Preflop: Hero is BTN with 5
2 folds, Hero raises to $800, NoelHayes raises to $2,800, Ben86 folds, Hero calls $2,000
Flop: ($6,000) 8
NoelHayes bets $2,398, Hero raises to $8,146.78, NoelHayes raises to $16,400, Hero raises to $24,653.22, NoelHayes raises to $41,400.27, Hero folds
Results: $55,306.44 pot ($5 rake)
Final Board: 8
Hero mucked 5
NoelHayes mucked and won $55,301.44 ($27,848.22 net)
Maybe I would have still raised the flop had I known I was playing Brian Hastings. Maybe not. I would definitely not have 4bet the flop if I knew it was him.
In these two pots alone, I lost roughly 30k more than I would have done if I had known it was Brian. There are a lot more(albeit usually smaller) pots like this, where I made erroneus assumptions because of the presented misinformation, and lost a lot of equity and money as well.
I wanted to chime in and underline the massive effects that cheating in this manner can have on the other players in the game.
I do believe that Brian owes me(and others) a lot more than just an apology.
Last edited by GMLAW; 06-26-2015 at 04:48 PM.
Reason: Thanks MastaAces!
, 04:36 PM
So I've only read a really small piece of this thread, apologies if I'm repeating.
I think y'all really need to think about what you're doing as a community. Crucifying someone who is MA'ing is absolutely terrible for poker. Basically, the people who wind up getting burned at the stake (BH, gboro, etc) are the people who were trying to do the "right thing" and come out to some people about their accounts. The people who say nothing to anyone get away scot free.
I'm not condoning the activity of MA'ing but from a pragmatic point of view, what's more likely to result from threads like these - that everyone stops MA'ing, or that they stop coming out to ANYONE at any time?
Furthermore, the idea of blaming Jason Mercier for not coming out with the info is the same situation. If he is supposed to be punished for not immediately outing someone who comes out to him, you basically just ensure that Jason now has to play poker against multiaccounters without that info. Sure, it's a pessimistic attitude, but it's reality.
Since this is a sort of a lose-lose, the only result of threads like these or blaming Mercier is creating totally perverse incentives. Given that, there just has to be some sort of change in the rules/ethical code about changing screen names, or something else has gotta give. I just think it's so short-sighted for everyone to pile on in these instances. Things are not black and white, there are gray areas. What BH did isn't great of course, but surely we can understand the reason behind doing it if you are based in the US (once again I don't know specifics of the activities of whether he was pretending to be fishy or not, but just assuming not for now). So shouldn't we have at least some compassion for existing within the gray area?
Just my 2 cents.
I think y'all really need to think about what you're doing as a community. Crucifying someone who is MA'ing is absolutely terrible for poker. Basically, the people who wind up getting burned at the stake (BH, gboro, etc) are the people who were trying to do the "right thing" and come out to some people about their accounts. The people who say nothing to anyone get away scot free.
I'm not condoning the activity of MA'ing but from a pragmatic point of view, what's more likely to result from threads like these - that everyone stops MA'ing, or that they stop coming out to ANYONE at any time?
Furthermore, the idea of blaming Jason Mercier for not coming out with the info is the same situation. If he is supposed to be punished for not immediately outing someone who comes out to him, you basically just ensure that Jason now has to play poker against multiaccounters without that info. Sure, it's a pessimistic attitude, but it's reality.
Since this is a sort of a lose-lose, the only result of threads like these or blaming Mercier is creating totally perverse incentives. Given that, there just has to be some sort of change in the rules/ethical code about changing screen names, or something else has gotta give. I just think it's so short-sighted for everyone to pile on in these instances. Things are not black and white, there are gray areas. What BH did isn't great of course, but surely we can understand the reason behind doing it if you are based in the US (once again I don't know specifics of the activities of whether he was pretending to be fishy or not, but just assuming not for now). So shouldn't we have at least some compassion for existing within the gray area?
Just my 2 cents.
This is not a gray area, MA is cleary against the TOS of Pokerstars and using him beeing in the US as an excuse is pathetic.
I'm not sure if you're friends with BH and now coming to his defence, but you should think about what you're implying here, especially in your position.
, 04:38 PM
Join Date: Nov 2011
Posts: 975
leave it to Pads and vennesa selbts to totally tard the thread up.
, 04:40 PM

there can be beauty in chaos.
On a serious note - hope this thread turns to the general standards expected in online poker moving forward and less about specific individuals. gl.
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