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Bitcoin Latinum, promoted by Hellmuth and Cantu, sued after allegations of securities fraud. Bitcoin Latinum, promoted by Hellmuth and Cantu, sued after allegations of securities fraud.

02-05-2022 , 11:22 AM
The thing you guys don't get is he knows white magic, "He can dodge Lawsuits Baby!"
Bitcoin Latinum, promoted by Hellmuth and Cantu, sued after allegations of securities fraud. Quote
02-05-2022 , 02:20 PM
I think they were really nice to name it "Bitcoin Latinum" so everyone with a brain instantly knew it was a scam anyhow. The rest is redundant
Bitcoin Latinum, promoted by Hellmuth and Cantu, sued after allegations of securities fraud. Quote
02-05-2022 , 04:25 PM
promote promote promote
Bitcoin Latinum, promoted by Hellmuth and Cantu, sued after allegations of securities fraud. Quote
02-05-2022 , 05:27 PM
Originally Posted by SrslySirius
From skimming the complaint it looks like a guy named Kevin Jonna offered to sell $100k worth of tokens to the victim at $14 a pop, promising that he'd be able to immediately flip them for $20.

If you're dumb enough to think if you give someone X dollars that they are going to in return give you 1.4X dollars back

Then you deserve to lose all your money

Yes, you got scammed, but were too stupid to know it.

"A fool and his money are soon parted"

I never know if I should laugh at the victim or feel sorry for them
Bitcoin Latinum, promoted by Hellmuth and Cantu, sued after allegations of securities fraud. Quote
02-05-2022 , 05:50 PM
I'm happy for anyone who makes a load of money off crypto,
but this belief by that you're GUARANTEED to be rich buying it is laughable
and it's ALWAYS from young guys. Always.
That aggro-mid 20's guy who is far more confident and ambitious than he is wise

I saw oil go from $150 to $20 in two years just 15 years ago
with little to no slowdown in the world's GDP to merit an 85% collapse
Transocean was $150 a share and went to .67 cents and it owns the most offshore oil rigs in the world.
You literally cant get any offshore oil where all the new large oilfields are without going thru them or the other 4 deepwater drillers
Yet, some of them have declared bankruptcy in recent years
Nothing is guaranteed.

Everytime I am at the table and crypto comes up,
some idiot 25 year old explains that old people "just dont understand"
It's like they're buying internet stocks in Feb 2000.
Or real estate to flip in 2007
Ah the ignorance of youth
Nothing is guaranteed in life except possibly the unexpected

I mean, let's be serious, a literally MADE UP currency,
what could possibly go wrong?
There is a coin named "cum rocket" seriously.
dogecoin was made up as a joke
On they list over 10000 crypto coins.
Sounds legit to me.
One guy insisted "crypto's totally unhackable"
Yea, sure, trillions available to be stolen electronically
and no one will ever find a way to hack into it?

If you've made a ton of money in crypto,
good for you, just be quick to take profits,
since one day you will wake up and be crushed.

The first time I saw Hellmuth with that BitcoinLatinum hat on his head I laughed
Like that guy he has any idea what he is shilling for
They prepped him well though, he talked forever about it
Yet I still have no f-n clue what that company does despite hearing him ramble for 25 minutes on Polk's podcast
I'm not the stupidest guy in the world, got a few college degrees, not braggin' just sayin' including one in math
So, I'm pretty sure if I couldnt make any sense of WTF he was talking about, I'm not the only one
I've traded options for over 20 years as a side hustle and nobody over the age of 40 takes crypto seriously.
I've talked to numerous floor traders at poker rooms in the area (I live in Chicago) and they say it's a joke too.
They wont touch the stuff.

The documentary on the Rise and Fall of Crypto is gonna be an amazing watch on NetFlix in a few years.

Oh, and just for the 25 year olds who are deeply offended at this, just because BTC has gone up to $70,000 doesnt make you correct
Enron became a Top 5 company on the planet and it was a total sham. But again, this was before your time, so you have no idea what I'm talking about

Be careful my crypto fanatics, you're playing with fire.
Hope you win, honestly, I do, just be careful
Bitcoin Latinum, promoted by Hellmuth and Cantu, sued after allegations of securities fraud. Quote
02-05-2022 , 10:50 PM
He is still promoting it.

Bitcoin Latinum, promoted by Hellmuth and Cantu, sued after allegations of securities fraud. Quote
02-06-2022 , 04:59 PM
Originally Posted by parisron
He is still promoting it.

Needs to prove he wasn't in on the scam, and is just a bag-hodl'er like the rest of the peasants.
Bitcoin Latinum, promoted by Hellmuth and Cantu, sued after allegations of securities fraud. Quote
02-09-2022 , 05:05 PM
Originally Posted by BSumner
I'm happy for anyone who makes a load of money off crypto,
but this belief by that you're GUARANTEED to be rich buying it is laughable
and it's ALWAYS from young guys. Always.
That aggro-mid 20's guy who is far more confident and ambitious than he is wise

I saw oil go from $150 to $20 in two years just 15 years ago
with little to no slowdown in the world's GDP to merit an 85% collapse
Transocean was $150 a share and went to .67 cents and it owns the most offshore oil rigs in the world.
You literally cant get any offshore oil where all the new large oilfields are without going thru them or the other 4 deepwater drillers
Yet, some of them have declared bankruptcy in recent years
Nothing is guaranteed.

Everytime I am at the table and crypto comes up,
some idiot 25 year old explains that old people "just dont understand"
It's like they're buying internet stocks in Feb 2000.
Or real estate to flip in 2007
Ah the ignorance of youth
Nothing is guaranteed in life except possibly the unexpected

I mean, let's be serious, a literally MADE UP currency,
what could possibly go wrong?
There is a coin named "cum rocket" seriously.
dogecoin was made up as a joke
On they list over 10000 crypto coins.
Sounds legit to me.
One guy insisted "crypto's totally unhackable"
Yea, sure, trillions available to be stolen electronically
and no one will ever find a way to hack into it?

If you've made a ton of money in crypto,
good for you, just be quick to take profits,
since one day you will wake up and be crushed.

The first time I saw Hellmuth with that BitcoinLatinum hat on his head I laughed
Like that guy he has any idea what he is shilling for
They prepped him well though, he talked forever about it
Yet I still have no f-n clue what that company does despite hearing him ramble for 25 minutes on Polk's podcast
I'm not the stupidest guy in the world, got a few college degrees, not braggin' just sayin' including one in math
So, I'm pretty sure if I couldnt make any sense of WTF he was talking about, I'm not the only one
I've traded options for over 20 years as a side hustle and nobody over the age of 40 takes crypto seriously.
I've talked to numerous floor traders at poker rooms in the area (I live in Chicago) and they say it's a joke too.
They wont touch the stuff.

The documentary on the Rise and Fall of Crypto is gonna be an amazing watch on NetFlix in a few years.

Oh, and just for the 25 year olds who are deeply offended at this, just because BTC has gone up to $70,000 doesnt make you correct
Enron became a Top 5 company on the planet and it was a total sham. But again, this was before your time, so you have no idea what I'm talking about

Be careful my crypto fanatics, you're playing with fire.
Hope you win, honestly, I do, just be careful
Too long didn't read
Skimmed some very ignorant ideas LOL
Bitcoin Latinum, promoted by Hellmuth and Cantu, sued after allegations of securities fraud. Quote
02-09-2022 , 06:08 PM
I am shocked
Bitcoin Latinum, promoted by Hellmuth and Cantu, sued after allegations of securities fraud. Quote
02-09-2022 , 08:29 PM
Bsummer is angry old man yelling at clouds
Bitcoin Latinum, promoted by Hellmuth and Cantu, sued after allegations of securities fraud. Quote
02-10-2022 , 05:24 AM
Originally Posted by BSumner
I'm happy for anyone who makes a load of money off crypto,
but this belief by that you're GUARANTEED to be rich buying it is laughable
and it's ALWAYS from young guys. Always.
That aggro-mid 20's guy who is far more confident and ambitious than he is wise

I saw oil go from $150 to $20 in two years just 15 years ago
with little to no slowdown in the world's GDP to merit an 85% collapse
Transocean was $150 a share and went to .67 cents and it owns the most offshore oil rigs in the world.
You literally cant get any offshore oil where all the new large oilfields are without going thru them or the other 4 deepwater drillers
Yet, some of them have declared bankruptcy in recent years
Nothing is guaranteed.

Everytime I am at the table and crypto comes up,
some idiot 25 year old explains that old people "just dont understand"
It's like they're buying internet stocks in Feb 2000.
Or real estate to flip in 2007
Ah the ignorance of youth
Nothing is guaranteed in life except possibly the unexpected

I mean, let's be serious, a literally MADE UP currency,
what could possibly go wrong?
There is a coin named "cum rocket" seriously.
dogecoin was made up as a joke
On they list over 10000 crypto coins.
Sounds legit to me.
One guy insisted "crypto's totally unhackable"
Yea, sure, trillions available to be stolen electronically
and no one will ever find a way to hack into it?

If you've made a ton of money in crypto,
good for you, just be quick to take profits,
since one day you will wake up and be crushed.

The first time I saw Hellmuth with that BitcoinLatinum hat on his head I laughed
Like that guy he has any idea what he is shilling for
They prepped him well though, he talked forever about it
Yet I still have no f-n clue what that company does despite hearing him ramble for 25 minutes on Polk's podcast
I'm not the stupidest guy in the world, got a few college degrees, not braggin' just sayin' including one in math
So, I'm pretty sure if I couldnt make any sense of WTF he was talking about, I'm not the only one
I've traded options for over 20 years as a side hustle and nobody over the age of 40 takes crypto seriously.
I've talked to numerous floor traders at poker rooms in the area (I live in Chicago) and they say it's a joke too.
They wont touch the stuff.

The documentary on the Rise and Fall of Crypto is gonna be an amazing watch on NetFlix in a few years.

Oh, and just for the 25 year olds who are deeply offended at this, just because BTC has gone up to $70,000 doesnt make you correct
Enron became a Top 5 company on the planet and it was a total sham. But again, this was before your time, so you have no idea what I'm talking about

Be careful my crypto fanatics, you're playing with fire.
Hope you win, honestly, I do, just be careful
Agreed, good post
Bitcoin Latinum, promoted by Hellmuth and Cantu, sued after allegations of securities fraud. Quote
02-10-2022 , 12:18 PM
Originally Posted by PTLou
lolz for sure. Why are people so dumb that they dont realize how obvious that kind of stuff his. I mean for god sakes at least play the create account, post 20 somwhere else for a few days and then post here.

see howie test, but yeah, if everything I put in a white paper magically became fact then, I'd be richer than bezos, musk , alibaba guy and the next four

See Michael Saylor recent podcast on only up with coby and ledger . BTC is only crypto asset to date that clearly passes howie test. thats why ots going to $300,000 at some point. NFA DYOR LOLZ
Lou, I really doubt that 1/2 of 1% of folks know what the Howey test refers to or woyuld care in deciding whether to buy into something.
Bitcoin Latinum, promoted by Hellmuth and Cantu, sued after allegations of securities fraud. Quote
02-12-2022 , 02:56 PM
Originally Posted by PajamaBottoms
Too long didn't read
Skimmed some very ignorant ideas LOL
Seeing as you just "skimmed it" how do you know anything I wrote was "very ignorant"?

Sure would love to see you try to make a coherent refutation of anything I said.

That may be too much to ask of you, since reading for 3 minutes in a row tops was a bridge too far
Bitcoin Latinum, promoted by Hellmuth and Cantu, sued after allegations of securities fraud. Quote
02-12-2022 , 03:24 PM
What next? We find out Bitconnect is a scam!?
Bitcoin Latinum, promoted by Hellmuth and Cantu, sued after allegations of securities fraud. Quote
02-12-2022 , 06:55 PM
Anyone else getting tired of Phil Hellmuth? All he does is boast and talk about himself. I think I can better at poker tournaments than Phil in tournaments but I play online poker I don't play live too slow and boring along with players being jerks to me at the tables.
Bitcoin Latinum, promoted by Hellmuth and Cantu, sued after allegations of securities fraud. Quote
02-13-2022 , 01:38 PM
So he promotes Ultimate Bet which turns out to be a scam and now this.

Phil Hellmuth is a scum bag who exploits his followers for his own financial gain.
Bitcoin Latinum, promoted by Hellmuth and Cantu, sued after allegations of securities fraud. Quote
02-13-2022 , 02:01 PM
Originally Posted by Maximus122
So he promotes Ultimate Bet which turns out to be a scam and now this.

Phil Hellmuth is a scum bag who exploits his followers for his own financial gain.

Sounds like 95% of "Pro" poker players
Bitcoin Latinum, promoted by Hellmuth and Cantu, sued after allegations of securities fraud. Quote
02-13-2022 , 02:13 PM
Originally Posted by ejames209
Bsummer is angry old man yelling at clouds
I've been called worse . . . I'm okay with this.
Bitcoin Latinum, promoted by Hellmuth and Cantu, sued after allegations of securities fraud. Quote
02-13-2022 , 04:26 PM
The only cryptos with some potential are Bitcoin, Ethereum, Binance Coin and Dogecoin.

Fortunately, I was smart (others will argue dumb enough) to buy 5 years ago.
Bitcoin Latinum, promoted by Hellmuth and Cantu, sued after allegations of securities fraud. Quote
02-14-2022 , 01:02 PM
Originally Posted by timfbmx
promote promote promote
Same as it ever was, Hellmuth 2018 edition:
Bitcoin Latinum, promoted by Hellmuth and Cantu, sued after allegations of securities fraud. Quote
02-15-2022 , 01:42 AM
Color me shocked that nobody is going to get rich from a get rich quick scheme promoted by a poker player. Who could have thunk it?
Bitcoin Latinum, promoted by Hellmuth and Cantu, sued after allegations of securities fraud. Quote
02-15-2022 , 06:10 AM
I could picture Helmuth getting roped in by some con artist on the basis of 'getting in on the ground floor of the next big thing' lol

Obv don't know him, but I've always thought he seemed like the gullible type if someone related to him in the right way
Bitcoin Latinum, promoted by Hellmuth and Cantu, sued after allegations of securities fraud. Quote
02-15-2022 , 09:52 AM
Phil Hellmuth's net worth is 20 million dollars. I don't know why he his conning his fans into buying this crap.

Also, he could lose some weight. I know it's mean to say it, but it would be for his own good.
Bitcoin Latinum, promoted by Hellmuth and Cantu, sued after allegations of securities fraud. Quote
02-17-2022 , 07:47 PM
Brandon Cantu, now theres a name i havent heard in ages.
Bitcoin Latinum, promoted by Hellmuth and Cantu, sued after allegations of securities fraud. Quote
02-17-2022 , 10:18 PM
Originally Posted by ejames209
Bsummer is angry old man yelling at clouds
I’d like to know what he is yelling at the clouds. Dude seems to know what he is yelling about.
Bitcoin Latinum, promoted by Hellmuth and Cantu, sued after allegations of securities fraud. Quote
