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Big News: PokerStars Purchases FTP(?) Cliffs in OP Last update 4/24 1:02PM PT Big News: PokerStars Purchases FTP(?) Cliffs in OP Last update 4/24 1:02PM PT

04-24-2012 , 04:38 PM
Originally Posted by fredd-bird
Nope. Why would I try to get it to work though?
I wanted to hear the crap coming out of Mike's mouth. Not like I have anything better to do is it?
04-24-2012 , 04:39 PM
Somebody needs to tell him to stop dotting his 'T's
04-24-2012 , 04:39 PM
* Was just thinking how many heart failures would occur and how much more dramatic the twist of the roller-coaster would have been if the news that GBT-DOJ-FTP deal was over 2 hours prior to the "rumors" PS was buying the FTP...
04-24-2012 , 04:40 PM
Don't want to hear what Matusow has to say, but STFU Matusow, wind your neck in, pay your debts and GTFO
04-24-2012 , 04:40 PM
Originally Posted by dontwork
Based on stars statement they might not even comment during the week
so we're waiting until next week for news again? weeeeeeeeeeee
04-24-2012 , 04:41 PM
Originally Posted by gnvsnk
* Was just thinking how many heart failures would occur and how much more dramatic the twist of the roller-coaster would have been if the news that GBT-DOJ-FTP deal was over 2 hours prior to the "rumors" PS was buying the FTP...
they might have saved some lives with this timing.

I would have prolly been too drunk in those 2 hours to even get this news till tomorrow
04-24-2012 , 04:41 PM
04-24-2012 , 04:42 PM
More Poker Shows on TV! Wear whatever patches you want
04-24-2012 , 04:42 PM
ok thanks for giving me the matusow link, but now, i truly regret asking for it
04-24-2012 , 04:43 PM
Diamond_Flush confirms GBT deal dead, with a few more tidbits..

In a statement given to, FTP attorney Barry Boss, of Cozen O’Connor, offered the following statement:

“To address issues reported today in the media and on blogs, Full Tilt Poker confirms that its agreement with Groupe Bernard Tapie has in fact been terminated. Despite this development, Full Tilt Poker is more optimistic than ever that its number one goal will be obtained: Full Tilt players will be repaid. Full Tilt Poker has been in settlement discussions with the US Department of Justice. As such settlement discussions are always confidential, we are unable to comment on any rumors related to the details of those discussions. As soon as we have information to share publicly we will do so.
Sounds pretty familiar, no?

Last edited by GoldnEagl; 04-24-2012 at 04:47 PM. Reason: clarifying
04-24-2012 , 04:45 PM
Originally Posted by jweez
Interesting she mentions she is going to work on more articles that the players need to see, POPCORN.GIF.
04-24-2012 , 04:45 PM
Originally Posted by GoldnEagl
Diamond_Flush confirms, with a few more tidbits..

Sounds pretty familiar, no?
Sounds like they are using the same lawyer.
04-24-2012 , 04:45 PM
Marco needs to just stop talking. He apparently doesnt play poker whatsoever or has any idea how an online player thinks
04-24-2012 , 04:46 PM
FTP is still entertaining us, isn't that wonderful? And despite new rumors there might actually be a small chance that we play at FTP again, I love the idea.

04-24-2012 , 04:47 PM
plz turn the mic off while updating blogs on the keyboard
04-24-2012 , 04:49 PM
Originally Posted by GoldnEagl
Diamond_Flush confirms GBT deal dead, with a few more tidbits..

Sounds pretty familiar, no?
04-24-2012 , 04:49 PM
Originally Posted by Richard88
those disgusting island apes tilt me almost as much as the uncomfirmed rumours.
04-24-2012 , 04:49 PM
Originally Posted by BreakYaNeck
Marco needs to just stop talking. He apparently doesnt play poker whatsoever or has any idea how an online player thinks
I don't dislike Marco but I do think his focus should be more on interviewing the guests and facilitating their discussion instead of voicing and defending his own opinions.
04-24-2012 , 04:50 PM
done deal
04-24-2012 , 04:51 PM
I'm happy. I love pokerstars as a company. When I used to play on FTP, I felt dirty that my rake money was going to Lederer, Ferguson, Bloch, Bitar, etc.

If I have to give my money to anyone, I want them to be honorable.
04-24-2012 , 04:51 PM
time to get drunk as ****. hopefully when i wake up hungover stars will have said something
04-24-2012 , 04:52 PM
I've never been excited you know me I'm never excited... can we please get him off the show??
04-24-2012 , 04:52 PM
this just in:
Mike Matusow is excited!
04-24-2012 , 04:53 PM
Originally Posted by JokerTilt
Where is FTPDoug when you need him?
Originally Posted by NoMeansYes_
04-24-2012 , 04:55 PM
after skimming 18+ pages there's only one thing i can confirm

quadjacks sucks
