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Answering Some of Your Questions Answering Some of Your Questions

09-26-2011 , 10:44 PM
keep up the good work mr Johnson. i know for a fact you will change the poker industry for the better!
Answering Some of Your Questions Quote
09-26-2011 , 11:24 PM
Originally Posted by espm
I appreciate your taking the time to respond. I don't, however, appreciate many of your candidates positions. Nor do I appreciate how this forum is being spoon-fed his candidacy. Not that I hold the latter against him; for what honest-to-goodness politician would turn down a manufactured "captive" audience?

No, and I understand that. What I hope to do is to keep my activity such that those who want to ignore it can do so without much trouble, while those who have questions or who want to increase their political awareness have access to the resources that they need.

Thanks for the reminders and guidance!
Answering Some of Your Questions Quote
09-26-2011 , 11:26 PM
Originally Posted by LuckyLuke01
keep up the good work mr Johnson. i know for a fact you will change the poker industry for the better!
Thank you for your support! It means so much to this campaign! We look forward to having the opportunity to restore those rights and so many others!

Answering Some of Your Questions Quote
09-26-2011 , 11:32 PM
What are Mr Johnson's plans to change the poker industry for the better?
Answering Some of Your Questions Quote
09-26-2011 , 11:56 PM
Originally Posted by gregorio
What are Mr Johnson's plans to change the poker industry for the better?
One of the reasons that I admire Governor Johnson is that he is an ardent, dedicated protector of our individual rights and civil liberties, even when it could cost him politically or in the polls, as it did when he began campaigning for the legalization of marijuana in 1999 – far before it became acceptable or en vogue to do so. In the same way that he was shocked and troubled by The Family Leader Pledge, Governor Johnson was disgusted by the massive overreach of government into online poker. For him, there is no such thing as "just another civil liberty issue", or one that he can conveniently ignore or downplay. He is acutely aware of the effect that this intrusion has on poker players, and would make it clear to the American people that any erosion of our rights is a threat to our liberty.

As President, Governor Johnson would legitimize online poker playing, and allow it to thrive in a free market. No one should do anything more or less. Unlike so many other politicians and candidates, he's clear and consistent in his principles of Constitutionally limited government, and happy to stick by them even when its politically inconvenient and unpopular to do so.
Answering Some of Your Questions Quote
09-26-2011 , 11:57 PM
Originally Posted by mong
I'm not Governor Johnson, but the campaign has asked me to do my best to answer your questions. I hope that you don't mind!
Hi Everyone:

Let's welcome mong to our forums. With his help, all the questions concerning Gov Johnson and his campaign for president should get answered. So let's make sure to treat him well, and for those of you who are questioning why we at 2+2 are supporting this campaign, feel free to ask the tough questions.

Best wishes,
Answering Some of Your Questions Quote
09-27-2011 , 12:03 AM
Originally Posted by Mason Malmuth
Hi Everyone:

Let's welcome mong to our forums. With his help, all the questions concerning Gov Johnson and his campaign for president should get answered. So let's make sure to treat him well, and for those of you who are questioning why we at 2+2 are supporting this campaign, feel free to ask the tough questions.

Best wishes,
Oh, wow... "feel free to ask the tough questions". Would that be considered upping the ante? ; )

I'll do my best, and I hope for your collective patience and understanding where I fall short!

Thanks for the best wishes, Mason! I find posting on the 2+2 forums to be intimidating and challenging, but it's rewarding to engage such a politically aware group!

Answering Some of Your Questions Quote
09-27-2011 , 12:12 AM
hi mong. Thanks for spending your time to do this. Still on the fence when it comes to who I want to support, but there are a couple candidates that I'd like to continue to follow, GJ being one of them.
Answering Some of Your Questions Quote
09-27-2011 , 12:17 AM
Originally Posted by oofRome
hi mong. Thanks for spending your time to do this. Still on the fence when it comes to who I want to support, but there are a couple candidates that I'd like to continue to follow, GJ being one of them.
My pleasure!

No worries! It's still early days, and there's still lots to learn about the candidates. I'll do my best to help you to get to know Governor Johnson and his positions on the issues, and hopefully win your support!

Answering Some of Your Questions Quote
09-27-2011 , 12:20 AM
Is there any evidence that Gov. Johnson has ever...
check raised anyone?
check/bluff shoved on the river?
3 bet light?
4 bet bluff AI? How about 5 bet bluff AI?
chased draws with the wrong odds?
berate bad players?
put bad beat on someone?
or coolerd someone?
Has he ever gone on tilt?
Answering Some of Your Questions Quote
09-27-2011 , 01:06 AM
Governor Johnson,

How to I balance my 6-betting range 500bb deep?
Answering Some of Your Questions Quote
09-27-2011 , 01:14 AM
Originally Posted by CyrusJavid
Is there any evidence that Gov. Johnson has ever...
check raised anyone?
check/bluff shoved on the river?
3 bet light?
4 bet bluff AI? How about 5 bet bluff AI?
chased draws with the wrong odds?
berate bad players?
put bad beat on someone?
or coolerd someone?
Has he ever gone on tilt?
Hahahaha! LOVE this post! Hahaha! Um, I actually have no idea, but I'd love to know!

Off the cuff, I'll answer what I think that I can. I think that check raising is prevalent enough that I'd be surprised if he hadn't.

Governor Johnson is so even keeled and laid back that it's hard for me to imagine him berating a bad player. If he ever has, it would have to have been when he was a lot younger. I have no idea what Governor Johnson was like when he was younger.

I also have have trouble seeing him go on tilt. His athletic accomplishments demonstrate so much mettle, tenacity, and ability to stick through the worst situations, that it would have to be a pretty epic situation. He's an Ironman Triathlete. That's swimming 2.4 MILES, biking 112 miles, PLUS a marathon, CONSECUTIVELY! He climbed Mount Everest with a BROKEN LEG! (Read this, if you don't think that's epic.) He's biking around 458 miles in six days around New Hampshire during the first week of October (he wanted to do 100 miles per day, but the staff protested because at the end of each day he'll be holding nightly town hall meetings at each stop). The campaign has been excluded from various debates even though Governor Johnson outpolled two of the candidates to be invited. The reason? We didn't outpoll them in the polls in which we weren't included!!! Well, duh! And, yet, for all of this, Governor Johnson has continued to exhibit what has been described as "zen". I've heard that he's been momentarily down or disheartened because of how much everyone has done their best to exclude us, but somehow he musters himself and is back right on top in a moment.

If there's anyone who can stand above the fray of partisan politics, it's Governor Johnson. His ability to be calm, clear thinking, and resolute in the most trying of situations is likely unmatched among the other candidates.
Answering Some of Your Questions Quote
09-27-2011 , 01:29 AM
Originally Posted by Gorilla Boy
Governor Johnson,

How to I balance my 6-betting range 500bb deep?
Haha! Um... I have no idea what that means...! Could you explain that to me? Not that I could help you out with it after you explained it to me (although, there's a pretty good chance that you don't need help with it), but I have to say that I'm really curious.

Answering Some of Your Questions Quote
09-27-2011 , 01:30 AM
Originally Posted by CyrusJavid
Is there any evidence that Gov. Johnson has ever...
check raised anyone?
check/bluff shoved on the river?
3 bet light?
4 bet bluff AI? How about 5 bet bluff AI?
chased draws with the wrong odds?
berate bad players?
put bad beat on someone?
or coolerd someone?
Has he ever gone on tilt?
Hi Cyrus:

I spent almost a day and a half with Gov Johnson back in July, and based on what I saw, he's not someone who would tilt easily.

As for your other questions, the governor told us that the form of poker he has mostly played is seven-card stud, and as you know, this is a limit game, and your questions mostly apply to no-limit hold 'em. Perhaps a better question would be when do you reraise on third street an over-card raiser when holding a small pair with a straight flush kicker?

Answering Some of Your Questions Quote
09-27-2011 , 01:33 PM
Originally Posted by mong
Yeah, so this isn't anywhere near an immediate answer, but compared to some of the other questions flying around, this one's relatively easy, so here you go! : D

Governor Johnson is the son of Earl W. Johnson. "His father was a public school teacher, while his mother worked for the Bureau of Indian Affairs." (Wikipedia)

Thanks for the softball! (In jest or not ; )
I'd like to follow up on this one and ask if Gov. Johnson can "do it... ducimo"?

Last edited by flopton; 09-27-2011 at 01:35 PM. Reason: I suppose based on his gay marriage stance he would not
Answering Some of Your Questions Quote
09-27-2011 , 01:41 PM
Good Luck sir, all the best with your campaign!
Answering Some of Your Questions Quote
09-27-2011 , 03:15 PM
Yeah, go Gary! I'm going to vote in a right wing maniac because I like poker.
Answering Some of Your Questions Quote
09-27-2011 , 03:50 PM
I still haven't heard anything sensible on how he's going to approach environmental problems, and in particular, whether he has the courage and will to impose restrictions on industries which are polluting or otherwise taxing on the environment. Is the free market going to regulate overfishing, destroying of habitats, disappearing rain forests, genetic modification of crops, tar sands, and so on? I'd like to hear about concrete steps johnson has taken as governor which demonstrate his willingness to put the long-term health of the environment over the short-term financial interests of big business, and what particular plans he has for protecting the environment from the dangers it is currently facing. And I'm not just talking about climate change, which is obviously a complicated issue.
Answering Some of Your Questions Quote
09-27-2011 , 04:00 PM
Originally Posted by mong
The current tax system PENALIZES investment (saving) with capital gains and inheritance taxes. The Fair Tax would encourage saving by discouraging rampant, unnecessary spending.

The current tax system PENALIZES increases in your income by applying a higher tax rate. The Fair Tax would not.

The current tax system PENALIZES business growth and investment. The Fair Tax would not. Businesses would flock to the United States if we had a corporate tax rate of zero, because we would have the strongest markets, most stable government, and least corrupt justice system with that tax rate (of 0%). If we additionally enacted the Libertarian free-market approach to immigration while removing federally run social services (let anyone come who can get a job and isn't a security risk), then we'd also have some of the cheapest labor in the world.

The Fair Tax has the potential to fix much of what ails our economy.
This is a great oversimplification. Are there studies or in-depth research showing how the Fair Tax can fix "much of what ails our economy"? How will the fair tax effect the overall revenue of the government? How will that change in revenue affect other programs? And so on...
Answering Some of Your Questions Quote
09-27-2011 , 04:44 PM
Originally Posted by SKEEZ
Good Luck sir, all the best with your campaign!
Thank you! Your words of support mean the world to us! All the best, to you, too!

Answering Some of Your Questions Quote
09-27-2011 , 04:58 PM
Originally Posted by flopton
I'd like to follow up on this one and ask if Gov. Johnson can "do it... ducimo"?
Haha! Yeah, you're probably right, I don't think that he would, but I guess you never know?

Governor Johnson is an outspoken supporter of civil unions. As a Libertarian, I agree that government has no business regulating nor providing benefits for marriage. It should just get out of marriages completely and leave it up to the states.

For what it's worth, he's also an outspoken supporter of gay rights.

Answering Some of Your Questions Quote
09-27-2011 , 05:04 PM
So you start a thread titled "Answering some of your questions" and then answer about 2 questions. Nice work sir.
Answering Some of Your Questions Quote
09-27-2011 , 05:06 PM
I find your choice of username interesting, Mong must have a totally different meaning in the USA.
Answering Some of Your Questions Quote
09-27-2011 , 05:09 PM
Originally Posted by Maxmustard
Yeah, go Gary! I'm going to vote in a right wing maniac because I like poker.
Do right wing maniacs seek to decriminalize poker and marijuana, and support a woman's right to choose up until the viability of the fetus?

He also decries intolerance like the Family Leader pledge, supports gay civil unions, and closing all the foreign bases and bringing all the troops home. Governor Johnson has also stated that he believes that human beings contribute to climate change.

Governor Johnson is no regular Republican. You can get to know the real Gary Johnson by examining his issues, or coalitions, or by asking me!

Answering Some of Your Questions Quote
09-27-2011 , 05:20 PM
Originally Posted by Byan_Railey
From your website:

"Government should not impose its values upon marriage. It should protect the rights of couples to engage in civil unions if they wish, as well as the rights of religious organizations to follow their beliefs."

I have to admit this is a very smooth way of saying you're anti gay marriage and by smooth I mean misleading. Sadly the average American probably couldn't correctly interpret that sentence.
actually what he is saying is that marriage should not be a defined by government or involve them whatsoever. its hard to interpret because the status quo is government must be involved in marriage.
Answering Some of Your Questions Quote
