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2015 WSOP Main Event Thread 2015 WSOP Main Event Thread

07-12-2015 , 11:02 PM
I'm looking at the "UPDATES" tab on reviewing some of the ME hands that have been played. I suppose this is an example of why I will never be a "great" poker player, but could somebody explain the thought processes that were going on between Brian Hastings and Andrew Jenkins in this hand?

According to the recap, there was betting before the flop - which would suggest that both players had "something" - either a pair, suited connectors, or A-K. If the recap is accurate, Hastings (obviously) didn't have two hearts or a set, so I'm having trouble figuring why he threw in the $185,000 chip call on the river. Was this hand well played - or did somebody make a 250,000-chip mistake?
2015 WSOP Main Event Thread Quote
07-12-2015 , 11:05 PM
He could have had kq kj k10 or just thought the guy was bluffing because he checked the turn. Seems pretty standard to me
2015 WSOP Main Event Thread Quote
07-12-2015 , 11:10 PM
KxQh was my immediate thought.
2015 WSOP Main Event Thread Quote
07-12-2015 , 11:11 PM
Originally Posted by jjnid
moneymaker = pro?
You call out Moneymaker over Tilly? I assume that a huge percentage of Moneymaker's money is earned due to his main event win even if it isn't directly won at the poker table.
2015 WSOP Main Event Thread Quote
07-12-2015 , 11:18 PM
Originally Posted by Alan C. Lawhon
I'm looking at the "UPDATES" tab on reviewing some of the ME hands that have been played. I suppose this is an example of why I will never be a "great" poker player, but could somebody explain the thought processes that were going on between Brian Hastings and Andrew Jenkins in this hand?

According to the recap, there was betting before the flop - which would suggest that both players had "something" - either a pair, suited connectors, or A-K. If the recap is accurate, Hastings (obviously) didn't have two hearts or a set, so I'm having trouble figuring why he threw in the $185,000 chip call on the river. Was this hand well played - or did somebody make a 250,000-chip mistake?
Sometimes they get the reporting wrong. Obviously, if you never call and lose you don't call often enough for the most part. Hastings probably opens total junk this late in the tourney from time to time.

I don't understand why the other guy would check this turn in position which is what I'd consider a monster hand if your an aggro player. But who knows.
2015 WSOP Main Event Thread Quote
07-12-2015 , 11:23 PM
Played with Mark Kroon in a daily deep stack at the beginning of the series. Entertaining player to say the least. He pulled the naked cartwheel out a couple times throughout. Hope he makes a deep run, it'd be interesting to see him at the final table.

Sent from my HTC One_M8 using 2+2 Forums
2015 WSOP Main Event Thread Quote
07-12-2015 , 11:26 PM
Originally Posted by fraleyight


Ivey isn't going to try and get tv time and such to promote the game. DN will! And he will be an interesting guest to interview, plus people already know who he is.

the second best option would be a female player because it will tap into a much needed market in poker.
As toxic as she might be around these parts, after DN and PH Annie Duke would be the best person to FT the ME. She would really be out making the rounds all over the media and she's very outgoing and also quite eloquent when it comes to poker, she could really help in not only getting exposure for casuals to tune in but also take advantage of the platform to speak on behalf of poker legislation
2015 WSOP Main Event Thread Quote
07-12-2015 , 11:26 PM
Originally Posted by Alan C. Lawhon
I'm looking at the "UPDATES" tab on reviewing some of the ME hands that have been played. I suppose this is an example of why I will never be a "great" poker player, but could somebody explain the thought processes that were going on between Brian Hastings and Andrew Jenkins in this hand?

According to the recap, there was betting before the flop - which would suggest that both players had "something" - either a pair, suited connectors, or A-K. If the recap is accurate, Hastings (obviously) didn't have two hearts or a set, so I'm having trouble figuring why he threw in the $185,000 chip call on the river. Was this hand well played - or did somebody make a 250,000-chip mistake?
It seems standard play, value bet on river after andrew prob 3bet pre, continued with 60k on flop, checks turn when flush came.
would have been intresting if brian c/r river lol
2015 WSOP Main Event Thread Quote
07-12-2015 , 11:29 PM
Originally Posted by Alan C. Lawhon
I'm looking at the "UPDATES" tab on reviewing some of the ME hands that have been played. I suppose this is an example of why I will never be a "great" poker player, but could somebody explain the thought processes that were going on between Brian Hastings and Andrew Jenkins in this hand?
Raise pre, continuation bet, check the turn, take a stab on the river is the line I tend to take with AJ or 77 and this kind of board, and maybe get called by a weak K or other pair. I'm terrible, though. Still seems like an odd turn check, though maybe just pot control.
2015 WSOP Main Event Thread Quote
07-12-2015 , 11:31 PM
Bonomo ZeeJustin gogogogogogogo!!!
2015 WSOP Main Event Thread Quote
07-12-2015 , 11:32 PM
Is Minkin the only female in the final 111?
2015 WSOP Main Event Thread Quote
07-12-2015 , 11:34 PM
Originally Posted by ibetappingdatglASS
As toxic as she might be around these parts, after DN and PH Annie Duke would be the best person to FT the ME. She would really be out making the rounds all over the media and she's very outgoing and also quite eloquent when it comes to poker, she could really help in not only getting exposure for casuals to tune in but also take advantage of the platform to speak on behalf of poker legislation
2015 WSOP Main Event Thread Quote
07-12-2015 , 11:35 PM
Originally Posted by 2OutsNoProb
Is Minkin the only female in the final 111?
There were 5 left at the start of the day so I doubt it.
2015 WSOP Main Event Thread Quote
07-12-2015 , 11:36 PM
Originally Posted by Kenny S
Ya, no on annie duke please. She is not that likeable. Even if you know nothing about her at all she just comes across as a bitch.
2015 WSOP Main Event Thread Quote
07-12-2015 , 11:39 PM
i think diana svensk is still in
2015 WSOP Main Event Thread Quote
07-12-2015 , 11:40 PM
Originally Posted by ibetappingdatglASS
As toxic as she might be around these parts, after DN and PH Annie Duke would be the best person to FT the ME. She would really be out making the rounds all over the media and she's very outgoing and also quite eloquent when it comes to poker, she could really help in not only getting exposure for casuals to tune in but also take advantage of the platform to speak on behalf of poker legislation
Hashtag goosechill.

Sadly, I agree. The mainstream fan base still puts Annie on some pantheon of great poker players. You still hear people on the rail asking about her at tourneys. (I had someone ask me about Chris Ferguson maybe a year ago, too.)

Even those who follow the PokerNews Facebook feed still would largely consider her an A-lister, and you'd think that crowd should be near the top of the "casual fan" range.

TwoplusTwo would implode, though. Thankfully, Annie in the N9 is not a realistic scenario at any time soon.
2015 WSOP Main Event Thread Quote
07-12-2015 , 11:41 PM
74 diana SVENSK
some names could be either
2015 WSOP Main Event Thread Quote
07-12-2015 , 11:42 PM
Originally Posted by ibetappingdatglASS
As toxic as she might be around these parts, after DN and PH Annie Duke would be the best person to FT the ME. She would really be out making the rounds all over the media and she's very outgoing and also quite eloquent when it comes to poker, she could really help in not only getting exposure for casuals to tune in but also take advantage of the platform to speak on behalf of poker legislation
I'd think Selbst over Duke. Great player, outspoken, not nearly the same reality TV / online poker baggage as Duke. I'd also think that an actual lawyer could help speak for poker legislation.
2015 WSOP Main Event Thread Quote
07-12-2015 , 11:46 PM
Originally Posted by LimpDitka
You're forgetting moneymaker
Well, I don't think Moneymaker is that popular. And IMO his role in the poker boom is overstated.

I think the poker boom was caused by a variety of factors (inevitable rise of Internet poker, televised hole cards, invention of the WPT, etc). For me the biggest factor is how much ESPN's main event coverage improved from 2002 to 2003. The 2002 broadcast was boring, with only the final table shown and no hole cards visible. Fast forward just a year and suddenly the product was much more polished. You had expanded coverage of the event (from day one all the way until the final table). You had visible hole cards so the audience could follow the action in a more suspenseful way. You had the introduction of the Lon McEachern and Norman Chad tandem on commentary, which played up the "character" side of the game and made icons out of people like Ivey, Doyle, Hellmuth, Chan, and Scotty. That broadcast was really the perfect storm of production innovations, memorable personalities, and a great Hollywood ending. Moneymaker was certainly a part of what made it great, but don't overlook all the other factors.
2015 WSOP Main Event Thread Quote
07-12-2015 , 11:48 PM
Wait is this a pic of a girl left...

2015 WSOP Main Event Thread Quote
07-12-2015 , 11:48 PM
Originally Posted by RowdyOne
74 diana SVENSK
some names could be either
It's a she, and a reasonably photogenic one at that.

She is the blonde in the pics here:
2015 WSOP Main Event Thread Quote
07-12-2015 , 11:53 PM
How about a little love for Bob Buckenmayer...older dude I know who is a regular in the 10/20 game at Ocean's 11 in CA. He finished 17th the Merson year and cashed the main the next year too. He's got 1.3 million. Very nice guy
2015 WSOP Main Event Thread Quote
07-12-2015 , 11:58 PM
Originally Posted by CanadaPete
Sometimes they get the reporting wrong. Obviously, if you never call and lose you don't call often enough for the most part. Hastings probably opens total junk this late in the tourney from time to time.

I don't understand why the other guy would check this turn in position which is what I'd consider a monster hand if your an aggro player. But who knows.
Originally Posted by smacc25
It seems standard play, value bet on river after andrew prob 3bet pre, continued with 60k on flop, checks turn when flush came.
would have been intresting if brian c/r river lol
Something else (which occurs to me) that would have been "interesting" ... What does Andrew do if Brian bets the pot on the turn? (I'm wondering why Andrew didn't make a pot-sized bet on the flop - just in case Brian did have two hearts?)
2015 WSOP Main Event Thread Quote
07-13-2015 , 12:01 AM
The two cheaters are doing good in the ME Bonomo and Hastings hahahahahahahaah
2015 WSOP Main Event Thread Quote
07-13-2015 , 12:02 AM
IMO Chad Power would be good for the game, young guy. 3MM chips now.
2015 WSOP Main Event Thread Quote
