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What is your definition of racism? What is your definition of racism?

01-02-2023 , 12:25 PM
I dont know what you guys are doing over there,
or why Jesse Jackson is even shaking his hand.

He is the definition of racsim imo.

What is your definition of racism? Quote
01-02-2023 , 12:26 PM
Originally Posted by washoe
that only leaves the question why harvard is/was letting jared taylor
teach japanese in summer school. I mean harvard? cmon!
That presumably was before he started openly promoting white supremacy.
What is your definition of racism? Quote
01-02-2023 , 12:35 PM
Originally Posted by Rococo
That presumably was before he started openly promoting white supremacy.

thanks, that would make sense.
amy wax came out lately too then I assume.

Funny is that they are both nearly the same age, which is around 70.

btw, did you see that new president of brazil now is 77, similar to biden.
What is your definition of racism? Quote
01-02-2023 , 02:27 PM
Just came across this thread. Most of it seems to imply racism is only white on black racism. It is most definitely more than that. I am white. One of the most racist people I ever met was black. We were good friends but he used to say in all seriousness (as in him being deadly serious) "kill whitey" and other stuff. Obviously he knew I was white. He meant it as in kill the racist, white race. I think I was OK because we were neighbors and we played chess together all the time. Those days he was happy to be white.

I also ran across some white guys in Chicago I met through being a Blackhawk fan who drove through the blackest part of Chicago in a big truck yelling seriously racist stuff out the window at everyone we passed. I was shocked and just kept my mouth shut. For those of you who think the "Chicago Blackhawks" is a racist name for a hockey team, does knowing that the original owner named it after his army regiment "The Blackhawks" who were named to honor Chief Blackhawk who they considered a great warrior deserving their respect alter your opinion?

I also ran across more than one white liberal who thought they knew how to help blacks. That they thought as a white that blacks require their assistance is also racist. Just not on the same level as the above two examples.

I have always believed everyone has some inherent racial bias no matter what their race.

Refusing to hire someone because of their race is not only racist, it's stupid
Lowering standards to hire or admit someone based on their race is also racist, but stupid in a different way.

Is me calling someone of a darker pigmentation "black" racist? When we need to differentiate for reasons of conversation I don't know what other word to use. I have already admitted I am racist but I would also like to add I am ignorant.
What is your definition of racism? Quote
01-02-2023 , 03:03 PM
most of us live in the West, where white people are the majority.

I heard Japanese are very racist in Japan. especially the older folks telling their kids they should keep the bloodline clean. cant mix with anything else but Japanese according to some folks over there. thats mainly a problem with the older people, the younger generations are more open imo. and not all older people there are such and such.

but the problems in the West stem mainly/only from white people imo.

I heard an african guy say if you immigrate with too many white people into an African village, they will also say at one point enough is enough and be less friendly and open.

which is what the west did btw. in many regions of Africa and the world.

black Panthers are very racist but that is a defence mechanism imo.
the nation of Islam too. (Beyonce wore a back panther outfit once, Ali converted and went with the nation of Islam, etc. etc) can't say that out loud what they think, which is what kanye did now.

Beyonce black panther outifit:

Last edited by washoe; 01-02-2023 at 03:12 PM.
What is your definition of racism? Quote
01-02-2023 , 03:26 PM
Originally Posted by washoe
most of us live in the West, where white people are the majority.

I heard Japanese are very racist in Japan. especially the older folks telling their kids they should keep the bloodline clean. cant mix with anything else but Japanese according to some folks over there. thats mainly a problem with the older people, the younger generations are more open imo. and not all older people there are such and such.

but the problems in the West stem mainly/only from white people imo.

I heard an african guy say if you immigrate with too many white people into an African village, they will also say at one point enough is enough and be less friendly and open.

which is what the west did btw. in many regions of Africa and the world.

black Panthers are very racist but that is a defence mechanism imo.
the nation of Islam too. (Beyonce wore a back panther outfit once, Ali converted and went with the nation of Islam, etc. etc) can't say that out loud what they think, which is what kanye did now.

Beyonce black panther outifit:
How is a defense group made to help the oppressed and enslaved , racist? Who do they have power over? Which race were they hurting? Which race did they view as inferior?
What is your definition of racism? Quote
01-02-2023 , 03:49 PM
Originally Posted by PointlessWords
How is a defense group made to help the oppressed and enslaved , racist? Who do they have power over? Which race were they hurting? Which race did they view as inferior?
NOI views the white race as being inferior to all others and have a crazy story about how they were created.
What is your definition of racism? Quote
01-02-2023 , 04:04 PM
Originally Posted by shortstacker
I don't think you know what "populism" means.
I’m not surprise your conflicted …..

Which if I remember correctly fits your narrative .
What is your definition of racism? Quote
01-02-2023 , 04:13 PM
Originally Posted by Rococo
I understand the point, and it's fine when we are discussing Amy Wax and Jared Taylor. But sadly, we live in a world in which the occasional U.S. politician says crazy stuff about race. Steve King is an obvious example. How exactly would we discuss such issues if we can't even link to articles in the MSM that mention the comments?
Fair point. It's a bit of a judgement call. In this particular article it practically laid out every white supremacist talking point. But. Single racist comment like by King would prob be OK.
What is your definition of racism? Quote
01-02-2023 , 08:10 PM
Originally Posted by washoe
I heard an african guy say if you immigrate with too many white people into an African village, they will also say at one point enough is enough and be less friendly and open.
It's funny because living in a pretty touristy town but traveled to a nearby place that's a bit harder to reach and gets less gringos and maybe the people are about 10% nicer here.
What is your definition of racism? Quote
01-02-2023 , 11:05 PM
Originally Posted by Montrealcorp
I’m not surprise your conflicted …..

Which if I remember correctly fits your narrative .
Yes, that definition indeed fits my narrative, but not yours:

There is too many elements that are imply which isn’t just related to racism .
That is just populism , taking a complex problem trying to simplifying it to a simple conclusion and thinking simple solution exist .

"Populism" (as defined in your own link) has nothing to do with "simple conclusions." Populism can certainly have that going on, but not by definition.
What is your definition of racism? Quote
01-03-2023 , 01:39 AM
PopuLism is policy based on simplify solution for complex problem .
Ie: binary thinking , ordinary people vs elitism , etc .

In another words it’s to expunged nuances .

So chillrob example was a bad one because it implies not just racism but economics reality and environment implication of development of humans , being disregard falling back only on race .

U see a tons of this in politics .
The example given in the link is a good representation of a simply solution that wouldn’t solve much more complicated economic problems existing today .
U saw this in England when the prime minister Liz truss got ejected very quickly with that kind of policies .

Last edited by Montrealcorp; 01-03-2023 at 01:46 AM.
What is your definition of racism? Quote
01-03-2023 , 01:56 AM
Originally Posted by Montrealcorp
PopuLism is policy based on simplify solution for complex problem .
Ie: binary thinking , ordinary people vs elitism , etc .

In another words it’s to expunged nuances .

So chillrob example was a bad one because it implies not just racism but economics reality and environment implication of development of humans , being disregard falling back only on race .
I don't mind criticism of my opinions, but I'm not sure which example you're referring to here, and I can't understand the rest of the sentence. I understand English is not your native language so your syntax may nor be perfect, but I think you're going to have to try again on that one if you want to get your point across.
What is your definition of racism? Quote
01-03-2023 , 02:58 AM
Originally Posted by chillrob
What would you think if a black nationalist group somehow took control of the US government and instituted "Affirmative Action" hiring processes which favored blacks over whites: still not racist?
That one chillrob .
The concept of affirmative action is more about leveling the field in employment and education for economic purpose when they are underrepresented .
They use discriminatory racial feature because certain group are more exposed then others to difficult economic , environment situation .
They try to implement a certain equal opportunity for success through that mean .

What u propose isn’t affirmative action at all .
That is exactly imo a populism view about a revise policy in reverse ,
claiming it’s opposite is the same and u can call it racism in both instance if u can call it racism in one .
It’s more complicated then that .

Ps: do rich black kids can benefit from affirmative action ?
I have no idea but I hope not .

Last edited by Montrealcorp; 01-03-2023 at 03:10 AM.
What is your definition of racism? Quote
01-03-2023 , 03:31 AM
Originally Posted by Montrealcorp
That one chillrob .
The concept of affirmative action is more about leveling the field in employment and education for economic purpose when they are underrepresented .
They use discriminatory racial feature because certain group are more exposed then others to difficult economic , environment situation .
They try to implement a certain equal opportunity for success through that mean .

What u propose isn’t affirmative action at all .
That is exactly imo a populism view about a revise policy in reverse ,
claiming it’s opposite is the same and u can call it racism in both instance if u can call it racism in one .
It’s more complicated then that .

Ps: do rich black kids can benefit from affirmative action ?
I have no idea but I hope not .
Yes, they can, which is part of the problem. Do you think President Obama's children were in need of preferences when applying to enter university?
What is your definition of racism? Quote
01-03-2023 , 03:48 AM
Originally Posted by Montrealcorp
PopuLism is policy based on simplify solution for complex problem .
Ie: binary thinking , ordinary people vs elitism , etc .

In another words it’s to expunged nuances .
Except the definition from your own link doesn't say that.

So chillrob example was a bad one because it implies not just racism but economics reality and environment implication of development of humans , being disregard falling back only on race .

U see a tons of this in politics .
The example given in the link is a good representation of a simply solution that wouldn’t solve much more complicated economic problems existing today .
U saw this in England when the prime minister Liz truss got ejected very quickly with that kind of policies .
One need not be a populist to offer up simplistic answers to complicated problems.
What is your definition of racism? Quote
01-03-2023 , 03:59 AM
Originally Posted by washoe
I dont know what you guys are doing over there,
or why Jesse Jackson is even shaking his hand.

He is the definition of racsim imo.

What is your definition of racism? Quote
01-03-2023 , 04:45 AM
Originally Posted by corpus vile
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
Originally Posted by corpus vile
Even colourblindness is really racism.
You should probably reread the thread. Precisely zero people ITT have suggested this, until you did.
Gleaned it from here

Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
The problem with "colorblindness" is that it can be used as a way to dismiss racism. Even if you and I and other reasonable people agree that race is a social construct and we should all treat one another equally, that doesn't change the fact that there will still be racism, that there are people disadvantaged by past and present racism, and we need to deal with it. So in my view, "colorblindness" in and of itself isn't necessarily racist, but it is often used in a way that ignores or even supports racism. So yeah, sometimes "Colorblind ideology is a Form of Racism".]

I assume my post was meant to support "Even colourblindness is really racism." If so, it would seem you don't need to reread the thread, but instead need to work on reading comprehension. Perhaps you should think some more about what I said in the bolded portion. I'll highlight the important words you seem to have missed:

Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
So in my view, "colorblindness" in and of itself isn't necessarily racist, but it is often used in a way that ignores or even supports racism. So yeah, sometimes "Colorblind ideology is a Form of Racism".
What is your definition of racism? Quote
01-03-2023 , 05:05 AM
Looks to me that your post was supporting that idea also.
What is your definition of racism? Quote
01-03-2023 , 05:14 AM
Originally Posted by shortstacker

no wikipedia:

for a second I thought you cought a mistake, it could be a photoshop,
idk, but why would it be on the official wiki site then? it looks a bit photoshopped imo.

here is more info about this picture

source of the picture is jared taylors terrible site amren it says there,
but I cant find any evidence on the internet that this meeting took place.
What is your definition of racism? Quote
01-03-2023 , 11:50 AM
Originally Posted by Montrealcorp
That one chillrob .
The concept of affirmative action is more about leveling the field in employment and education for economic purpose when they are underrepresented .
They use discriminatory racial feature because certain group are more exposed then others to difficult economic , environment situation .
They try to implement a certain equal opportunity for success through that mean .

What u propose isn’t affirmative action at all .
That is exactly imo a populism view about a revise policy in reverse ,
claiming it’s opposite is the same and u can call it racism in both instance if u can call it racism in one .
It’s more complicated then that .

Ps: do rich black kids can benefit from affirmative action ?
I have no idea but I hope not .
Why wouldn’t you want them to benefit?
What is your definition of racism? Quote
01-03-2023 , 03:25 PM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
I assume my post was meant to support "Even colourblindness is really racism." If so, it would seem you don't need to reread the thread, but instead need to work on reading comprehension. Perhaps you should think some more about what I said in the bolded portion. I'll highlight the important words you seem to have missed:
Oh I reading comprehended you just fine Bobo, don't act all coy now, you even followed the word "isn't "with the loaded caveat "necessarily". You're essentially saying that colour blindness kinda sorta can be racist or is at least in the same ball park. seeing as it can sometimes lead to dismissive attitudes etc etc... hence my comment on things I've learned from this bizarrely fascinating thread.
Let's not bs each other here as it's all about reading comprehending between the lines innit.
What is your definition of racism? Quote
01-03-2023 , 04:00 PM
Originally Posted by PointlessWords
Why wouldn’t you want them to benefit?
Because they should not have problem to access good education with the money they got ?
What is your definition of racism? Quote
01-03-2023 , 04:29 PM
Originally Posted by Montrealcorp
Because they should not have problem to access good education with the money they got ?
A) kids don’t have money
B) money doesn’t help you pass the white skin test
C) should doesn’t mean they do
What is your definition of racism? Quote
01-03-2023 , 04:46 PM
Originally Posted by corpus vile
Oh I reading comprehended you just fine Bobo, don't act all coy now, you even followed the word "isn't "with the loaded caveat "necessarily". You're essentially saying that colour blindness kinda sorta can be racist or is at least in the same ball park. seeing as it can sometimes lead to dismissive attitudes etc etc... hence my comment on things I've learned from this bizarrely fascinating thread.
Let's not bs each other here as it's all about reading comprehending between the lines innit.
No, nothing between the lines at all. I indeed did say that colour blindness ideology can be racist. There's a world of difference between that and saying that it is racist, which implies that colour blindness is always racist.

My ideal world would have us treating people the same regardless of the colour of their skin, but also recognizing that there are others who don't do that, and that there are barriers and disadvantages still in place due to our history of racist systems and policies in the past that have some ways to go.

Unfortunately, there are those who use colour blindness in a different way. If someone raises the issue that we don't see diversity in leadership in a particular organization, level of government, etc., discussions of ways to resolve that are met with "we need to be colour blind", in an attempt to ignore the issue.

So yeah, colour blindness in and of itself is not racist, but it can be (and is) used in racist ways.
What is your definition of racism? Quote
