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Transgender issues (excised from moderation thread) Transgender issues (excised from moderation thread)

07-09-2022 , 06:26 PM
Originally Posted by washoe
yeah, i know to me it's a big factor. if I see a girl that behaves and looks like a boy, I can understand it better she's in the wrong body. no sign here whatsoever imo.
I understand your perspective because I have similar enough sorts of thoughts about my friend...but I also know that in her case there is no potential allure of reviving a career.

And perhaps if I didn't know her I'd be more cynical about motives in cases such as Page's.... But I'm also the sort of person who wouldn't even get a tattoo let alone completely change my outward appearance to be that of a different sex... so probably I'd tend to give those who do the benefit of the doubt.
07-09-2022 , 06:37 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
“Eliot’s not tall enough to be a male actor.”

“Elliott only transitioned to get roles.”

Gentlemen, you need to chose one of these takes. They can’t both be true.
Your simplification is dishonest as usual and does not work.

It is a TRUISM and FACT that male actors on the height extremes struggle to get roles in hollywood generally.

No one needs to 'chose' that take as it is fact and true whether anyone takes it or not.

Trying to associate that with washoe's hottake guess as to Elliot's motives, is just nonsense.
07-09-2022 , 06:45 PM
Originally Posted by washoe
in China a guy just sold one of his livers to buy an iPhone.
How many livers do you think people have?
07-09-2022 , 06:48 PM
Originally Posted by rickroll
it's wholly unfair for you to take the opinions of different individuals and try to attribute them to a sole unified voice

agreed the "transitioned to get roles" is a wild take though - but it's not from the same people saying elliot will struggle getting roles as 5' dude
I guess I should have read one more post before my last reply.

It is not "unfair". It is a deliberately dishonest technique by Trolly.

Like uke, the two of them will not let honesty stand between them and any point they feel they need to make. Funny how they deplore Trump and the rights use of dishonesty as a tactic and yet they are oblivious of how it is their first go to.
07-09-2022 , 06:53 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Let’s see, a role in a major Netflix series, two movies in the works… you guys cheering on the end of Elliott Page’s career are gonna have to wait a bit, I’m afraid.
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Hard to find roles as a 30-something woman, I’ll transition to get all those plentiful roles as a transgender man that we see all the time in Hollywood.
Pick a lane Trolly.

You go from lauding Elliott for an abundance or roles and then switch to mocking the idea there are roles for a transgender man.

This is an honest take on your double speak unlikes your dishonest attempt to manufacture one by conflating the posts of different people.
07-09-2022 , 07:02 PM
Originally Posted by ganstaman
How many livers do you think people have?
my bad. of course meant kidneys.
07-09-2022 , 07:06 PM
Originally Posted by corpus vile
Wahoe, Regarding size in male actors and Elliot being too short.
Have you heard of a bloke called Peter Dinklage?.Here he is getting thrown off a building.

Since then he's become kinda-sorta (and by that I mean very) well known. His height hasn't restricted him from getting serious roles and raking it in and probably banging hot chicks left right and centre.

So why would Ellitot Page need to transition due to him being too short for roles?
Originally Posted by corpus vile
Yeah it's not like Meryl Streep or Helen Mirren or Jennifer Connoly have been in anything lately due to their ages.
Lots to confront washoe on but these are not good takes.

Dinklage, DeVito, Pesci are extreme outliers which is the point. If you want I can show you a recent video where Dinklage decried the remake of the Snow White and 7 Dwarves movie for not being sensitive to people with dwarfisms. Guess who called him out on that? Dwarf actors who complain there are already so few roles for them and they don't want studios avoiding putting them in roles like that due to someone else thinking they are being inconsiderate.

Dinklage apologized to them citing he does get to speak from a place of privilege, as he has broken thru and understands their position and why they not only support the role but work with DIsney in writing it as a community.

Streep, Mirren, Connolly et al, also are outliers. While there are still a good number of roles for older women over all, it also very true to say the vast majority of actresses will struggle to maintain a career after age 40.
07-09-2022 , 07:16 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
I understand your perspective because I have similar enough sorts of thoughts about my friend...but I also know that in her case there is no potential allure of reviving a career.

And perhaps if I didn't know her I'd be more cynical about motives in cases such as Page's.... But I'm also the sort of person who wouldn't even get a tattoo let alone completely change my outward appearance to be that of a different sex... so probably I'd tend to give those who do the benefit of the doubt.
oh I see. it's not so much careers for most people. it's the sense of belonging of having some sort of purpose. or for some real dumb people some sort of importance of being special. thats not true for legitimate trans women and men. so your friend must be a trans women i guess. that's much more common than page's case.

I never said she did it to become casted more, although that might be her latent wish. i think she was in a very dark place rrlationship and carreer wise and i think she might have done it thinking that's the solution. to escape her role in her life, which wasn't satisfying anymore. if you are a 5 foot woman you are perceived as vulnerable of weak. of course it would be wrong to change that to take charge of life finally as a man. maybe I'm wrong and that's too much speculation. I'm trying to get behind and the whole thing is crazy to me i don't trust actors to tell you truth btw. i think they are all narcisitic bastards more or less.
07-09-2022 , 08:41 PM
Originally Posted by washoe
oh I see. it's not so much careers for most people. it's the sense of belonging of having some sort of purpose. or for some real dumb people some sort of importance of being special. thats not true for legitimate trans women and men. so your friend must be a trans women i guess. that's much more common than page's case.

I never said she did it to become casted more, although that might be her latent wish. i think she was in a very dark place rrlationship and carreer wise and i think she might have done it thinking that's the solution. to escape her role in her life, which wasn't satisfying anymore. if you are a 5 foot woman you are perceived as vulnerable of weak. of course it would be wrong to change that to take charge of life finally as a man. maybe I'm wrong and that's too much speculation. I'm trying to get behind and the whole thing is crazy to me i don't trust actors to tell you truth btw. i think they are all narcisitic bastards more or less.
I don't think my friend is "legitimate" trans. I think she hates herself and is using changing genders as a substitute for therapy, more or less.
07-09-2022 , 09:05 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
I don't think this means anything. Limited sample ofc but my trans friend is super feminine, and I've known a number masculine butch lesbians who seem wholly at ease being women. Not sure that the amount of naturally occurring testosterone is a big factor here.
Has your trans friend done any surgery/hormones; or did they just change their gender without any major alterations to their phenotype?

I think one of the problems with these types of discussions, and more generally a problem with progressive "-isms," is that they tend to be blanket terms that dont offer much clarity what is really going on.
07-09-2022 , 09:18 PM
[QUOTE=washoe;57741578]problem is she is not known for her strong character roles.
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Right, the star of Juno has never been known for strong character roles.
lololololol, poster says this Elliott dude is not known for his strong character roles and moron references a 20 year old movie.

troll loser is something
07-09-2022 , 09:20 PM
the "she is not known" to "has never been known" is awesome
07-09-2022 , 09:38 PM
Originally Posted by TheNoGod2
Has your trans friend done any surgery/hormones; or did they just change their gender without any major alterations to their phenotype?

I think one of the problems with these types of discussions, and more generally a problem with progressive "-isms," is that they tend to be blanket terms that dont offer much clarity what is really going on.
She's taking testosterone. I assume that the eventual plan would be surgery but that isn't something I've discussed with her.
07-09-2022 , 11:38 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Let’s see, a role in a major Netflix series, two movies in the works… you guys cheering on the end of Elliott Page’s career are gonna have to wait a bit, I’m afraid.
who's cheering again? please quote where anyone has done such a thing

you do this repeatedly, literally wholly fabricate things that never took place, it's really sad
07-10-2022 , 11:51 AM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
Limited sample ofc but my trans friend is super feminine, and I've known a number masculine butch lesbians who seem wholly at ease being women.
Originally Posted by washoe
yeah, i know to me it's a big factor. if I see a girl that behaves and looks like a boy, I can understand it better she's in the wrong body. no sign here whatsoever imo.
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
I understand your perspective because I have similar enough sorts of thoughts about my friend...but I also know that in her case there is no potential allure of reviving a career.
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
I don't think my friend is "legitimate" trans. I think she hates herself and is using changing genders as a substitute for therapy, more or less.
This exchange has a lot of red flags for me. Whether someone is a "legitimate" trans person or not has nothing to do with whether they look "super feminine" or not. Trust and support and uplift your trans friends, don't judge them by their looks, question their legitimacy and ruminate about their mental health problems. I obviously don't know anything about Luckbox's "friend", but yikes a surface level reading doesn't look good here.
07-10-2022 , 11:54 AM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
She's taking testosterone. I assume that the eventual plan would be surgery but that isn't something I've discussed with her.
Are you misgendering your trans friend or do they still use she/her pronouns while transitioning to (it sounds like) male on testosterone?
07-10-2022 , 12:20 PM
There are legitimate trans and there are fakers.
According to this she is lying and deceiving you.
For this she wont get an oscar, too bad there are so many videos of her for you to analize.


Body language expert exposes her lies and contradictions.

(real voice and coming out as trans, about a year ago)

fake voice and terrible performance:

real voice 5 years ago saying she is gay:

Last edited by washoe; 07-10-2022 at 12:46 PM.
07-10-2022 , 12:29 PM
Putting this liar on the the cover of time magazine is an outrage!

And if you cant tell she is bullshitting you, do not play live poker! You are too easy to bullshit.

She is obviously lying and faking the whole thing. Watch some interviews or think about it. Anyone can see it.

First gay, then trans all on camera, experts are taking her apart now btw. So just wait for another break down of her now.

Last edited by washoe; 07-10-2022 at 12:44 PM.
07-10-2022 , 12:48 PM
Originally Posted by washoe
There are legitimate trans and there are fakers.
It is sad to see the fake trans people trope reappear, once again, ITT.
07-10-2022 , 12:56 PM
cliffs: trends in trans, and detransitioning. Huge spikes, 90% of females transition now. gay men do not have those rates. there is no explanation other than crazyness.


07-10-2022 , 12:58 PM
uke, educate yourself about whats actually going on now, instead of parroting whats thrown at you.

and one question to you, why is it majorly women who identify as non binary now? why not men?
Are they not happy anymore with being a woman? do they wanna be the tough guy now? why is the lgtb community losing numbers now?

ever heard of misogynie? why is it important here? duh!

Last edited by washoe; 07-10-2022 at 01:03 PM.
07-10-2022 , 01:14 PM
Originally Posted by uke_master
It is sad to see the fake trans people trope reappear, once again, ITT.
what's actually sad are the numbers now. just take a look at this trend. i would start with looking at numbers of detransitioning. why is there are huge spike now?
07-10-2022 , 02:42 PM
Originally Posted by washoe
uke, educate yourself about whats actually going on now, instead of parroting whats thrown at.....
The irony is strong in this one
07-10-2022 , 03:02 PM
Originally Posted by nutella virus
The irony is strong in this one
oh yeah? what do you know?
07-10-2022 , 03:04 PM
Dr. Paul McHugh, former chairperson of the Department of Psychiatry at Johns Hopkins Hospital, has written that,

The idea that one's sex is fluid and a matter open to choice runs unquestioned through our culture and is reflected everywhere in the media, the theater, the classroom, and in many medical clinics. It has taken on cult-like features: its own special lingo, Internet chat rooms providing slick answers to new recruits, and clubs for easy access to dresses and styles supporting the sex change. It is doing much damage to families
, adolescents, and children and should be confronted as an opinion without biological foundation wherever it emerges. (McHugh 2015)

Transsexual issues and sexual reassignment surgery (SRS) are receiving a great deal of attention and support in the media, schools, and government. Given the early age at which youth seek treatment for transsexual attractions (TSA) and gender dysphoria and given the serious risks associated with such treatment, it is essential that family and youth be advised about these risks and alternative treatment options. Physicians and mental-health professionals have a professional responsibility to know and communicate the serious risks, in particular risk of suicide, that are associated with SRS; the spontaneous resolution of TSA in youth; the psychological conflicts that have been identified in such patients and in their parents; the successful treatment of conflicts associated TSA and the regrets of those who have been through SRS. SRS and gender theory are also viewed from the faith perspective of Pope Francis and Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI.

Lay summary: Transsexuals and sex-change operations are receiving a great deal of attention. Young people may seek treatment for transsexual attractions at an early age even though these attractions may go away on their own. Psychological conflicts have been identified in these patients and their parents and may be successfully treated. There are serious risks associated with sex change. They include the risk of depressive illness and suicide. Physicians and mental-health professionals should know these risks and the regrets of those who have been through sex-change operations. These patients and their families also should be informed of other treatment options.


There are about 9000 transgender surgeries being performed annually across the United States (US). The latest statistics indicate that 0.6% of the US population identifies as transgender.[1] About 10.9% of medical encounters of transsexualism result in gender-affirming surgeries.[2] There is a steady rise in the number of sex change surgeries being performed annually, with a total 8304 in 2017 to a total of 9576 in 2018, with 2885 of male to female surgeries and 6691 of female to male surgeries.[3] The reported complications based on the limited available literature are variable, with certain procedures like double flap phalloplasty in transgender men as high as 53%.[4]

Transgender surgeries are increasingly performed across the globe and in the United States. Although comprehensive centers exist, which are well equipped to cater and tailor to the needs of this population subset, quite often their resultant complications are handled at a different institution owing to the acuity of the condition. However, interestingly the psychosocial needs, medical pathophysiology, available surgical procedures, and their resultant complications are still not a part of the regular medical curriculum.

To date, there is scarce literature available on the technical details, postoperative care, and complications of comprehensive sex change surgery, as a direct result of limited dedicated sex change surgery centers around the world and in the US. There is continuous innovation and advancement in this field as well. There are only 2 centers with current accreditation for transgender surgical fellowship in the US.[5]

The U.S. sex reassignment surgery market size was valued at USD 267.0 million in 2019 and is expected to expand at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 14.4% from 2020 to 2027. The rising incidences of gender dysphoria and the increasing number of people deciding for gender confirmation surgeries are expected to boost market growth over the forecast period.
I don't think you understand any of this nutella, nor what it means to undergo an srs. learn about the complications or any of the consequences, statistics (numbers!) are helpful here.

let me tell you what you have here,
you have 2 huge problems.

1) there are way too many SRS now

2) your doctors are not properly trained in SRSs. which leads to complications

Last edited by washoe; 07-10-2022 at 03:27 PM.
